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A dolichol kinase (EC was found in sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane fractions from rat leg muscle. This enzyme specifically required CTP as a phosphoryl donor and relatively little activity was found in the absence of exogenous detergent-suspended dolichol. Unlike other reported dolichol kinases, the kinase from skeletal muscle was activated almost equally well by Ca2+, Zn2+, or Mg2+, but not Mn2+. No effect of calmodulin was seen. The kinase exhibited a single pH optimum at pH 7-8 in contrast to kinases from certain other tissues. Despite the low level of dolichol present in skeletal muscle, the kinase in the sarcoplasmic reticulum fraction had an activity comparable to that of microsomal preparations from tissues such as brain and liver, which may indicate that skeletal muscle has a high capacity for dolichol phosphorylation and protein glycosylation.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea when injected intraperitoneally into rats either as a single dose or as three consecutive daily doses, markedly inhibited thymidine kinase activity in cerebellum on 7th day. The inhibitory effect of the drug was found to be both dose and time dependent. The drug has however, failed to exert any inhibitory action when added to the reaction mixture in vitro. It is concluded that the well established inhibition on DNA synthesis by hydroxyurea may not be solely due to its action on ribonucleotide reductase (EC but probably due to its interference at several other sites including thymidine kinase.  相似文献   

Nonhistone chromosomal proteins of the developing rat testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Inner mitochondrial membranes from liver contain a dolichol kinase which required CTP as a phosphoryl donor. Kinase activity was linear with protein concentration and unlike other reported kinases, activated almost equally well by Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+. Thin-layer chromatography showed that the reaction product co-migrated with authentic dolichyl monophosphate. The phosphorylation of dolichol did not occur in presence of ATP, GTP or UTP but required exogenous dolichol for maximal activity. Newly synthesized [3H]dolichyl monophosphate has been shown to be glycosylated in the presence of GDP[14C]mannose or UDP[14C]glucose. The double labeled lipids formed by the sugar nucleotide-dependent reactions were identified respectively as [14C]mannosylphosphoryl[3H]dolichol and [14C]glucosylphosphoryl [3H]dolichol. These results are discussed in terms of regulation of N-glycosylation processes in inner mitochondrial membranes from liver.  相似文献   

A quantitative study of spermatogenesis in the developing rat testis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Quantitative (stereological) studies were performed to determine the number of germ cells in the developing rat testis. Sprague-Dawley rats aged 1-70 days were fixed by immersion or perfusion and embedded in Epon Araldite. Blocks of tissue were sectioned at 1.5 microns and stained with toluidine blue dye. Sections were systematically scanned and the areal density of nuclear profiles counted using an unbiased counting frame. Numerical density and absolute number of germ cells in the processed block were then estimated. Corrections for processing shrinkage were determined by comparing the volume of processed and unprocessed samples. The results demonstrate the necessity of determining absolute number rather than volume density (or areal density) in comparing germ cell numbers. In these experiments, spermatogonial numbers stabilized in the range 18.4-23.6 million per testis on Day 30. The number of primary spermatocytes that were first apparent on Day 15 increased rapidly to 54.6 million per testis on Day 30 and then slowly to 73.6 million on Day 70. Round spermatids were first apparent on Day 25 and increased rapidly to 85.7 million per testis on Day 40, then continued to increase to 151.9 million on Day 70. The study provides both methods and baseline data for future experiments involving manipulation of the spermatogenic potential of the testis.  相似文献   

Embryonic and fetal pig gonads were obtained immediately after the sow's slaughter at 18, 21, 25, 28, 30, 36, 55, 63, 80 or 108 days of pregnancy. Semithin plastic sections were incubated for localization of carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity using a cobalt precipitation technique. In the embryonic gonad, CA activity was only present in the coelomic epithelium and in the endothelium of scattered blood capillaries. In the early testes (30-36 days) the CA activity was also localized in the cytoplasm of the sustentacular cells. Both spermatogonia and the developing interstitial cells were negative. At later stages, the testes presented a clear CA cytoplasmic activity in the Sertoli cells and a membrane-bound activity in the peritubular capillaries, resembling the enzymatic localization in the adult. The epithelium of the rete testis had a clear membrane-bound CA activity. CA histochemistry is useful as a marker for topographical studies of Sertoli cells during the prenatal development in the pig.  相似文献   

There is growing concern by the public regarding the potential human health hazard due to exposure to microwave frequencies. 2.45 GHz radiation widespread use in industry, research, and medicine, and leakage into the environment is possible. In order to quantitate this, experiments were performed on developing rat brain. Male Wistar 35-day-old rats (n = 6) were used for this study. Animals were exposed to 2.45 GHz radiation for 2 h/day for a period of 35 days at a power density of 0.344 mW/cm(2) (SAR 0.11 W/kg). The control group was sham irradiated. After 35 days these rats were sacrificed and whole brain tissue was isolated for protein kinase C (PKC) assay. For morphological study the forebrain was isolated from the whole brain and PKC activity was measured using P(32) labeled ATP. Our study reveals a statistically significant (p < 0.05) decrease in PKC activity in hippocampus as compared to the remaining portion of the whole brain and the control group. A similar experiment conducted on hippocampus and the whole brain gave a similar result. Electron microscopic study shows an increase in the glial cell population in the exposed group as compared to the control group. This present study is indicative of a significant change after exposure to the above-mentioned field intensity. This suggests that chronic exposures may affect brain growth and development.  相似文献   

Reaggregates prepared from newborn rat testis cells in Moscona-type rotation cultures were analyzed and compared with normal fetal (12-21 days) and newborn testes at the light and electron microscope level. After 25 h of culture, the aggregates resembled normal testicular tissue. The cells of the surface layer were spindle-shaped and connected by adherent junctions. The epithelial cords were composed exclusively of Sertoli cells and were surrounded by elongated cells resembling the developing myoid cells in newborn testes. The basal aspect of the cords was covered by a layer of flocculent material which, in places, was organized like an ordinary basement membrane. Individual spermatogonia with pseudopodes were observed in the interstitial tissue. Some Leydig cells were organized into small clusters like those typical in newborn testes. The present observations indicate that, histologically, the reaggregation of separated testicular cells resembles the differentiation of embryonic male gonads.  相似文献   

Androgen nuclear exchange activity has been measured in the rat testis. Exchange activity was increased 2-10-fold by pretreatment of the tissue with testosterone and persisted for at least 21 days after hypophysectomy in mature animals. Competition for exchange activity using 3H-testosterone or 3H-dihydrotestosterone was significant for a 500-fold excess of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, progesterone, and cyproterone acetate. The activity was found in tubules and in isolated germ cells from mature rat testes. These results suggest that the molecular mechanism of androgen action in the testis may be quite complex and may involve components both in the more mature germ cells as well.  相似文献   

Protein kinase activity was determined in subcellular fractions of rat testis interstitial tissue after incubation of the intact tissue with LH (luteinizing hormone) in vitro. Various factors that might have changed the activity of this enzyme during preparation of the fractions before assay were also investigated. The following results were obtained. 1. LH and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (a phosphodiesterase inhibitor) added together during incubation of the interstitial tissue caused a twofold increase in the protein kinase activity in the total tissue homogenate and subcellular fractions (12000g X 5 min pellet and 105000g X 60 min supernatant and pellet). 2. A decrease of approx. 40% in the total amount of protein kinase recovered in the soluble fraction (105000g supernatant) occurred in tissue incubated with LH and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine when compared with the controls. No change in total activity was found in the other fractions. 3. LH and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine caused an increase in cyclic AMP concentration in the soluble fraction (from 30 +/- 6 to 450 +/- 40 pmol/mg of protein, means +/- S.E.M., n = 4), but there was little or no increase in the particulate fractions [from 9 +/- 1 to 13 +/- 3 pmol/mg of protein (n = 3) and from 6 +/- 2 to 23 +/- 11 pmol/mg of protein (n = 3) in the 12000g and 105000g pellets respectively]. 4 Addition of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine alone had little effect on protein kinase activity or cyclic AMP concentrations. 5. Little or no protein kinase activity could be demonstrated in subcellular particulate fractions unless Triton X-100 was added; the effect of this detergent was shown to be at least partly due to the inhibition of adenosine triphosphatase activity. 6. In the presence of Triton X-100 approx. 57% of the total protein kinase activity in the homogenate was found in the 105000g supernatant compared with 11% in the 105000g pellet and 32% in the 12000g pellet. 7. In contrast with adipose-tissue protein kinase [Corbin et al. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 1813-1821] the relative amounts of cyclic AMP-dependent and -dependent enzyme were not affected by dilution of the interstitial-tissue fractions. NaCl (0.5 M) decreased the estimated total amount of protein kinase activity.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of the Sertoli cell and the pachytene spermatocyte to dolichol and N-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis within the seminiferous tubule was investigated. Evidence is presented to show that the interaction between these two cell types affects dolichol and N-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Analysis of the dolichol content of Sertoli cultures confirms earlier data suggesting that the Sertoli cell constitutes the major pool of dolichols within the seminiferous tubule. [14C]Acetate incorporation studies suggest that the Sertoli cell in culture synthesizes dolichol much more rapidly than does the isolated pachytene spermatocyte. This information, in addition to previous data in the literature, infers an interactive effect whereby the presence of the spermatogenic cell in the tubule stimulates dolichol synthesis in the Sertoli cell. The absence of normal Sertoli-spermatocyte interactions in in vitro incubations may also limit dolichol synthesis in the pachytene spermatocyte. The distribution of dolichol kinase between the Sertoli and the pachytene spermatocyte was also examined. The concentration of this enzyme in the Sertoli cell suggests the presence of an active salvage pathway within that cell. The correlation between the appearance of the pachytene spermatocyte and the previously described peak of dolichol kinase activity in the seminiferous tubules of the prepubertal animal implies cell-cell interactions. Radiolabelling studies of N-linked oligosaccharides were conducted using [3H]mannose and concanavalin A affinity chromatography to identify multiantennary, biantennary, and high-mannose oligosaccharide pools. An in vitro bicameral coculture system was used to demonstrate that pachytene spermatocytes stimulate incorporation of [3H]mannose into Sertoli cell oligosaccharides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gonadotropins and testosterone were immunocytochemically localized in the fetal rat testes 16-18 days of gestation with the unlabeled antibody-peroxidase anti-peroxidase complex technique. Maximum staining for gonadotropins with antiserum to the beta chain of human chorionic gonadotropin (anti-hCGbeta) occurred at 16 days gestation in the seminferous tubule and 17 days gestation in interstitial (Leydig) cells. Anti hCGbeta sites were on the plasma membranes at the luminal aspects of Sertoli cells at 16 days gestation. In addition, intracellular hCGbeta sites were evident including the nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes, some vesicles, lysosomes and centrioles. The stain for hCGbeta disappeared rapidly and by 17 days was limited to patches in the cytoplasm and nuclei. In the fetal testes, staining for anti-testosterone binding sites was most intense at 18 days of gestation either in lipid droplets or on nuclei of Leydig and Sertoli cells. Very little testosterone stain was observed before 18 days of gestation. These findings agree with physiologic data that suggest that gonadotropins bind to receptors and stimulate testicular development and the capacity for testosterone production.  相似文献   

Abstract— Choline kinase (ATP:cholinephosphotransferase; EC activity was measured in preparations of lumbar spinal cord from rats ranging in development from 12 days of gestation to 46 days of age. The enzyme activity was measured with a radiochemical assay procedure suitable for whole tissue preparations which are rich in ATP-metabolizing enzymes. Total choline kinase activity was further differentiated into hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) sensitive and HC-3 insensitive components. The specific activity of choline kinase (unhibited) increased 3-fold during the prenatal period and subsequently decreased to relatively low levels by birth. There was no significant change in choline kinase activity throughout the postnatal period. The ontogenetic patterns for the HC-3 sensitive and HC-3 insensitive components of choline kinase activity had transient peaks in activity during the prenatal period; however, these peaks in specific activity for the 2 components were 2–3 days out of phase temporally. HC-3 insensitive activity reached a peak at 18 days of gestation while the HC-3 sensitive activity peaked at 2CL21 days of gestation. In the 10-day-old rat, the apparent choline Km values were 0.56 and 0.16 MM for the total activity, 0.58 and 0.13 mM for the HC-3 insensitive activity, and 0.47 for the HC-3 sensitive activity.  相似文献   

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