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Endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier form complex tight junctions, which are more frequently associated with the protoplasmic (P-face) than with the exocytoplasmic (E-face) membrane leaflet. The association of tight junctional particles with either membrane leaflet is a result of the expression of various claudins, which are transmembrane constituents of tight junction strands. Mammalian brain endothelial tight junctions exhibit an almost balanced distribution of particles and lose this morphology and barrier function in vitro. Since it was shown that the brain endothelial tight junctions of submammalian species form P-face-associated tight junctions of the epithelial type, the question of which molecular composition underlies the morphological differences and how do these brain endothelial cells behave in vitro arose. Therefore, rat and chicken brain endothelial cells were investigated for the expression of junctional proteins in vivo and in vitro and for the morphology of the tight junctions. In order to visualize morphological differences, the complexity and the P-face association of tight junctions were quantified. Rat and chicken brain endothelial cells form tight junctions which are positive for claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin and ZO-1. In agreement with the higher P-face association of tight junctions in vivo, chicken brain endothelia exhibited a slightly stronger labeling for claudin-1 at membrane contacts. Brain endothelial cells of both species showed a significant alteration of tight junctions in vitro, indicating a loss of barrier function. Rat endothelial cells showed a characteristic switch of tight junction particles from the P-face to the E-face, accompanied by the loss of claudin-1 in immunofluorescence labeling. In contrast, chicken brain endothelial cells did not show such a switch of particles, although they also lost claudin-1 in culture. These results demonstrate that the maintenance of rat and chicken endothelial barrier function depends on the brain microenvironment. Interestingly, the alteration of tight junctions is different in rat and chicken. This implies that the rat and chicken brain endothelial tight junctions are regulated differently.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) of the cerebral endothelial cells play a crucial role in the regulation of BBB permeability under physiological, as well as pathological conditions. The regulation of the junctional proteins is under a complex control. In these regulatory processes signalling molecules, some of them localized to the TJ, play an important role. Among the best characterized second messengers which regulate TJ function are the cyclic nucleotides, which, as shown in our experiments, as well, decrease paracellular permeability. Another important signalling molecule involved in TJ regulation is protein kinase C, which may affect differently the formation of TJ and the function of mature TJ. Further signalling molecules known to regulate paracellular permeability are G-proteins, both conventional and small G-proteins, MAP kinases and other protein kinases. Much of our knowledge concerning second messenger regulation of TJ arises fon the study of epithelial cells of different origin, mostly from kidney, therefore the specific regulation of the junctional complex of the BBB still remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the main obstacle to hydrophilic and large molecules to enter the brain, maintaining the stability of the central nervous system (CNS). But many environmental factors may affect the permeability and structure of the BBB. Electromagnetic pulses (EMP) irradiation has been proven to enhance the permeability of the BBB, but the specific mechanism is still unclear. To explore the potential mechanism of EMP-induced BBB opening, this study investigated the permeability, fine structure and the proteins expression of the tight junction (TJ) of the BBB in the rats exposed to EMP. Using the leakage of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran with different molecular mass under different field intensity of EMP exposure, we found that the tracer passing through the BBB is size-dependent in the rat exposed to EMP as field intensity increased. Transmission electron microscopy showed TJ of the endothelial cells in the EMP-exposed group was open, compared with the sham-irradiated group. But the levels of TJ proteins including ZO-1, claudin-5, or occludin were not changed as indicated by western blot. These data suggest that EMP induce BBB opening in a field intensity-dependent manner and probably through dysfunction of TJ proteins instead of their expression. Our findings increase the understanding of the mechanism for EMP working on the brain and are helpful for CNS protection against EMP.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed an important role for tight junction protein complexes in epithelial cell polarity. One of these complexes contains the apical transmembrane protein, Crumbs, and two PSD95/discs large/zonula occludens domain proteins, protein associated with Lin seven 1 (PALS1)/Stardust and PALS1-associated tight junction protein (PATJ). Although Crumbs and PALS1/Stardust are known to be important for cell polarization, recent studies have suggested that Drosophila PATJ is not essential and its function is unclear. Here, we find that PATJ is targeted to the apical region and tight junctions once cell polarization is initiated. We show using RNAi techniques that reduction in PATJ expression leads to delayed tight junction formation as well as defects in cell polarization. These effects are reversed by reintroduction of PATJ into these RNAi cells. This study provides new functional information on PATJ as a polarity protein and increases our understanding of the Crumbs-PALS1-PATJ complex function in epithelial polarity.  相似文献   

Defective intestinal epithelial tight junction (TJ) barrier has been shown to be an important pathogenic factor contributing to the development of intestinal inflammation. The expression of occludin is markedly decreased in intestinal permeability disorders, including in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease, suggesting that the decrease in occludin expression may play a role in the increase in intestinal permeability. The purpose of this study was to delineate the involvement of occludin in intestinal epithelial TJ barrier by selective knock down of occludin in in vitro (filter-grown Caco-2 monolayers) and in vivo (recycling perfusion of mouse intestine) intestinal epithelial models. Our results indicated that occludin small-interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection causes an increase in transepithelial flux of various-sized probes, including urea, mannitol, inulin, and dextran, across the Caco-2 monolayers, without affecting the transepithelial resistance. The increase in relative flux rate was progressively greater for larger-sized probes, indicating that occludin depletion has the greatest effect on the flux of large macromolecules. siRNA-induced knock down of occludin in mouse intestine in vivo also caused an increase in intestinal permeability to dextran but did not affect intestinal tissue transepithelial resistance. In conclusion, these results show for the first time that occludin depletion in intestinal epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo leads to a selective or preferential increase in macromolecule flux, suggesting that occludin plays a crucial role in the maintenance of TJ barrier through the large-channel TJ pathway, the pathway responsible for the macromolecule flux.  相似文献   

Although the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the tight junction protein occludin is heavily phosphorylated, the functional impact of most individual sites is undefined. Here, we show that inhibition of CK2-mediated occludin S408 phosphorylation elevates transepithelial resistance by reducing paracellular cation flux. This regulation requires occludin, claudin-1, claudin-2, and ZO-1. S408 dephosphorylation reduces occludin exchange, but increases exchange of ZO-1, claudin-1, and claudin-2, thereby causing the mobile fractions of these proteins to converge. Claudin-4 exchange is not affected. ZO-1 domains that mediate interactions with occludin and claudins are required for increases in claudin-2 exchange, suggesting assembly of a phosphorylation-sensitive protein complex. Consistent with this, binding of claudin-1 and claudin-2, but not claudin-4, to S408A occludin tail is increased relative to S408D. Finally, CK2 inhibition reversed IL-13-induced, claudin-2-dependent barrier loss. Thus, occludin S408 dephosphorylation regulates paracellular permeability by remodeling tight junction protein dynamic behavior and intermolecular interactions between occludin, ZO-1, and select claudins, and may have therapeutic potential in inflammation-associated barrier dysfunction.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) maintains brain homeostasis by limiting entry of substances to the central nervous system through interaction of transmembrane and intracellular proteins that make up endothelial cell tight junctions (TJs). Recently it was shown that the BBB can be modulated by disease pathologies including inflammatory pain. This study examined the effects of chronic inflammatory pain on the functional and molecular integrity of the BBB. Inflammatory pain was induced by injection of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) into the right plantar hindpaw in female Sprague-Dawley rats under halothane anesthesia; control animals were injected with saline. Edema and hyperalgesia were assessed by plethysmography and infrared paw-withdrawal latency. At 72 h postinjection, significant edema formation and hyperalgesia were noted in the CFA-treated rats. Examination of permeability of the BBB by in situ perfusion of [14C]sucrose while rats were under pentobarbital anesthesia demonstrated that CFA treatment significantly increased brain sucrose uptake. Western blot analysis of BBB TJ proteins showed no change in expression of zonula occludens-1 (an accessory protein) or actin (a cytoskeletal protein) with CFA treatment. Expression of the transmembrane TJ proteins occludin and claudin-3 and -5 significantly changed with CFA treatment with a 60% decrease in occludin, a 450% increase in claudin-3, and a 615% increase in claudin-5 expression. This study demonstrates that during chronic inflammatory pain, alterations in BBB function are associated with changes in specific transmembrane TJ proteins.  相似文献   

Disruption of epithelial barrier function was identified as one of the pathologic mechanisms in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Epithelial barrier consists of various intercellular junctions, in which the tight junction (TJ) is an important component. However, the regulatory mechanism of tight junction is still not clear. Here we examined the role of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in the epithelial barrier function on Caco-2 monolayers using a specific FAK inhibitor, PF-573, 228 (PF-228). We found that the decrease of transepithelial resistance and the increase of paracellular permeability were accompanied with the inhibition of autophosphorylation of FAK by PF-228 treatment. In addition, PF-228 inhibited the FAK phosphorylation at Y576/577 on activation loop by Src, suggesting Src-dependent regulation of FAK in Caco-2 monolayers. In an ethanol-induced barrier injury model, PF-228 treatment also inhibited the recovery of transepithelial resistance as well as these phosphorylations of FAK. In a sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, FAK co-localized with claudin-1, an element of the TJ complex, and they co-migrate after ethanol-induced barrier injury. Immunofluorescence imaging analysis revealed that PF-228 inhibited the FAK redistribution to the cell border and reassembly of TJ proteins in the recovery after ethanol-induced barrier injury. Finally, knockdown of FAK by siRNA resulted in the decrease of transepithelial resistance. These findings reveal that activation of FAK is necessary for maintaining and repairing epithelial barrier in Caco-2 cell monolayer via regulating TJ redistribution.  相似文献   

Breaking through the tight junction barrier   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1631-1633

Claudin proteins belong to a large family of transmembrane proteins essential to the formation and maintenance of tight junctions (TJs). In ovarian cancer, TJ protein claudin-4 is frequently overexpressed and may have roles in survival and invasion, but the molecular mechanisms underlying its regulation are poorly understood. In this report, we show that claudin-4 can be phosphorylated by protein kinase C (PKC) at Thr189 and Ser194 in ovarian cancer cells and overexpression of a claudin-4 mutant protein mimicking the phosphorylated state results in the disruption of the barrier function. Furthermore, upon phorbol ester-mediated PKC activation of OVCA433 cells, TJ strength is decreased and claudin-4 localization is altered. Analyses using PKC inhibitors and siRNA suggest that PKCepsilon, an isoform typically expressed in ovarian cancer cells, may be important in the TPA-mediated claudin-4 phosphorylation and weakening of the TJs. Furthermore, immunofluorescence studies showed that claudin-4 and PKCepsilon are co-localized at the TJs in these cells. The modulation of claudin-4 activity by PKCepsilon may not only provide a mechanism for disrupting TJ function in ovarian cancer, but may also be important in the regulation of TJ function in normal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a specialized structure in the central nervous system (CNS), which participates in maintenance of a state of cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis. The endothelial cells of the cerebral capillaries and the tight junctions between them form the basis of the BBB. Research has shown that destruction of the BBB is associated with diseases of the CNS. However, there is little research on how the BBB might be protected. In this study, we used a high osmotic solution (1.6 M D-mannitol) to open the BBB of rats and Evans blue dye as a macromolecular marker. The effect of heat shock treatment was evaluated. The results show that increased synthesis of heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) was induced in the heated group only. BBB permeability was significantly less in the heat shock-treated group after hyperosmotic shock. The major tight junction proteins, occludin and zonula occludens (ZO)-1, were significantly decreased after D-mannitol treatment in the nonheated group, whereas they were preserved in the heated group. The coimmunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that Hsp72 could be detected in the precipitates of brain extract interacting with anti-ZO-1 antibodies as well as those interacting with anti-occludin antibodies in the heated group. We conclude that the integrity of tight junctions could be maintained by previous heat shock treatment, which might be associated with the increased production of Hsp72.  相似文献   

Mast cells synthesize vasoactive agents and a number of neurotransmitters. They are particularly numerous in the medial habenular region of the epithalamus, the attachment site of the choroid plexus. The present study examined whether degranulation of brain mast cells alters the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). To this end, doves were injected intramuscularly with the mast cell degranulator, compound 48/80 (C40/80), followed by intravenous injection of Evans blue. The distribution of the dye in the parenchyma was examined using digital imaging. Three brain areas were analyzed: the medial habenula (which also contains mast cells), the paraventricular nucleus (PVN, which abuts the third ventricle, but has no mast cells), and the lateral septal organ (LSO, a circumventricular organ with fenestrated capillaries). Significantly more Evans blue tracer and fewer toluidine blue-positive mast cells were detected in the medial habenula of subjects treated with C48/80 compared to saline controls. Evans blue did not enter the PVN in either the experimental or control group, while it entered the LSO equally in both. Degranulation of mast cells after C48/80 treatment was confirmed histochemically and ultrastructurally. The results support the hypothesis that brain mast cell degranulation locally alters BBB permeability. Activation of brain mast cells may provide a mechanism for regulated opening of the BBB. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a major apolipoprotein in the brain. The ε4 allele of apoE is a major risk factor for Alzheimer disease, and apoE deficiency in mice leads to blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakage. However, the effect of apoE isoforms on BBB properties are as yet unknown. Here, using an in vitro BBB model consisting of brain endothelial cells and pericytes prepared from wild-type (WT) mice, and primary astrocytes prepared from human apoE3- and apoE4-knock-in mice, we show that the barrier function of tight junctions (TJs) was impaired when the BBB was reconstituted with primary astrocytes from apoE4-knock-in mice (apoE4-BBB model). The phosphorylation of occludin at Thr residues and the activation of protein kinase C (PKC)η in mBECs were attenuated in the apoE4-BBB model compared with those in the apoE3-BBB model. The differential effects of apoE isoforms on the activation of PKCη, the phosphorylation of occludin at Thr residues, and TJ integrity were abolished following the treatment with an anti-low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) antibody or a LRP1 antagonist receptor-associated protein. Consistent with the results of in vitro studies, BBB permeability was higher in apoE4-knock-in mice than in apoE3-knock-in mice. Our studies provide evidence that TJ integrity in BBB is regulated by apoE in an isoform-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Research applied to the early embryo is required to effectively treat human infertility and to understand the primary mechanisms controlling development to the blastocyst stage. The present study investigated whether the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase regulates tight junction formation and function during blastocyst formation. To investigate this hypothesis, three experimental series were conducted. The first experiments defined the optimal dose and treatment time intervals for ouabain (a potent and specific inhibitor of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase) treatment. The results demonstrated that mouse embryos maintained a normal development to the blastocyst stage following a 6-h ouabain treatment. The second experiments investigated the effects of ouabain treatment on the distribution of ZO-1 and occludin (tight junction associated proteins). Ouabain treatment (up to 6 h) or culture in K(+)-free medium (up to 6 h) resulted in the appearance of a discontinuous ZO-1 protein distribution and a loss of occludin immunofluorescence. The third set of experiments examined the influence of ouabain treatment on tight junction function. Ouabain treatment or culture in K(+)-free medium affected tight junction permeability as indicated by an increase in the proportion of treated embryos accumulating both 4 kDa and 40 kDa fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran into their blastocyst cavities. The results indicate that the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase is a potent regulator of tight junction formation and function during mouse preimplantation development.  相似文献   

Intestinal epithelial tight junction (TJ) barrier dysfunction may lead to inflammation and mucosal injury. Glutamine (GLN) plays a role in maintenance of intestinal barrier function in various animal models and critically ill humans. Recent evidence from intestinal cell monolayers indicates that GLN maintains transepithelial resistance and decreases permeability. The mechanisms of these effects remain undefined. We hypothesized that GLN affects proteins involved in the intercellular junctional complex. GLN availability was controlled in Caco-2 monolayers by addition to the medium and treatment with methionine sulfoximine (MSO) to inhibit glutamine synthetase (GS). Expression of TJ proteins, claudin-1, occludin, and zonula occluden (ZO)-1 was measured by immunoblotting. Localization of TJ proteins was evaluated by immunofluorescence light microscopy. Structure of TJ was determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Deprivation of GLN decreased claudin-1, occludin, and ZO-1 protein expression and caused a disappearance of perijunctional claudin-1 and a reduction of occludin but had no effect on ZO-1. TEM revealed that MSO-treated cells in the absence of GLN formed irregular junctional complexes between the apical lateral margins of adjoining cells. These findings indicate that TJ protein expression and cellular localization in Caco-2 cell monolayers rely on GLN. This mechanism may similarly relate to GLN-mediated modulation of intestinal barrier function in stressed animals and humans.  相似文献   

Effects of inflammatory pain states on functional and molecular properties of the rat blood-brain barrier (BBB) were investigated. Inflammation was produced by subcutaneous injection of formalin, lambda-carrageenan, or complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) into the right hind paw. In situ perfusion and Western blot analyses were performed to assess BBB integrity after inflammatory insult. In situ brain perfusion determined that peripheral inflammation significantly increased the uptake of sucrose into the cerebral hemispheres. Capillary depletion and cerebral blood flow analyses indicated the perturbations were due to increased paracellular permeability rather than vascular volume changes. Western blot analyses showed altered tight junctional protein expression during peripheral inflammation. Occludin significantly decreased in the lambda-carrageenan- and CFA-treated groups. Zonula occluden-1 expression was significantly increased in all pain models. Claudin-1 protein expression was present at the BBB and remained unchanged during inflammation. Actin expression was significantly increased in the lambda-carrageenan- and CFA-treated groups. We have shown that inflammatory-mediated pain alters both the functional and molecular properties of the BBB. Inflammatory-induced changes may significantly alter delivery of therapeutic agents to the brain, thus affecting dosing regimens during chronic pain.  相似文献   

The distribution of molecular components of interendothelial tight junctions (TJs) was studied in rat blood-brain barrier (BBB) microvessels, using immunogold cytochemistry applied to electron microscopy. Samples of rat brains, both normal (unaffected) and osmotically-affected (1, 5, and 30 min after intracarotid infusion of 1.8 M L(+)arabinose), were processed for immunocytochemical localization of TJ-specific integral membrane (occludin, JAM-1, claudin-5) and peripheral (ZO-1) protein molecules. In unaffected interendothelial junctions of control rats the immunosignals (represented by gold particles) for occludin and ZO-1 were of highest, whereas for claudin-5 and JAM-1 were of lower density. At 1 min after infusion, no discernible changes in distribution of junction-associated molecules were noted. At 5 min, however, changes were most conspicuous, and they consisted of segmental attenuation of the endothelial lining and dilatation (opening) of some junctional clefts accompanied by the diminution of the density of immunosignals for TJ-specific transmembrane and peripheral proteins. It was paralleled by disorganization of the spatial relation of these molecules to the junctional complexes. After 30 min, many interendothelial junctions appeared to be still open, whereas other junctions were partially or totally closed. In the opened interendothelial junctions the expression of TJ-associated molecules was weaker than in closed junctions. Our observations indicate that the localization and expression of TJ-specific proteins, especially occludin, and in lower degree claudin-5 and JAM-1, together with the peripheral ZO-1 molecules, are affected by osmotic shock. Presumably, some of these proteins (e.g., occludin, claudin-5 and ZO-1) could be considered sensitive indicators of normal and also of disturbed functional state of the BBB.  相似文献   

Tight junctions control paracellular permeability and cellpolarity. Rho GTPase regulates tight junction assembly, and ATP depletion of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (an in vitro modelof renal ischemia) disrupts tight junctions. The relationship between Rho GTPase signaling and ATP depletion was examined. Rho inhibition resulted in decreased localization of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) and occludin at cell junctions; conversely, constitutive Rhosignaling caused an accumulation of ZO-1 and occludin at cell junctions. Inhibiting Rho before ATP depletion resulted in more extensive loss of junctional components between transfected cells thancontrol junctions, whereas cells expressing activated Rho bettermaintained junctions during ATP depletion than control cells. ATPdepletion and Rho signaling altered phosphorylation signalingmechanisms. ZO-1 and occludin exhibited rapid decreases in phosphoaminoacid content following ATP depletion, which was restored on recovery.Expression of Rho mutant proteins in MDCK cells also altered levels ofoccludin serine/threonine phosphorylation, indicating that occludin isa target for Rho signaling. We conclude that Rho GTPase signalinginduces posttranslational effects on tight junction components. Ourdata also demonstrate that activating Rho signaling protects tightjunctions from damage during ATP depletion.


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