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Few studies have been conducted on the host defenses of insects against brood parasitism. We investigated whether the silphid beetle Ptomascopus morio, a brood parasite of related silphid species Nicrophorus concolor, can also parasitize another silphid species Nicrophorus quadripunctatus and the manner in which N. quadripunctatus defends itself against parasitism. Successful brood parasitism under natural conditions was not observed at the time of year when P. morio and N. quadripunctatus are both reproductively active. Follow-up experiments revealed that P. morio attempts to oviposit near N. quadripunctatus nests, but is rarely successful if adult hosts are present. When P. morio larvae were experimentally introduced to N. quadripunctatus broods, some P. morio larvae survived when the host and parasite larvae were at the same stage. We concluded that N. quadripunctatus defends itself against brood parasitism in two ways: (1) potential brood parasites are repelled, thus limiting their access to the resource; and (2) the young of the parasitic species are killed.  相似文献   

The effects of carcass size and male presence on clutch size in Nicrophorus quadripunctatus were examined. Male presence increased clutch size and improved the female's ability to produce replacement clutches. Clutch size was also related to carcass size. There was a negative correlation between number of clutches and clutch size for most carcass sizes. We conclude that N. quadripunctatus is potentially iteroparous and hypothesize that reproductive energy is reserved for brood failure.  相似文献   

Parenting strategies can be flexible within a species and may have varying fitness effects. Understanding this flexibility and its fitness consequences is important for understanding why parenting strategies evolve. In the present study, we investigate the fitness consequences of flexible parenting in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis, a species known for its advanced provisioning behaviour of regurgitated vertebrate carrion to offspring by both sexes. We show that, even when a parent is freely allowed to abandon the carcass at any point in time, biparental post‐hatching care is the most common pattern of care adopted in N. orbicollis. Furthermore, two parents together raised more offspring than single parents of either sex, showing that the presence of the male can directly influence parental fitness even in the absence of competitors. This contrasts with studies in other species of burying beetle, where biparental families do not differ in offspring number. This may explain why biparental care is more common in N. orbicollis than in other burying beetles. We suggest how the fitness benefits of two parents may play a role in the evolution and maintenance of flexible biparental care in N. orbicollis.  相似文献   

Regulation of brood size in a biparental burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosusWeber, was studied by providing pairs with one of two sizes of mouse carcasses in the laboratory. For a given carcass size, there was an inverse relationship between number and mass offspring in a brood. The requirement for regulation was that brood size was adjusted such that mean mass of individual larvae was constant for carcasses of different size. Brood size was regulated if parents were present but regulation did not occur if parents were removed prior to hatching of larvae. Pairs bred in quick succession on two carcasses raised fewer than the regulated number of young in the second reproductive attempt. Reasons for regulation of brood size in this genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Burying beetles bury small vertebrate carcasses, which become food for their larvae. They sometimes usurp carcasses occupied and buried by other beetles. Brood sizes of intraspecific and interspecific intruders were examined using Nicrophorus quadripunctatus as the resident. The brood sizes of usurpers were not reduced relative to control brood sizes when the usurper was conspecific, but were reduced when the usurper was heterospecific (N. vespilloides).  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1619-1627
Contests between same‐sex opponents over resources necessary for reproduction, as well interactions used to discern mate quality, often involve exaggerated traits wherein large individuals have disproportionately larger traits. This positive allometric scaling of weapons or signals facilitates communication during social interactions by accentuating body size differences between individuals. Typically, males carry these exaggerated traits, as males must compete over limited female gametes. However, in Nicrophorus beetles both males and females engage in physical contests over the vertebrate carcasses they need to provision and raise offspring. Male and female Nicrophorus beetles have extended clypeal membranes directly above their mandibles, which could serve as signals. We investigated the scaling relationships between clypeal membrane size and shape and body size for five species of North American burying beetle to determine whether clypeal membranes contain exaggerated body size information. We found that clypeal membranes for both sexes of all species scaled positively with body size (slope > 1). Three of the five species also displayed sexual dimorphism in aspects of clypeal membrane size and shape allometry despite lack of dimorphism in body size. In two dimorphic species, small male clypeal membranes were statistically indistinguishable from the female form. We conclude that colored clypeal membranes in Nicrophorus beetles do contain exaggerated body size information. Observed patterns of dimorphism suggest that males sometimes experience stronger selection on marking size and shape, which might be explained by life history differences among species.  相似文献   

In nicrophorine beetles, genus Nicrophorus care their larva using small vertebrate carrion, whereas genus Ptomaucopusreproduce with small vertebrate carrion but show no parental care. Aggression and sexual behavior were examined in Ptomascopus morio and Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. Nicrophorus quadripunctatus had intense female–female as well as male–male contests. In Ptomascopus morio, by contrast, female–female aggression was rarely observed. Male–male aggression (pushing, biting, male–male mounting) in Ptomascopus morio was observed when a resource for breeding was present, whether or not a female was present. The lack of female–female aggression, and male–male aggression when resources but not females are present, suggest that the mating system of Ptomascopus morio is resource defense polygyny. Large males of Ptomascopus morio were also found to exhibit mate choice, preferring large females over small females.  相似文献   

The overproduction of offspring is commonly associated with high hatching failure and a mechanism for dispensing with surplus young. We used experimental evolution of burying beetle populations Nicrophorus vespilloides to determine causality in these correlations. We asked does eliminating the mechanism for killing “spare” offspring cause the evolution of a more restrained clutch size and consequently select for reduced hatching failure? N. vespilloides typically overproduces eggs but kills 1st instar larvae through partial filial cannibalism during brood care. We established replicate evolving populations that either could practice filial cannibalism (Full Care) or could not, by removing parents before their young hatched (No Care). After 20+ generations of experimental evolution, we measured clutch size and hatching success. We found that No Care females produced fewer eggs than Full Care females when allowed to breed on a small corpse, a finding not explained by differences in female quality. On larger corpses, females from both populations laid similar numbers of eggs. Furthermore, hatching success was greater in the No Care populations on small corpses. Our results suggest that the adaptive overproduction of offspring depends on a mechanism for eliminating surplus young and that killing offspring, in turn, relaxes selection against hatching failure.  相似文献   

1. Female burying beetles behave differently towards males of different sizes, avoiding mating with large males that are not defending resources but mating with small males regardless of the presence of resources. Females of the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis were therefore examined to determine whether they discriminate among males using only pheromonal signals. The influence of female size on its own mate choice was also examined. 2. Females do use male pheromonal signals to discriminate among males and these signals do appear to convey information about male body size to females. Overall, females were more likely to be attracted to larger males than to smaller males. 3. Female choice of a male was influenced by both the female's own body size and the size of the female relative to the size of the two males available to it. 4. While there is an overall mating advantage for larger males, resulting from female preferences based on odour cues, smaller males are also attractive to some females under some circumstances. 5. It is argued that there are different costs and benefits of mating with different sized males, leading to the evolution of context‐dependent mate choice for females and the need to be able to discriminate males of different sizes from a distance.  相似文献   

Ito  Minobu 《Journal of Ethology》2021,39(1):141-144
Journal of Ethology - Burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorus) occasionally bury small vertebrate carcasses in animal burrows for use in reproduction. However, few studies have examined...  相似文献   

The endangered American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, was monitored on Block Island, RI, USA, from 1991–2003 using mark-recapture population estimates of adults collected in pitfall traps. Populations increased through time, especially after 1994 when a program was initiated that provided carrion for beetle production. Beetle captures increased with increasing temperature and dew point, and decreased with increasing wind speed. Short distance movement was not related to wind direction, while longer distance flights tended to be downwind. Although many individuals flew considerable distances along transects, most recaptures were in traps near the point of release. These behaviors probably have counterbalancing effects on population estimates.The U.S. Goverment's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The tachinid Celatoria compressa, a parasitoid of adult Diabrotica species in North America has been studied as a candidate classical biological control agent for the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, in Europe. Prior to its potential importation, a thorough understanding of the parasitoid's reproductive biology is essential, and is an important component in the evaluation of a species as a biological control agent. In this study it has been clarified that C. compressa belongs to a group of a few tachinid species characterised by having eggs that contain fully developed larvae which are laid directly into the host. After mating, the egg load of females increased steadily from day 1 to a maximum egg load on day 4. Thereafter eggs containing fully developed first instar larvae reached a maximum of 31 in 69 eggs. At the first day of larviposition, females laid on average only five eggs into multiple hosts, which is in contrast to the availability of 18 eggs containing fully developed first instars in the uterus per female at that time. During a mean female's larviposition period of 23 days, a total of 33 first instars were larviposited into the hosts, which is only half of the female's egg load. Lifetime fecundity of C. compressa was significantly correlated with longevity. However no relationship was found between body size and either lifetime fecundity or longevity. In this study, an inverse host density-dependent pattern of percent parasitism was shown for C. compressa under 24-h fixed-time laboratory conditions, reflecting a Holling type II response. The number of host parasitized per C. compressa female reached an upper limit of 10 hosts with an increasing host density, which can be explained by the long host handling time of C. compressa.  相似文献   

Abstract Carrion beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) use small vertebrate carcasses for food and reproduction. Their ecology and behaviors are highly affected by the availability of carcasses and the surrounding environmental conditions. Our results revealed that in subtropical Fushan, northern Taiwan, N. nepalensis was mainly active in spring (February to May), and could also be found in autumn (October and November); but there was no capture record in summer (June to September) and winter (December and January). A laboratory temperature tolerance study indicated that N. nepalensis adults become inactive at temperatures above 26°C, and had the highest mortality when the temperature was raised from 27°C to 28°C. Furthermore, N. nepalensis became sexually mature at 20°C, depending on the photoperiod: the longer the day, the lower the percentage of sexually mature 2‐week‐old females after emergence. In another experiment, N. nepalensis virgins were paired under three possible conditions at Fushan. At 15°C and 20°C, if carcasses were presented to the pairs within 3 days after emergence, all laid eggs in the second week after emergence. If carcasses were presented 1 week after emergence, most began to reproduce at 20°C with 12.5 h of daylight. However, at 15°C with 11 h of daylight, the carrion beetles hibernated first, and reproduced in the ninth week after emergence. At 25°C with 14 h of daylight, carrion beetles did not bury the mouse carcasses, the females did not lay eggs, and the adult lifespan was only one‐third of that at 20°C. This study revealed that both photoperiod and temperature influence the time needed to reach the sexual maturity of N. nepalensis; and also implied that the narrow temperature tolerance range and dormancy behavior of carrion beetles are highly regulated by those environmental factors.  相似文献   

Burying beetles (Nicrophorus sp.) are necrophagous insects with developed parental care. Genome of Nicrophorus vespilloides has been recently sequenced, which makes them interesting model organism in behavioral ecology. However, we know very little about their physiology, including the functioning of their neuroendocrine system. In this study, one of the physiological activities of proctolin, myosuppressin (Nieve? MS), myoinhibitory peptide (Trica-MIP-5) and the short neuropeptide F (Nicve-sNPF) in N. vespilloides have been investigated. The tested neuropeptides were myoactive on N. vespilloides hindgut. After application of the proctolin increased hindgut contraction frequency was observed (EC50 value was 5.47 x 10-8 mol/L). The other tested neuropeptides led to inhibition of N. vespilloides hindgut contractions (Nicve-MS: IC50 = 5.20 x 10~5 mol/L;Trica-MIP-5: IC50 = 5.95 x 10-6 mol/L;Nicvc-sNPF: IC50 = 4.08 x 10-5 mol/L). Moreover, the tested neuropeptides were immunolocalized in the nervous system of N. vespilloides. Neurons containing sNPF and MIP in brain and ventral nerve cord (VNC) were identified. Proctolin-immunolabeled neurons only in VNC were observed. Moreover, MIP-immunolabeled varicosities and fibers in retrocerebral complex were observed. In addition, our results have been supplemented with alignments of amino acid sequences of these neuropeptides in beetle species. This alignment analysis clearly showed amino acid sequence similarities between neuropeptides. Moreover, this allowed to deduce amino acid sequence of N. vespilloides proctolin (RYLPTa), Nicve-MS (QDVDHVFLRFa) and six isoforms ofNicve-MIP (Nicve-MIP-1一 DWNRNLHSWa;Nicve-MIP-2—AWQNLQGGWa;Nicve-MIP-3—AWQNLQGGWa;Nicve-MlP-4—AWKNLNNAGWa;Nicve-MIP-5—SEWGNFRGSWa;Nicve-MIP-6— DPAWTNLKGIWa;and Nicve-sNPF—SGRSPSLRLRFa).  相似文献   

Insect overwintering is one of the most astonishing phases of the insect life cycle. Despite vast amounts of knowledge available about the physiological mechanisms of this phenomenon, the impact of stress factors on insect immune system functioning during the winter is still unknown. The aim of this study is to analyze how low temperatures influence the immune system of the beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. The results show that the beetle's immune system is differently modulated by cold induced in laboratory settings than that which occurs in natural conditions. Among beetles cultured in conditions similar to summer, low temperatures, did not influence the number of circulating haemocytes, phenoloxidase activity, haemocytes morphology, and percentage ratio of haemocyte types. In these beetles, differences were noted only in the ability of haemocytes to perform phagocytosis. Individuals acclimated in natural conditions in autumn had a higher level of humoral response and a different percentage ratio of haemocyte types. During the winter period, the number of haemocytes in the beetles decreased, but the percentage ratio of phagocytic haemocytes increased. Furthermore, we noted an increase of phenoloxidase activity. Our study also showed mitotic divisions of haemocytes in haemolymph collected from burying beetles after cold exposure and from burying beetles collected from natural conditions during autumn and winter. Differences in response to low temperatures in laboratory conditions and the natural environment suggest that the simultaneous presence of other stress factors during winter such as desiccation and starvation have a significant influence on the activity of burying beetle's immune system.  相似文献   

Burying beetles (Silphidae: Nicrophorus) are well-known for their biparental care and monopolization of small vertebrate carcasses in subterranean crypts. They have been the focus of intense behavioral ecological research since the 1980s yet no thorough phylogenetic estimate for the group exists. The relationships among the species, and the validity of some species, are poorly understood. Here, we infer the relationships and examine species boundaries among 50 individuals representing 15 species, primarily of the investigator species group, using a mixture-model Bayesian analysis. Two mitochondrial genes, COI and COII, were used, providing 2129 aligned nucleotides (567 parsimony-informative). The Akaike Information Criterion and Bayes Factors were used to select the best fitting model, in addition to Reversible Jump MCMC, which accommodated model uncertainty. A 21 parameter, three-partition GTR + G was the final model chosen. Despite a presumed Old World origin for the genus itself, the basal lineages and immediate outgroups of the investigator species group are New World species. Bayesian methods reconstruct the common ancestor of the investigator species group as New World and imply one later transition to the Old World with two return transitions to the New World. Prior hypotheses concerning the questionable validity of four species names, Nicrophorus praedator, Nicrophorus confusus, Nicrophorus encaustus and Nicrophorus mexicanus were tested. No evidence was found for the validity of the Nicrophorus investigator synonym N. praedator. We found evidence rejecting the species status of N. confusus (NEW SYNONYM of Nicrophorus sepultor). Weak evidence was found for the species status of N. encaustus and N. mexicanus, which are tentatively retained as valid. Our results strongly reject a recently published hypothesis that Nicrophorus interruptus (NEW STATUS as valid species) is a subspecies of N. investigator.  相似文献   

The predatory bugsOrius insidiosus andOrius albidipennis are potential candidates for biocontrol of the thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis. Laboratory experiments showed thatO. albidipennis lays significantly more eggs thanO. insidiosus while its life cycle is shorter. As more eggs are laid byO. albidipennis in the beginning of the oviposition cycle, this anthocorid may be considered as the better biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

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