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Abstract The effect of increasing planting unit size and stabilizing sediment was examined for two seagrass planting methods at Carnac Island, Western Australia in 1993. The staple method (sprigs) was used to transplant Amphibolis griffithii (J. M. Black) den Hartog and the plug method was used to transplant A. griffithii and Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge and Kuo. Transplant size was varied by increasing the number of rhizomes incorporated into a staple and increasing the diameter of plugs. Planting units were transplanted into bare sand, back into the original donor seagrass bed, or into a meadow of Heterozostera tasmanica, which is an important colonizing species. Sprigs of A. griffithii were extracted from a monospecific meadow; tied into bundles of 1, 2, 5, and 10 rhizomes; and planted into unvegetated areas. Half the units were surrounded by plastic mesh and the remainder were unmeshed. All treatments were lost within 99 days after transplanting, and although larger bundles survived better than smaller ones, no significant differences could be attributed to the effects of mesh or sprig size. Plugs of P. sinuosa and A. griffithii were extracted from monospecific meadows using polyvinyl chloride pipe of three diameters, 5, 10, and 15 cm, and planted into unvegetated areas nearby. Half the units were surrounded by plastic mesh and the remainder were unmeshed. Posidonia sinuosa plugs were also placed within a meadow of H. tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog. Only 60% of A. griffithii plug sizes survived 350 days after transplanting back into the donor bed; however, survival of transplants at unvegetated areas varied considerably, and analysis of variance indicated a significant two‐way interaction between treatment and plug size. Transplants survived better when meshed (90% survived) and survival improved with increasing plug size. Posidonia sinuosa transplants survived poorly (no plugs survived beyond 220 days in bare or meshed treatments) regardless of size. Survival of 10‐ and 15‐cm plugs was markedly better than the 5‐cm plugs in vegetated areas, including the H. tasmanica meadow. The use of large seagrass plugs may be appropriate for transplantation in high‐energy wave environments.  相似文献   

Mimicking the natural heterogeneity of wetland substrates, e.g. by roughening surface soil or constructing hummocks, has been shown to facilitate wetland plant establishment. We asked if incorporating substrate heterogeneity could also help plants withstand variation in moisture levels. In a wetland with Carex stricta (tussock sedge) as the main restoration target, we manipulated substrates to create different soil moisture environments for planted C. stricta plugs. Our artificial mounds mimicked tussocks formed by C. stricta in natural meadows (circa 10–40 cm in height); we also varied mound compositions and created shallow depressions. Monitoring demonstrated variation in soil moisture among our treatments and natural differences in soil moisture between experimental blocks. Additionally, rainfall varied from severe drought in year 1 to extreme rainfall in year 2. Plug survival, flowering, cover, biomass, leaf length, and growth rate all varied with treatment, block, and/or year. Interactions among those factors were common. Planting plugs in shallow depressions exacerbated stress in a wet block during a wet year, causing low survival. Planting plugs in moisture‐retaining peat pots allowed them to survive and sustain growth even in a dry block during a dry year. We conclude that heterogeneous substrates can be used to hedge against environmental variability by widening the range of microsites available within a restoration site and thereby moderating stressful conditions in some areas.  相似文献   

Many semi-arid shrublands in the western US have experienced invasion by a suite of exotic grasses and forbs that have altered community structure and function. The effect of the exotic grasses in this area has been studied, but little is known about how exotic forbs influence the plant community. A 3-year experiment in southern California coastal sage scrub (CSS) now dominated by exotic grasses was done to investigate the influence of both exotic grasses (mainly Bromus spp.) and exotic forbs (mainly Erodium spp.) on a restoration seeding (9 species, including grasses, forbs, and shrubs). Experimental plots were weeded to remove one, both, or neither group of exotic species and seeded at a high rate with a mix of native species. Abundance of all species varied with precipitation levels, but seeded species established best when both groups of exotic species were removed. The removal of exotic grasses resulted in an increase in exotic and native forb cover, while removal of exotic forbs led to an increase in exotic grass cover and, at least in one year, a decrease in native forb cover. In former CSS now converted to exotic annual grassland, a competitive hierarchy between exotic grasses and forbs may prevent native forbs from more fully occupying the habitat when either group of exotics is removed. This apparent competitive hierarchy may interact with yearly variation in precipitation levels to limit restoration seedings of CSS/exotic grassland communities. Therefore, management of CSS and exotic grassland in southern California and similar areas must consider control of both exotic grasses and forbs when restoration is attempted.  相似文献   

Soil communities are often degraded in mined sites, and facilitating the recovery of soil mutualists such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may assist with the restoration of native plants. At a grassland mine restoration site, I compared a commercial AMF inoculum with soil collected from beneath native grasses as a source of inoculum, as well as a control treatment. Field plots were broadcast‐inoculated and seeded with native grasses, and biomass of native and non‐native species was measured in three consecutive years. In addition, greenhouse‐grown seedlings of a native bunchgrass (Stipa pulchra) were inoculated with similar treatments, transplanted into the field, and assessed after 18 months. When broadcast inoculation was used, the local soil inoculum tended to increase non‐native grass biomass, and marginally decreased non‐native forb biomass in the second year of study, but did not significantly affect native grass biomass. Broadcast commercial inoculum had no detectable effects on biomass of any plant group. Stipa pulchra transplants had greater N content and mycorrhizal colonization, and marginally higher shoot mass and K content, when pre‐inoculated with local soil (relative to controls). Pre‐inoculation with commercial AMF increased AMF colonization of the S. pulchra transplants, but did not significantly affect biomass or nutrient content. The findings indicate that at this site, the use of local soil as an inoculum had greater effects on native and non‐native plants than the commercial product used. In order to substantially increase native grass performance, inoculation of transplanted plugs may be one potential strategy.  相似文献   

Prairie restoration is not complete without the establishment of both grasses and forbs. However, if desirable forbs and grasses are seeded simultaneously, control of broadleaf weeds is problematic. If possible, a two‐step process of introducing forbs after establishing grasses would allow use of broadleaf‐specific herbicides at the critical early stages of grass growth. We conducted experiments to investigate methods for introducing forbs into previously restored native perennial grasslands on rural roadsides in the Sacramento Valley of California. In one experiment, we studied the effects of background vegetation (established perennial grasses or tilled ground) on seven native forb species planted from seed. In a second experiment, we evaluated the effects of background vegetation (existing perennial grasses or tilled ground) and container size (36 ml or 105 ml) with excavation technique (excavation by core removal [core] or by creating an impression [dibble]) on the growth of transplants of the native perennial forbs Asclepias fascicularis and Sisyrinchium bellum. The presence of established perennial grasses reduced the growth of seeded forbs, but did not affect transplants, indicating the vulnerability of seedling forbs to interference. When compared to control plots that had been tilled in the autumn, weed canopy cover was significantly lower in the presence of perennial grasses if seeded with forbs, but not in the presence of perennial grasses alone. Both transplanted species grew better in the large container/core treatment than the small container/dibble treatment; however, existing grasses eliminated these positive effects. Asclepias fascicularis performed better when grown in large containers than in small containers, but its growth was not affected by excavation method; S. bellum performed better when planted with the core method than the dibble method of excavation, but container size made no difference. We attribute differences in the responses of the species to interactions between phenological differences and expansive clay soils that naturally de‐compact upon drying.  相似文献   

Prairies in the Pacific Northwest have been actively restored for over a decade. Competition from non‐native woody and herbaceous species has been presumed to be a major cause for the failure of restoration projects. In this research, plugs of the native prairie bunchgrass, Festuca idahoensis Elmer var. roemeri (Pavlick), were grown from seed in a nursery and transplanted into a grassland site dominated by non‐native pasture grasses. The growth of the plants was followed for three years, and biomass of all volunteer plants was measured. Before planting, five treatments were applied to the plots: removal of vegetation by burning, removal of vegetation by an herbicide‐and‐till procedure, soil impoverishment by removal of organic matter, fertilizer application, and compost mulch application. Initial growth of Idaho fescue plugs was greatest with fertilizer and compost mulch. Plants grown in mulched plots were also able to photosynthesize later into the dry summer season. After the first year, plots initially fertilized or composted had the lowest survival rate of Idaho fescue. Impoverished and herbicide‐and‐till plots had the greatest 3‐year survival. Mulched plots supported the greatest weed growth after three years. Stressful environments give a competitive advantage to Idaho fescue in prairie restoration projects. As weedy species increase, growth and survival of Idaho fescue decreases.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation has great functional importance in agroscapes because it establishes physical connections between natural ecosystems embedded in an agricultural matrix. Throughout the tropics, the historical demand for cropland and pastures in the lands adjacent to streams has led to the replacement of forests by exotic grasses. In order to find new methods for initiating the restoration of riparian forests, we evaluated the use of the pioneer shrubs Tithonia diversifolia and Piper auritum as nurse species for their effects on (1) competition with dominant grasses; (2) natural regeneration and the ecological facilitation of six native tree species of different successional stages; and (3) influence on microclimate. Over a period of 15 months, 4.4% coverage of P. auritum was insufficient to inhibit grasses. In contrast, 81% coverage of T. diversifolia limited the growth of dominant grasses such as Cenchrus purpureus, Paspalum paniculatum, and Cynodon plectostachyus likely by intercepting more than 90% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), even though other factors cannot be ruled out. T. diversifolia showed simultaneous effects of facilitation and competition by promoting higher survival of the planted native trees while slowing the growth of pioneer species and inhibiting the regeneration of native woody plants probably as a result of high light interception. This study suggests that planting T. diversifolia as a nurse shrub may facilitate early stages of restoration by inhibiting the growth of pastures, but requires pruning, both to increase light availability and promote the growth of planted trees and the recruitment of woody plants.  相似文献   

Populations of the rare annual forb Amsinckia grandiflora may be declining because of competitive suppression by exotic annual grasses, and may perform better in a matrix of native perennial bunchgrasses. We conducted a field competition experiment in which Amsinckia seedlings were transplanted into forty 0.64‐m2 experimental plots of exotic annual grassland or restored perennial grassland. The perennial grassland plots were restored using mature 3 cm‐diameter plants of the native perennial bunchgrass Poa secunda planted in three densities. The exotic annual grassland plots were established in four densities through manual removal of existing plants. Both grass types reduced soil water potential with increasing biomass, but this reduction was not significantly different between grass types. Both grass types significantly reduced the production of Amsinckia inflorescences. At low and intermediate densities (dry biomass per unit area of 20–80 g/m2), the exotic annual grasses reduced Amsinckia inflorescence number to a greater extent than did Poa, although at high densities (>90 g/m2) both grass types reduced the number of Amsinckia inflorescences to the same extent. The response of Amsinckia inflorescence number to Poa biomass was linear, whereas the same response to the annual grass biomass is logarithmic, and appeared to be related to graminoid cover. This may be because of the different growth forms exhibited by the two grass types. Results of this research suggest that restored native perennial grasslands at intermediate densities have a high habitat value for the potential establishment of the native annual A. grandiflora.  相似文献   

Introduced grasses may affect diversity of native fauna and flora adversely, and disrupt ecosystem processes. Many rangelands in South Texas have been seeded to or have been colonized by buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) and Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana), perennial bunchgrasses native to Africa. The objective of this research was to quantify impacts that these 2 species of introduced grasses may have on northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) habitat use on South Texas rangelands during the breeding period (Apr–Aug). We evaluated the effects of buffelgrass and Lehmann lovegrass on northern bobwhite nest habitat (n = 35 nests) and general habitat use sites (n = 86 radiomarked quail) with logistic regression and habitat selection functions based on simple saddlepoint approximations. Buffelgrass was used as a nesting substrate at 11% of nests; however, vegetation height and visual obstruction between 1 cm and 30 cm were the best predictors of nest site use. Areas of introduced grass coverage ≥15–20% were avoided by northern bobwhites at general habitat use organism-centered points, but not at nest site use points. Introduced grass coverage and forb coverage were the best predictors of general habitat use, and bobwhites avoided areas with ≥18% introduced grass cover. These results suggest that avoidance of areas with extensive introduced grass cover may indicate a reduction in usable habitat space for northern bobwhite in the western South Texas plains. Maintaining native grass stands while implementing localized control of introduced grasses could be used as a strategy to promote habitat for northern bobwhites. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for floodplain revegetation using native species were investigated, following clearance of the invasive shrub Mimosa pigra L. (Mimosaceae) in the Northern Territory of Australia. Prolific revegetation occurred naturally and several species were identified that have potential for revegetation at sites where natural regeneration is poor, namely: Spiny Mud Grass, Pseudoraphis spinescens, Awnless Barnyard Grass, Echinochloa colona, and an unidentified Panicum species. However, it may still be desirable to plant native perennial grasses, of which most species did not establish naturally. Stolons of the native floodplain grass Hymenachne acutigluma (Steud) Gilliland (Poaceae) established well when planted in wet mud and shallow water during the early dry season, as seasonal floodwaters subsided. Similar plantings during the early wet season were less successful. Sowing seed of several floodplain grasses and Eliocharis dulcis was unsuccessful in both seasons. Planting stolons of H. acutigluma as seasonal floodwaters subside may provide a reliable alternative to exotic floodplain grasses, Para Grass (Urochloa mutica), and Amity Aleman Grass (Echinochloa polystachya), which are also currently propagated vegetatively in Australia. However, planting H. acutigluma stolons had no tangible benefits in terms of suppressing Mimosa establishment, which was low in all treatments. Revegetation should not be considered an alternative to the diligent control of Mimosa seedlings; regenerating following control of Mimosa thickets.  相似文献   

The increasing number of stresses on coastal dune ecosystems requires the use of more effective restoration strategies to enhance dune‐building and increase vegetation reestablishment. In this study, the use of a wheat straw as a surrogate wrack was an effective method to improve growth of spring planted Uniola paniculata (sea oats). Approximately 1,000 U. paniculata plugs were planted within 21 × 4 m plots at six replicate sites. Two weeks later, plantings were divided into 11 × 4 m subplots with half of the subplots receiving five bales of wheat straw and the remaining subplots receiving no wheat straw. This surrogate wrack layer measured approximately 10 cm in depth. Mean aboveground biomass of U. paniculata 6 months after planting with surrogate wrack was 9.25 ± 1.00 g compared with 2.18 ± 0.24 g without surrogate wrack. Number of tillers, tiller height, and basal width were also greater at the end of the first growing season for plants treated with surrogate wrack (p < 0.05). Two years after planting, significantly more inflorescences occurred and aboveground biomass (g/m2) was greater with than without surrogate wrack. Sand accumulation was notably greater with surrogate wrack (11.16 cm) than without wrack (7.78 cm) 8 months after planting (p = 0.1093). However, relative sand accumulation was significantly greater with than without surrogate wrack 2 years after planting. Increased sand accumulation suggests surrogate wrack either directly or indirectly traps more sand by creating an additional obstacle or promoting the growth of dune grasses.  相似文献   

Native plant individuals often persist within communities dominated by exotics but the influence of this exposure on native populations is poorly understood. Selection for traits contributing to competitive ability may lead to native plant populations that are more tolerant of the presence of exotic invaders. In this way, long‐term coexistence with an exotic may confer competitive advantages to remnant (experienced) native populations and be potentially beneficial to restoration. In past studies we have documented genetic differentiation within native grass populations exposed to the exotic invader Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens). Here, we examine populations of a cool‐season grass, needle‐and‐thread (Hesperostipa comata [Trin. & Rupr.]) and a warm season, alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides [Torr.]) collected from Russian knapweed‐invaded sites and adjacent noninvaded sites to assess their relative competitive ability against a novel exotic neighbor, Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense). Experienced S. airoides (from within A. repens invasions) appear to better tolerate (accumulate biomass, leaf nitrogen content, and to initiate new tillers) the presence of a novel competitor (C. arvense). Experienced and inexperienced H. comata genets differ in their response to the presence of C. arvense. Relative neighbor effects of native grasses on C. arvense were generally greater from experienced grasses. The ability to compete with novel neighbors may be driven by general competitive traits rather than species‐specific coevolutionary trajectories. Irrespective of competitive mechanisms, the conservation of native species populations within weed invasions may provide an important restoration tool by retaining unique components of native gene pools selected by competitive interactions with exotics.  相似文献   

A long‐term rainforest restoration experiment was established on abandoned pasture in northeastern Queensland in 1993 to examine the effectiveness of five different restoration planting methods: (T1) control (no plantings); (T2) pioneer monoculture (planting seedlings of one pioneer species, Homalanthus novoguineensis, Euphorbiaceae); (T3) Homalanthus group framework method (H. novoguineensis and eight other pioneer species); (T4) Alphitonia group framework method (Alphitonia petriei, Rhamnaceae, with eight other pioneer species); and (T5) maximum diversity method (planting pioneers, middle‐phase species, and mature‐phase species). We investigated temporal patterns in the (1) fate of seedlings originally planted in 1993; (2) natural recruitment of native plant species; and (3) current habitat structure (canopy cover and ground cover of grasses and invasive plants) within each restoration treatment. A total of 97% of seedlings planted in T2 died within the first 13 years and all had died by 2014. A total of 72% of seedlings planted in T3, 55.5% of seedlings planted in T4, and 55% of seedlings planted in T5 also died by 2014. By 2014, 42 species from 21 families had recruited across the experimental site, and the abundance of recruits was almost twice that recorded in 2001 and 2006. Overall, T3, T4, and T5 had the greatest diversity and abundance of recruits. By 2014, canopy cover was greatest in T3, T4, and T5 but grass cover was least in T5. It is concluded that some restoration success measures increase with planting diversity, but overall the rate of recovery is similar in framework species and maximum diversity method.  相似文献   

Abstract. Control of invasive plants is a key element of conservation and restoration efforts. We report results from a five‐year field experiment in western Oregon, USA that evaluates the effects of different mowing regimes on the non‐native and invasive perennial grass Arrhenatherum elatius, the native perennial prairie grasses Danthonia californica and Festuca roemeri, and groups of other native and non‐native grasses and forbs. Eight treatments were designed to test hypotheses about the role of mowing height and time of application on the plant community. Differences among treatments emerged only after two or three years of treatment. This delay in response reinforces the need for long‐term studies. Annual mowing was most effective at reducing Arrhenatherum cover and flowering when applied in late spring or early summer, the time of Arrhenatherum flowering and expected maximum above‐ground allocation. Double mowing and mowing at 15 cm were more effective in reducing Arrhenatherum cover than were single mowing and mowing at 50 cm. All treatments increased the cover and flowering of Danthonia. Statistical model analysis showed that increases in cover and flowering of the native grass Danthonia were caused by its release from suppression by Arrhenatherum. Fouryears of the most effective treatment, mowing at 15 cm in late spring, converted an Arrhenatherum‐dominated site to a prairie dominated by native grasses. This is one of the few documented cases of pest plant control causing an increase in native plant abundance. These results show that mowing, properly applied, can be an effective tool for restoring degraded, Arrhenatherum‐dormnated prairies.  相似文献   

In prairie ecosystems, abiotic constraints on competition can structure plant communities; however, the extent to which competition between native and exotic plant species is constrained by environmental factors is still debated. The objective of our study was to use paired field and greenhouse experiments to evaluate the competitive dynamics between two native (Danthonia californica and Deschampsia cespitosa) and two exotic (Schedonorus arundinaceus and Lolium multiflorum) grass species under varying nutrient and moisture conditions in an upland prairie in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. We hypothesized the two invasive, exotic grasses would be more competitive under high-nutrient, moderate-moisture conditions, resulting in the displacement of native grasses from these environments. In the field, the experimental reduction of competition resulted in shorter, wider plants, but only the annual grass, Lolium multiflorum, produced more aboveground biomass when competition was reduced. In the greenhouse, the two exotic grasses produced more total biomass than the two native grasses. Competitive hierarchies were influenced by nutrient and/or moisture treatments for the two exotic grasses, but not for the two native grasses. L. multiflorum dominated competitive interactions with all other grasses across treatments. In general, S. arundinaceus dominated when in competition with native grasses, and D. cespitosa produced the most biomass in monoculture or under interspecific competition with the other native grass, D. californica. D. californica, D. cespitosa, and S. arundinaceus all produced more biomass in high-moisture, high-nutrient environments, and D. cespitosa, L. multiflorum, and S. arundinaceus allocated more biomass belowground in the low nutrient treatment. Taken together, these experiments suggest the competitive superiority of the exotic grasses, especially L. multiflorum, but, contrary to our hypothesis, the native grasses were not preferentially excluded from nutrient-rich, moderately wet environments. Laurel Pfeifer-Meister and Esther M. Cole contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Below‐ground interactions between soil microbial communities and plants play important roles in shaping plant community structure, but are currently poorly understood. Understanding these processes has important practical implications, including for restoration. In this study, we investigated whether soil microbes from remnant areas can aid the restoration of old‐fields, and whether soil microbes from an old‐field encourages further invasive establishment. In a glasshouse experiment, we measured growth and survival of two native grasses (Austrostipa nodosa and Rytidosperma auriculatum) and an invasive grass (Lolium rigidum) grown in sterile soil inoculated with whole soil from three locations: an old‐field, a remnant grassland, and a seed orchard planted with native grasses 7 years ago. Plants grown in sterile, non‐inoculated soil acted as controls. The orchard inoculant was included to test whether soil microbes from an area cultivated with native grasses induced plant responses similar to remnant areas. The remnant treatment resulted in the highest biomass and no mortality for R. auriculatum. All inoculant types increased the biomass of the invasive species equally. The native grass, A. nodosa, was the most sensitive to the addition of inoculum, whereas the invasive L. rigidum suffered very low mortality across all treatments. Overall, mortality was highest in the old‐field treatment at 42.9%. These results give insights into how soil microbes can affect community structure and dynamics, e.g. the high mortality of natives with old‐field inoculant may be one mechanism that allows invasive species to dominate. Poorer performance of native species with the orchard inoculant suggests it would not make a suitable replacement for remnant soil; therefore, more work is needed to understand the requirements of target species and their interactions before this technique can be exploited to maximum benefit.  相似文献   

The invasion of European perennial grasses represents a new threat to the native coastal prairie of northern California. Many coastal prairie sites also experience anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition or increased N availability as a result of invasion by N-fixing shrubs. We tested the hypothesis that greater seedling competitive ability and greater responsiveness to high N availability of exotic perennial grasses facilitates their invasion in coastal prairie. We evaluated pairwise competitive responses and effects, and the occurrence of asymmetrical competition, among three common native perennial grasses (Agrostis oregonensis, Festuca rubra, and Nassella pulchra) and three exotic perennial grasses (Holcus lanatus, Phalaris aquatica, and Festuca arundinacea), at two levels of soil N. We also compared the root and shoot biomass and response to fertilization of singly-grown plants, so we could evaluate how performance in competition related to innate plant traits. Competitive effects and responses were negatively correlated and in general varied continuously across native and exotic species. Two exceptions were the exotic species Holcus, which had large effects on neighbors and small responses to them, and competed asymmetrically with all other species in the experiment, and the native grass Nassella, which had strong responses to but little effect on neighbors, and was out-competed by all but one other species in the experiment. High allocation to roots and high early relative growth rate appear to explain Holcus’s competitive dominance, but its shoot biomass when grown alone was not significantly greater than those of the species it out-competed. Competitive dynamics were unaffected by fertilization. Therefore, we conclude that seedling competitive ability alone does not explain the increasing dominance of exotic perennial grasses in California coastal prairie. Furthermore, since native and exotic species responded individualistically, grouping species as ‘natives’ and ‘exotics’ obscured underlying variation within the two categories. Finally, elevated soil N does not appear to influence competition among the native and exotic perennial grasses studied, so reducing soil N pools may not be a critical step for the restoration of California coastal prairie.  相似文献   

Plant competition is a primary ecological process limiting grassland restoration success. Appropriate restoration techniques require an understanding of the degree to which intra and interspecific competition control invasive and native plant growth. The objective of this study was to determine how the intensity of intra and interspecific competition changes during early stages of plant growth. Two invasive (Bromus tectorum and Taeniatherum caput-medusae) and two native (Pseudoroegneria spicata and Poa secunda) species were grown in a diallel competition experiment, either alone or in 1:1 binary combinations and exposed to two levels of N (no N or 400 mg N kg−1 soil added) in a greenhouse. Total biomass for each species was quantified over four harvests and competitive effects were calculated. Our results show that the relative magnitude of intra and interspecific competition changes through time. Intraspecific competition was intense for native species at the initial harvests and therefore important in contributing to the outcome of final size of native species seedlings. Interestingly, bluebunch wheatgrass imposed interspecific competition on annual grasses at the first two harvests and appeared to be a better competitor than Sandberg’s bluegrass. We found that fast growing invasive species became more competitive compared to slow growing native species with increasing N and appear to establish a positive feedback mechanism between size and resource uptake. Opportunities to improve restoration success exist from determining the optimum combination of density, species proportion, and their spatial arrangement in various ecosystems and environments.  相似文献   

Exotic Grass Competition in Suppressing Native Shrubland Re-establishment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Disturbance of coastal sage scrub in southern California has led to extensive displacement of native shrubs by exotic annual grasses. The initial conversion from shrubland to exotic grassland is typically associated with disturbance caused by intense grazing, high fire frequency, or mechanical vegetation removal. While native shrubs have been shown to recolonize annual grasslands under some conditions, other annual grasslands are persistent and show no evidence of shrub recolonization. This study examined the mechanisms by which annual grasses may exclude native shrubs and persist after release from disturbance. Grass density was manipulated in experimental plots to achieve a series of prescribed densities. Artemisia californica, a dominant native shrub, was seeded or planted into the plots and responses to the grass density treatments were measured over two growing seasons. A. californica germination, first season growth, and survival were all negatively related to the density of neighboring annual grasses. The most probable mechanism underlying the reduction of first season growth and survival was depletion of soil water by the grasses. The effects of the grasses on A. californica were no longer significant in the second season. The results of this study indicate that Mediterranean annual grasses reduce recruitment and can persist by inhibiting post-disturbance establishment of A. californica from seed. Although succession alone may not return disturbed annual grasslands to their former shrubland composition, the results suggest that restoration can be achieved by using container plantings or grass removal followed by seeding.  相似文献   

Afforestation and fire exclusion are pervasive threats to tropical savannas. In Brazil, laws limiting prescribed burning hinder the study of fire in the restoration of Cerrado plant communities. We took advantage of a 2017 wildfire to evaluate the potential for tree cutting and fire to promote the passive restoration of savanna herbaceous plant communities after destruction by exotic tree plantations. We sampled a burned pine plantation (Burned Plantation); a former plantation that was harvested and burned (Harvested & Burned); an unburned former plantation that was harvested, planted with native trees, and treated with herbicide to control invasive grasses (Native Tree Planting); and two old-growth savannas which served as reference communities. Our results confirm that herbaceous plant communities on post-afforestation sites are very different from old-growth savannas. Among post-afforestation sites, Harvested & Burned herbaceous communities were modestly more similar in composition to old-growth savannas, had slightly higher richness of savanna plants (3.8 species per 50-m2), and supported the greatest cover of native herbaceous plants (56%). These positive trends in herbaceous community recovery would be missed in assessments of tree cover: whereas canopy cover in the Harvested & Burned site was 6% (less than typical of savannas of the Cerrado), the Burned Plantation and Native Tree Planting supported 34% and 19% cover, respectively. By focusing on savanna herbaceous plants, these results highlight that tree cutting and fire, not simply tree planting and fire exclusion, should receive greater attention in efforts to restore savannas of the Cerrado.  相似文献   

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