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A study using eight rapidly growing young green iguanas (Iguana iguana; initial mean weight 68.0 ± 3.8 gm) examined the changes in the wave replacement of teeth, the increased size of the teeth, and the posterior migration of tooth positions over a period of 16 weeks. The teeth increase in width as the lizards grow. The tooth positions shifted posteriorly, providing adequate space for the larger replacement teeth. These observations suggest that the wave replacement of teeth allows for growth of the dentition in length and height adequate to maintain tooth size in proportion to the overall size of the individual.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are an important and growing component of global environmental change (Vitousek et al., 1996). Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year to invasive species damage and management(Pimentel et al., 2001).  相似文献   

In the animal kingdom, species-specific differences with regard to the absorption of intact carotenoids are observed. The causes of these differences are not entirely understood. To investigate the absorption of selected carotenoids, 20 juvenile green iguanas (Iguana iguana) were fed a carotenoid deficient basal diet for 56 days. Thereafter, the iguanas were assigned to receive a basal diet supplemented with different carotenoids (80 mg/kg diet) such as beta-carotene, canthaxanthin and apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester for 28 days. Changes in plasma carotinoid concentrations associated with the individual diets were used as indicators of carotenoid absorption. In both the experimental and control groups, only the oxygenated carotenoids (xanthophylls), lutein, zeaxanthin and canthaxanthin, were found in the plasma. Canthaxanthin and apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester were readily absorbed and recovered from the plasma. However, the supplementation of beta-carotene caused no increase in plasma beta-carotene concentration. Additionally, beta-carotene, canthaxanthin or apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester did not affect the concentrations of retinol and alpha-tocopherol in plasma. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that iguanas appear to be selective accumulators of polar xanthophylls. The iguana might, therefore, be a valuable model to investigate the selectiveness of carotenoid absorption as well as the function of xanthophylls in animals.  相似文献   

To study the allometric relationship between standard metabolic rate and body mass (mass range 16-3627 g) in green iguanas, Iguana iguana (n=32), we measured rates of oxygen consumption (V(O(2))) at 30 degrees C during scotophase. The relationship could be described as: V(O(2))(ml h(-1))=0.478W(0.734). The resulting mass exponent was similar to the 3/4 power commonly used in interspecific curves (P>0.05), but differed from a proposed intraspecific value of 2/3 (P<0.05). The mass exponents of male (n=8) and female (n=11) iguanas did not differ (P>0.05). The mass adjusted V(O(2)) was higher than predicted from generalized squamate curves. The mean mass exponent of intra-individual allometric equations of iguanas (n=7) at varying masses during ontogeny did not differ from that of the pooled equation, indicating that scaling of V(O(2)) is similar for both between and within individuals. Thermal acclimation, compensatory changes in V(O(2)) with prolonged exposure to a constant temperature, was not observed in juvenile iguanas (n=11) between 1 and 5 weeks of acclimation at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are an important and growing component of global environmental change (Vitousek et al., 1996). Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year to invasive species damage and management (Pimentel et al., 2001). Scientists have responded by conducting research to understand the biology of the invasive species itself, in the hope that such information will allow effective control, and examining the impact of the invader on native taxa to determine the nature and magnitude of its effect.  相似文献   

Development within the cleidoic egg of birds and reptiles presents the embryo with the problem of accumulation of wastes from nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia derived from protein catabolism is converted into the less toxic product urea or relatively insoluble uric acid. The pattern of nitrogen excretion of the green iguana, Iguana iguana, was determined during embryonic development using samples from allantoic fluid and from the whole homogenized egg, and in hatchlings and adults using samples of blood plasma. Urea was the major excretory product over the course of embryonic development. It was found in higher concentrations in the allantoic sac, suggesting that there is a mechanism present on the allantoic membrane enabling the concentration of urea. The newly hatched iguana still produced urea while adults produced uric acid. The time course of this shift in the type of nitrogen waste was not determined but the change is likely to be related to the water relations associated with the terrestrial habit of the adult. The green iguana produces parchment-shelled eggs that double in mass during incubation due to water absorption; the eggs also accumulate 0.02 mM of urea, representing 82% of the total measured nitrogenous residues that accumulate inside the allantois. The increase in egg mass and urea concentration became significant after 55 days of incubation then were unchanged until hatching.  相似文献   

As the principal components of the developing tooth enamel matrix, amelogenins play a significant role in tooth enamel formation and organization. In order to elucidate the structure and function of amelogenins in the evolution of enamel, we have selected the Iguana iguana as a squamate model organism. Here we report the first complete squamate amelogenin sequence available as of yet and document unique features of Iguana amelogenins and enamel. Transmission electron microscopy documented randomly oriented Iguana enamel crystals during the elongation phase compared with organized enamel crystal patterns at comparable stages in mammals. Sequencing of PCR amplified products revealed a full-length I. iguana amelogenin cDNA containing 877 nucleotides with a 564 nucleotide coding sequence encoding 187 amino acids. The homologies of the newly discovered I. iguana amelogenin amino acid sequence with the published mouse, caiman (Palaeosuchus), and snake (Elaphe) amelogenin were 41.3%, 53.5%, and 55.5%, respectively. On Western blots one major protein with a molecular weight of 24 kDa, and two minor proteins with molecular weights of 28 and 13.5 kDa, respectively, were detected based on the cross-reactivity of antisera against recombinant Rana pipiens amelogenin proteins. Sequence analysis revealed a moderate sequence homology between mammalian and reptilian amelogenin genes. A significant alteration was the deletion of the hydrophilic GSP sequence from exon 3 in the mouse sequence resulting in a conversion to a hydrophobic region in Iguana. Together, these findings identified a novel amelogenin cDNA sequence in the squamate reptilian I. iguana and functional implications for the evolution of amelogenins and enamel in squamates.  相似文献   


Invasive populations of green iguanas (Iguanidae: Iguana iguana) are widely established beyond their native Central, South American, and Lesser Antillean range in various islands of the Pacific, Florida USA, and in the Greater Caribbean Region. Although widespread, information about these invasions is scarce. Here we determine the origin of invasive populations of green iguanas in Puerto Rico, Fiji, The Caymans, Florida USA, The Dominican Republic, the US Virgin Islands (USVI) of St. Thomas and St. Croix, and a U.S.A pet store. We sampled 120 individuals from these locations and sequenced one mitochondrial (ND4) and two nuclear (PAC and NT3) loci. We also include a preliminary characterization of population structure throughout Puerto Rico using six microsatellite loci to genotype individuals across 10 sampling sites. Comparing the genealogical relationships of all our samples to published sequencing data from the native range, we found that sampled populations were largely a product of populations from Colombia and El Salvador; two countries with multiple, industrial-size pet iguana farming operations. Notably, we found that haplotypes detected exclusively in the USVI and Puerto Rico’s outlying island of Vieques are closely linked to green iguanas native to Saba and Montserrat (Lesser Antilles); a clade not reported in the pet trade. Our population genetic analyses did not reveal isolation among sampling sites in Puerto Rico, rather the evidence supported admixture across the island. This study highlights the roles of the pet trade and lack of regulation in the spread of green iguanas beyond their native range.


Electron microscopy analyses of Iguana iguana blood preparations revealed the presence of mitochondria within erythrocytes with well-structured cristae. Fluorescence microscopy analyses upon incubation with phalloidin-FITC, Hoechst 33342 and mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Δψm)-sensitive probe MitoTracker Red indicated that mitochondria i) widely occur in erythrocytes, ii) are polarized, and iii) seem to be preferentially confined at a "perinuclear" region, as confirmed by electron microscopy. The analysis of NADH-dependent oxygen consumption showed that red blood cells retain the capability to consume oxygen, thereby providing compelling evidence that mitochondria of Iguana erythrocytes are functional and capable to perform oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The circadian system of the lizard Iguana iguana is composed of several independent pacemakers that work in concert: the pineal gland, retinae of the lateral eyes, and a fourth oscillator presumed to be located in the hypothalamus. These pacemakers govern the circadian expression of multiple behaviors and physiological processes, including rhythms in locomotor activity, endogenous body temperature, electroretinogram, and melatonin synthesis. The numerous, easily measurable rhythmic outputs make the iguana an ideal organism for examining the contributions of individual oscillators and their interactions in governing the expression of overt circadian rhythms. The authors have examined the effects of pinealectomy and enucleation on the endogenous body temperature rhythm (BTR) and locomotor activity rhythm (LAR) of juvenile iguanas at constant temperature both in LD cycles and in constant darkness (DD). They measured the periods (tau) of the circadian rhythms of LAR and BTR, the phase relationships between them in DD (psiAT), and the phase relationship between each rhythm and the light cycle (psiRL). Pinealectomy lengthened tau of locomotor activity in all animals tested and abolished the BTR in two-thirds of the animals. In those animals in which the BTR did persist following pinealectomy, tau lengthened to the same extent as that of locomotor activity. Pinealectomy also delayed the onset of activity with respect to its normal phase relationship with body temperature in DD. Enucleation alone had no significant effect on tau of LAR or BTR; however, after enucleation, BTR became 180 degrees out of phase from LAR in DD. After both pinealectomy and enucleation, 4 of 16 animals became arrhythmic in both activity and body temperature. Their data suggest that rhythmicity, period, and phase of overt circadian behaviors are regulated through the combined output of multiple endogenous circadian oscillators.  相似文献   

Female green iguanas, Iguana iguana, were caught in Belize, Central America (17 degrees N), in December, at the onset of seasonal gonadal activity. The animals were immediately transferred to San Diego (32 degrees N). Ovarian follicular development continued, with peak plasma hormone levels measured in January and February; 200 pg/ml for progesterone (P) and 800 pg/ml for total estrogens (Et = estradiol [E2] + estrone [E1]). E2 was the predominant estrogen throughout the cycle. Follicular atrophy was indicated in April with circulating progesterone and estrogen levels decreasing to baseline (refractory phase) levels (P = 20 pg/ml; Et = 50 pg/ml). Approximately midway through the refractory phase of their annual reproductive cycle (late May), either the D-Arg6 analog of Chicken II or mammalian GnRH was administered via intraperitoneal osmotic pumps for 14 days to nine females. The analog of chicken II induced a fivefold increase in total circulating estrogens within 3-4 days after implantation. Both continuous and pulsatile delivery of the chicken II analog produced a similar pattern of steroidogenic response. A radical sham control animal showed no increase in steroidogenesis. Mammalian GnRH produced a pattern of similar duration, although the magnitude of the steroidogenic response was only half that produced by the chicken II analog. Estrogen titers approached baseline levels in all treatment groups two days after treatment ceased. Progesterone levels increased in all treatment groups during the delivery of exogenous GnRH, although the increases were not consistent. Untreated male cagemates housed with treated females exhibited increased territoriality, courtship behavior, and mating, which began on day 4 or 5 of the treatment period. The control female was not courted by its male cagemate.  相似文献   

In green iguanas, the pineal controls the circadian rhythm of body temperature but not the rhythm of locomotor activity. As part of a program to investigate the characteristics of this multioscillator circadian system, the authors studied the circadian rhythms of the electroretinographic response (ERG) and asked whether the pineal gland is necessary for the expression of this rhythm. ERGs from a total of 24 anesthetized juvenile iguanas were recorded under four different conditions: (a) complete darkness (DD), (b) dim light-dark cycles (dLD), (c) constant dim light (dLL), and (d) pinealectomized in DD. Results demonstrate that the b-wave component of the ERG shows a very clear circadian rhythm in DD and that this rhythm persists in dLL and entrains to dLD cycles. The ERG response is maximally sensitive during the subjective day. Pinealectomy does not abolish the circadian rhythm in ERG, demonstrating that the oscillator responsible for the ERG rhythm is located elsewhere.  相似文献   

Fractionation of the protein complex from Emir barley showed that the salt-soluble fraction accounts for 44% of the total lysine content but only for 2  相似文献   

这篇论文应用HRP顺行追踪技术对草蜥延脑角状核的传出投射进行了研究,用微电法将HRP溶液泳入草蜥延脑角状核后,在对侧的斜方体和同侧的上橄榄核均获得终末标记,延脑角状核发出的纤维分成两束,一束交叉到对侧后投射到的对侧的斜方体核,另一束直接投射到同侧的上橄榄核。  相似文献   

We hypothesized the vitamin D-deficient green iguanas with depleted calcium stores would seek to augment calcium intake by self-selection of a high calcium source. Eight green iguanas were offered free-choice ground oystershell in addition to their regular diet. Of these, two had not been exposed to ultraviolet (UV-B) radiation for > 5 years and were demonstrated to be vitamin D-deficient by low circulating levels of the principal vitamin D metabolite, calcidiol (25-hydroxy-cholecalciferol). The six others had been exposed to a UV-B emitting bulb for the previous 3 years and had high circulating calcidiol levels. Average daily food intake (expressed as dry matter per kg body mass) did not differ between the Low-D and High-D iguanas. The daily oystershell intake of the Low-D iguanas (0.02–0.03 g/kg) was lower than that of the High-D iguanas (0.06–0.70 g/kg), leading to a significant difference in calcium intake. The failure of iguanas to increase calcium intake in response to vitamin D-deficiency was puzzling and suggests that vitamin D, as a steroid hormone, may play some role in the expression of calcium appetite. Zoo Biol 16:201–207, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGases) are seven enzymes, cross-linking proteins by gamma-glutamil-epsilon-lysine bonds, four of which are expressed in the skin. A new member of the TGase family, TGase 5, has been identified recently, and in the present study we evaluated its role in keratinocyte differentiation in vitro. In addition to the previously described isoforms, full-length TGase 5 and Delta3 (deletion of exon 3), we identified two new splicing variants, Delta11 and Delta3Delta11 (deletion of exons 11 or 3, 11). We expressed full-length TGase 5, Delta3, Delta11, and Delta3Delta11 isoforms in the keratinocyte and baculovirus systems. The results indicate that both full-length TGase 5 and Delta11 are active, whereas Delta3 and Delta3Delta11 have very low activity. Expression studies show that full-length TGase 5 is induced during the early stages of keratinocyte differentiation and is differently regulated in comparison with the other epidermal TGases. Kinetic and in vitro cross-linking experiments indicate that full-length TGase 5 is very efficient in using specific epidermal substrates (loricrin, involucrin, and SPR3). In keratinocyte expression system, TGase 5 isoforms are retained in an intermediate filament-enriched fraction, suggesting its association with insoluble proteins. Indeed, TGase 5 co-localize with vimentin and it is able to cross-link vimentin in vitro.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in the lizard, Iguana iguana, was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. During this process, structures such as the acrosomal complex in the spermatid head and the axonemal complex in the mid and principal pieces of the flagellum are formed. The nuclear content is initially compacted into thick, longitudinal chromatin filaments. Nuclear shape is determined by further compaction and by the manchette, a layer of microtubules surrounding the head. The acrosomal complex originates from Golgi vesicles and the interaction between the proacrosomal vesicle and the nucleus. The midpiece consists of a pair of centrioles, surrounded by a fibrous sheath and rings of simple and modified mitochondria. The centrioles sustain the axoneme that appears at the end of the midpiece. The axoneme extends throughout the principal piece of the flagellum with the 9 + 2 pattern, still surrounded by the fibrous sheath. In the endpiece, the axoneme continues, surrounded only by the plasma membrane. In the lumen of seminiferous tubules, immature spermatozoa retain abundant residual cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Citrus, a key insect eggshell protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecular aspects of chorion synthesis in insects have been studied deeply in species with meroistic ovaries. Information available in insects with panoistic ovaries is principally structural whereas molecular information in these species is scarce. This paper seeks to balance the above situation by describing a novel chorion gene, Citrus, from the cockroach Blattella germanica, a phylogenetically basal hemimetabolan insect with reproduction regulated by juvenile hormone and with panoistic ovaries. During previous work we discovered a series of novel genes which were specifically expressed during chorion formation in B. germanica. One of them, herein named Citrus, was peculiar due to its high copy number and its very transient expression. In the present paper we characterize Citrus in terms of structure and function. The most prominent structural feature is that the protein contains a motif which is repeated 33 times encompassing almost all the sequence. By using RNAi techniques we have demonstrated that Citrus is a key player in the building of the endochorion of B. germanica eggs.  相似文献   

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