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DNA from members of an Irish pedigree presenting with late onset autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) have been typed with a series of genetic markers from chromosome 6p. Positive two-point lod scores have been obtained with five markers (D6S89: theta = 0.10, Z = 3.338; D6S109: theta = 0.10, Z = 3.932; D6S105: theta = 0.00, Z = 6.081; HLA-DRA: theta = 0.00, Z = 4.364; and RDS: theta = 0.00, Z = 5.376). In a series of overlapping multipoint analyses a lod score of 6.6 was obtained, maximizing at HLA-DRA and hence localizing the ADRP gene (RP5) segregating in this pedigree to 6p. These data provide direct evidence for an additional autosomal dominant RP locus and strongly implicate the human equivalent of the mouse retinal degeneration slow (rds) gene, peripherin-rds, as a candidate for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

Members of a large pedigree of Irish origin presenting with early onset Type I autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) have been typed for D3S47 (C17), a polymorphic marker from the long arm of chromosome 3. Significant, tight linkage of ADRP to D3S47, with a lod score of 14.7 maximizing at 0.00 recombination, has been obtained, hence localizing the ADRP gene (RP1) segregating in this pedigree to 3q.  相似文献   

Members of a large pedigree of Irish origin presenting with early onset Type I autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) have been typed for polymorphic DNA markers from chromosomes 6, 13, 20, and 21. For each marker close linkage to ADRP has been excluded by pairwise analyses. Using distances fixed from well-established genetic maps of these chromosomes and multipoint analyses with two or three contiguous markers, exclusion of ADRP was extended to the areas between markers, resulting in the exclusion of ADRP from extensive regions of each chromosome, totaling approximately 500 cM or 15% of the genome. The study indicates the large quantity of linkage/exclusion data obtainable using well-spaced highly polymorphic markers.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetically heterogeneous group of retinal degenerative disorders resulting in severe visual loss and blindness that have remained incurable till date. We report the mapping of the disease locus in a 3-generation family of Indian origin with autosomal dominant RP (ADRP). Diagnosis of RP and recruitment was made after a complete clinical evaluation of all members. Manifestations of the disease included night blindness with blurred central vision in some cases, loss of peripheral vision, and diffuse degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium. Linkage analysis using microsatellite markers was carried out on 34 members (14 affected). After testing for linkage to known retinal dystrophy loci as well as a subsequent genome-wide analysis, we detected linkage to markers on chromosome 6q23: D6S262 at 130 cM, D6S457 (130 cM) and D6S1656 (131 cM) gave significant 2-point LOD scores of 3.0–3.8. Multipoint LOD scores of ≥3.0 were obtained for markers between 121 and 130 cM. Haplotype analysis with several markers in the same region on chromosome 6 shows a disease-cosegregating region of about 25 Mb between 109 and 135 Mb. There are no known RP genes in this interval, which contains >100 genes. This study provides evidence for a novel ADRP locus on chromosome 6q23.  相似文献   

Using single-strand conformation polymorphism electrophoresis, heteroduplex analysis, and direct sequencing, we have searched for possible disease-causing mutations in the adRP family in which we originally found tight linkage of the disease to 6p. We have now identified a single base change in exon 2, which results in the replacement of a serine residue at codon 212 for a glycine residue. The mutation cosegregates with the disease with a lod score of 12.1 at theta = 0.0.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping in a large, seven-generation family with type 2 autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) demonstrates linkage between the disease locus (RP1) and DNA markers on the short arm of human chromosome 8. Five markers were most informative for mapping ADRP in this family using two-point linkage analysis. The markers, their maximum lod scores, and recombination distances were ANK1 (ankyrin)--2.0 at 16%; D8S5 (TL11)--5.3 at 17%; D8S87 [a(CA)n repeat]--7.2 at 14%; LPL (lipoprotein lipase)--1.5 at 26%; and PLAT (plasminigen activator, tissue)--10.6 at 7%. Multipoint linkage analysis, using a simplified pedigree structure for the family (which contains 192 individuals and two inbreeding loops), gave a maximum lod score of 12.2 for RP1 at a distance 8.1 cM proximal to PLAT in the pericentric region of the chromosome. Based on linkage data from the CEPH (Paris) reference families and physical mapping information from a somatic cell hybrid panel of chromosome 8 fragments, the most likely order for four of these five loci and the diseases locus is 8pter-LPL-D8S5-D8S87-PLAT-RP1. (The precise location of ANK1 relative to PLAT in this map is not established). The most likely location for RP1 is in the pericentric region of the chromosome. Recently, several families with ADRP with tight linkage to the rhodopsin locus at 3q21-q24 were reported and a number of specific rhodopsin mutations in families with ADRP have since been reported. In other ADRP families, including the one in this study, linkage to rhodopsin has been excluded. Thus mutations at two different loci, at least, have been shown to cause ADRP. There is no remarkable clinical disparity in the expression of disease caused by these different loci.  相似文献   

Since the initial report of linkage of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) to the long arm of chromosome 3, several mutations in the gene encoding rhodopsin, which also maps to 3q, have been reported in adRP pedigrees. However, there has been some discussion as to the possibility of a second adRP locus on 3q. This suggestion has important diagnostic and research implications and must raise doubts about the usefulness of linked markers for reliable diagnosis of RP patients. In order to address this issue we have performed an admixture test (A-test) on 10 D3S47-linked adRP pedigrees and have found a likelihood ratio of heterogeneity versus homogeneity of 4.90. We performed a second A-test, combining the data from all families with known rhodopsin mutations. In this test we obtained a reduced likelihood ratio of heterogeneity versus homogeneity, of 1.0. On the basis of these statistical analyses we have found no significant support for two adRP loci on chromosome 3q. Furthermore, using 40 CEPH families, we have localized the rhodopsin gene to the D3S47-D3S20 interval, with a maximum lod score (Zm) of 20 and have found that the order qter-D3S47-rhodopsin-D3S20-cen is significantly more likely than any other order. In addition, we have mapped (Zm = 30) the microsatellite marker D3S621 relative to other loci in this region of the genome.  相似文献   

Summary A large Danish pedigree segregating for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (RPX) (Warburg and Simonsen 1968) was restudied for linkage analysis. Using two markers, i.e. the DNA base sequence polymorphism presented by the probe L1.28 defining the chromosomal segment DXS7, and the C-banding heteromorphism (Xcen) (Friedrich 1982), we were able to localize the RPX gene in Xp close to the centromere rather precisely. The gene order could be deduced by three-point linkage analysis, and the gene distances were determined by pairwise analysis using the LIPED program (Ott 1974). Together with previously published data concerning the RPX:DXS7 linkage (Bhattacharya et al. 1984) a regional gene map is constructed. Xcen-11 cM-RPX-6 cM-DXS7.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have revealed that 25 to 30% of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) families have mutations in the rhodopsin gene, while the remainder do not. More recently linkage data and mutation detection have demonstrated two further loci implicated in adRP, at an as yet unidentified gene on chromosome 8p and at the human gene homologue of the mouse Rds (Retinal Degeneration Slow) gene on chromosome 6p. We have previously reported exclusion of adRP from the rhodopsin locus on 3q in two large adRP families. We now report exclusion data for both families, on chromosomes 6 and 8, demonstrating that the adRP phenotype results from mutations in at least four locations.  相似文献   

This is an investigation into the finding that patients with primary hyperparathyroidism caused by Water Clear Cell Hyperplasia (WCCH) frequently belong to blood group O. Two control groups were defined from the same time period as 32 cases of WCCH treated at our clinic: one was a consecutive patient series with other forms of primary hyperparathyroidism (n=864) and the other was the population in a geographically defined area in Sweden (n=59,862). The blood group distribution of the patients with WCCH differed from the distribution of the patients with other forms of primary hyperparathyroidism with high significance (P=0.00040). The blood group distribution did not differ between the two control groups. Strong associations between disease and HL-A type have previously been described, while associations found between disease and ABO blood groups were weaker. The association between WCCH and blood group O described here is by far the strongest association with the ABO system demonstrated to date. It is possible that the presence of an O-allele is a prerequisite for the development of WCCH.  相似文献   

Three large pedigrees of German descent with autosomal dominant "pure" familial spastic paraplegia (FSP) were characterized clinically and genetically. Haplotype and linkage analyses, with microsatellites covering the FSP region on chromosome 14q (locus FSP1), were performed. In pedigree W, we found a haplotype that cosegregates with the disease and observed three crossing-over events, reducing the FSP1 candidate region to 7 cM; in addition, the observation of apparent anticipation in this family suggests a trinucleotide repeat expansion as the mutation. In pedigrees D and S, the gene locus could be excluded from the whole FSP1 region, confirming the locus heterogeneity of autosomal dominant FSP.  相似文献   

Summary A cri du chat patient with deletion of more than 3/4 of the short arm of one chromosome 5 was found to be heterozygous at both of the closely linked HL-A gene loci, thus demonstrating that the HL-A genes cannot be located on the missing segment.
Zusammenfassung Bei einem Patienten mit Cri du chat-Syndrom und einer Chromosomendefizienz, die mehr als 3/4 des kurzen Armes eines Chromosoms 5 umfaßt, wurde Heterozygotie an beiden der enggekoppelten HL-A-Gene festgestellt. Damit können die HL-A-Gene nicht auf dem deletierten Abschmitt lokalisiert sein.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Supported by The Danish State Research Foundation and Einar Willumsen's Foundation.  相似文献   

Several mutations in the rhodopsin gene in patients affected by autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) have recently been described. We report four new rhodopsin mutations in ADRP families, initially identified as hetero-duplexed PCR fragments on hydrolink gels. One is an in-frame 12-bp deletion of codons 68 to 71. The other three are point mutations involving codons 190, 211, and 296. Each alters the amino acid encoded. The codon 190 mutation has been detected in 2 from a panel of 34 ADRP families, while the remaining mutations were seen in single families. This suggests that, consistent with a dominant condition, no single mutation will account for a large fraction of ADRP cases. The base substitution in codon 296 alters the lysine residue that functions as the attachment site for 11-cis-retinal, mutating it to glutamic acid. This mutation occurs in a family with an unusually severe phenotype, resulting in early onset of disease and cataracts in the third or fourth decade of life. This result demonstrates a correlation between the location of the mutation and the severity of phenotype in rhodopsin RP.  相似文献   

As part of our ongoing linkage studies of degenerative retinal diseases, we tested seven DNA markers and two classical genetic markers from chromosome 4 in two extended families with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). Our goals were (1) to detect or exclude linkage of ADRP to markers spanning most of chromosome 4 and (2) to contribute useful new information regarding the linkage map of this chromosome. Our results exclude linkage of ADRP from more than 82% of chromosome 4. We detected four new linkage relationships: loose linkage of K082 (D4S10) and G1E5 (D4S21) at a distance of 21 cM; loose linkage of 4F2 (D4S18) and GC protein at a distance of 19 cM; tight linkage (i.e., no recombinants) between B3D (D4S44), B5A (D4S40), and the MNS blood group; and tight linkage between 4F2 and GDS5 (D4S23). These data, combined with previously reported data, exclude ADRP from approximately 35% of the human genome.  相似文献   

We recently reported the localization of a gene for late-onset autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP; RP6), on the short arm of chromosome 6, by linkage analysis in a large family of Irish origin. It is notable that the gene encoding peripherin-RDS, a photoreceptor-specific protein, recently has been physically mapped on 6p. In our own analysis, an intrageneic marker derived from this gene cosegregated with the adRP disease locus with zero recombination (lod score 5.46 at q = .00). Using the CEPH reference panel, we now report the mapping of the peripherin-RDS gene relative to other 6p markers in the CEPH data base. Incorporation of these data into a multipoint analysis produced a lod score for adRP of 8.21, maximizing at the peripherin-RDS locus. This study provides strong evidence suggesting a role for peripherin-RDS in the etiology of one form of adRP.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa may be caused by point mutations of the rhodopsin gene in a portion of families. In this communication, a large six-generation family with autosomal dominant RP is described. Molecular analysis by PCR amplification followed by restriction digestion or heteroduplex analysis suggested a point mutation in codon 347, in which two different mutations (Pro-347-Ser and Pro-347-Leu) have already been reported. Direct sequencing of the patients' DNA revealed a previously undescribed CCG----CGG transversion in codon 347 predicting a Pro----Arg substitution. Ophthalmological data of the patients are summarized and compared to those of patients with other mutations in the rhodopsin gene.  相似文献   

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