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The biology of the myocardium was studied under experimental conditions similar to angina pectoris. In some dogs the myocardium was adapted to ischaemia by progressive coronary occlusion of 1-5 min followed by restoration of circulation during 5 min. In other dogs adaption was followed by 20 to 35 min ischaemia. The animals were sacrificed immediately or after 2-10 days. Transient ischaemia produced less severe alterations then abrupt coronary obstruction. Adaptation followed by 20 and 35 min ischaemia induced foci that undergo cytolysis and scarring of maximum intensity on the 8th day. Activity of enzymes in the mitochondrial suspension, especially of cytochromoxidase, decreases and lysosomal hydrolases increase with focal necroses.  相似文献   

The authors determined the adenine nucleotide concentration in the lumbosacral segments of the dog's spinal cord after ligature of the abdominal aorta. They found that 80 min ligature produced marked changes in energy metabolism in the given region. The changes are probably permanent, since two days after the circulation had been renewed the adenine pool was still not completely replenished and the energy charge ratio had likewise not returned to control values.  相似文献   

The morphopathogenesis of lesions induced by high doses of isoproterenol injected for 1-7 days and 1-3 months is dynamically studied in groups of Wistar rats and guinea pigs. The disseminated myocardial necroses induced were of a hypoxic nature. By cicatricial substitutions, lesions of cardiosclerosis similar to those observed in pheochromocytoma cases were obtained.  相似文献   

Summary The upper and/or lower temperature limits for growth of 43 marine diatoms have been determined. According to the extent of the temperature tolerance range for growth and its position within the ecological relevant temperature range, the diatoms were divided in oligo-eurytherm (cold-, temperate-, warm-), meso-eurytherm (cold-, warm-) and eu-eurytherm species.The definition of the terms cosmopolites and circum-tropical could be enlarged, when the experimentai results and the distribution data from literature (19 distribution maps were combined.The results showed a significant relation between lower temperature limit for growth and both volume and cell size. In this way the lower temperature limit influences the size distribution of the phytoplankton in the oceans. Large diatoms are absent in cold water because of their high lower temperature limit for growth.The use of experimental results to reduce the number of sampling stations for determination of geographical distribution of diatoms, is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare the prevalence of silent myocardial ischaemia associated with coronary artery disease in diabetic subjects with that in controls of similar age and sex. DESIGN--A controlled study in which subjects with positive findings on exercise electrocardiography, 24 hour electrocardiographic recording, or dynamic thallium scintigraphy (diabetics only) underwent coronary angiography. SETTING--Academic medical centre; referral based cardiology clinic. SUBJECTS--136 Diabetic subjects, of whom 72 (33 women, 39 men (mean age 46.0] were insulin dependent and 64 (19 women, 45 men (mean age 49.3] non-insulin dependent. 80 Controls matched for age and sex; all were clients of the Occupational Health Service of Oulu University Central Hospital or the State Occupational Health Service Station in Oulu in whom diabetes had been excluded by a glucose tolerance test. INTERVENTIONS--Any subject showing signs of myocardial ischaemia was referred for cardiac catheterization. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Exercise electrocardiography and 24 hour electrocardiographic recording were regarded as positive if there were ST depressions of greater than or equal to 1 mm that were planar or downsloping and persisted for 0.08 seconds after the J point. Thallium tomographic imaging. With cardiac catheterisation, coronary artery lesions were classified as significant in half or more of the vessel lumen was narrowed, or insignificant if such narrowing was less than half. RESULTS--40 (29%) diabetes and four (5%) controls had positive results in one or more of the non-invasive tests. Coronary angiography was performed on 34 of the diabetics (six refused); 12 had significant coronary artery narrowing; seven had unimportant atherosclerosis; 15 had patent coronary arteries. Among the controls only one had unimportant atherosclerosis; the other three had patent arteries. CONCLUSIONS--These results confirm the high prevalence of asymptomatic myocardial ischaemia in diabetics. Non-invasive screening of diabetic subjects, however, does not seem justified because of the low preset probability of the presence of the disease and the inaccuracy of the available test methods.  相似文献   

The process of methanification of volatile fatty acids (VFA) was studied to elucidate its kinetics. An upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) system was used to perform the experiments. At residence times of less than 2.5 h the UASB system was found to exhibit hysteresis with respect to acetic and propionic acid consumption but not with respect to butyric acid consumption. These hysteretic effects could be attributed to the manner in which the various VFA-consuming cultures were structured inside the flocculated biomass in light of the cross-inhibitory effects of the acetic- and propionic-acid-consuming fractions of the total culture. (Butyric acid proved to be non-interactive.) Production of methane was found to respond almost instantaneously to changes in the inlet conditions of the UASB system. This indicated that methane is not primarily growth associated, as has often been assumed, but is related to changes in the culture's maintenance energy requirements. Reactor operation was found to be stable even when the concentration of each VFA in the feed was simultaneously changed by 50%. Even at very high organic throughput rates (35 kg COD/day m(3)-reactor) conversions of 82% were observed.  相似文献   

The regional blood flow through the myocardium of the left ventricle was measured in 11 dogs after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, by means of a local injection of 133Xe depot and precordial detection of its washout 2 hours after ligation. Immediately after ligation the blood flow in the ischaemic area declined considerably but at the same time there was a significant increase of blood flow in the non-ischaemic left ventricular myocardium. The regional flow in the ischaemic and non-ischaemic area increased insignificantly for 2 hrs. These changes were not due to alterations in coronary artery pressure, as the mean arterial pressure declined significantly during the first hour. After temporary ischaemia by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery for 2--4 minutes, an intensive reactive hyperaemia developed in the ischaemic region (the blood flow reached 221% of control values on the average) which was the more intensive, the greater the drop of blood flow in the ischaemic area after ligation.  相似文献   

The usefulness of different enzyme and immunohistochemical stains to distinguish reversible and irreversible myocardial cell injury after experimental coronary artery occlusion of varying duration and reperfusion with or without superoxide dismutase as adjunct was investigated. Biopsies or parts of the infarcted and non-infarcted area were rapidly frozen and sectioned in series for enzyme and immunohistochemical evaluation. Sections were stained for the demonstration of phosphorylase, myofibrillar ATPase and mitochondrial oxidative enzymes and also with periodic acid-Schiff, alizarin red S and routine histological stains. Other sections in series were stained with antibodies against fibronectin and the intermediate filament proteins desmin and vimentin. In 49 biopsies a blind quantitative estimation of the area stained for fibronectin, phosphorylase and alizarin red S was performed and evaluated statistically. Phosphorylase, periodic acid-Schiff, fibronectin and alizarin red S allowed delineation of affected myocardium after 30 min of ischaemia followed by reperfusion whereas with the other stains, affected myocardium was readily detectable only after 60 or 90 min of ischaemia followed by reperfusion as well as after 24 h of ischaemia without reperfusion. The immunostaining for fibronectin was very distinct and inversely related to the phosphorylase activity. We show that fibronectin is an excellent marker for damaged cells and that these positively stained myocytes are necrotic as confirmed ultrastructurally. Using alizarin red S as a marker of calcium accumulation in myocytes, a marked discrepancy was observed between the area of fibronectin-containing myocytes and that of myocytes stained by alizarin red S. Calcium accumulation in mitochondria is thus not a prerequisite for myocyte necrosis but does occur only in some of the irreversibly damaged cells. Of special interest is the finding that there was a significant reduction of intracellular calcium in pigs where superoxide dismutase had been used as an adjunct at reperfusion, thus supporting the theory that free radicals do play a role during reperfusion of ischaemic myocardium.  相似文献   

The cardiac effects of the phospholipase A2 inhibiting agent chloroquine were studied in dogs, rats and cats. During left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion produced in anaesthetized mongrel dog, chloroquine pretreatment considerably reduced the epicardial ST-segment elevation in the ischaemic area, as well as the number of premature ventricular contractions. In conscious male Sprague-Dawley CFY rats it diminished the duration and prolonged the latency of appearance of the early post-infarction arrhythmias and increased the survival rate following coronary artery ligation. Chloroquine failed to affect the ventricular fibrillation threshold in the normoxic cat heart. The cardioprotective action of chloroquine could be explained at least partly by its antiphospholipase activity.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of 40 and 80 minutes' occlusion of the abdominal aorta on the aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration in the sacral, lumbar, thoracic and cervical segments of the dog spinal cord. The most important changes were displayed by the glutamine concentration, which rose significantly after ischaemia in all the regions studied. The alanine and GABA concentration rose in the sacral and lumbar segments respectively, while the glutamic and aspartic acid concentrations in the sacral region fell. At the same time, enzyme activities degrading the synthetic substrates Leu-p-nitroanilide and Gly-p-nitroanilide increased. The significance of the findings is discussed with reference to nerve cell catabolism and function.  相似文献   

Data in the literature suggest that exogenous L-carnitine improves the metabolic function of ischaemic heart cells: it enhances the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, stimulates the slowed beta-oxidation, and moderates the accumulation of amphiphilic acyl esters. A study has therefore been made of the cardiac effects of L-carnitine in dog experiments (n = 8). The left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was isolated in anaesthetized, thoracotomized animals in situ. After a control occlusion and equilibration period, the LAD was again ligated at the time of L-carnitine infusion (100 mg/kg iv. during 10 min). The agent diminished the maximal conduction delay and the degree of epicardial ST-segment elevation in the ischaemic myocardial region, and the free fatty acid concentration of the arterial blood, but it did not influence the frequency of ventricular extrasystoles. The anti-ischaemic effect of L-carnitine was manifest only during the infusion, and its discontinuation was immediately followed by an enhanced ST-segment elevation. In the dose applied, the substance did not affect the heart rate, systemic mean arterial pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), or left ventricular contractility (LV dP/dtmax). In the canine myocardial infarction model employed it was observed that the duration of the anti-ischaemic effect of L-carnitine (100 mg/kg iv.) is very short, and it has no significant antiarrhythmic action.  相似文献   

G Greve  L Stangeland 《Acta anatomica》1992,144(2):135-144
Morphological signs of severe ischaemic injury are well known. However, we still lack knowledge about how indices of milder injuries are related on a cellular level. In a previous study we have reported on the sequence of alterations across the border zone in cat hearts subjected to 3 h of coronary occlusion. In the present study, which elaborates that study, we have examined the relationship between morphological variables in serial sections of 220 myocytes within the border zone. In cells with intact sarcolemma and no chromatin changes, the fractional volume of cytoplasm has a bimodal distribution indicating cells with and without oedema. Whereas cells with focal disruptions of the sarcolemma have a moderate oedema, usually localized submembranously, cells with extensive sarcolemmal fragmentation have an extensive oedema. A mild oedema is seen before other signs of severe cell injury, even though more extensive oedema is closely associated with sarcolemmal fragmentation. The fractional volume of mitochondria was smaller, whereas the fractional volume of lipid droplets was larger in cells with oedema than in cells without oedema.  相似文献   

J R Koke  N Bittar 《Cytobios》1987,50(201):107-116
Recovery from ischaemia in heart tissue can be accelerated by addition of precursors of ATP such as AMP to the coronary circulation. Endocytosis in capillary endothelia is also stimulated by AMP; therefore endocytosis may be important in the transport of AMP from the circulation into myocytes. Alternatively, the increase in endocytotic transport itself could be responsible for accelerated recovery, irrespective of the stimulating agent. The effects of sham, AMP, cytochalasin-D (an inhibitor of endocytosis), and cytochalasin-D + AMP infusates given prior to, during, and following a 15 min ischaemic episode, were examined. AMP accelerated biochemical and functional recovery after episodes of ischaemia and stimulated endocytosis in coronary capillaries. Cytochalasin-D strongly inhibited contractility before, during, and after ischaemia, and similarly depressed ATP and creatine phosphate levels. Cytochalasin-D also strongly inhibited endocytosis and caused swelling of the capillary endothelium. When cytochalasin-D and AMP were provided together, the beneficial effects of AMP were only partially inhibited by cytochalasin-D. In fact, AMP was able to reverse most of the effects of cytochalasin-D including the inhibition of endocytosis. This suggests accelerated recovery of ischaemic myocytes requires precursors of ATP such as AMP, and the stimulation of endocytosis may abet transport of these precursors, or may be a spurious phenomenon.  相似文献   

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