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目的研究流感病毒H1N1及其他亚型在Vero细胞系和MDCK细胞系高效增殖的最适条件,比较两种细胞系对流感病毒的敏感性差异及影响敏感性差异的条件。方法在培养好的Vero细胞系与MDCK细胞系用不同的病毒感染复数(M.O.I)、胰酶浓度、病毒吸附时间、病毒维持液血清质量浓度等条件进行流感病毒在细胞上的增殖。结果在M.O.I为0.01接种流感病毒,吸附时间为1 h,胰酶质量浓度2μg/mL,血清质量浓度为8%时,流感病毒血凝素在MDCK细胞系可获得较高的滴度。结论 MDCK细胞系是适于流感病毒培养的细胞,它作为生产新型流感病毒疫苗的主要细胞基质需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

The genus Flavivirus consists of more than 70 virus species and subtypes, the majority of which are transmitted by mosquitoes or ticks, although some have no known vector (NKV). The ability of these viruses to infect cultured cells derived from mosquito or tick species offers a useful insight into the suitability of such vectors to harbour and replicate particular viruses. We undertook a comparative study of the susceptibility of mammalian Vero cells, a clonal mosquito cell line (C6/36) and recently developed cell lines derived from the ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) Ixodes ricinus (L.) (IRE/CTVM18), I. scapularis (Say) (ISE6), Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Neumann) (RAE/CTVM1) and Amblyomma variegatum (Fabricius) (AVL/CTVM17) to infection with 13 flaviviruses (and one alphavirus) using immunofluorescence microscopy and plaque assay techniques. The C6/36 mosquito cell line was infected by all the mosquito-borne flaviviruses tested but not by NKV viruses or tick-borne viruses, with the exception of Langat virus (LGTV). The tick cell lines were susceptible to infection by all of the tick-borne viruses tested, as well as two mosquito-borne viruses, West Nile virus (WNV) and the alphavirus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), but not other mosquito-borne viruses or NKV viruses.  相似文献   

Two diploid cell lines were established from larval tissues of the mosquito Aedes novalbopictus. Many morphologically different types of cells were detected in primary cultures. However, only three types of cells became established in the cell lines. They were: epithelial-like cells (80–90%), fibroblast-like cells (5–10%), and giant cells (5–10%). Cell number increased about 15-fold during the first 6 days of culture and the population doubling time during the period of active growth was 18 hr. Seventy to 80% of the cells were diploid (2n = 6) and the rest were tetra-or polyploids. Cells from these two cultures so far (December, (1971)) have been subcultured 36 and 34 times, respectively. The growth pattern and general morphologic features of the cells of A. novalbopictus cultures closely resembled those of A. albopictus cultures.  相似文献   

昆虫细胞系的培养和建立技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
迄今已经报道的昆虫细胞系有800株以上。昆虫细胞系在昆虫病理学、寄生虫学、内分泌学、遗传学和分子生物学等基础和应用研究中得到越来越广泛的应用。本文结合我们研究的结果和实践经验,概括了国内外昆虫细胞系建立技术的研究进展,包括昆虫细胞培养的发展、昆虫细胞系建立技术、不同昆虫组织来源细胞系的建立方法和过程,以及对昆虫细胞系特征的鉴定等方面。  相似文献   

PiA水稻悬浮细胞系的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以抗稻瘟病的粳稻PiA开花后12~15d的幼胚为材料,将诱导10~15d的愈伤不经固体培养基继代,直接转到AA液体培养基上,在较短时间内成功建立起了优良的水稻悬浮细胞系;并测定了该悬浮细胞系不同时期的生长特性和分化情况,结果表明悬浮培养适宜的继代天数是7~10d;培养30~120d的细胞分化能力和植株再生能力较好,细胞分化率和成苗率分别为57.1%和20%,为进一步利用悬浮细胞进行遗传转化和原生质体分离奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Serial, in vitro passage of Toxoplasma gondii (Rh strain) was successfully performed in a cell line derived from ovine fetal kidney cells. Invasion of this parasite into the kidney cells was easily discernible 1 hr after inoculation. The subsequent proliferation of the parasite was followed in the cytoplasm of the kidney cells. Very active endodyogeny and rosette formations, as many as 13 in a cell, were observed in the cytoplasm of the kidney cells 48 hr postinoculation. After 96 hr of incubation, the parasite population had increased about 132-fold. The virulence of T. gondii against mice was not attenuated after 2 years of in vitro growth which represented 100 serial passages through the kidney cell cultures. Although no "exotoxin" was produced by T. gondii grown in vitro, a Toxoplasma sp. agar gel immunodiffusion test antigen was isolated from the cell-free supernatant fluid of the kidney cell cultures which was identical to an antigen isolated from "toxogenic" organisms harvested from infected mice.  相似文献   

狂犬病固定毒Vero细胞适应株的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道狂犬病毒Vero细胞适应株建株经过以及对适应株的抗原和免疫原性分析的情况,并推荐“RFD”和“Hs_3”适应株作为狂犬疫苗微载体培养系统的候选毒株。  相似文献   

Cell lines provide a tool for investigating basic biological processes that underlie the complex interactions among the tissues and organs of an intact organism. We compare the evolution of insect and mammalian populations as they progress from diploid cell strains to continuous cell lines, and review the history of the well-characterized Aedes albopictus mosquito cell line, C7-10. Like Kc and S3 cells from Drosophila melanogaster, C7-10 cells are sensitive to the insect steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), and express 20E-inducible proteins as well as the EcR and USP components of the ecdysteroid receptor. The decrease in growth associated with 20E treatment results in an accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cycle, and a concomitant decrease in levels of cyclin A. In contrast, 20E induces a G2 arrest in a well-studied imaginal disc cell line from the moth, Plodia interpunctella. We hypothesize that 20E-mediated events associated with molting and metamorphosis include effects on regulatory proteins that modulate the mitotic cell cycle and that differences between the 20E response in diverse insect cell lines reflect an interplay between classical receptor-mediated effects on gene expression and non-classical effects on signaling pathways similar to those recently described for the vertebrate steroid hormone, estrogen.  相似文献   

Summary Cell extracts of five mosquito cell lines and a tick cell line were examined for four cellular isozymes using a cellulose-acetate electrophoretic technique. This method distinguished the cell lines that were derived from the different species. Intraspecies distinctions were not made using the cell lines tested; the significance of this finding is discussed. The usefulness of this technique in identifying a potentially mislabeled cell line was demonstrated. This research was supported by contracts, DADA 17-72C-2170 of the U.S. Army and N00014-78C-0104 of the U.S. Office of Naval Research and grants from the World Health Organization and the Rockefeller Foundation.  相似文献   

目的:探索Vero细胞和脊髓灰质炎病毒在无血清条件下的最佳培养条件,为无血清培养Vero细胞生产脊髓灰质炎疫苗奠定基础。方法选择直接适应(直降组)和序贯适应(驯化组)两种无血清培养方法,观察Vero细胞和脊髓灰质炎病毒在无血清条件下的生长情况,并检测脊髓灰质炎病毒及其病毒滴度。结果 Vero细胞在两种无血清条件下均生长良好,其中驯化组细胞生长速度更接近对照组。以脊髓灰质炎病毒Sabin株Ⅰ型分别感染直降组、驯化组和对照组细胞的病毒滴度平均值分别为8.94、8.81和8.94 LgCCID50/mL;Ⅱ型病毒滴度平均值分别为8.84、8.25和7.94 LgCCID50/mL;Ⅲ型病毒滴度平均值分别为8.91、8.57和8.63 LgCCID50/mL;且3组的变异系数( CV)均小于10%。结论 Vero细胞在无血清条件下生长良好,无血清培养的Vero 细胞可用作脊髓灰质炎疫苗生产的基质。  相似文献   

Choi SK  Chang HN  Lee GM  Kim IH  Oh DJ 《Cytotechnology》1995,17(3):173-183
A depth filter perfusion system (DFPS) with polypropylene fibers had been demonstrated to support high density cultures of anchorage-independent hybridoma cells. The DFPS provides advantages of high surface-to-volume ratio of 450–600 cm2/cm3, low cost set-up, easy operation and scale-up. To test the feasibility of using DFPS for high density cultures of anchorage-dependent cells, Vero cells were cultivated in the DFPS. Gelatin coating on polypropylene fibers in the DFPS was necessary to promote cell attachment and growth. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations could be controlled by sparging air into the reservoir vessel through a filter sparger. When DO concentration was controlled above 40% of air saturation in the DFPS with 40 m pore size, the maximum cell concentration as estimated on specific lactate production rate, was 3.81×107 cells/ml of the total reactor volume. This viable cell concentration is approximately 18 times higher than that obtained in a T-flask batch culture. Taken together, the results obtained here showed the potential of DFPS for high-density cultures of anchorage-dependent cells.  相似文献   

Summary In the continuous cell lines of the LepidopteraTrichoplusia ni (TN-368) andSpodoptera littoralis (HPB-SL-26), ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone cause a series of morphological changes: some cells aggregate, elongate and extend long thin processes. The extent and rapidity of changes are dose dependent, 20-hydroxy-ecdysone being much more active then ecdysone. The continuous cell lines ofS. littoralis (UIV-SL-573) andS. frugiperda (IPLB-SF-21) were much less responsive to the presence of the ecdysteroids.  相似文献   

A proteomics approach to identifying fish cell lines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wagg SK  Lee LE 《Proteomics》2005,5(16):4236-4244
Fish cell lines are relatively easy to culture and most have simple growth requirements that make cross contamination a potential problem. Cell line contamination is not an uncommon incident in laboratories handling more than one cell line and many reports have been made on cross contamination of mammalian cell lines. Although problems of misidentification and cross-contamination of fish cell lines have rarely been reported, these are issues of concern for cell culturists that can make scientific results and their reproducibility unreliable. Proper identification of cell lines is thus crucial and protocols for routine and rapid screening are preferred. Cytogenetic evaluation, DNA fingerprinting, microsatellite analysis and PCR methods have been published for inter-species identification of many cell lines, but discerning intra-species contamination has been challenging. More complex DNA fingerprinting and hybridization techniques coupled with isoenzyme analysis have been developed to discriminate intra-species contamination, however, these require complex and time consuming procedures to enable cell identification thus are difficult to apply for routine use. A simple proteomic approach has been made to identify several fish cell lines derived from tissues of the same or differing species. Protein expression signatures (PES) of the evaluated fish cell lines have been developed using 2-DE and image analysis. A higher degree of concordance was seen among cell lines derived from rainbow trout, than from other fish species. Similar concordance was seen in cells derived from the same tissues than from other tissues within the same species. These profiles have been saved in an electronic databank and could be made available to be used for discerning the origins of the various cell lines evaluated. This proteomic approach could thus serve as an additional, valuable and reliable technique for the identification of fish cell lines.  相似文献   

Vero细胞是世界卫生组织和《中国药典》认可的用于人用疫苗和动物疫苗生产的细胞系,Vero细胞无血清培养生产疫苗已成为当前的主要趋势。无血清培养的关键是设计符合Vero细胞贴壁特性和提高细胞密度的无血清培养基,这也是规模化培养的关键因素之一。Vero细胞无血清培养基的开发与使用一方面减少了对动物血清的依赖,提高了病毒性疫苗的质量安全;另一方面促进了无血清培养技术的发展与应用。现就Vero细胞无血清培养基的研究进展予以综述。  相似文献   

Lepidopteran heat-tolerant (ht) cell lines have been obtained with sf-9, sf-21 and several Bombyx cells. They have a distinct karyotype, membrane lipid composition, morphology and growth kinetics from the parental cell lines. In this paper, we report the development of ht cell lines from other insect species and examination of their growth characteristics and virus susceptibility. Adaptation of cell lines sf-9, BTI-TN-5B1-4 (High5) and BTI-TN-MG1 (MG1) to 33°C and 35°C was carried out by shifting the culture temperature between 28°C and higher temperatures by a gradual stepwise increase in temperature. The process of adaption to a higher culture temperature was accomplished over a period of 2 months. The cell lines with the temperature adaption were designated as sf9-ht33, sf9-ht35, High5-ht33, High5-ht35, MG1-ht33, MG1-ht35. These cell lines have been subcultured over 70 passages. Adaption to high temperatures was confirmed by a constant population doubling time with individual cell lines. The population doubling time of heat adapted cell lines were 1–4 h less than these of parental cell lines. Cell shapes did not show obvious change, however, the cell size of sf9-ht cells was enlarged and those of High5 and MG1 ht cells were reduced after heat adaption. When the cell lines were infected with Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) at 28°C, 33°C, 35°C and 37°C, production of budded virus and occlusion bodies in each cell line was optimum at its own adapted temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Three new continuous cell lines were established from two species of marine fishes economically important in Asia. Perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) heart (PH), perch liver (PL), and grouper (Epinephelus amblycephalus) kidney (GK) lines were established in Eagle’s minimum essential medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and have been subcultured over 120 times. The optimum growth temperature was 25°C for the PK and GK lines and 30° C for the PH line. The modal chromosome numbers for each cell line are: PH (49), PK (50), and GK (65). None of the lines was susceptible to the rhabdovirus infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) or channel catfish herpesvirus (CCV); however, all three cell lines were susceptible to a variety of fish birnaviruses, including infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), the EVE eel virus, and newly isolated birnaviruses from a variety of fish and shellfish in Taiwan. This research was funded by National Science Foundation grant INT-810447, the University of Main/University of New Hampshire Sea Grant College Program, and the Maine Agriculture Experiment Station publication no. 1165.  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin has the capacity to block protein synthesis in cultured mammalian cells, and thus causing cell death. This capacity of diphtheria toxin was utilized for in-vitro neutralization test to determine antibody titer, using Vero cells, which have been found to be susceptible to diphtheria toxin. In the present study, a Vero cell assay was standardized and validated for potency estimation of diphtheria antitoxin serum (DATS). The results obtained by Vero cell assay were compared with in-vivo biological assay. High degree of correlation (+0.98) was found between in-vivo biological assay and in-vitro Vero cell assay. The assay has also been found to be effective in determining the rising antibody titer in the equines inducted in DATS production. The present study indicated that although biological assays hold the key for final potency estimations till date but in the future scenario in-vitro Vero cell assay may be a good alternative to in-vivo biological assay.  相似文献   

Highly virulent Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite multiplication was recorded on the 4th and 5th days post cultivation (dpc) in seven selected cell lines either with or without fetal calf serum (FCS) in the maintenance media. The multiplication rate was slightly lower in the absence of FCS. The cell line mono-layers collapsed dying by the 6th day of infection both in presence or absence of FCS at 37 degrees C. Carcinoma of human larynx (Hep2) and Madian Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cell lines were the most suitable for in vitro multiplication, followed by that of African green monkey kidney cells (VERO), pooled kidney from 1-day-old hamster (BHK), rabbit kidney cells (RK13) and human rhabdomyosarcoma (RDA), while Chicken embryo cells (CER) were the least suitable. In absence of FCS, CER, BHK, Hep2, RDA and MDBK were able to maintain virulent tachyzoites at +4 degrees C for 14 days. The infectivity of the tachyzoites was however lower, killing 40% of the inoculated mice. Tachyzoites survived at room temperature, in the dark, for 14 days in Hep2, RDA and MDBK. However, Hep2 was the only one able to keep virulent tachyzoites until 21 dpc at room temperature and at +4 degrees C. Hep2 propagated tachyzoites were still alive but with low infectivity up to 28 dpc. The cell-lines failed to support the development of tachyzoites after 7 dpc at 37 degrees C and after the 35 dpc at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

This study proposes an easy to use in situ device, based on multi-frequency permittivity measurements, to monitor the growth and death of attached Vero cells cultivated on microporous microcarriers, without any cell sampling. Vero cell densities were on-line quantified up to 106 cell mL−1. Some parameters which could potentially impact Vero cell morphological and physiological states were assessed through different culture operating conditions, such as media formulation or medium feed-harvest during cell growth phase. A new method of in situ cell death detection with dielectric spectroscopy was also successfully implemented. Thus, through permittivity frequency scanning, major rises of the apoptotic cell population in bioreactor cultures were detected by monitoring the characteristic frequency of the cell population, fc, which is one of the culture dielectric parameters. Both cell density quantification and cell apoptosis detection are strategic information in cell-based production processes as they are involved in major events of the process, such as scale-up or choice of the viral infection conditions. This new application of dielectric spectroscopy to adherent cell culture processes makes it a very promising tool for risk-mitigation strategy in industrial processes. Therefore, our results contribute to the development of Process Analytical Technology in cell-based industrial processes.  相似文献   

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