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Opioid analgesic tolerance remains a considerable drawback to chronic pain management. The finding that concomitant administration of delta opioid receptor (DOR) antagonists attenuates the development of tolerance to mu opioid receptor (MOR) agonists has led to interest in producing bifunctional MOR agonist/DOR antagonist ligands. Herein, we present 7-benzylideneoxymorphone (6, UMB 246) displaying MOR partial agonist/DOR antagonist activity, representing a new lead for designing bifunctional MOR/DOR ligands.  相似文献   

Mu and delta opioid receptors (MORs and DORs) were co-expressed as fusion proteins between a receptor and a pertussis insensitive mutant Gαi/o protein in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Signalling efficiency was then monitored following inactivation of endogenous Gαi/o proteins by pertussis toxin. Co-expression resulted in increased delta opioid signalling which was insensitive to the mu specific antagonist d -Phe-Cys-Tyr- d -Trp-Arg-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2. Under these conditions, mu opioid signalling was also increased and insensitive to the delta specific antagonist Tic-deltorphin. In this latter case, however, no G protein activation was observed in the presence of the delta specific inverse agonist N , N (CH3)2-Dmt-Tic-NH2. When a MOR fused to a non-functional Gα subunit was co-expressed with the DOR-Gα protein fusion, delta opioid signalling was not affected whereas mu opioid signalling was restored. Altogether our results suggest that increased delta opioid signalling is due to enhanced DOR coupling to its tethered Gα subunit. On the other hand, our data indicate that increased mu opioid signalling requires an active conformation of the DOR and also results in activation of the Gα subunit fused the DOR.  相似文献   

A novel family of 1,3,5-trisubstituted 1,2,4-triazoles was discovered as potent and selective ligands for the δ opioid receptor by rational design. Compound 5b exhibited low-nanomolar in vitro binding affinity (IC50 = 5.8 nM), excellent selectivity for the δ opioid receptor over the alternative μ and κ opioid receptors, full agonist efficacy in receptor down-regulation and MAP kinase activation assays, and low-efficacy partial agonist activity in stimulation of GTPγS binding. The apparent discrepancy observed in these functional assays may stem from different signaling pathways involved in each case, as found previously for other G-protein coupled receptors. More biological studies are underway to better understand the differential stimulation of signaling pathways by these novel compounds.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the opioid receptors and their endogenous ligands an immense research work has been devoted to the exploration of their specificity, the mechanism of ligand binding and ligand-receptor interactions. One of the main goals has been the location and characterization of the binding sites. The present review compiles the results achieved in this field in the last quarter of a century, and puts some questions concerning the success of these efforts.  相似文献   

阿片受体的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
阿片及其衍生物在神经系统中具有很强的镇痛作用,对阿片受体的研究已有20多年的历史。20世纪70年代发现了阿片受体的存在并先后发现了脑啡肽、β-内啡肽和强啡肽等阿片肽,随后发现了孤啡肽。如年代3种阿片受体的基因均已克隆成功,氨基酸序列表明它们均属G蛋白偶联受体,为7螺旋跨膜受体家族的成员,具有很高的同源性,功能包括介导腺苷酸环化酶的抑制作用以及一些离子通道的激活和抑制作用等。阿片受体基因的克隆将有利于新型临床药物的开发以及耐受和药物成瘾性分子基础的研究。目前阿片受体基因敲除、计算机结构模拟分析以及寻找新型阿片受体基因的研究均在深入进行。  相似文献   

Type I interferons (IFNs) elicit antiviral, antiproliferative and immunomodulatory properties in cells. All of them bind to the same receptor proteins, IFNAR1 and IFNAR2, with different affinities. While the 13 known IFNalphas are highly conserved, the C-terminal unstructured tail was found to have large variation in its net charge, from neutral to +4. This led us to speculate that the tail may have a role in modulation of the IFN biological activity, through fine-tuning the binding to IFNAR2. To evaluate this hypothesis, we replaced the tail of IFNalpha2 with that of IFNalpha8 and IFNbeta tails, or deleted the last five residues of this segment. Mutations to the more positively charged tail of IFNalpha8 resulted in a 20-fold higher affinity to IFNAR2, which results in a higher antiviral and antiproliferative activity. Double and multiple mutant cycle analysis placed the tail near a negatively charged loop on IFNAR2, comprising of residues Glu 132-134. Deleting the tail resulted in only twofold reduction in binding compared to the wild-type. Next, we modeled the location of the tail using a two-step procedure: first we generated 200 models of the tail docked on IFNAR2 using HADDOCK, second the models were scored according to the fit between experimentally determined rates of association of nine mutant complexes, and their calculated rates using the PARE software. From the results we suggest that the unstructured tail of IFNalpha is gaining a specific structure in the bound state, binding to a groove below the 132-134 loop in IFNAR2.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) protects immunoglobulin G (IgG) from degradation and increases the serum half-life of IgG, thereby contributing to a higher concentration of IgG in the serum. Because altered FcRn binding may result in a reduced or prolonged half-life of IgG molecules, it is advisable to characterize Fc receptor binding of therapeutic antibody lead candidates prior to the start of pre-clinical and clinical studies.

In this study, we characterized the interactions between FcRn of different species (human, cynomolgus monkey, mouse and rat) and nine IgG molecules from different species and isotypes with common variable heavy (VH) and variable light chain (VL) domains. Binding was analyzed at acidic and neutral pH using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and biolayer interferometry (BLI).

Furthermore, we transferred the well-accepted, but low throughput SPR-based method for FcRn binding characterization to the BLI-based Octet platform to enable a higher sample throughput allowing the characterization of FcRn binding already during early drug discovery phase. We showed that the BLI-based approach is fit-for-purpose and capable of discriminating between IgG molecules with significant differences in FcRn binding affinities.

Using this high-throughput approach we investigated FcRn binding of 36 IgG molecules that represented all VH/VL region combinations available in the fully human, recombinant antibody library Ylanthia®. Our results clearly showed normal FcRn binding profiles for all samples. Hence, the variations among the framework parts, complementarity-determining region (CDR) 1 and CDR2 of the fragment antigen binding (Fab) domain did not significantly change FcRn binding.  相似文献   

The interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of at least three cell surface subunits, IL-2R alpha, IL-2R beta, and IL-2R gamma c. On activated T-cells, the alpha- and beta-subunits exist as a preformed heterodimer that simultaneously captures the IL-2 ligand as the initial event in formation of the signaling complex. We used BIAcore to compare the binding of IL-2 to biosensor surfaces containing either the alpha-subunit, the beta-subunit, or both subunits together. The receptor ectodomains were immobilized in an oriented fashion on the dextran matrix through unique solvent-exposed thiols. Equilibrium analysis of the binding data established IL-2 dissociation constants for the individual alpha- and beta-subunits of 37 and 480 nM, respectively. Surfaces with both subunits immobilized, however, contained a receptor site of much higher affinity, suggesting the ligand was bound in a ternary complex with the alpha- and beta-subunits, similar to that reported for the pseudo-high-affinity receptor on cells. Because the binding responses had the additional complexity of being mass transport limited, obtaining accurate estimates for the kinetic rate constants required global fitting of the data sets from multiple surface densities of the receptors. A detailed kinetic analysis indicated that the higher-affinity binding sites detected on surfaces containing both alpha- and beta-subunits resulted from capture of IL-2 by a preformed complex of these subunits. Therefore, the biosensor analysis closely mimicked the recognition properties reported for these subunits on the cell surface, providing a convenient and powerful tool to assess the structure-function relationships of this and other multiple subunit receptor systems.  相似文献   

The glutamate receptor delta2 (GluRdelta2) is selectively expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells and plays an important role in motor learning, motor coordination, and long-term depression. Delphilin is identified as a GluRdelta2-interacting protein, selectively expressed in Purkinje cell-parallel fiber synapses, and specifically interacts with the GluRdelta2 C-terminus via its PDZ domain. Here, surface plasmon resonance analyses showed that Delphilin PDZ bound to GluRdelta2 C-terminal peptide (DPDRGTSI), but not to its phosphopeptides (DPDRGphosphoTSI and DPDRGTphosphoSI). We showed the incorporation of phosphate into threonine at -2 (-2T) and serine at -1 (-1S) of GluRdelta2 C-terminus by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in vitro. In the experiments using heterologous expression system, Delphilin coimmunoprecipitated with GluRdelta2 was dramatically decreased under the condition with forskolin and isobutylmethylxanthine, which led to cAMP-dependent phosphorylation by PKA. Thus, phosphorylation of -2T and/or -1S of GluRdelta2 C-terminus by PKA may regulate the binding of GluRdelta2 to its scaffolding protein, Delphilin.  相似文献   

A method to produce alphabeta T-cell receptors (TCRs) in a soluble form suitable for biophysical analysis was devised involving in vitro refolding of a TCR fusion protein. Polypeptides corresponding to the variable and constant domains of each chain of a human and a murine receptor, fused to a coiled coil heterodimerization motif from either c-Jun (alpha) or v-Fos (beta), were overexpressed separately in Escherichia coli. Following recovery from inclusion bodies, the two chains of each receptor were denatured, and then refolded together in the presence of denaturants. For the human receptor, which is specific for the immunodominant influenza A HLA-A2-restricted matrix epitope (M58-66), a heterodimeric protein was purified in milligram yields and found to be homogeneous, monomeric, antibody-reactive, and stable at concentrations lower than 1 microM. Using similar procedures, analogous results were obtained with a murine receptor specific for an influenza nucleoprotein epitope (366-374) restricted by H2-Db. Production of these receptors has facilitated a detailed analysis of viral peptide-Major Histocompatibility Complex (peptide-MHC) engagement by the TCR using both surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and, in the case of the human TCR, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) (Willcox et al., 1999). The recombinant methods described should enable a wide range of TCR-peptide-MHC interactions to be studied and may also have implications for the production of other heterodimeric receptor molecules.  相似文献   

Eph receptors and ephrins play important roles in regulating cell migration and positioning during both normal and oncogenic tissue development. Using a surface plasma resonance (SPR) biosensor, we examined the binding kinetics of representative monomeric and dimeric ephrins to their corresponding Eph receptors and correlated the apparent binding affinity with their functional activity in a neuronal growth cone collapse assay. Our results indicate that the Eph receptor binding of dimeric ephrins, formed through fusion with disulfide-linked Fc fragments, is best described using a bivalent analyte model as a two-step process involving an initial monovalent 2:1 binding followed by a second bivalent 2:2 binding. The bivalent binding dramatically decreases the apparent dissociation rate constants with little effect on the initial association rate constants, resulting in a 30- to 6000-fold decrease in apparent equilibrium dissociation constants for the binding of dimeric ephrins to Eph receptors relative to their monomeric counterparts. Interestingly, the change was more prominent in the A-class ephrin/Eph interactions than in the B-class of ephrins to Eph receptors. The increase in apparent binding affinities correlated well with increased activation of Eph receptors and the resulting growth cone collapse. Our kinetic analysis and correlation of binding affinity with function helped us better understand the interactions between ephrins and Eph receptors and should be useful in the design of inhibitors that interfere with the interactions.  相似文献   

TrkB is a member of the Trk family of tyrosine kinase receptors. In vivo, the extracellular region of TrkB is known to bind, with high affinity, the neurotrophin protein brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4). We describe the expression and purification of the second Ig-like domain of human TrkB (TrkBIg(2)) and show, using surface plasmon resonance, that this domain is sufficient to bind BDNF and NT-4 with subnanomolar affinity. BDNF and NT-4 may have therapeutic implications for a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. The specificity of binding of the neurotrophins to their receptor TrkB is therefore of interest. We examine the specificity of TrkBIg(2) for all the neurotrophins, and use our molecular model of the BDNF-TrkBIg(2) complex to examine the residues involved in binding. It is hoped that the understanding of specific interactions will allow design of small molecule neurotrophin mimetics.  相似文献   

The corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) type 1alpha receptor, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) subfamily B, is involved in the aetiology of anxiety and depressive disorders. In the present study, we examined the internalization and trafficking of the CRF1alpha receptor in both human embryonic kidney (HEK)293 cells and primary cortical neurons. We found that CRF1alpha receptor activation leads to the selective recruitment of beta-arrestin2 in both HEK293 cells and neurons. We observed distinct distribution patterns of CRF1alpha receptor and beta-arrestin2 in HEK293 cells and cortical neurons. In HEK293 cells, beta-arrestin2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) co-localized with CRF1alpha receptor in vesicles at the plasma membrane but was dissociated from the receptor in endosomes. In contrast, in primary cortical neurons, beta-arrestin2 and CRF1alpha receptor were internalized in distinct endocytic vesicles. By bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, we demonstrated that beta-arrestin2 association with CRF1alpha receptor was increased in cells transfected with G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)3 and GRK6 and decreased in cells transfected with GRK2 and GRK5. In both HEK293 cells and cortical neurons, internalized CRF1alpha receptor transited from Rab5-positive early endosomes to Rab4-positive recycling endosomes and was not targeted to lysosomes. However, CRF1alpha receptor resensitization was blocked by the overexpression of wild-type, but not dominant-negative, Rab5 and Rab4 GTPases. Taken together, our results suggest that beta-arrestin trafficking differs between HEK293 cells and neurons, and that CRF1alpha receptor resensitization is regulated in an atypical manner by Rab GTPases.  相似文献   

A new, powerful method is presented for screening the binding in real time and taking place under dynamic conditions of oligosaccharides to lectins. The approach combines an SPR biosensor and HPLC profiling with fluorescence detection, and is applicable to complex mixtures of oligosaccharides in terms of ligand-fishing. Labeling the oligosaccharides with 2-aminobenzamide ensures a detection level in the fmol range. In an explorative study the binding of RNase B-derived oligomannose-type N-glycans to biosensor-immobilized concanavalin A (Con A) was examined, and an affinity ranking could be established for Man(5)GlcNAc(2) to Man(9)GlcNAc(2), as monitored by HPLC. In subsequent experiments and using well-defined labeled as well as nonlabeled oligosaccharides, it was found that the fluorescent tag does not interfere with the binding and that the optimum epitope for the interaction with Con A comprises the tetramannoside unit Manalpha2Manalpha6(Manalpha3)Man[D(3)B(A)4'], rather than the generally accepted trimannoside Manalpha6 (Manalpha3)Man [B(A)4' or 4(4')3]. In a similar experimental setup, the interaction of various fucosylated human milk oligosaccharides with the fucose-binding lectin from Lotus tetragonolobus purpureaus was studied, and it appeared that oligosaccharides containing blood group H could selectively be retained and eluted from the lectin-coated surface. Finally, using the same lectin and a mixture of O-glycans derived from bovine submaxillary gland mucin, minor constituents but containing fucose could selectively be picked from the analyte solution as demonstrated by HPLC profiling.  相似文献   

A large body of data exists demonstrating that neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) binding of an IgG via its Fc CH2-CH3 interface trends with the pharmacokinetics (PK) of IgG. We have observed that PK of IgG molecules vary widely, even when they share identical Fc domains. This led us to hypothesize that domains distal from the Fc could contribute to FcRn binding and affect PK. In this study, we explored the role of these IgG domains in altering the affinity between IgG and FcRn. Using a surface plasmon resonance-based assay developed to examine the steady-state binding affinity (KD) of IgG molecules to FcRn, we dissected the contributions of IgG domains in modulating the affinity between FcRn and IgG. Through analysis of a broad collection of therapeutic antibodies containing more than 50 unique IgG molecules, we demonstrated that variable domains, and in particular complementarity-determining regions (CDRs), significantly alter binding affinity to FcRn in vitro. Furthermore, a panel of IgG molecules differing only by 1–5 mutations in CDRs altered binding affinity to FcRn in vitro, by up to 79-fold, and the affinity values correlated with calculated isoelectric point values of both variable domains and CDR-L3. In addition, tighter affinity values trend with faster in vivo clearance of a set of IgG molecules differing only by 1–3 mutations in human FcRn transgenic mice. Understanding the role of CDRs in modulation of IgG affinity to FcRn in vitro and their effect on PK of IgG may have far-reaching implications in the optimization of IgG therapeutics.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) protects immunoglobulin G (IgG) from degradation and increases the serum half-life of IgG, thereby contributing to a higher concentration of IgG in the serum. Because altered FcRn binding may result in a reduced or prolonged half-life of IgG molecules, it is advisable to characterize Fc receptor binding of therapeutic antibody lead candidates prior to the start of pre-clinical and clinical studies. In this study, we characterized the interactions between FcRn of different species (human, cynomolgus monkey, mouse and rat) and nine IgG molecules from different species and isotypes with common variable heavy (VH) and variable light chain (VL) domains. Binding was analyzed at acidic and neutral pH using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and biolayer interferometry (BLI). Furthermore, we transferred the well-accepted, but low throughput SPR-based method for FcRn binding characterization to the BLI-based Octet platform to enable a higher sample throughput allowing the characterization of FcRn binding already during early drug discovery phase. We showed that the BLI-based approach is fit-for-purpose and capable of discriminating between IgG molecules with significant differences in FcRn binding affinities. Using this high-throughput approach we investigated FcRn binding of 36 IgG molecules that represented all VH/VL region combinations available in the fully human, recombinant antibody library Ylanthia®. Our results clearly showed normal FcRn binding profiles for all samples. Hence, the variations among the framework parts, complementarity-determining region (CDR) 1 and CDR2 of the fragment antigen binding (Fab) domain did not significantly change FcRn binding.  相似文献   

The mouse gene encoding the mu opioid receptor, Oprm, undergoes extensive alternatively splicing, with 14 variants having been identified. However, only one variant of human mu opioid receptor gene (Oprm), MOR-1A, has been described. We now report two novel splice variants of the human Oprm gene, hMOR-1O and hMOR-1X. The full-length cDNAs of hMOR-1O and hMO-1X contained the same exons 1, 2, and 3 as the original hMOR-1, but with exon O or exon X as the alternative fourth exon, respectively. Northern blots revealed several bands with the exon O probe in both human neuroblastoma BE(2)C cells and human brain and a single band (5.5kb) with the exon X probe in selected human brain regions. When transfected into CHO cells, both variants showed high selectivity for mu opioids in binding assays. These two new human mu opioid receptors are the first human MOR-1 variants containing new exons and suggest that the complex splicing present in mice may extend to humans.  相似文献   

Binding interactions with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) are one determinant of pharmacokinetic properties of recombinant human monoclonal antibody (rhumAb) therapeutics, and a conserved binding motif in the crystallizable fragment (Fc) region of IgG molecules interacts with FcRn. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor assays are often used to characterize interactions between FcRn and rhumAb therapeutics. In such assays, generally either the rhumAb (format 1) or the FcRn protein (format 2) is immobilized on a biosensor chip. However, because evidence suggests that, in some cases, the variable domains of a rhumAb may also affect FcRn binding, we evaluated the effect of SPR assay configuration on binding data. We sought to assess FcRn binding properties of 2 rhumAbs (rhumAb1 and rhumAb2) to FcRn proteins using these 2 biosensor assay formats. The two rhumAbs have greater than 99% sequence identity in the Fc domain but differ in their Fab regions. rhumAb2 contains a positively charged patch in the variable domain that is absent in rhumAb1. Our results showed that binding of rhumAb1 to FcRn was independent of biosensor assay configuration, while binding of rhumAb2 to FcRn was highly SPR assay configuration dependent. Further investigations revealed that the format dependency of rhumAb2-FcRn binding is linked to the basic residues that form a positively charged patch in the variable domain of rhumAb2. Our work highlights the importance of analyzing rhumAb-FcRn binding interactions using 2 alternate SPR biosensor assay configurations. This approach may also provide a simple way to identify the potential for non-Fc-driven FcRn binding interactions in otherwise typical IgGs.  相似文献   

Using Cu(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition in a mixed classical organic phase and solid phase peptide synthesis approach, we synthesized four analogs of Leu-enkephalin to systematically replace amides by 1,4-disubstituted[1,2,3]triazoles. The peptidomimetics obtained were characterized by competitive binding, contractility assays and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. The present study reveals that the analog bearing a triazole between Phe and Leu retains some potency, more than all the others, suggesting that the hydrogen bond acceptor capacity of the last amide of Leu-enkephalin is essential for the biological activity of the peptide.  相似文献   

The MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn, is involved in binding and transporting immunoglobulin G (IgG) within and across cells. In contrast to mouse FcRn, which binds to IgGs from multiple different species, human FcRn is surprisingly stringent in binding specificity. For example, human FcRn does not bind to mouse IgG1 or IgG2a and interacts only weakly with mouse IgG2b. Here, we have used site-directed mutagenesis in combination with interaction (surface plasmon resonance) studies, with the goal of generating human FcRn variants that more closely resemble mouse FcRn in binding specificity. Our studies show that residues encompassing and extending away from the interaction site on the alpha2 helix of FcRn play a significant and most likely indirect role in FcRn-IgG interactions. Further, by combining mutations in the alpha2 helix with those in a non-conserved region of the alpha1 helix encompassing residues 79-89, we have generated a human FcRn variant that has properties very similar to those of mouse FcRn. These studies define the molecular basis for the marked difference in binding specificity between human and rodent FcRn, and give insight into how human FcRn recognizes IgGs.  相似文献   

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