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A crosslinking enzyme, epidermal transglutaminase, was isolated from soluble proteins of glabrous cow snout epidermis. This enzyme stabilized fibrin clots rendering them insoluble in 2% acetic acid. It also catalyzed the incorporation of the fluorescent amine, dansyl cadaverine, into casein. Epidermal transglutaminase was purified by chromatography upon DEAE-Sephadex A-50, zone electrophoresis in Pevikon, and Sephadex G-200 gel permeation chromatography. The highly purified substance, which had a specific activity of 3267 amine-incorporating units/mg per h and a molecular weight of 55000, behaved as a single molecular species in the analytical ultracentrifuge. It had a sedimentation coefficient of 4.4 S and migrated as a gamma-globulin at pH 8.6; it displayed anomalous migration in polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. The enzyme was dependent upon free calcium ions and a reduced sulfhydryl group for activity. The apparent Km for dansyl cadaverine was 1.2 - 10(-4) at pH 7.5. Monospecific antiserum to bovine epidermal transglutaminase precipitated with the enzyme in agar. The antiserum prevented fibrin crosslinking but enhanced incorporation of dansyl cadaverine into casein by the enzyme. The epidermal enzyme differed biochemically and immunochemically from bovine plasma transglutaminase (Factor XIII).  相似文献   

Summary. The accumulation of D-isomers of aspartic acid (D-Asp) in proteins during aging has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), cataracts and arteriosclerosis. Here, we identified a specific lactacystin-sensitive endopeptidase that cleaves the D-Asp-containing protein and named it D-aspartyl endopeptidase (DAEP). DAEP has a multi-complex structure (MW: 600 kDa) and is localized in the inner mitochondrial membrane. However, DAEP activity was not detected in E. coli, S. cerevisiae, and C. elegans. A specific inhibitor for DAEP, i-DAEP: (benzoyl-L-Arg-L-His-[D-Asp]-CH2Cl; MW: 563.01), was newly synthesized and inhibited DAEP activity (IC50, 3 μM), a factor of ten greater than lactacystin on DAEP. On the other hand, i-DAEP did not inhibit either the 20S or 26S proteasome. And we identified succinate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase 1 as components of DAEP by affinity label using biotinylated i-DAEP. In the long life span of mammals, DAEP may serve as a scavenger against accumulation of racemized proteins in aging. Insights into DAEP will provide the foundation for developing treatments of diseases, such as AD, in which accumulation of D-Asp-containing proteins are implicated.  相似文献   

Isolation and initial characterization of the mammalian midbody   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Midbodies were isolated from synchronized cultures of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and their protein composition was studied by means of SDS PAGE. Gels of the midbodies included alpha and beta tubulins as major bands (approximately 30% of the total protein) and approximately 35 other bands, none of which constituted greater than 3.5% of the total protein. Extraction of the isolated midbodies with Sarkosyl NL-30- solubilized the midbody microtubules but left the central, dense matrix zone of the midbody intact. A protein doublet of approximately 115,000 mol wt was retained preferentially by the particulate fraction containing the matrix zones, indicating it to be a component of the matrix. The 115,000 mol wt doublet was also present in gels of isolated mitotic spindles from CHO cells. The overall protein composition of the isolated spindles was very similar to that of the isolated midbodies.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a novel inducible mammalian galectin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A novel mammalian galectin cDNA (ovgal11) was isolated by representational difference analysis from sheep stomach (abomasal) tissue infected with the nematode parasite, Haemonchus contortus. The mRNA is greatly up-regulated in helminth larval infected gastrointestinal tissue subject to inflammation and eosinophil infiltration. Immunohistological analysis indicates that the protein is localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus of upper epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. The protein is also detected in mucus samples collected from infected abomasum but not from uninfected tissue. The restricted and inducible expression of ovgal11 mRNA and limited secretion of the protein support the hypothesis that OVGAL11 may be involved in gastrointestinal immune/inflammatory responses and possibly protection against infection.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of epidermal growth factor from human milk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been purified from human milk. The purification was monitored with a human placental membrane radioreceptor assay using murine salivary epidermal growth factor I (mEGF I) as a competitive ligand and was achieved exclusively by the use of reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). The sequential use of preparative, semipreparative and analytical RPLC on an octylsilica support with solvent systems of different solute selectivity such as pyridine formate, triethylammonnium phosphate or perfluorocarbonic acids in the presence of n-propanol or acetonitrile allowed purification to homogeneity with 5 consecutive runs. The molecular mass, amino acid composition and NH2-terminal sequence of human EGF were determined. Gas-phase microsequencing of residues 1-17 revealed the following sequence: Asn-Ser-Asp-Ser-Glu-X-Pro-Leu-Ser-His-Asp-Gly-Tyr-X-Leu-X-Asp which is identical with the NH2-terminof urogastrone from human urine. The purified polypeptide competes with mEGF for the placental membrane receptor with a ki of 1 ng. Furthermore, it stimulates the anchorage-dependent as well as -independent proliferation of human and rat indicator cells with half-maximal stimulation at 1 and 2.5 ng/ml, respectively. Although human epidermal growth factor has been unequivocally identified in human milk and -for the first time-shown to be identical with urogastrone from human urine, the high-resolution techniques employed have also revealed the presence of EGF-related molecules which await further characterization. It is possible that EGF and the EGF-related growth factors possess important regulatory functions in normal growth of the human breast during pregnancy and lactation as well as in abnormal growth during mammary tumor formation and progression.  相似文献   

A new enzymatic procedure was developed for isolation of eumelanin from black human hair which might provide a substantially intact pigment for structural characterization. Sequential digestion with protease, proteinase K and papaine in the presence of dithiothreitol afforded a pigment with a 6% w/w protein content. HPLC analysis of pyrrole acids resulting from alkaline H(2)O(2) degradation, carboxyl content determination, and ferricyanide titration showed that the isolated pigment is made up of 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI)- and 5, 6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA)-derived units at a 6:1 ratio, exhibiting a significant degree of oxidative degradation. For comparison, a different eumelanin isolated from black bovine irides by a similar enzymatic procedure was analyzed. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry of the final pigment provided evidence for homologous series of DHICA oligomers, while chemical analysis allowed an estimate of 2:1 DHICA/DHI-derived units in the polymer, with a substantial proportion of intact o-diphenolic functions. Iris melanin proved able to promote the Fenton oxidation of deoxyribose while hair melanin was ineffective. Overall, these results provide, for the first time, unambiguous evidence for marked structural differences of mammalian eumelanins which may be directly related to the diversity of the sites of biosynthesis and storage, as well as to functional role of these pigments.  相似文献   

Nagata S 《Glycobiology》2005,15(3):281-290
The Xenopus laevis embryonic epidermal lectin (XEEL) is a novel member of a group of lectins including mammalian intelectins, frog oocyte cortical granule lectins, and plasma lectins in lower vertebrates and ascidians. We isolated the XEEL protein from the extract of tailbud embryos by affinity chromatography on a galactose-Sepharose column. The XEEL protein is a homohexamer of 43-kDa N-glycosylated peptide subunits linked by disulfide bonds. It requires Ca(2+) for saccharide binding and shows a higher affinity to pentoses than hexoses and disaccharides. HEK-293T cells transfected with an expression vector containing the XEEL cDNA secrete into the culture medium the recombinant XEEL (rXEEL) that is similar to the purified XEEL in its molecular nature and saccharide-binding properties. Substitution of Asn-192 to Gln removed the N-linked carbohydrate and inhibited secretion of rXEEL but did not abolish the activity to bind to galactose-Sepharose. The embryo's XEEL content, as estimated by western blot analyses, increases during neurula/tailbud stages and declines after 1 week postfertilization. Immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopic analyses showed localization of the XEEL protein in a typical secretory granule pathway of nonciliated epidermal cells. When tailbud embryos were cultured in the standard medium, XEEL was accumulated in the medium, indicating secretion of XEEL into the environmental water. The rate of XEEL secretion greatly increased at around the hatching stage and stayed at a high level during the first week after hatching. XEEL may have a role in innate immunity to protect embryos and larvae against pathogenic microorganisms in the environmental water.  相似文献   

In order to initiate studies on chemical carcinogenesis in an in vitro system analogous to mouse epidermis, primary epidermal cell cultures from perinatal mouse skin were established. A standardized method for the large-scale isolation of epidermal cells from late embryonic or newborn mouse dorsal skin has been developed. The epidermal cells were separated from fibroblasts by two series of discontinuous Ficoll density gradients. Using 80 to 100 animals/experiment, an average yield of 3×106 viable epidermal cells/animal was obtained. The viability of the purified cell suspension exceeded 85%, and the plating efficiency, representing the growing cell fraction 24 h after plating, was about 43%.The cultures started as epithelial monolayers without fibroblast contamination. Their epidermal nature and origin was proved immunologically by an in vivo absorbed rabbit anti-mouse epidermis antiserum. The purity of the epidermal cells was quantitatively determined in trypsinized suspensions by the indirect immunofluorescence test yielding more than 95% epidermal antigen-positive cells. About half of the remaining antigen-negative cells could be identified as melanocytes. These highly purified epidermal cells grew in vitro for 2–3 weeks without dermal constituents or diffusible mesenchymal factors. The monolayers differentiated in culture giving rise to keratinizing cell sheets on top of the proliferating basal layer. By morphological, histochemical and physical methods, it could be evidenced that the differentiation processes in vitro are quite similar to keratinization in vivo.  相似文献   

A genetic screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified mutations in mammalian adenylyl cyclase that activate the enzyme in the absence of G(s)alpha. Thirteen of these mutant proteins were characterized biochemically in an assay system that depends on a mixture of the two cytosolic domains (C(1) and C(2)) of mammalian adenylyl cyclases. Three mutations, I1010M, K1014N, and P1015Q located in the beta4-beta5 loop of the C(2) domain of type II adenylyl cyclase, increase enzymatic activity in the absence of activators. The K1014N mutation displays both increased maximal activity and apparent affinity for the C(1) domain of type V adenylyl cyclase in the absence of activators of the enzyme. The increased affinity of the mutant C(2) domain of adenylyl cyclase for the wild type C(1) domain was exploited to isolate a complex containing VC(1), IIC(2), and G(s)alpha-guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPgammaS) in the absence of forskolin and a complex of VC(1), IIC(2), forskolin, and P-site inhibitor in the absence of G(s)alpha-GTPgammaS. The isolation of these complexes should facilitate solution of crystal structures of low activity states of adenylyl cyclase and thus determination of the mechanism of activation of the enzyme by forskolin and G(s)alpha.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for the isolation and in vitro culture of larval and adultXenopus laevis epidermal cells have been developed. Epidermal cells of stage 52–54 tadpoles and adult epidermal cells were enzymatically dissociated and purified (98%) by Percoll-density centrifugation and unit-gravity sedimentation. Both cell types attached on fibronectin-coated dishes and proliferated for 1 wk when the proper medium was used. There were four significant differences between larval and adult cells: a) Adult cells had a greater buoyant density than larval cells. b) Keratin synthesis patterns were markedly different. c) A combination of medium F12 and Eagle's minimum essential medium was optimal for growth of larval cells whereas MCDB151 medium was optimal for adult cells. d) Adult cells needed fetal bovine serum (>5%) whereas larval cells grew without fetal bovine serum. In contrast to these differences, larval and adult cells had two similar properties: a) Insulin had a potent effect on the growth of both cells, and b) The optimal Ca++ concentration for cell growth was quite low for both cell types; 0,1 mM for larval cells and below 0.05 mM for adult cells. These results suggest that low Ca++ levels are essential for both cornifying (adult) and uncornifying (larval) amphibian keratinocytes. The culture techniques described herein for larval and adult epidermal cells provide a new in vitro model for analyzing development of the epidermis during amphibian metamorphosis. This study was supported by grant (HD 24438) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Canine epidermal growth factor (EGF)/urogastrone was partially purified from dog urine by fractional precipitation with (NH4)2SO4, ion-exchange chromatography with DEAE-cellulose DE-52, gel filtration with Sephadex G-50, and a second DE-52 chromatography, to yield receptor-competing activity equivalent to 13 micrograms of standard mouse EGF/litre of starting urine. The purification was monitored by a competitive radioreceptor assay using fixed monolayers of A431 cells. The partially purified canine EGF/urogastrone demonstrated a growth-stimulating activity in 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells as potent as mouse EGF. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed one major peptide component with an Mr similar to that of mouse EGF, and two minor peptides of slightly higher Mr. The major peptide component was isolated after reduction and its amino acid composition was determined.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster white gene is a member of the ABC transporter superfamily of ATPase transmembrane proteins and is involved in the cellular uptake of guanine and tryptophan. We have cloned and sequenced human and mouse homologs of white which share 55–58% amino acid similarity with the Drosophila protein. Northern analysis reveals that the mammalian homolog is highly expressed in several tissues, including brain, spleen, lung and placenta. We have localized the gene to human chromosome 21q22.3 by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization and linkage analysis using a (CA)n polymorphism. The human homolog maps to the interval between D21S212 and D21S171, a region which includes loci for bipolar affective disorder and a recessive form of deafness. Since tryptophan is a precursor for the neurotransmitter serotonin and neurotoxic metabolites of the kynurenine pathway, we propose that the human homolog of white is a suitable candidate gene for these neurological disorders in humans.  相似文献   

Storage of swine manure is associated with the microbiological production of a variety of odorous chemicals including ammonia, organic acids and alcohols, and sulphides. Although largely the product of microbiological activity, little is known about the microorganisms present in swine manure. In order to gain a better understanding of the types and activities of the microorganisms present, representative strains of microorganisms were isolated from faeces and stored manure slurry, identified, and physiologically characterized. For swine manure slurry samples, total anaerobe colony counts were greatest when a non-selective, habitat simulating medium containing clarified swine manure slurry was used whereas the highest counts for faecal anaerobes were obtained on rumen fluid containing medium. Faecal and slurry samples were also plated onto the appropriate medium containing the antibiotics tetracycline, erythromycin and tylosin (10 micro g ml-1, individually) and the proportional counts of organisms capable of growing in the presence of these antibiotics determined. Randomly selected isolates from the highest dilutions were identified by 16 s rDNA sequence analysis, and selected physiological characteristics were determined. The results of these examinations indicate that the predominant culturable microorganisms from these environments are obligately anaerobic, low mol percentage G + C Gram positive bacteria (Firmicutes) who are members of Clostridial, Eubacterial, and Lactobacillus/Streptococcus phylogenetic groups. Isolates similar to Sporomusa and Flexibacter/Cytophaga/Bacteroides (CFB or Bacteroidetes) groups were also obtained. Although similar overall, faecal and slurry samples differed in bacterial composition. Manure slurry samples were dominated by organisms similar to Clostridium coccoides and Enterococcus species whereas the distribution of species present in faeces appeared much broader. Whereas most of the pure cultures could be assigned to known phylogenetic groupings, few could be identified as known species. Examination of some growth and physiological characteristics of faecal and slurry isolates showed these to be primarily carbohydrate fermenters, although some were able to ferment lactate and amino acids. When the ability of manure and faecal isolates to ferment protein, peptides and amino acids was examined, a relatively small percentage of these were able to do so and most of these fermented carbohydrates in addition to the amino acid sources provided. The predominant amino acid fermenters were most closely related to C. coccoides and C. botulinum, but representatives of the Bacteroides, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus and other phylogenetic groups were also found. The results reported here are compared with those obtained from clone libraries prepared from the same environmental samples.  相似文献   

Antithrombin was purified from Bothrops jararaca plasma by affinity chromatography using HiTrap Heparin HP column, and its molecular weight, amino-terminal sequence, carbohydrate content, isoelectric point, inhibition of bovine thrombin, and immunological properties were studied and compared with previously described antithrombins. B. jararaca antithrombin is a single-chain glycoprotein with a total carbohydrate content of 18%. The molecular weight from SDS-PAGE was 61 kDa and the inhibitor exhibited an acidic isoelectric point (4.5). The amino-terminal sequence has been determined as His-Glu-Ser-Ser-Val-Gln-Asp-Ile-Ile-Thr, which is highly homologous to the terminal sequences of other animal antithrombins, indicating high amino acid conservation among several animals. Immunological cross-reactivity was observed among fish, frog, chicken, human, non-venomous snake and B. jararaca antithrombins. B. jararaca antithrombin showed inhibitory activity upon human and B. jararaca coagulation and amidolytic substrate S-2238.  相似文献   

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