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Summary The Vendian-Cambrian interval on the Siberian Platform contains thick carbonate and evaporite sequences formed in extensive shallow-water basins. The carbonate sequences are characterized by a cyclic composition. Finegrained dolomites, undulated algal dolomites, flat pebble conglomerates, storm breccias and solution-collapse breccias form the base of each cycle. These rocks are characterized by an increased clay content which can be high enough to form argillites. Short sedimentation breaks reflected by mudcracks or silicification horizons are present as well as small cross-bedded tidal channels. Peloidal grainstones with algal overgrowth dominate in the central parts of the cycles. These members are often recrystallized and dolomitized. Micritic dolomites, undulous laminated dolomites, storm breccias and columnar stromatolites with abundant mud cracks form the upper members of the cycles. These sequences are free of clay but contain abundant anhydrite crystals and nodules. In the uppermost parts of some cycles massive layered anhydrite beds are present. The cycles vary in thickness, but usually they are between 15 and 20 m thick. The lower cycle member documents extreme shallow-water deposits. They formed in tidal and partially also supratidal zones not far from the mainland, from where fine clayey material was washed in. These parts of the sequence reflect a slow transgression. The central member of a cycle was deposited during the maximal transgression in a shallow basin with normal salinity and rather active hydrodynamics. Sedimentation of the upper part of the cycles reflects a regression stage (tidal and especially sabkha environments). The final layered anhydrite beds formed most probably in relict lakes on the sabkha plain. During sea-level falls some sequences of the central parts of the cycles were subaerially exposed and underwent partial dolomitization. The Vendian-Cambrian sabkhas are partly comparable with their recent counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed facies analysis and paleo-depth reconstruction of a latest Early Carnian platform drowning-sequence from the Anatolian terrane (Turkey, Taurus Mountains). A total of eight sedimentary microfacies zones were recorded. An open platform margin passes through a deeper shelf margin setting into a basinal environment influenced by more open-marine conditions. The analysis demonstrates an unexpected, pure carbonate depositional system through the so-called Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE), which has previously been associated with dramatic climate changes throughout the Tethys region. One main finding, based on sedimentological and paleontological analyses, is a much later drowning of the carbonate platforms in Turkey than in other places. The termination of the Kartoz platform postdates the onset of the CPE in the western Tethys by one ammonite zone, corresponding to about 2 million years. The distinctly earlier demise of (north)western Tethyan carbonate platforms and reefs points to a diachrony of this event throughout the Tethys. The decline of carbonate productivity clearly occurs earlier at higher paleolatitudes and later in equatorial areas. Interpreting the CPE as the result of a global or at least Tethys-wide climatic event is therefore highly ambiguous. The described facies changes at Aşağiyaylabel probably mirror different coupling effects and, only minimally, the Tethyan-wide climate changes during the Carnian Pluvial Episode.  相似文献   

Senonian-Maastrichtian sediments in northern Israel are characterized by a thick sequence of homogeneous chalk containing profuse planktonic foraminiferids and coccolithophorids. The occurrence (or absence) of chert, bitumen, quartz grains, phosphate content, the variations of plankton-benthos ratio, the generic and family composition of Foraminifera and thickness variations indicate that the sediments were deposited on an outer shelf area in a very non-turbulent pelagic sea. This sea, part of the Tethys ocean which covered all the Levant during the Late Cretaceous, became epicontinental in the vicinity of the Arabo-Nubian Massif. Thickness of sediments is a function of submarine depressions, wedge-out occurring towards uplifted areas which by and large are also present-day structures, except for the western part of the area. Here, non-sedimentation or sediments of reduced thickness can be explained by deposition on a steep part of the continental shelf beyond the shelf break or by erosion due to submarine currents on the outer shelf.

The depth of the sea changed with time. Santonian sediments were deposited in water of relatively great depth (several hundred metres) which decreased during the Early Campanian and attained a minimum in very Late Campanian time. During Early to Late Maastrichtian time subsidence recommenced.

Three marine facies belts are differentiated in the Late Cretaceous chalks of the Levant countries. The data of these rocks in northern Israel (part of the extreme western belt having poorly-defined continental affinities) were utilized in the palaeogeographic analysis of the Levant region.  相似文献   

The compositional variation of Pleistocene carbonate gravity deposits from the Exuma Sound Basin, Bahamas, was determined. Two types of gravity deposit were present in the cores of ODP Leg 101, Site 632A, i.e., calciturbidites and calcidebrites. In analogy with earlier studies, the compositional variations in the calciturbidites could be linked to different sources on the carbonate margin, i.e., platform interior, platform edge, and platform slope. Calciturbidites deposited during interglacial, sea-level highstands show a dominance of non-skeletal grains, largely derived from the platform interior, while calciturbidites of glacial, sea-level lowstands, show a dominance of skeletal platform-edge to platform-slope-derived grains. Thus, the calciturbidite composition can be used to reconstruct the position of absolute sea level. In addition, the mud content of the calciturbidites increased after Marine Isotope Stage 11. In contrast, the composition of the calcidebrites remained unaltered through time and showed a clear dominance of platform-edge-derived sediments during varying sea-level positions. The Bahamian carbonate platform is located in a tectonically stable passive-margin setting and the gravity-flow deposits were laid down in an environment exclusively controlled by eustatic sea-level fluctuations. This study shows that all types of gravity-induced carbonate deposits, calciturbidites, and calcidebrites, were deposited in response to global eustatic sea-level variations. The sediment composition could be linked directly to sediment input from specific facies realms along the carbonate platform margin. Hence, sediment composition analysis is a strong tool that may be used to discriminate between gravity-induced deposition triggered by eustatic sea-level changes and that related to tectonic events, when analyzing resedimentation processes in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Platform carbonate sediments of Liassic age cropping out in the area of the Pigadi-Fokianos Gulf (SE of Leonidion, Peloponnesus) have been investigated in order to determine their depositional environment. Facies analysis allowed the recognition of several microfacies types and their cyclic stacking pattern. The carbonates were deposited in a restricted inner platform environment (lagoon-peritidal domain) and are arranged into small-scale shallowing-upward cycles. Palaeosol horizons containing typical pedogenic features are developed on the top of the peritidal facies or are directly superimposed on subtidal deposits, forming diagenetic caps. This implies repeated sea-level fluctuations and periodic emersion episodes. The presence of orbitally forced cyclicity though is mostly probable, cannot be clearly documented by the available data. The studied carbonates are comparable with other coeval analogous peritidal cycles of the same age along the southern margin of the Tethys.  相似文献   

We describe a new ammonoid fauna from the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey. The Carnian ammonoid fauna from A?a?iyaylabel is presented for the first time. Ammonoids were obtained from limestone to marl beds of an approximately 35‐m‐thick section, which presents the rare opportunity to investigate ammonoid faunas across the Lower–Upper Carnian boundary. Intense sampling near the village of A?a?iyaylabel led to the recognition of a new Lower Carnian (Julian 2) to Upper Carnian (Tuvalian 1) ammonoid fauna from the Kasimlar Formation. The genus Kasimlarceltites gen. nov. is reported for the first time from the Taurus Mountains, which represents the main faunal element and occurs as huge mass occurrence (n ? 1 million). Kasimlarceltites krystyni gen. et sp. nov., Klipsteinia disciformis sp. nov. and Anasirenites crassicrenulatus sp. nov. occur within the Lower Carnian Carbonate member (Units A–B) of the Kasimlar Formation from the Taurus Platform Units. Ammonoids described from the marls of the Tuvalian Marlstone member were deposited during a major, Tethyan‐wide climate crisis – the so‐called Carnian crisis – characterized by a demise of carbonate platforms. Based on the biostratigraphic relevance of certain ammonoid taxa described herein, the age of the analysed parts of the Kasimlar Formation is Julian 2 to Tuvalian 1. The discovery of the new ammonoid assemblages from A?a?iyaylabel substantiates the significance of Upper Triassic faunas within the Taurus Mountains and facilitates the correlation with faunal assemblages from other regions in the Tethyan Realm. The ammonoid fauna and facies indicate a general deepening from open‐platform margins, over deeper shelf settings down to an open marine‐influenced basinal environment. The tentative habitat for Kasimlarceltites gen. nov. is a shallow platform environment to upper mid‐ramp.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive facies scheme for west-central Jordan platform deposits of upper Albian to Turonian age, discuss Cenomanian and Turonian carbonate cycles, and reconstruct the paleogeographic evolution of the platform. Comparisons with adjacent shelf areas (Israel, Sinai) emphasize local characteristics as well as the regional platform development. Platform deposits are subdivided into fifteen microfacies types that define eight environments of deposition of three facies belts. Main facies differences between Cenomanian and Turonian platforms are: rudist-bearing packstones that characterise the higher-energy shallow subtidal (transition zone) during the Cenomanian, and fossiliferous (commonly with diverse foraminifer assemblages) wackestones and packstones of an open shallow subtidal environment. On Turonian platforms high-energy environments are predominantly characterised by oolithic or bioclastic grainstones and packstones, whereas peritidal facies are indicated by dolomitic wackestones with thin, wavy (cryptmicrobial) lamination. Rhythmic facies changes define peritidal or subtidal shallowing-up carbonate cycles in several Cenomanian and Turonian platform intervals. Cyclicities are also analysed on the base of accommodation plots (Fischer Plots). High-frequency accommodation changes within lower Cenomanian cyclic bedded limestones of the central and southern area exhibit two major cyclic sets (set I and II) each containing regionally comparable peaks. Accommodation patterns within cyclic set II coincide with the sequence boundary zone of CeJo1. The lateral and vertical facies distributions on the inner shelf allow the reconstruction of paleogeographic conditions during five time intervals (Interval A to E). An increased subsidence is assumed for the central study area, locally (area of Wadi Al Karak) persisting from middle Cenomanian to middle Turonian times. In contrast, inversion and the development of a paleo-high have been postulated for an adjacent area (Wadi Mujib) during late Cenomanian to early Turonian times, while small-scale sub-basins with an occasionally dysoxic facies developed northwards and further south during this time interval. A connection between these structural elements in Jordan with basins and uplift areas in Egypt and Israel during equivalent time intervals is assumed. This emphasises the mostly concordant development of that Levant Platform segment.  相似文献   

Molinges was located on an Upper Jurassic ramp system of low-energy regime that developed at the southern margin of the French Jura platform. The sedimentary succession is characterized by the transition from a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate to a carbonate depositional setting that occurred during a long-term shallowing-upward trend. The disappearance of siliciclastics is explained by a climatic change, from humid and cold to drier and warmer conditions, previously identified in Late Oxfordian adjacent basins. The base of the section shows marl-limestone alternations of outer ramp. In its middle part, the section displays oncolitic marls, coral-microbialite beds and oncolitic limestones that deposited in a mid ramp position. Finally, the upper section part is made of oolitic limestones of inner ramp. In outer- to mid-ramp settings submitted to terrigenous inputs, the stacking pattern of deposits and facies evolution allow the identification of elementary, small-, medium-, and large-scale sequences. Small amplitudes of sea-level variations probably controlled rapid shifts of facies belts and reef window occurrences. In small-scale sequences, the coral beds developed during periods of sea-level rise. The decreasing rate of sea-level rise is marked by the downramp shift of the oncolitic limestone belt that led to the demise of coral-microbialite beds. These bioconstructions are mainly represented by thin biostromes in which corals never reach great sizes. The coral assemblages mainly include the genera Enallhelia, Dimorpharaea, Thamnasteria, and some solitary forms (Montlivaltia and Epistreptophyllum). They suggest relatively low-mesotrophic conditions in marine waters during the edification of the primary framework. Relatively cold water temperatures and periods of more elevated nutrient contents are probably responsible of the reduced coral development and the formation of a large amount of microbialites.  相似文献   

Andrej Šmuc  Jože Čar 《Facies》2002,46(1):205-216
Summary An Upper Ladinian to Lower Carnian succession in the Idrija-Cerkno region (W Slovenia) is described and correlated with similar successions in the Dolomites. Structurally, the area belongs to the Rodne unit (Trnovo nappe, NW Dinarides). The succession was reconstructed from three stratigraphically superimposed sections. The Orehovska Grapa section is characterised by finegrained turbidites composed of sandy mudstones with intercalations of lenses and beds of trachy-andesite tuff and resedimented tuffs. Beds of hemipelagic light grey wackestone are rarely interstratified. These rocks are correlative with the Upper Ladinian Wengen Group. The Police1 section is composed of black shaly marls and mudstones, hemipelagic wackestone, tuffaceous sand-stones, and in the upper part, of calciturbidites overlain by black laminated shales. The section is correlated with the lower part of the San Cassiano Formation. The Police 2 section consists mainly of wavy bedded peloidal and bioclastic limestone, alternating with thin interbeds of shaly mudstones and marls. The limestone and mudstones are interpreted as tempestites and gradually pass into bedded and massive dolomite of Early Carnian age. This succession is similar to the transition from the San Cassiano Formation to the Cassian Dolomite. The studied succession represents a shallowing upward basinal sequence capped by carbonate platform deposits. Palaeogeographically it is a Late Ladinian transition from the carbonate platform in the south to the typical basinal area in the north.  相似文献   

Although human activity is considered to be a major driving force affecting the distribution and dynamics of Mediterranean ecosystems, the full consequences of projected climate variability and relative sea-level changes on fragile coastal ecosystems for the next century are still unknown. It is unclear how these waterfront ecosystems can be sustained, as well as the services they provide, when relative sea-level rise and global warming are expected to exert even greater pressures in the near future (drought, habitat degradation and accelerated shoreline retreat). Haifa Bay, northern Israel, has recorded a landward sea invasion, with a maximum sea penetration 4,000 years ago, during an important period of urban development and climate instability. Here, we examine the cumulative pressure of climate shifts and relative sea-level changes in order to investigate the patterns and mechanisms behind forest replacement by an open-steppe. We provide a first comprehensive and integrative study for the southern Levant that shows that (i) human impact, through urbanization, has been the main driver behind ecological erosion in the past 4,000 years; (ii) climate pressures have reinforced this impact; and (iii) local coastal changes have played a decisive role in eroding ecosystem resilience. These three parameters, which have closely interacted during the last 4,000 years in Haifa Bay, clearly indicate that for an efficient management of the coastal habitats, anthropogenic pressures linked to urban development must be reduced in order to mitigate the predicted effects of Global Change.  相似文献   

Detailed core observation of the Akiyoshi Limestone, Southwest Japan, reveals a sequence boundary and related sedimentary and diagenetic facies formed on a late Murgabian (Middle Permian) mid-oceanic carbonate platform. The sequence boundary lies upon karstified bioclastic grainstone and is overlain by peritidal lime- and dolo-mudstone. The karstified bioclastic grainstone, which had been affected by subaerial exposure and early diagenetic processes, is characterized by crystal silts, prismatic, bladed and dogtooth cements, blackened limestone features, and alveolar textures. The overlying peritidal lime- and dolo-mudstone is 8 m thick and exhibits fenestrae, fissures, laminations, black pebbles, and low-diversity biota composed exclusively of ostracodes and calcispherids. The sequence boundary almost coincides with a major fusulinoidean biostratigraphic boundary. A sea-level fall in the late Murgabian resulted in a biotic turnover and formed the sequence boundary and the karst textures. The following relatively slow transgression resulted in the deposition of the thick transgressive peritidal unit.  相似文献   

Michaela Bernecker 《Facies》2005,51(1-4):442-453
The paleolatitudinal distribution patterns during Ladinian and Carnian time are characterized by an increasing expansion of reefs from the northern to the southern hemisphere. The optimum of reef diversity and frequency in the Norian is associated with the development of extended attached or isolated carbonate platforms. Norian-Rhaetian sponge and coral reefs of the Northern Calcareous Alps developed (1) as reef belt composed of patch reefs in platform-edge positions facing the open-marine northwestern Tethys basins and (2) as patch reefs in intraplatform basins as well as in ramp positions.Carnian and Norian-Rhaetian sponge and coral reefs of the Arabian Peninsula are formed (1) as reef complexes at the margins of carbonate platforms on the tops of volcanic seamounts in the southern Tethyan ocean, as small biostromes on these isolated platforms, and (2) as transgressive reef complexes on the attached platform of the Gondwana margin. The Norian Gosaukamm reefal breccia of the NW Tethys is a counterpart of Jabal Wasa reefal limestone of the Gondwana margin with similarities in geological setting and biotic composition. Rhaetian coral biostromes of low diversity known from the Austrian Koessen basin resemble to the time equivalent Ala biostromes of the isolated Kawr platform in the southern Neo-Tethys by forming a discontinuous layer in shallow intraplatform basin setting.  相似文献   

A diverse Triassic marine macrofauna from the Northwestern Caucasus sheds new light on the biotic evolution after the end-Permian mass extinction. In the early Mesozoic, the study area was located on the northern margin of the Neotethys Ocean. Data on stratigraphic ranges of 130 genera of brachiopods, bivalves, ammonoids, corals, and sponges have been used to calculate the changes in two evolutionary rates, namely faunal transformation rate (FTR) and rate of transformation of the taxonomic diversity structure (TTDSR). The FTR demonstrates the changes in the generic composition of assemblages through geologic time, whereas the TTDSR indicates changes in the generic control of the species diversity. The Triassic marine macrofauna of the Northwestern Caucasus was characterized by very high FTR and TTDSR during the Early Triassic through early Late Triassic. The FTR slowed in the Middle Triassic, and accelerated again in the Carnian–Norian. In contrast, the FTR was abnormally slow in the Norian–Rhaetian. A remarkable turnover among macrofauna occurred at the Carnian–Norian transition. Regional sea-level changes were similar to the global eustatic fluctuations. It is difficult to establish their direct connections with changes in the evolutionary rates, although the turnover at the Carnian–Norian boundary coincided with a prominent regressive episode. In general, high evolutionary rates reported for the Triassic marine macrofauna of the Northwestern Caucasus may be explained as a consequence of the devastating end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

The uppermost Rhaetian Adnet reef is part of the Dachstein carbonate platform and is situated at the transition to the intrashelf Kössen Basin. Its diagenetic evolution is investigated focusing on dissolution cavities in the Tropfbruch quarry of Adnet (near Salzburg) stratigraphically situated immediately below the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Sea-level changes due to global eustatic trends and regional tectonics are assumed to be the controlling factors in the development of a manifold diagenetic sequence characterized by phases of meteoric dissolution, marine and burial cementation, and internal sedimentation. Despite small-scale variations of the sequence, a superordinate pattern of diagenetic phases could be elaborated. Small-scale eustatic sea-level falls subordinate to a global regression trend caused subaerial exposures of the Adnet reef in the latest Rhaetian to earliest Hettangian. The result was karstification and meteoric dissolution of aragonitic coral skeletons (Retiophyllia) leading to the formation of biomoldic porosity. Coral septa which escaped dissolution were transformed into neomorphic calcite spar under meteoric–phreatic conditions. A first generation of dog-tooth cements precipitated sporadically on the altered coral skeletons. Eustatic sea-level rise in Early to Mid-Hettangian times caused a renewed flooding of the pore space of the Adnet reef by marine water and the influx of a first generation of internal sediments (IS I), derived from the karstified host rock of the Upper Rhaetian reef limestone. These internal sediments are overgrown by radiaxial-fibrous calcites (RFCs) whose oxygen-isotopic signature (δ18O = ?1.3 (±0.7)‰) indicates precipitation in deeper (colder) water (18–21°C) due to a first phase of drowning. An intermediate phase of eustatic sea-level lowstand in the Late Hettangian is expressed by dissolution and corrosion of RFCs. Rapid drowning of the Dachstein carbonate platform due to eustatic sea-level rise and tectonic movements took place in the Early Sinemurian and a second generation of internal sediments (IS II) derived from the Lower Sinemurian Adnet Formation is washed into the dissolution cavities. Where IS II is absent, RFCs are overgrown by a second generation of dog-tooth cements with a bright-luminescent outer rim indicating the transition to negative redox conditions in the pore water during shallow burial. Burial diagenesis is represented by blocky calcite cements which occlude the remaining pore space. Depleted oxygen-isotope values and significant Fe contents indicate precipitation under reducing redox conditions and elevated temperatures of 30–50°C at burial depths of 420–870 m. Locally, replacive saddle dolomite is the latest diagenetic phase in the Adnet reef indicating crystallization under hydrothermal influences related to compressional subduction regimes of the Penninic Ocean.  相似文献   

Based on microfacies analyses and sedimentological data, 17 facies are identified within the Middle Miocene carbonates at Siwa Oasis in the northern Western Desert of Egypt. These facies are attributed to five main facies belts. Within these facies and facies belts, five foraminiferal assemblages are recognized. A depositional model relates the reported facies and biofacies to a down-dip depositional profile of an inner to middle carbonate ramp. The facies of the peritidal to restricted lagoon (facies belt 1) and the less-restricted lagoon (facies belt 2) were deposited in the inner ramp behind the barrier/beach shoal facies belt 3. Basinward, lime mudstone of facies belts 4 and 5 accumulated in a proximal to distal middle ramp, respectively. The depositional evolution involved three stages, which are strongly controlled by tectonics and eustatic sea-level changes. The first stage comprises the transgressive Lower Miocene clastic-dominated fluvial facies of the Moghra Formation. The second stage heralds the deposition of the Langhian inner-ramp carbonate and shale facies of the basal Oasis Member of the Marmarica Formation under a relatively high stand of sea level, constrained clastic influx and climate warming. The final stage is represented by Langhian to Serravallian mid-ramp carbonate-dominated facies of the Siwa Escarpment and El Diffa Plateau members under fluctuating sea level, and a westward restriction in clastic supply and water turbidity.  相似文献   

The Late Precambrian Porsanger Dolomite Formation, occurring beneath the Varanger tillite in Arctic Norway, consists of various dolomitic lithofacies of subtidal, intertidal and supratidal environments. The lithofacies belong to three facies associations, A, B and C, which are repeated several times in the sequence. Facies association A comprises cryptalgal laminites, dolomicrites and thin-bedded grainstones and flakestones. The environment represented by this facies is broadly intertidal (locally supratidal) flat, with the interbedded carbonate sands representing storm deposits. Facies association B, of shallow subtidal to low intertidal origin, comprises cross-bedded carbonate sands (flakestones, grainstones and oolites) forming units up to 10 m thick. Small stromatolite bioherms (5 m wide, 2 m high) are locally developed within these “high-energy” deposits. Facies association C formed in a subtidal environment consists of laterally extensive (over 20 km) uniformly developed stromatolite biostromes, up to 16 m thick. The biostromes, locally divided by channels filled with grainstones and intraformational conglomerates, are composed of cylindrical and turbinate columnar (SH-V and SH-C) and digitate stromatolites (Gymnosolen, Inseria and Tungussia) in their lower parts. Larger, bulbous (SH-C and LLH-C) and conical (Conophyton) stromatolites occur in the upper parts, as well as the branching conophyte, Jacutophyton.All of the biostromes are always developed above cross-bedded carbonate sands (facies association B). A broadly symmetrical cyclic pattern, A B C B A, of tidal flat deposits (facies association A) passing up into carbonate sands (B), into biostrome (C), overlain by carbonate sands (B) and then tidal flat deposits (A), is repeated four times in the Porsanger Dolomite sequence. The pattern is interpreted in terms of two controls on sedimentation: (1) a slow transgressive phase followed by (2) depositional regression. The former (1) took place either through eustatic sea-level rise or more likely through accelerated subsidence because of tectonic instability and compaction of underlying sediments. This resulted in the sequence: tidal flat sediments, low intertidal/shallow subtidal carbonate sands, subtidal biostrome (A, B, C). Depositional regression through prograding tidal flats, generated the shoaling upward part of the cycle: biostrome, carbonate sands, tidal flat sediments (C, B, A).  相似文献   

Morphological traits of Iris section Oncocyclus (Siems.) Baker in the southern Levant (Israel, Jordan, The Palestinian Authority and Sinai/Egypt) were analysed in order to clarify taxonomic relationships among taxa and the validity of diagnostic characters. Floral and vegetative characters were measured in 42 populations belonging to nine species during the peak of the flowering season in 1998–2000. Pearson's Coefficient of Racial Likelihood (CRL) was used to calculate morphological distances between populations. Twelve of the measured populations, distributed along the north-south aridity gradient in Israel, were further explored for morphological changes along the gradient. Cluster analysis revealed two major clusters: the first includes most of the dark-coloured Iris populations, with populations of I. petrana Dinsmore and I. mariae W. Barbey forming a subcluster; the second consists of all the light-coloured populations but also some dark-coloured populations. Pearson's CRL and geographical distance were significantly correlated among the dark-coloured populations. Along the geographical gradient, flower, stem and leaf size traits decrease towards the south, probably as an adaptation to aridity. This suggests that natural selection promoted the differences between populations. Almost no discrete phenotypic groups exist within the Oncocyclus species of the southern Levant except for variation in the floral colours. Most of the suggested diagnostic characters proved unreliable in that they varied continuously across populations. The taxonomical difficulties encountered in this study reflect the special evolutionary state of the Oncocyclus irises as a group in the course of speciation.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 369–382.  相似文献   

A litho-biostratigraphic analysis has been carried out in the Gador-Turon unit of the Sierra de Gador (Alpujarride complex, Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). The Triassic succession of this unit is composed of a lower meta-detrital formation overlain by an upper meta-carbonate formation divided in six members. In the latter, a Ladinian–Carnian-rich fossil association has been found (foraminifers, algae, bivalves, microproblematica, trace fossils). Facies analysis has enabled the recognition of 22 facies of platform origin. This succession accumulated as a subsiding margin-type carbonate platform with homoclinal ramp geometry (Anisian?–Ladinian) evolving into a fault-block-type platform with a steeper-margined geometry (Ladinian–Carnian). Slope deposits of this latter platform show a prism-like geometry with progradational patterns and include syn-sedimentary structures associated with normal faults capped by younger beds. The results of the present research indicate that the architecture of the platform studied has been controlled mainly by climate and oceanic factors during the development of the ramp, and by syn-sedimentary extensional tectonics during the development of the steeper-margined platform. The Ladinian–Carnian tectonic activity was probably also responsible for the siliciclastic input and the shift to a mixed terrigenous-carbonate platform.  相似文献   

For the first time, two outcrops near Bad Dürrnberg (2 km SSW Hallein, Austria) allowed for a continuous multistratigraphical investigation of the Reingraben Turnover in the Hallstatt facies belt. After a phase of reefal sedimentation during the Julian 1 (Early Carnian), a sudden increase in terrigenous input (Reingraben Turnover) caused the breakdown of the carbonate factory at the beginning of the Julian 2 (late Early Carnian). In starved basins produced by syndepositional tectonism, black shales locally accumulated. Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon do not suggest a change in seawater chemistry during the turnover. Shallow-water carbonate production resumed slowly during the Tuvalian (Late Carnian), and complete recovery was finished near the Carnian-Norian transition. Because similar events are recorded globally, climatic changes (monsoonal circulation) controlled by plate tectonics are favoured as triggers of the event.Based on lithology and microfacies, detailed sampling, and analysis of conodont faunas and the resulting detailed conodont zonation enabled us to establish the duration of the Reingraben Turnover (Julian 1/IIc to Julian 2/II).  相似文献   

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