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The cortical activation was estimated by the event-related potential (ERPs) methods during selection tasks of lateralized visual stimuli requiring different forms of attention: 1) form of stimuli, 2) stimuli position, 3) combined attention of form and position. The ERPs were recorded in 15 young healthy adults in 6 leads P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6, and endogenous ERPs components: CNV (contingent negative variation), N1, P3 and the complex [N1-P3]. Differences between the ERPs at "attended" and "non-attended" stimuli were considered as indices of selection attention of particular feature of visual stimuli. Such indices of form and position were revealed selectivity in parietal leads. The most eminent ERPs components, the pronounced activation gradient during increase of attention demands were revealed in parietal regions (vs. temporal ones). In our opinion, parietal cortex has a high priority in selection attention system.  相似文献   

The event-related potentials (ERPs) in visual discrimination task in parietal and temporal cortical areas were recorded in 11 young adults during passive observation (involuntary attention) and target selection (voluntary attention). The voluntary selective attention resulted in: 1) increased ERP correlation between the parietal; and temporal cortical areas; 2) increased correlation of sequential ERPs in monopolar leads (P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6); and 3) increased correlation of sequential ERPs in bipolar leads (P3-T3, P3-T5, P4-T4, P4-T6). The findings suggest that voluntary attention maintains a concordant activity of the parietal and temporal cortical areas in execution of visual selection tasks.  相似文献   

The cortical activation was estimated by event-related potentials (ERPs) methods during selection tasks of lateralized visual stimuli in right and left hemi-fields requiring different forms of attention: 1. Attention of a stimuli form, 2. Attention of a stimuli position, 3. Combined attention of form and position. ERPs were recorded in 15 young healthy adults in 6 leads: P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6 and endogenous ERPs components: CNV (contingent negative variation), N1, P3 and complex [N1--P3]. The differences between ERPs at contra- and ipsilateral stimuli in the right and left hemispheres were considered as indices of asymmetry. The asymmetry was revealed in right hemisphere in all kinds of attention forms. The level (amplitude) of right-side asymmetry was depended on the level of attention: The significant relation between the right-side asymmetry and subjects' reaction time was also revealed. It is proposed that such an asymmetry is the evidence of better spatial differentiation of visual stimuli in right hemisphere in humans.  相似文献   

The visual search performance was investigated in two children (5 and 7-years-old) and three adult groups (15, 20--and 35 and up to 60-years-old). The results of adults were similar among themselves and therefore were taken as a control set for children group results. We used 5 sorts of visual tasks, one difficult task and four easy tasks for adults with a target differing from counter-irritation. Children's results were worse than adults' those: the search time was longer and children made plenty of errors (false alarms end misses of targets). We suggest that children's attention system was less effective than adults' one in result of frontal, parietal and temporal cortical structure activation deficit. It follows that attention system is completely developed by 15 years of age in humans.  相似文献   

The purpose was to test parameters of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and of event-related potentials (ERPs) in deaf subjects to verify visual and cognitive CNS functions in a handicapped group of the population. Three types of visual stimuli (with dominating parvocellular or magnocellular system activation or with cognitive tasks) were used in the study. Six deaf persons (4 women, 2 men, mean age 17 years) and 6 persons with normal hearing (sex- and age-matched) were included in this pilot study. In all types of stimulation, latencies and amplitudes of main VEPs and ERPs components were evaluated. No significant latency differences were found. However, significantly reduced amplitudes were found in the occipital area for responses to motion and cognitive stimuli which might be interpreted as a part of functional reorganization of the extrastriate and cognitive cortical areas of deaf subjects.  相似文献   

Bentley P  Husain M  Dolan RJ 《Neuron》2004,41(6):969-982
We compared behavioral and neural effects of cholinergic enhancement between spatial attention, spatial working memory (WM), and visual control tasks, using fMRI and the anticholinesterase physostigmine. Physostigmine speeded responses nonselectively but increased accuracy selectively for attention. Physostigmine also decreased activations to visual stimulation across all tasks within primary visual cortex, increased extrastriate occipital cortex activation selectively during maintained attention and WM encoding, and decreased parietal activation selectively during maintained attention. Finally, lateralization of occipital activation as a function of the visual hemifield toward which attention or memory was directed was decreased under physostigmine. In the case of attention, this effect correlated strongly with a decrease in a behavioral measure of selective spatial processing. Our results suggest that, while cholinergic enhancement facilitates visual attention by increasing activity in extrastriate cortex generally, it accomplishes this in a manner that reduces expectation-driven selective biasing of extrastriate cortex.  相似文献   

In 16 healthy subjects, the EEG and the CNV (contingent negative variation) correlation dimension was studied during preparing to pay attention to one of three attention tasks: the situations "What", "Where" and "What and where". Two easily discernible symbols (squares and circles) were used as stimuli. The findings show that, irrespective of the attention form, the correlation dimension of the EEG, the CNV amplitude, and the evoked potential's N1-P3 component amplitude had maximal values in the temporal leads. The temporal visual system seems to play a domineering part in the tasks of spatial and non-spatial attention to stimuli in humans.  相似文献   

We derived attention response functions for different cortical areas by plotting neural activity (measured by fMRI) as a function of attentional load in a visual tracking task. In many parietal and frontal cortical areas, activation increased with load over the entire range of loads tested, suggesting that these areas are directly involved in attentional processes. However, in other areas (FEF and parietal area 7), strong activation was observed even at the lowest attentional load (compared to a passive baseline using identical stimuli), but little or no additional activation was seen with increasing load. These latter areas appear to play a different role, perhaps supporting task-relevant functions that do not vary with load, such as the suppression of eye movements.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetry of a wide range of functions is a hallmark of the human brain. The visual system has traditionally been thought of as symmetrically distributed in the brain, but a growing body of evidence has challenged this view. Some highly specific visual tasks have been shown to depend on hemispheric specialization. However, the possible lateralization of cerebral responses to a simple checkerboard visual stimulation has not been a focus of previous studies. To investigate this, we performed two sessions of blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 54 healthy subjects during stimulation with a black and white checkerboard visual stimulus. While carefully excluding possible non-physiological causes of left-to-right bias, we compared the activation of the left and the right cerebral hemispheres and related this to grey matter volume, handedness, age, gender, ocular dominance, interocular difference in visual acuity, as well as line-bisection performance. We found a general lateralization of cerebral activation towards the right hemisphere of early visual cortical areas and areas of higher-level visual processing, involved in visuospatial attention, especially in top-down (i.e., goal-oriented) attentional processing. This right hemisphere lateralization was partly, but not completely, explained by an increased grey matter volume in the right hemisphere of the early visual areas. Difference in activation of the superior parietal lobule was correlated with subject age, suggesting a shift towards the left hemisphere with increasing age. Our findings suggest a right-hemispheric dominance of these areas, which could lend support to the generally observed leftward visual attentional bias and to the left hemifield advantage for some visual perception tasks.  相似文献   

Monopolar evoked potentials (EPs) in the parietal and temporal leads were recorded in 23 young, healthy subjects in the process of selection of visual stimuli by shape and localization. Two different central stimuli (selection by shape) and two similar right and left stimuli (selection by localization) were presented in the first series. Two simple right and left stimuli were presented in the second series, and a subject had to respond either to their shape or their localization. During spatial attention and shape recognition in both tasks, characteristics of the prestimulus negativity (contingent negative variation (CNV)) and negative–positive N1–P3 complex pointed to the predominant activation of the parietal areas. The greatest differences were observed in the late P3b component, associated with the late selection, rather than in the early EP components. The dominance of parietal activation as compared to temporal activation was associated with attention demands; i.e., the dominance was highest in the case of target stimuli and was least pronounced during passive perception of stimuli. It is suggested that the parietooccipital visual system leads in tasks demanding spatial and nonspatial attention to stimuli in a simple visual environment (without surrounding elements).  相似文献   

Evoked potentials (EPs) in the parietal and temporal leads were recorded in 14 young subjects in response to successively administered right- and left-side simple visual symbols, squares and circles, during passive viewing and reactions to randomly presented target stimuli. Depending on task conditions and context, the stimuli were divided into four groups: (1) passively perceived stimuli, (2) irrelevant stimuli administered on the side opposite to the target, (3) irrelevant stimuli on the side of the target, and (4) target stimuli. The EPs were averaged over the groups. With an increase in the demands of attention from the first to the fourth groups of stimuli, a linear increase in activation, estimated by the total amplitude of the N1–P3 component, was observed in the parietal leads. The P3b component was mainly responsible for the growth of the EP amplitude. In the temporal leads, the activation was substantially weaker than in the parietal leads and displayed lower between-group differences. The results support the idea that the parietal cortex in humans is of primary importance in tasks involving visual attention and stimuli selection.  相似文献   

Alpha band power, particularly at the 10 Hz frequency, is significantly involved in sensory inhibition, attention modulation, and working memory. However, the interactions between cortical areas and their relationship to the different functional roles of the alpha band oscillations are still poorly understood. Here we examined alpha band power and the cortico-cortical interregional phase synchrony in a psychophysical task involving the detection of an object moving in depth by an observer in forward self-motion. Wavelet filtering at the 10 Hz frequency revealed differences in the profile of cortical activation in the visual processing regions (occipital and parietal lobes) and in the frontoparietal regions. The alpha rhythm driving the visual processing areas was found to be asynchronous with the frontoparietal regions. These findings suggest a decoupling of the 10 Hz frequency into separate functional roles: sensory inhibition in the visual processing regions and spatial attention in the frontoparietal regions.  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位技术研究了在视觉搜索过程中的外源易化和返回抑制(inhibition of return,IOR)的相互关系。当外源注意保持在序列搜索过的位置上时,有一个延时反应(即IOR),伴随其产生的相关脑电成分有:分布在后顶的潜伏期为200 ms 的正差异、分布在前额叶内侧靠左的潜伏期为240 毫秒的负差异,以及分布在两侧颞顶联合区的潜伏期为280 ms 的负差异。而当外源注意保持在平行搜索的位置上时,则出现了明显的易化效应,伴随其产生的脑电成分仅为分布在枕顶区域的潜伏期为280 ms 的负差异。这些结果表明,外源易化和IOR 涉及了不同的脑区和神经过程,从而支持两者在机制上是可分离性的观点。  相似文献   

Selective attention can be focused either volitionally, by top-down signals derived from task demands, or automatically, by bottom-up signals from salient stimuli. Because the brain mechanisms that underlie these two attention processes are poorly understood, we recorded local field potentials (LFPs) from primary visual cortical areas of cats as they performed stimulus-driven and anticipatory discrimination tasks. Consistent with our previous observations, in both tasks, we found enhanced beta activity, which we have postulated may serve as an attention carrier. We characterized the functional organization of task-related beta activity by (i) cortical responses (EPs) evoked by electrical stimulation of the optic chiasm and (ii) intracortical LFP correlations. During the anticipatory task, peripheral stimulation that was preceded by high-amplitude beta oscillations evoked large-amplitude EPs compared with EPs that followed low-amplitude beta. In contrast, during the stimulus-driven task, cortical EPs preceded by high-amplitude beta oscillations were, on average, smaller than those preceded by low-amplitude beta. Analysis of the correlations between the different recording sites revealed that beta activation maps were heterogeneous during the bottom-up task and homogeneous for the top-down task. We conclude that bottom-up attention activates cortical visual areas in a mosaic-like pattern, whereas top-down attentional modulation results in spatially homogeneous excitation.  相似文献   

The neural basis of selective spatial attention presents a significant challenge to cognitive neuroscience. Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that regions of the parietal and temporal cortex constitute a "supramodal" network that mediates goal-directed attention in multiple sensory modalities. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to determine which cortical subregions control strategic attention in vision and touch. Healthy observers undertook an orienting task in which a central arrow cue predicted the location of a subsequent visual or somatosensory target. To determine the attentional role of cortical subregions at different stages of processing, TMS was delivered to the right hemisphere during cue or target events. Results indicated a critical role of the inferior parietal cortex in strategic orienting to visual events, but not to somatosensory events. These findings are inconsistent with the existence of a supramodal attentional network and instead provide direct evidence for modality-specific attentional processing in parietal cortex.  相似文献   

Even when confined to the same spatial location, flickering and steady light evoke very different conscious experiences because of their distinct temporal patterns. The neural basis of such differences in subjective experience remains uncertain . Here, we used functional MRI in humans to examine the neural structures involved in awareness of flicker. Participants viewed a single point source of light that flickered at the critical flicker fusion (CFF) threshold, where the same stimulus is sometimes perceived as flickering and sometimes as steady (fused) . We were thus able to compare brain activity for conscious percepts that differed qualitatively (flickering or fused) but were evoked by identical physical stimuli. Greater brain activation was observed on flicker (versus fused) trials in regions of frontal and parietal cortex previously associated with visual awareness in tasks that did not require detection of temporal patterns . In contrast, greater activation was observed on fused (versus flicker) trials in occipital extrastriate cortex. Our findings indicate that activity of higher-level cortical areas is important for awareness of temporally distinct visual events in the context of a nonspatial task, and they thus suggest that frontal and parietal regions may play a general role in visual awareness.  相似文献   

Parameters of visual search (reaction time, mistakes) were investigated in 11 young healthy volunteers, under changing parameters of target symbol (form, color and location) in surroundings of white distracters (flankers). In 6 cortical leads: P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6, monopolar event-related potentials (ERPs) were registered and analyzed for the late endogenous components: N2, P3, because these very components have changed under verifying of search (so called late selection). In the hard search (similar target and distractors) the increase of search time was accompanied by the delay of P3 component and diminishing of its amplitude. The definite (the knowledge of) target position resulted by the decrease search time and decrease of P3 wave latency as compared with situation of uncertainty in respect to the position of target. Alteration of the target stimulus colour were led to abolishment (cancel) of inhibition effect of distracters: parameters of IRP have not differed from parameters of ERPs to solid target stimulus without the flankers. A high correlation of search time and parameters of P3 wave was revealed. Changes of IRPs in different kinds of search were similar in parietal and temporal leads. This suggests that the parietal and temporal cortical areas function as united system, under search of target in environment.  相似文献   



To study the involvement of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (ANT) as compared to the involvement of the hippocampus in the processes of encoding and recognition during visual and verbal memory tasks.


We studied intracerebral recordings in patients with pharmacoresistent epilepsy who underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ANT with depth electrodes implanted bilaterally in the ANT and compared the results with epilepsy surgery candidates with depth electrodes implanted bilaterally in the hippocampus. We recorded the event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by the visual and verbal memory encoding and recognition tasks.


P300-like potentials were recorded in the hippocampus by visual and verbal memory encoding and recognition tasks and in the ANT by the visual encoding and visual and verbal recognition tasks. No significant ERPs were recorded during the verbal encoding task in the ANT. In the visual and verbal recognition tasks, the P300-like potentials in the ANT preceded the P300-like potentials in the hippocampus.


The ANT is a structure in the memory pathway that processes memory information before the hippocampus. We suggest that the ANT has a specific role in memory processes, especially memory recognition, and that memory disturbance should be considered in patients with ANT-DBS and in patients with ANT lesions.ANT is well positioned to serve as a subcortical gate for memory processing in cortical structures.  相似文献   

The visual evoked potentials (EPs) in response to lateralized and central visual symbols under the conditions of involuntary (passive viewing) and selective attention (when one of the symbols was a target and required a rapid and precise motor reaction) are considered. The evoked potentials in the occipital, parietal, and frontal derivations were recorded in 20 healthy subjects. It was shown that the EP during selective attention are most pronounced and more alike in the parietal derivations. A strong positive correlation was revealed between the EP amplitude ([N1–P3] component) and the EP stability (correlation between the repeated EP). The involuntary and voluntary forms of attention supplement each other: the more expressed the involuntary attention (assessed by the [N1–P3] component) the higher the EP to target stimuli during voluntary attention and the shorter the reaction time. It is suggested that the role of visual attention consists in the increase and stabilization of cortical activity (primarily, the parietal regions) engaged in solving a visual task.  相似文献   

Delayed striate cortical activation during spatial attention   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) and event-related magnetic fields (ERMFs) were combined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study visual cortical activity in humans during spatial attention. While subjects attended selectively to stimulus arrays in one visual field, fMRI revealed stimulus-related activations in the contralateral primary visual cortex and in multiple extrastriate areas. ERP and ERMF recordings showed that attention did not affect the initial evoked response at 60-90 ms poststimulus that was localized to primary cortex, but a similarly localized late response at 140-250 ms was enhanced to attended stimuli. These findings provide evidence that the primary visual cortex participates in the selective processing of attended stimuli by means of delayed feedback from higher visual-cortical areas.  相似文献   

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