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柳州市是我国酸雨出现的高频区和严重地区.采用对比研究的方法,分析了柳州两个地区长塘(酸雨污染区)和三门江(相对清洁区)马尾松年轮中几种化学元素含量的历史变化,揭示酸雨与马尾松年轮生长的相关规律.结果表明,酸雨有可能导致马尾松年轮中N、P、K含量在近30a中的上升趋势,和Ca、Mg、Zn、Mn、Al的含量下降趋势.但是由于柳州长塘和三门江酸雨污染的程度不同,导致N、P、K含量增加程度不同以及Ca、Mg、Zn、Mn元素的淋失存在差异.  相似文献   

European National Forest Inventories (NFIs) are well established in most of the European countries. In some NFIs, core samples are taken to estimate volume increments at annual resolution. However, the potential of the NFI for dendroecological investigations has not been evaluated so far. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test the potential of dendrochronological data collected during the Italian NFI in 2006. Silver fir was selected as a test species. Core samples were taken from eighty-one trees including one sample per inventory plot (IP). The 81 IPs were distributed across the Italian Alps and the northern Apennine thus well representing the site conditions of the study area. The effects of the detrending method and sample size on detecting middle- to long-term growth trends and high-frequency climate signals were tested. Further, cluster analysis was applied to find dissimilarities among tree-ring width (TRW) series.Results suggest the detrending method to be the most important factor for detecting growth trends, but not for identification of high-frequency climate signals. Sample size essentially influences the final mean chronology, but it does not bring new information when larger than 30 series. Two groups of trees were recognised with distinct middle-term TRW patterns, although being the same in terms of climate sensitivity. Results are mostly in line with recent findings of other authors, which suggest the potential of the NFI data for dendroecological investigations.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of ring-width series are essential for dendrochronological analyses. We present an R package MtreeRing for ring-width measurements on scanned digital images. A morphological alternate sequential filter is used for noise reduction in the original image. Ring boundaries are determined by the steepest negative slopes in the light reflectance of latewood-earlywood transitions. To automatically identify tree rings, the package provides three alternative methods (watershed-based segmentation, Canny edge detector, and a linear detection algorithm), each with advantages and disadvantages and suited to different wood anatomical features. The user can also manually mark tree rings on species with complex anatomical structures. The arcs of inner-rings and angles of successive inclined ring boundaries are used to correct ring-width series. Differences in ring-width measurements between MtreeRing and WinDENDRO in a given coniferous species (Larix gmelinii) were assessed, and no significant difference between programs was found. Furthermore, the package provides an R-based web application which was developed using the Shiny framework. This beginner-friendly application allows viewing and interacting with tree ring images. It requires no programming experience and can run on either a local computer or a remote server.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests are characterized by large numbers of the species with diverse growth habits. The objective of the present study was to determine the distribution of nutrient content in the major trees of the tropical rain forests in Xishuangbanna. This will improve the understanding of the nutrient losses from such sites that result from harvesting and flow of nutrients within the ecosystem and lead to the development of effective and rational forest management strategies. Based on the results in this study, the distribution of nutrients among biomass components of trees varied: The ordering of major elements concentrations was K>N>Mg>Ca>P in branch, stem and root tissues but was N>K>Mg>Ca>P in leaves. The maximum amount of all nutrients per ha occurred in the stems followed by branches, roots and leaves. Of the total uptake of 6167.7 kg ha−1 of all nutrients, the contribution of various nutrients was found to be N (2010.6 t ha−1), P (196.3 t ha−1), K (2123.8 kg ha−1), Ca (832 kg ha−1) and Mg (1005 kg ha−1). However, comparing the nutrient uptake of other tropical and sub tropical forests, the results indicated that rates for the Xishuangbanna forests were 20–35% lower than previously reported values.  相似文献   

Aiba  Shin-ichiro  Kitayama  Kanehiro 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(2):139-157
We studied forest structure, composition and tree species diversity of eight plots in an environmental matrix of four altitudes (700, 1700, 2700 and 3100 m) and two types of geological substrates (ultrabasic and non-ultrabasic rocks) on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. On both substrate series, forest stature, mean leaf area and tree species diversity (both 4.8 cm and 10 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]) decreased with altitude. The two forests on the different substrate series were similar at 700 m in structure, generic and familial composition and tree species diversity, but became dissimilar with increasing altitude. The decline in stature with altitude was steeper on the ultrabasic substrates than on the non-ultrabasic substrates, and tree species diversity was generally lower on ultrabasic substrates than on non-ultrabasic substrates at 1700 m. The forests on non-ultrabasic substrates at higher altitudes and those on ultrabasic substrates at the lower altitudes were similar in dbh versus tree height allometry, mean leaf area, and generic and familial composition at 1700 m. These contrasting patterns in forest structure and composition between the two substrate series suggested that altitudinal change was compressed on the ultrabasic substrates compared to the non-ultrabasic substrates. Tree species diversity was correlated with maximum tree height and estimated aboveground biomass, but was not with basal area, among the eight study sites. We suggest that forests with higher tree species diversity are characterized by greater biomass allocation to height growth relative to trunk diameter growth under more productive environment than forests with lower tree species diversity.  相似文献   

We developed an automated tree crown analysis algorithm using 1-m panchromatic IKONOS satellite images to examine forest canopy structure in the Brazilian Amazon. The algorithm was calibrated on the landscape level with tree geometry and forest stand data at the Fazenda Cauaxi (3.75° S, 48.37° W) in the eastern Amazon, and then compared with forest stand data at Tapajos National Forest (3.08° S, 54.94° W) in the central Amazon. The average remotely sensed crown width (mean ± SE) was 12.7 ± 0.1 m (range: 2.0–34.0 m) and frequency of trees was 76.6 trees/ha at Cauaxi. At Tapajos, remotely sensed crown width was 13.1 ± 0.1 m (range: 2.0–38.0 m) and frequency of trees was 76.4 trees/ha. At both Cauaxi and Tapajos, the remotely sensed average crown widths were within 3 percent of the crown widths derived from field measurements, although crown distributions showed significant differences between field-measured and automated methods. We used the remote sensing algorithm to estimate crown dimensions and forest structural properties in 51 forest stands (1 km2) throughout the Brazilian Amazon. The estimated crown widths, tree diameters (dbh), and stem frequencies differed widely among sites, while estimated biomass was similar among most sites. Sources of observed errors included an inability to detect understory crowns and to separate adjacent, intermingled crowns. Nonetheless, our technique can serve to provide information about structural characteristics of large areas of unsurveyed forest throughout Amazonia.  相似文献   

Tree growth decline has been reported in many places around the globe under the context of increasingly warming climate, and strengthening drought intensity is detected to be the primary factor for such decline, particularly in northern forest sites, as well as arid and semi-arid areas. Yet, the forest growth decline in high altitude, high mountain sites certainly merits investigation. Here, we reported faxon fir (Abies fargesii var. faxoniana) forest growth decline (slope = -0.64) at the tree line (4150 m above sea level) in Miyaluo Forest Reserve (MFR) at the Western Sichuan Plateau, southwestern China since 2000. We investigated the cause of tree growth decline by applying dendrochronological approaches. We took tree-ring samples from fir trees at the tree line and developed tree-ring width (TRW) chronology. The tree growth – climate relationship analysis showed that maximum temperature (Tmax) was the primary factor limiting the radial growth of fir trees in the investigated area. The moving correlation analysis indicated the strengthening positive influence of Tmax, spring precipitation, and cloud cover during winter and monsoon period on radial growth since 2000s. Our results have shown that both thermal and hydraulic constrains accounted for the radial growth decline of fir trees at the tree line of MFR in the western Sichuan Plateau.  相似文献   

Long-term studies of tree population dynamics play an important role in identifying the conservation needs of tropical forest ecosystems. We examined changes in tree population structure and composition over an 18-year period (1981–1999) in three plots located at the center of the Isecheno study site in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya, a forest with a history of logging and other anthropogenic disturbance. DBH size class distribution took the shape of an inverse J curve in both 1981 and 1999 and did not differ significantly between the two study periods. Stem density increased significantly during the study with most of the increase occurring in the smallest stem size class (10–14 cm DBH). Nearly all of the most common species in 1981 remained among the most common in 1999, though the density of pioneer species decreased by 21% during the study. Our results suggest that forest in the study plots remained relatively undisturbed and in good condition over the study period. Forest in the plots also appeared still to be recovering from the selective logging of large trees that took place at Isecheno in the 1940s. In addition to our longitudinal study, we compared tree population parameters at three additional Isecheno sites spread over a distance of 1 km that have experienced different histories of disturbance: (i) a lightly human disturbed site (LHD), (ii) a heavily human disturbed site (HHD), and (iii) a cattle disturbed site (CD). While all three sites were selectively logged in the 1940s, the main signs of disturbance today are footpaths at the LHD site, tree stumps at the HHD site, and wide cattle paths at the CD site. Not surprisingly, of the disturbed sites, the LHD site was in the best condition. Trees at the HHD site exhibited extremely poor recruitment into the small size classes, a condition that can probably be attributed to human exploitation of small trees for poles. The CD site appeared to be at an earlier successional stage than the other disturbed sites with its low mean DBH, high overall stem density, and high pioneer species stem density. Browsing and trampling of vegetation by cattle may be the source of the light gaps that have led to the abundance of pioneer species at this site. We conclude that conservation measures applied to central Isecheno, including the establishment of a forest station nearby and ranger patrols, appear to have succeeded, but that the prognosis for the Kakamega Forest in general is bleak if protection efforts are not increased in other parts of the forest, where anthropogenic disturbance remains high. We also note the considerable variation in tree population structure and composition that can occur within a small area depending on the local history of disturbance.  相似文献   

Pollen from modern tree bark samples collected in the Manendragarh Forest Range, Koriya District, Chhattisgarh, India, was investigated with the objective to understand the pollen rain in and around the study area, using modern tree bark samples as a new tool. The palyno-assemblages revealed the dominance of non-arboreals (herbs) over arboreals (trees and shrubs). Trees constitute an average of 17.23% pollen in the total pollen rain, whereas the average contribution of shrubs is only 0.33%. The non-arboreals have an average of 82.44% pollen in the total pollen rain. This bias in the form of representation of trees and shrubs, despite their ample presence in the forest, could be due to the differences in pollen production, dispersal and preservation of taxa, which depends on plant species and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Questions: For eucalypt savanna in northeast Australia subject to multi‐year rainfall deficits this paper asks whether (1) dominant tree species (Ironbarks, Boxes) are more drought susceptible than the sub‐dominant Bloodwoods; (2) whether soil moisture is beyond wilting point in surface soil layers but available at depth; (3) soil conditions (moisture availability and texture) are related to tree death during drought; (4) the root systems of the Boxes and Ironbarks are shallower than the Bloodwoods; and the survivors of drought within species have deeper root systems than those that died. Location: Central Queensland, Australia. Methods: Patterns of tree death between eucalypt species were compared from field data collected after drought. Soil conditions during drought were described and compared with patterns of tree death for the Ironbark Eucalyptus melanophloia. The basal area and orientation of coarse roots were measured on upturned trees after broad‐scale tree clearing, and compared between species, and between live and dead trees with tree size as a covariate. Results: Drought‐induced tree death was higher for dominant Ironbark‐Box than for sub‐dominant Bloodwoods. During a moderate to severe drought in 2004, 41% of 100 cm deep subsoils had soil matric potential less than‐5600 kPa. The drought hardy Bloodwoods had a greater root basal area and particularly so for vertical roots compared to the drought sensitive Ironbark‐Box. Within species there was no significant difference in root basal area characteristics between trees that were recently killed by drought and those that remained relatively healthy. Surface soil moisture availability was lower where tree densities were high, and tree death increased as surface soil moisture became less available. Tree death was also greater as the clay content of sub‐soils increased. Discussion: The study suggests species with roots confined to upper soil layers will suffer severe water stress. The results strongly indicate that root architecture, and the way it facilitates water use during drought, is important for the relative dominance of the tree species. Patchiness in drought‐induced tree death seems to be at least partially a product of heterogeneity in sub‐soil conditions and competition for soil moisture.  相似文献   

In acid-sensitive watersheds of the northeastern US, decreases in SO2 emissions and atmospheric deposition of sulfur have not been accompanied by marked changes in pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC). To better understand this phenomenon, we investigated the long-term trends in soil solution (1984–1998) and stream water (1982–2000) chemistry along a natural soil catena at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA. Significant declines in strong acid anion concentrations were accompanied by declines in base cation concentrations in soil solutions draining the Oa and Bs soil horizons at all elevations. The magnitude of change varied with position in the landscape. Recovery, as indicated by increasing ANC (mean 2.38µEqL–1year–1) and decreasing concentrations of inorganic monomeric Al (mean 1.03µmolL–1year–1), was confined to solutions draining the Bs horizon at mid-to-higher elevations. However, persistently low Ca2+/Ali ratios (<1) in Bs soil solutions at these sites may be evidence of continuing Al stress to trees. In Bs soil solution at a lower elevation site and in Oa soil solutions at all sites, declines in base cations (mean 3.71µEqL–1year–1) were either similar to or exceeded declines in strong acid anions (mean 3.25µEqL–1year–1) resulting in no change in ANC. Changes in the chemistry of stream water reflected changes in soil solutions, with the greatest improvement in ANC occurring at high elevation and the rate of increase decreasing with decreases in elevation. The pH of soil solutions and stream waters either declined or did not change significantly. Therefore pH-buffering processes, including hydrolysis of Al and possibly the deprotonation of organic acids, have prevented increases in drainage water pH despite considerable reductions in inputs of strong acids.  相似文献   

Declines are a distinctive category of tree disease, complex to define and quantify and challenging to mitigate due to their multiple causes and heterogeneous tree response patterns. In many parts of Europe oak decline syndromes are severely impacting tree health and having a measurable economic impact on forestry. In the UK the impact of periodic oak declines is expanding against a backdrop of multiple environmental pressures, to levels capable of threatening the UK’s native oak woodland. Here we explore the growth histories of oak trees at a site symptomatic of Chronic Oak Decline (COD), in the South of England; Speculation Cannop in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. The dendrochronological picture at the site reveals that trees with current external COD symptoms have shown suppressed growth, in relation to the regional average, from early on in their lives. Moreover, there is an amplified reduction in minimum ring width in Symptomatic trees as compared to a healthy subsample of Control trees, likely to be heavily dominated by reduced latewood width in affected trees, as decline sets in. Broadly, the site reveals the initial appearance of decline, roughly 40 years after planting, in 1860. There is considerable variability in the later decline history pattern in Symptomatic trees but there are clusters of decline episodes in the 1920s, 1960s, 1980s and 1990s at this site. The Control trees are not always unaffected but rather show growth releases after each historical decline phase. The trees that currently show external decline symptoms do not have a history of these growth releases. We conclude that investigating the tree ring growth histories at sites impacted by COD could provide an important management tool, and ring width histories of trees at affected sites should be used in the identification of the decline predisposing factors, that a management strategy requires.  相似文献   

Longevity is a life-history trait that is shaped by natural selection. Evolution will shape mortality trajectories and lifespans, but until now the evolutionary analysis of longevity is based principally on a density-independent (Euler-Lotka) framework. The effects of density dependence on the evolution of lifespan and mortality remain largely unexplored. We investigate the influence of different population demographies on the evolution of longevity, and show how these can be linked to adaptive radiations. We present a range of models to explore the intraspecific and interspecific density effects on longevity and, consequently, diversification. We show how the magnitude, type, and timing of mutation can also affect fitness, invasion and diversification. We argue that fitness of alternative strategies under a range of different demographic structures leads to flat, as opposed to rugged, landscapes and that these flat fitness surfaces are important in the evolution of lifespan and senescence.  相似文献   

Mangroves throughout the world are threatened by environmental changes apart from anthropogenic disturbances. Many of these changes may inhibit the growth and survival of mangrove species. To understand and predict the effects of global change on mangrove forests, it is necessary to obtain insights on the growth dynamics of mangroves in relation to environmental factors. This study was conducted on Sonneratia apetala, a mangrove species which grows under a range of salinity conditions across the Sundarbans in Bangladesh. We studied trees growing under respectively high, medium, and low salinity conditions based on the influence of freshwater discharge. First, the periodicity of radial growth across the year was detected by applying cambial analyses. Based on tree-ring analyses, we calculated the growth response of S. apetala to monthly variation in precipitation and temperature as well as river discharge, as a proxy for salinity. We found the cambium of S. apetala being active during the monsoon and post-monsoon period whereas it was dormant in the pre-monsoon. This periodicity in radial growth leads to the formation of distinct annual rings with ring boundaries being marked by radially flattened fibres. S. apetala trees growing under low salinity conditions generally show higher growth rates indicating the positive impact of river discharge, i.e. freshwater input on mangrove growth. Wet and warm conditions during the monsoon period positively affected S. apetala growth, especially in the low salinity zone. Our results show that salinity is the primary driver of growth dynamics of S. apetala in the Sundarbans. A gradual or seasonal increase in salinity, e.g. as a consequence of sea-level rise may therefore importantly alter the growth of this species, possibly leading to changes in mangrove forest dynamics and zonation.  相似文献   

The DendroEcological Network (DEN; https://www.uvm.edu/femc/dendro) is an opensource repository of high quality dendrochronological and associated ecological data. Launched in 2018, the mission of the DEN is to provide a centralized, standards-driven cyberinfrastructure for data storage, exploration and sharing. Specifically, the objectives of the DEN are to, 1) act as an integrator of dendrochronological and ecological data, 2) facilitate synthetic investigation and analyses of these data, 3) uphold the scientific community’s goals of data transparency and reproducibility of results, 4) serve as a long-term data archiving platform for use by individuals, laboratories and the greater scientific, management and conservation communities and, 5) leverage and extend previous and future research. The DEN facilitates the gathering of individual studies into a larger network, expanding the scale of inquiry to address pressing ecological questions that no single study can answer alone.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the climatic responses of three tree rings proxies: tree ring width (TRW), maximum latewood density (MXD), and blue intensity (BI). For this study, 20 cores of Pinus sylvestris covering the period 1886–2015 were extracted from living non-damaged trees from the Eastern Carpathian Mountains (Romania). Each chronology was compared to monthly and daily climate data. All tree ring proxies had a stronger correlation with the daily climate data compared to monthly data. The highest correlation coefficient was obtained between the MXD chronology and daily maximum temperature over the period beginning with the end of July and ending in the middle of September (r = 0.64). The optimal intervals for the temperature signature were 01 Aug – 24 Sept for the MXD chronology, 05 Aug – 25 Aug for the BI chronology, and both 16 Nov of the previous year – 16 March of the current year and 15 Apr – 05 May for the TRW chronology. The results from our study indicate that MXD can be used as a proxy indicator for summer maximum temperature, while TRW can be used as a proxy indicator for just March maximum temperature. The weak and unstable relationship between BI and maximum temperature indicates that BI is not a good proxy indicator for climate reconstructions over the analysed region.  相似文献   

Brood parasites dramatically reduce the reproductive successof their hosts, which therefore have developed defenses againstbrood parasites. The first line of defense is protecting thenest against adult parasites. When the parasite has successfullyparasitized a host nest, some hosts are able to recognize andreject the eggs of the brood parasite, which constitutes the secondline of defense. Both defense tactics are costly and would be counteractedby brood parasites. While a failure in nest defense implies successfulparasitism and therefore great reduction of reproductive successof hosts, a host that recognizes parasitic eggs has the opportunityto reduce the effect of parasitism by removing the parasiticegg. We hypothesized that, when nest defense is counteractedby the brood parasite, hosts that recognize cuckoo eggs shoulddefend their nests at a lower level than nonrecognizers becausethe former also recognize adult cuckoos. Magpie (Pica pica) hoststhat rejected model eggs of the brood parasitic great spottedcuckoo (Clamator glandarius) showed lower levels of nest defensewhen exposed to a great spotted cuckoo than when exposed toa nest predator (a carrion crow Corvus corone). Moreover, magpiesrejecting cuckoo eggs showed lower levels of nest defense againstgreat spotted cuckoos than nonrecognizer magpies, whereas differencesin levels of defense disappeared when exposed to a carrion crow.These results suggest that hosts specialize in antiparasitedefense and that different kinds of defense are antagonistically expressed.We suggest that nest-defense mechanisms are ancestral, whereasegg recognition and rejection is a subsequent stage in the coevolutionaryprocess. However, host recognition ability will not be expressedwhen brood parasites break this second line of defense.  相似文献   

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