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We examined GenBank sequence files with a heptad repeat analysis program to assess the phylogenetic occurrence of coiled coil proteins, how heptad repeat domains are organized within them, and what structural/functional categories they comprise. Of 102,007 proteins analyzed, 5.95% (6,074) contained coiled coil domains; 1.26% (1,289) contained “extended” (> 75 amino acid) domains. While the frequency of proteins containing coiled coils was surprisingly constant among all biota, extended coiled coil proteins were fourfold more frequent in the animal kingdom and may reflect early events in the divergence of plants and animals. Structure/function categories of extended coils also revealed phylogenetic differences. In pathogens and parasites, many extended coiled coil proteins are external and bind host proteins. In animals, the majority of extended coiled coil proteins were identified as constituents of two protein categories: 1) myosins and motors; or 2) components of the nuclear matrix-intermediate filament scaffold. This scaffold, produced by sequential extraction of epithelial monolayers in situ, contains only 1–2% of the cell mass while accurately retaining morphological features of living epithelium and is greatly enriched in proteins with extensive, interrupted coiled coil forming domains. The increased occurrence of this type of protein in Metazoa compared with plants or protists leads us to hypothesize a tissue-wide matrix of coiled coil interactions underlying metazoan differentiated cell and tissue structure.  相似文献   

Li Zhang  Jan Hermans 《Proteins》1993,16(4):384-392
This paper employs methods used earlier to study helix propensity in a model α-helix. The methods are extended to simulations of a motif structure of the α-helical coiled coil, i.e., a structure with a simple amino acid sequence, containing only alanine, leucine, and valine, with leucine and valine forming hydrophobic contacts in the helix interface (positions “d” and “a”). Dynamic simulations of the model coiled-coil structure reproduce characteristic features of the coiled-coil motif seen in experimental studies. Free energy simulations were used to assess the change in stability of the model when a leucine pair or a valine pair in the helix interface was replaced with an alanine pair. A leucine pair at position d was found to contribute 3.4 kcal/mol to the stability of the coiled coil relative to an alanine pair, and a valine pair at postion a was found to contribute 0.8 kcal/mol relative to an alanine pair. The value for the leucine pair agrees with reports in two experimental studies with molecules having different amino sequence. The value for the valine pair is reasonable given the smaller size of the valine side chain and the intrinsic low helix propensity of valine. No experimental value was available for comparison. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Electrostatic interactions are often critical for determining the specificity of protein-protein complexes. To study the role of electrostatic interactions for assembly of helical bundles, we previously designed a thermostable, heterotrimeric coiled coil, ABC, in which charged residues were employed to drive preferential association of three distinct, 34-residue helices. To investigate the basis for heterotrimer specificity, we have used multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) analysis to determine the 1.8 A resolution crystal structure of ABC. The structure shows that ABC forms a heterotrimeric coiled coil with the intended arrangement of parallel chains. Over half of the ion pairs engineered to restrict helix associations were apparent in the experimental electron density map. As seen in other trimeric coiled coils, ABC displays acute knobs-into-holes packing and a buried anion coordinated by core polar amino acids. These interactions validate the design strategy and illustrate how packing and polar contacts determine structural uniqueness.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a polypeptide chain fragment from the surface layer protein tetrabrachion from Staphylothermus marinus has been determined at 1.8 A resolution. As proposed on the basis of the presence of 11-residue repeats, the polypeptide chain fragment forms a parallel right-handed coiled coil structure. Complementary hydrophobic interactions and complex networks of surface salt bridges result in an extremely thermostable tetrameric structure with remarkable properties. In marked contrast to left-handed coiled coil tetramers, the right-handed coiled coil reveals large hydrophobic cavities that are filled with water molecules. As a consequence, the packing of the hydrophobic core differs markedly from that of a right-handed parallel coiled coil tetramer that was designed on the basis of left-handed coiled coil structures.  相似文献   

The alphavirus nucleocapsid core is formed through the energetic contributions of multiple noncovalent interactions mediated by the capsid protein. This protein consists of a poorly conserved N-terminal region of unknown function and a C-terminal conserved autoprotease domain with a major role in virion formation. In this study, an 18-amino-acid conserved region, predicted to fold into an alpha-helix (helix I) and embedded in a low-complexity sequence enriched with basic and Pro residues, has been identified in the N-terminal region of the alphavirus capsid proteins. In Sindbis virus, helix I spans residues 38 to 55 and contains three conserved leucine residues, L38, L45, and L52, conforming to the heptad amino acid organization evident in leucine zipper proteins. Helix I consists of an N-terminally truncated heptad and two complete heptad repeats with beta-branched residues and conserved leucine residues occupying the a and d positions of the helix, respectively. Complete or partial deletion of helix I, or single-site substitutions at the conserved leucine residues (L45 and L52), caused a significant decrease in virus replication. The mutant viruses were more sensitive to elevated temperature than wild-type virus. These mutant viruses also failed to accumulate cores in the cytoplasm of infected cells, although they did not have defects in protein translation or processing. Analysis of these mutants using an in vitro assembly system indicated that the majority were defective in core particle assembly. Furthermore, mutant proteins showed a trans-dominant negative phenotype in in vitro assembly reactions involving mutant and wild-type proteins. We propose that helix I plays a central role in the assembly of nucleocapsid cores through coiled coil interactions. These interactions may stabilize subviral intermediates formed through the interactions of the C-terminal domain of the capsid protein and the genomic RNA and contribute to the stability of the virion.  相似文献   

A N Lupas  J M Lupas  J B Stock 《FEBS letters》1992,314(2):105-108
We used a computer-based prediction algorithm to identify probable coiled-coil segments at the N-termini of G protein alpha, beta and gamma subunits. This result indicates that G protein trimers may form via a three-stranded coiled coil. Previous biochemical results had shown that the N-termini of alpha and beta are involved in subunit interactions. Here we present a structural model for the N-terminal domain of beta gamma and a hypothesis for the reversible association of alpha to beta gamma.  相似文献   

The hantaviruses are emerging infectious viruses that in humans can cause a cardiopulmonary syndrome or a hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. The nucleocapsid (N) is the most abundant viral protein, and during viral assembly, the N protein forms trimers and packages the viral RNA genome. Here, we report the NMR structure of the N-terminal domain (residues 1-74, called N1-74) of the Andes hantavirus N protein. N1-74 forms two long helices (alpha1 and alpha2) that intertwine into a coiled coil domain. The conserved hydrophobic residues at the helix alpha1-alpha2 interface stabilize the coiled coil; however, there are many conserved surface residues whose function is not known. Site-directed mutagenesis, CD spectroscopy, and immunocytochemistry reveal that a point mutation in the conserved basic surface formed by Arg22 or Lys26 lead to antibody recognition based on the subcellular localization of the N protein. Thus, Arg22 and Lys26 are likely involved in a conformational change or molecular recognition when the N protein is trafficked from the cytoplasm to the Golgi, the site of viral assembly and maturation.  相似文献   

Classical A-DNA helices with h = 0.25 nm may represent the greatest mass per unit length attainable by polynucleotide duplexes. The X-ray diffraction pattern from polycrystalline and well-oriented fibers of calf thymus DNA in its A-form has been carefully re-examined. Indexing on the basis of a C-face-centered monoclinic unit cell of dimensions a = 2.170 nm, b = 3.990 nm, c = 2.803 nm and beta = 96.82 degrees is superior to alternatives that have been proposed. Two right-handed. Watson-Crick base-paired, helical DNA chains with 2 X 11 nucleotides per 2.803 nm pitch, each carrying C3'-endo furanose rings, pass through the unit cell. The crystallography requires the two chains in the duplex to be antiparallel and conformationally identical but the 11 nucleotides in each pitch may be distinct. However, a secondary structure with a mononucleotide asymmetric unit provides as good an X-ray agreement as one with 11 distinct nucleotides. This relative lack of variability is quite different from what is observed in fibrous B-DNAs.  相似文献   

The structure of the gene 5 DNA unwinding protein from bacteriophage fd has been solved to 2.3 A resolution by x-ray diffraction techniques. The molecule contains an extensive cleft region that we have identified as the DNA binding site on the basis of the residues that comprise its surface. The interior of the groove has a rather large number of basic amino acid residues that serve to draw the polynucleotide backbone into the cleft. Arrayed along the external edges of the groove are a number of aromatic amino acid side groups that are in position to stack upon the bases of the DNA and fix it in place. The cleft then acts as an elongated pair of jaws that draws the DNA between them by charge interactions involving the phosphates with the interior lysines and arginines. The jaws then close on the DNA strand through small conformation changes and the rotation of aromatic side-chains into position to stack upon the purines and pyrimidines. Complexes of the gene 5 protein with a variety of oligodeoxynucleotides have been formed and crystallized for x-ray diffraction analysis. The crystallographic parameters of four different unit cells indicate that the fundamental unit of the complex is composed of six gene 5 protein dimers. We believe this aggregate has 622 point group symmetry and is a ring formed by end to end closure of a linear array of six dimers. From our results we have proposed a double helical model for the gene 5 protein-DNA complex in which the protein forms a spindle or core around which the DNA is spooled. 5.0-A x-ray diffraction data from one of the crystalline complexes is currently being analyzed by molecular replacement techniques to obtain what we believe will be the first direct visualization of a protein-deoxyribonucleic acid complex approaching atomic resolution.  相似文献   

The principal bottleneck in protein structure prediction is the refinement of models from lower accuracies to the resolution observed by experiment. We developed a novel constraints‐based refinement method that identifies a high number of accurate input constraints from initial models and rebuilds them using restrained torsion angle dynamics (rTAD). We previously created a Bayesian statistics‐based residue‐specific all‐atom probability discriminatory function (RAPDF) to discriminate native‐like models by measuring the probability of accuracy for atom type distances within a given model. Here, we exploit RAPDF to score (i.e., filter) constraints from initial predictions that may or may not be close to a native‐like state, obtain consensus of top scoring constraints amongst five initial models, and compile sets with no redundant residue pair constraints. We find that this method consistently produces a large and highly accurate set of distance constraints from which to build refinement models. We further optimize the balance between accuracy and coverage of constraints by producing multiple structure sets using different constraint distance cutoffs, and note that the cutoff governs spatially near versus distant effects in model generation. This complete procedure of deriving distance constraints for rTAD simulations improves the quality of initial predictions significantly in all cases evaluated by us. Our procedure represents a significant step in solving the protein structure prediction and refinement problem, by enabling the use of consensus constraints, RAPDF, and rTAD for protein structure modeling and refinement. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new protein of Salmonella typhimurium was identified and characterized. The gene (tlpA) encoding this protein (TlpA) was isolated from the large virulence-associated plasmid of S. typhimurium and sequenced in order to predict the primary structure of TlpA. tlpA encodes a 371-amino acid soluble protein with a calculated M(r) of 41600 and pI of 4.63. Secondary structure predictions and sequence statistics of TlpA indicated a predominant alpha-helical configuration and presence of heptapeptide repeat motifs characteristic of coiled coil proteins. Purified TlpA was shown to have biochemical properties similar to those of coiled coil proteins, including adoption of an alpha-helical configuration and a tendency to form homodimers. Furthermore, TlpA possessed heat resistance, evidence for a chain register and altered mobility in urea/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels which are characteristics of tropomyosins. TlpA shows 32% overall sequence similarity with rat cardiac myosin and 36% similarity with horse platelet beta-tropomyosin over 226 residues, whereas selected regions possessed significant sequence identities with myosins, tropomyosins, and alpha-helical surface proteins of Streptococcus pyogenes. Our results indicate that TlpA represents a new member of prokaryotic coiled coil proteins.  相似文献   

Entry into the host cell by enveloped viruses is mediated by fusion (F) or transmembrane glycoproteins. Many of these proteins share a fold comprising a trimer of antiparallel coiled-coil heterodimers, where the heterodimers are formed by two discontinuous heptad repeat motifs within the proteolytically processed chain. The F protein of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV; the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants) contains two corresponding regions that are predicted to form coiled coils (HR1 and HR2), together with a third predicted heptad repeat (HR3) located in a nonhomologous position. In order to probe the structures of these three domains and ascertain the nature of the interactions between them, we have studied the isolated HR1, HR2, and HR3 domains of RSV F by using a range of biophysical techniques, including circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and sedimentation equilibrium. HR1 forms a symmetrical, trimeric coiled coil in solution (K(3) approximately 2.2 x 10(11) M(-2)) which interacts with HR2 to form a 3:3 hexamer. The HR1-HR2 interaction domains have been mapped using limited proteolysis, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and electrospray-mass spectrometry. HR2 in isolation exists as a largely unstructured monomer, although it exhibits a tendency to form aggregates with beta-sheet-like characteristics. Only a small increase in alpha-helical content was observed upon the formation of the hexamer. This suggests that the RSV F glycoprotein contains a domain that closely resembles the core structure of the simian parainfluenza virus 5 fusion protein (K. A. Baker, R. E. Dutch, R. A. Lamb, and T. S. Jardetzky, Mol. Cell 3:309-319, 1999). Finally, HR3 forms weak alpha-helical homodimers that do not appear to interact with HR1, HR2, or the HR1-HR2 complex. The results of these studies support the idea that viral fusion proteins have a common core architecture.  相似文献   

The antitumor protein, neocarzinostatin, has been crystallized and examined by X-ray diffraction. Crystals of this globular protein are of space group P212121 with cell parameters a = 27.4Å, b = 33.9Åand c = 102.0Å. There is one molecule of approximately 27Ådiameter per asymmetric unit. Crystals soaked in a K2HgI4 solution give diffraction patterns significantly different from native crystal diffraction patterns.  相似文献   

Cancer-associated centrosomal transforming acidic coiled coil (TACC) proteins are involved in mitotic spindle function. By employing gene targeting, we have recently described a nonredundant and essential role of TACC3 in regulating cell proliferation. In this study, we used an inducible RNA interference approach to characterize the molecular function of TACC3 and its role in mitotic progression and cell survival. Our data demonstrate that a TACC3 knockdown arrests G(1) checkpoint-compromised HeLa cells prior to anaphase with aberrant spindle morphology and severely misaligned chromosomes. Interestingly, TACC3-depleted cells fail to accumulate the mitotic kinase Aurora B and the checkpoint protein BubR1 to normal levels at kinetochores. Moreover, localization of the structural protein Ndc80 at outer kinetochores is reduced, indicating a defective kinetochore-microtubule attachment in TACC3-deficient cells. As a consequence of prolonged TACC3 depletion, cells undergo caspase-dependent cell death that relies on a spindle checkpoint-dependent mitotic arrest. TACC3 knockdown cells that escape from this arrest by mitotic slippage become highly polyploid and accumulate supernumerary centrosomes. Similarly, deficiency of the post-mitotic cell cycle inhibitor p21(WAF) exacerbates the effects of TACC3 depletion. Our findings therefore point to an essential role of TACC3 in spindle assembly and cellular survival and identify TACC3 as a potential therapeutic target in cancer cells.  相似文献   

A method that enables temperature-composition phase diagram construction at unprecedented rates is described and evaluated. The method involves establishing a known temperature gradient along the length of a metal rod. Samples of different compositions contained in long, thin-walled capillaries are positioned lengthwise on the rod and "equilibrated" such that the temperature gradient is communicated into the sample. The sample is then moved through a focused, monochromatic synchroton-derived x-ray beam and the image-intensified diffraction pattern from the sample is recorded on videotape continuously in live-time as a function of position and, thus, temperature. The temperature at which the diffraction pattern changes corresponds to a phase boundary, and the phase(s) existing (coexisting) on either side of the boundary can be identified on the basis of the diffraction pattern. Repeating the measurement on samples covering the entire composition range completes the phase diagram. These additional samples can be conveniently placed at different locations around the perimeter of the cylindrical rod and rotated into position for diffraction measurement. Temperature-composition phase diagrams for the fully hydrated binary mixtures, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)/dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE)/DPPC, have been constructed using the new temperature gradient method. They agree well with and extend the results obtained by other techniques. In the DPPE/DPPC system structural parameters as a function of temperature in the various phases including the subgel phase are reported. The potential limitations of this steady-state method are discussed.  相似文献   

The application of powder diffraction methods to problems in structural biology is generally regarded as intractable because of the large number of unresolved, overlapping X‐ray reflections. Here, we use information about unit cell lattice parameters, space group transformations, and chemical composition as a priori information in a bootstrap process that resolves the ambiguities associated with overlapping reflections. The measured ratios of reflections that can be resolved experimentally are used to refine the position, the shape, and the orientation of low‐resolution molecular structures within the unit cell, in leading to the resolution of the overlapping reflections. The molecular model is then made progressively more sophisticated as additional diffraction information is included in the analysis. We apply our method to the recovery of the structure of the bacteriorhodopsin molecule (bR) to a resolution of 7 Å using experimental data obtained from two‐dimensional purple membrane crystals. The approach can be used to determine the structure factors directly or to provide reliable low‐resolution phase information that can be refined further by the conventional methods of protein crystallography.  相似文献   

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