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Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of CAG repeats in the coding area of huntingtin gene. In the HD brain, mutant huntingtin protein goes through proteolysis, and its amino-terminal portion consisting of polyglutamine repeats accumulate as inclusions that result in progressive impairment of cellular protein quality control system. Here, we demonstrate that partial rescue of the defective protein quality control in HD model mouse by azadiradione (a bioactive limonoids found in the seed of Azadirachta indica) could potentially improve the disease pathology. Prolonged treatment of azadiradione to HD mice significantly improved the progressive deterioration in body weight, motor functioning along with extension of lifespan. Azadiradione-treated HD mice brain also exhibited considerable decrease in mutant huntingtin aggregates load and improvement of striatal pathology in comparison with age-matched saline-treated HD controls. Biochemical analysis further revealed upregulation and activation of not only HSF1 (master regulator of protein folding) but also Ube3a (an ubiquitin ligase involved in the clearance of mutant huntingtin) in azadiradione-treated mice. Our results indicate that azadiradione-mediated enhanced folding and clearance of mutant huntingtin might underlie improved disease pathology in HD mice and suggests that it could be a potential therapeutic molecule to delay the progression of HD.  相似文献   

This article critically examines how programs for the prevention and control of dengue fever have been conducted in the absence of an integrated approach, and considers the social and ecological factors influencing their effectiveness. Despite recognition of dengue fever as the most important arboviral disease affecting humans, and in spite of a greater emphasis on community-based control approaches, the burden placed on the communities, countries, and regions affected by this disease continues to rise. In considering historical experience in the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the global forces that are exerting new pressures, the important elements of successful control programs are identified as community ownership, partnership with government, leadership, scalability, and control of immature mosquitoes. The key barriers to the exchange of knowledge and the transdisciplinary cooperation necessary for sustainable dengue control are rooted in differences in values among policy-makers, citizens, and scientists and are repeatedly expressed in technical, economic, cultural, geographic, and political dimensions. Through consideration of case studies in Cuba, Guatemala, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, the limitations of control approaches that fail to take into account the complexities of ecological and social systems are presented. Bridges to effective control are identified as the basis for adaptability, both of control programs to the mosquito vector’s changing behavior and of education programs to public, regional and local particularities, as well as transdisciplinarity, community empowerment, the ability to scale local experiences up to the macro-level, and the capacity to learn from experience to achieve sustainability.  相似文献   


Despite intense research efforts, our pharmaceutical repertoire against high-grade brain tumours has not been able to increase patient survival for a decade and life expectancy remains at less than 16 months after diagnosis, on average. Inhibitors of protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) have been developed and investigated over the past 15 years and have now entered oncology clinical trials, including for brain tumours. This review collates recent advances in the understanding of the role of PRMTs and arginine methylation in brain tumours. We provide an up-to-date literature review on the mechanisms for PRMT regulation. These include endogenous modulators such as alternative splicing, miRNA, post-translational modifications and PRMT–protein interactions, and synthetic inhibitors. We discuss the relevance of PRMTs in brain tumours with a particular focus on PRMT1, -2, -5 and -8. Finally, we include a future perspective where we discuss possible routes for further research on arginine methylation and on the use of PRMT inhibitors in the context of brain tumours.


Summary Early diplotene oocytes from Necturus maculosus ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter were examined by electron microscopy. In the smallest oocytes of this range, the cytoplasm is largely devoid of membranes, but contains primarily ribosomes and mitochondria. In slightly larger oocytes, smooth-surfaced cytomembranes first appear in the perinuclear cytoplasm. At this time, the outer layer of the germinal vesicle nuclear envelope (GVNE) shows frequent connections with long membranous lamellae that extend for considerable, but variable distances into the juxtanuclear ooplasm. The number of smooth membranous lamellae increases tremendously as the oocytes increase in diameter. In such oocytes as well, frequent continuities are observed between the outer membrane of the GVNE and many of the cytoplasmic membranes. Eventually, as the ooplasm becomes populated with extensive numbers of membranous lamellae, instances of continuity between the membranous lamellae and nuclear envelope now become sparse and eventually non-existent. The frequent connections observed between membranous lamellae and the outer membrane of the GVNE during a circumscribed interval of diplotene strongly implicate the GVNE in the generation of extensive amounts of cytoplasmic membrane. The ooplasm of larger oocytes in the size range indicated contain numerous Golgi complexes and large quantities of annulate lamellae most of which are positioned in the peripheral or subcortical ooplasm, as well as extensive quantities of smooth membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets.  相似文献   

Transmission of plant pathogens by insect vectors is a complex biological process involving interactions between the plant, insect, and pathogen. Pathogen-induced plant responses can include changes in volatile and nonvolatile secondary metabolites as well as major plant nutrients. Experiments were conducted to understand how a plant pathogenic bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), affects host preference behavior of its psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) vector. D. citri were attracted to volatiles from pathogen-infected plants more than to those from non-infected counterparts. Las-infected plants were more attractive to D. citri adults than non-infected plants initially; however after feeding, psyllids subsequently dispersed to non-infected rather than infected plants as their preferred settling point. Experiments with Las-infected and non-infected plants under complete darkness yielded similar results to those recorded under light. The behavior of psyllids in response to infected versus non-infected plants was not influenced by whether or not they were carriers of the pathogen. Quantification of volatile release from non-infected and infected plants supported the hypothesis that odorants mediate psyllid preference. Significantly more methyl salicylate, yet less methyl anthranilate and D-limonene, was released by infected than non-infected plants. Methyl salicylate was attractive to psyllids, while methyl anthranilate did not affect their behavior. Feeding on citrus by D. citri adults also induced release of methyl salicylate, suggesting that it may be a cue revealing location of conspecifics on host plants. Infected plants were characterized by lower levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, and iron, as well as, higher levels of potassium and boron than non-infected plants. Collectively, our results suggest that host selection behavior of D. citri may be modified by bacterial infection of plants, which alters release of specific headspace volatiles and plant nutritional contents. Furthermore, we show in a laboratory setting that this apparent pathogen-mediated manipulation of vector behavior may facilitate pathogen spread.  相似文献   

Pay-for-performance programs are often aimed to improve the management of chronic diseases. We evaluate the impact of a local pay for performance programme (QOF+), which rewarded financially more ambitious quality targets (‘stretch targets’) than those used nationally in the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). We focus on targets for intermediate outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. A difference-in-difference approach is used to compare practice level achievements before and after the introduction of the local pay for performance program. In addition, we analysed patient-level data on exception reporting and intermediate outcomes utilizing an interrupted time series analysis. The local pay for performance program led to significantly higher target achievements (hypertension: p-value <0.001, coronary heart disease: p-values <0.001, diabetes: p-values <0.061, stroke: p-values <0.003). However, the increase was driven by higher rates of exception reporting (hypertension: p-value <0.001, coronary heart disease: p-values <0.03, diabetes: p-values <0.05) in patients with all conditions except for stroke. Exception reporting allows practitioners to exclude patients from target calculations if certain criteria are met, e.g. informed dissent of the patient for treatment. There were no statistically significant improvements in mean blood pressure, cholesterol or HbA1c levels. Thus, achievement of higher payment thresholds in the local pay for performance scheme was mainly attributed to increased exception reporting by practices with no discernable improvements in overall clinical quality. Hence, active monitoring of exception reporting should be considered when setting more ambitious quality targets. More generally, the study suggests a trade-off between additional incentive for better care and monitoring costs.  相似文献   

MicroRNA (miRNA) profiling is a first important step in elucidating miRNA functions. Real time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and microarray hybridization approaches as well as ultra high throughput sequencing of miRNAs (small RNA-seq) are popular and widely used profiling methods. All of these profiling approaches face significant introduction of bias. Normalization, often an underestimated aspect of data processing, can minimize systematic technical or experimental variation and thus has significant impact on the detection of differentially expressed miRNAs. At present, there is no consensus normalization method for any of the three miRNA profiling approach. Several normalization techniques are currently in use, of which some are similar to mRNA profiling normalization methods, while others are specifically modified or developed for miRNA data. The characteristic nature of miRNA molecules, their composition and the resulting data distribution of profiling experiments challenges the selection of adequate normalization techniques. Based on miRNA profiling studies and comparative studies on normalization methods and their performances, this review provides a critical overview of commonly used and newly developed normalization methods for miRNA RT-qPCR, miRNA hybridization microarray, and small RNA-seq datasets. Emphasis is laid on the complexity, the importance and the potential for further optimization of normalization techniques for miRNA profiling datasets.  相似文献   

Diversity of expertise at an individual level can increase intelligence at a collective level-a type of swarm intelligence (SI) popularly known as the 'wisdom of the crowd'. However, this requires independent estimates (rare in the real world owing to the availability of public information) and contradicts people's bias for copying successful individuals. To explain these inconsistencies, 429 people took part in a 'guess the number of sweets' exercise. Guesses made with no public information were diverse, resulting in highly accurate SI. Individuals with access to the previous guess, mean guess or a randomly chosen guess, tended to over-estimate the number of sweets and this undermined SI. However, when people were provided with the current best guess, this prevented very large (inaccurate) guesses, resulting in convergence of guesses towards the true value and accurate SI across a range of group sizes. Thus, contrary to previous work, we show that social influence need not undermine SI, especially where individual decisions are made sequentially and then aggregated. Furthermore, we offer an explanation for why people have a bias to recruit and follow experts in team settings: copying successful individuals can enable accuracy at both the individual and group level, even at small group sizes.  相似文献   


This paper explores how the creation of a socially and ethnically mixed student body relates to mobility within the context of Beaumont Academy. This authoritarian school opened in 2004 under the ethos ‘structure liberates’. Based in a predominantly deprived, ethnic minority area of London, Beaumont seeks to culturally transform its students. With its outstanding GCSE results, the school has been championed as a blueprint for reform, yet the cultural implications underlying this approach remain unexamined. The ethos pathologizes the surrounding area while essentializing itself as an ‘oasis in the desert’ liberating students through discipline. The paper explores how mobility is embodied by students and the alterations or eliminations necessary to achieve it. These alterations produce raced and classed positions and bring them into focus, highlighting who needs to ‘adjust’ themselves to accrue value. Uncritical celebrations of mixed-ness conceal structural inequalities lingering beneath the rhetoric of happy multiculturalism and aspirational citizenship. These inequalities are exacerbated by a marketized education system.  相似文献   

The electric fish, Eigenmannia, is able to discriminate the sign of the frequency difference, Df, between a neighbor's electric organ discharges (EODs) and its own. The fish lowers its EOD frequency for positive Dfs and raises its frequency for negative Dfs to minimize jamming of its electrolocation ability by a neighbor's EODs of similar frequency. This jamming avoidance response (JAR) is controlled by a group of 'sign-selective' neurons in the prepacemaker nucleus (PPN) that is located at the boundary of the midbrain and the diencephalon (Fig. 1). Extracellular recordings from a total of 35 neurons revealed a great similarity between behavioral and neuronal response properties: 1. All neurons fired vigorously for negative Dfs and were almost silent for positive Dfs, regardless of the orientation of the jamming stimulus, and thus discriminated the sign of Df unambiguously (Fig. 2). 2. In accordance with behavioral observations, individual neurons failed to discriminate the sign of Df when the jamming stimulus had the same field geometry as the signal mimicking the animal's own EOD (Fig. 3). 3. Df magnitudes which evoke strongest JARs, usually 4 to 8 Hz, also induced most vigorous responses in sign-selective neurons (Fig. 5). 4. Behavioral and neuronal thresholds for the detection of small jamming signals were similar. Threshold for sign selectivity was reached when the amplitude ratio of the jamming signal to the EOD mimic, measured near the head surface, was 0.001. This value corresponds to a maximal temporal disparity (a necessary cue for performing a correct JAR) of 1 to 2 microseconds for signals received by the two sides of the body in a transverse jamming field (Fig. 7). 5. The effects of two jamming fields, offered orthogonally to each other, may interact nonlinearly at the behavioral as well as at the neuronal level. A positive Df presented in one field may suppress behavioral and neuronal responses to modulations of the sign of Df in the other field (Fig. 8c).  相似文献   

What are the effects of our environment on human development and the next generation? Numerous studies have provided ample evidence that a healthy environment and lifestyle of the mother is important for her offspring. Biological mechanisms underlying these environmental influences have been proposed to involve alterations in the epigenome. Is there enough evidence to suggest a similar contribution from the part of the father? Animal models provide proof of a transgenerational epigenetic effect through the paternal germ line, but can this be translated to humans? To date, literature on fathers is scarce. Human studies do not always incorporate appropriate tools to evaluate paternal influences or epigenetic effects. In reviewing the literature, I stress the need to explore and recognize paternal contributions to offspring's health within the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease hypothesis, and coin this new concept the Paternal Origins of Health and Disease paradigm (POHaD). A better understanding of preconceptional origins of disease through the totality of paternal exposures, or the paternal exposome, will provide evidence‐based public health recommendations for future fathers.

Nigel Eltringham 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):425-445
While the ethnography of contemporary courtrooms has been dominated by a concern with speech, this article considers how a silent, validating public is constructed within court complexes. Drawing on fieldwork at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Arusha, Tanzania), I explore how the court's threshold practices form validating witnesses whose embodied deference contributes to the constitution of the courtroom as a space of privileged speech. I suggest, therefore, that court spectators are not incidental, but are integral to juridical spectacle and the authority of law.  相似文献   

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