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The two polyoma DNA fragments generated by cleavage with BamHI and EcoRI were cloned in pBR322, and their oncogenic potential was tested in vivo and in vitro. Only recombinant plasmid DNA containing a polyoma DNA fragment which extends clockwise from 58 to 0 map units and include approximately the 5'-proximal half of the early gene region produced tumors in newborn hamsters and transformed rat embryo cells in tissue culture. Southern blotting analysis indicated that the entire 2.2-kilobase polyoma BamHI-EcoRI fragment was intact in both a tumor cell line and a cell line transformed in culture which we examined. The presence of polyoma middle and small T antigen in these lines was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation and tryptic peptide mapping. DNA from a recombinant plasmid containing a polyoma genome deleted between 90 and 4 map units failed to induce tumors or transform cells.  相似文献   

The 3' flanking region of the interleukin 6 gene is polymorphic due to insertions of different size. Within this region lies a sequence of approximately 500 base pairs that is AT rich. Based on flanking sequence information we have constructed oligonucleotides which prime the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplify this AT rich region. The amplification products visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis gave fragment sizes for both homozygous and heterozygous individuals that were concordant with those observed by conventional genomic blotting techniques. Alleles that could not be typed by Southern analysis were resolved with this approach. These results illustrate the value of PCR for the rapid detection of length polymorphisms such as those due to variable numbers of tandem repeats. In contrast to RFLP analysis this procedure takes less than a day to perform, is cheaper, avoids the use of radioactivity and requires far less substrate DNA. Three different human alleles were sequenced, and differences were detected that were due to both large duplications and loss of one or two bases, suggesting that AT rich regions identify highly polymorphic loci. The same primers also amplified non-human primate DNA, allowing a comparison of the human sequence with that of the common chimpanzee and baboon.  相似文献   

Indirect tracking of mutation by DNA polymorphisms is still essential for carrier and prenatal diagnosis of Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy, at least in the families where no deletion can be detected. Because of the relatively high level of intragenic recombination, informative and easily testable markers at both ends of the gene are necessary for efficient and accurate diagnosis. We report the characterization of two polymorphic microsatellite sequences (TG repeats) at the 5' end of the dystrophin gene, within 40 kb of the muscle-specific promoter. The most useful one (5' DYS MSA) has 10 alleles with a 57% heterozygosity and can be tested on small polyacrylamide gels in a nonradioactive PCR-based assay. Despite its large number of alleles, this microsatellite shows strong linkage disequilibrium with a two-allele polymorphism reported by Roberts et al., an indication of the stability of this type of sequences. We have used the new microsatellites at the 5' end, along with one we reported previously for the 3' end, to type the families in the CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) panel. While the number of informative families has increased by a factor of about two with respect to the study of Abbs et al., the estimates of the recombination fractions are in good agreement with this previous report, suggesting a 11% recombination across the gene (3% between the 5' end and the pERT87 region, 8% between pERT87 and the 3' end), which is about fivefold more than expected. However, these estimates still have wide confidence limits.  相似文献   

The 5'' flanking region of human epsilon-globin gene.   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The structural analysis of the 2.0 kb region upstream from the epsilon-globin gene has been carried out. A genomic DNA map around the gene was worked out in some detail to ensure that the cloned DNA was representative of the actual chromosomal arrangement. Furthermore, a new technique was developed to precisely map a reiterated DNA sequence present 1.5 kb to the 5' side of the gene. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 2.0 kb 5' flanking region was then determined and overlapped with the gene. The sequence included the reiterated DNA sequence which is homologous to the so-called AluI family of repeats. Unusual stretches of sequence 50 nucleotides long, where A + T represent about 90% of the bases, are present at both the 5' and 3' sides of the repeat.  相似文献   

A region of DNA 5' to the human myelin basic protein (MBP) gene, located on the long arm of chromosome 18, is a site of restriction-fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) showing 37% heterozygosity in 40 subjects studied. Southern transfer analysis using a 0.9-kb genomic fragment encompassing the first exon of the human MBP gene reveals this polymorphism with at least nine restriction enzymes, indicating that insertion, deletion, or both is the basis for the DNA length variation. Double restriction-enzyme digest analysis suggests that this polymorphism is within the region 0.5-2.0 kb upstream of the coding region of the first exon of the human MBP gene. Eleven different allelic RFLPs were identified, differing in size by as many as 450 bp. The distribution of insertion/deletion-size variants from this region is bimodal, with most restriction fragments varying in size over a 0.1-kb range. Pedigree analysis of polymorphism at this site in one three-generation family shows Mendelian assortment of parental haplotypes. The form and frequency of polymorphism generated by this site is similar to that reported for human DNA regions comprised of homologous short tandem repeats.  相似文献   

DNA restriction fragments located 5' to the human c-myc gene display anomalous electrophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gels. Computer modeling of the c-myc flanking DNA suggests that the slow-moving DNA fragments spanning nucleotides -1690 to -1054 (relative to c-myc promoter P1) and -718 to -452 form large left handed superhelices or curved structures while the fast-moving DNA fragment spanning nucleotides -407 to +78 has an unusually straight structure. These analyses also predict a periodic array of localized regions of bending through the superhelical domains. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of isolated nuclei reveals that the slow-moving DNA fragments exist in an ordered chromatin structure stable to nuclease, whereas the digestion pattern of the fast-moving DNA fragment suggests a less ordered array of nucleosomes or a non-nucleosomal chromatin structure.  相似文献   

A sequence of 86 bp within the 5' region of the adult chicken beta-globin gene was found to undergo a DNA conformational transition at elevated levels of negative superhelical stress (- sigma = 0.068). In vitro chemical DNA modification studies which detect purine hyperreactivity (HR) to the alkylating agent diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP) have identified this 86 bp long DEP-HR element. The DEP-HR element is composed of small, tandem segments with imperfect purine-pyrimidine alternations. Methylation of cytosines within GCGC sequences of the DEP-HR element facilitates this structural change. The binding of a monoclonal anti-Z-DNA antibody to the element has been revealed by chemical footprinting with DEP. These data suggest that the DEP-HR sequence can undergo a conformational transition to Z-DNA. It is unknown whether the conformational flexibility observed here occurs in vivo.  相似文献   

Zein genes, the genes coding for the zein storage proteins of maize, have a unique gene structure where at least two promoters lie upstream of the coding region. Between the P1 promoter (900 base pairs upstream of the coding region) and the translation initiation AUG codon are 18 short reading frames. A discrepancy between the signals obtained by S1-mapping and primer extension and the DNA sequence in the region of one of these signals suggests the presence of a 3' splice site lying 40 nucleotides upstream of the coding region. A splicing event removing all of the short reading frames from the mRNA transcribed from the P1 promoter would bring this mRNA into a translatable form. Further evidence for a functional 3' splice site has been obtained from sequencing of primer extension products and in vitro splicing of a hybrid intron in the HeLa cell in vitro splicing system.  相似文献   

In the accompanying report (C. F. Webb, C. Das, S. Eaton, K. Calame, and P. Tucker, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:5197-5205, 1991), we characterize B-cell-specific protein-DNA interactions at -500 and -200 bp upstream of the mu immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter whose abundances were increased by interleukin-5 plus antigen. Because of the high A + T/G + C ratio of these sequences and the consistent findings by others that enhancer- and promoterlike regions are often located near matrix-associated regions, we asked whether these sequences might also be involved in binding to the nuclear matrix. Indeed, DNA fragments containing the -500 binding site were bound by nuclear matrix proteins. Furthermore, UV cross-linking studies showed that the DNA binding site for interleukin-5-plus-antigen-inducible proteins could also bind to proteins solubilized from the nuclear matrix. Nuclear matrix-associated sequences have also been demonstrated on either side of the intronic immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer. Our data suggest a topological model by which interactions among proteins bound to the promoter and distal enhancer sequences might occur.  相似文献   

DNA samples from nine previously reported patients with X-linked recessive glycerol kinase deficiency, associated in seven of them with adrenal hypoplasia and in five with developmental delay and myopathy, have been studied for deletions of the Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy gene by probing with the entire cDNA for the dystrophin protein. All five patients with myopathy, including two in whom no deletions had been detected before, were found to have variable-sized deletions extending through the 3' end of this gene. The 5' deletion breakpoints are intragenic in four cases and have been mapped precisely on the exon-containing HindIII fragment map. A correlation was found between severity and progression of the muscular dystrophy phenotype and the sizes of the gene deletions. In cases in which there was glycerol kinase deficiency/adrenal hypoplasia microdeletion syndrome without myopathy, no deletions were found with the dystrophin cDNA.  相似文献   

The central portion of the dystrophin gene locus is a preferential site for deletions causing progressive muscular dystrophy of the Duchenne type (DMD). The nucleotide sequence of a deletion junction fragment from a DMD patient was determined, revealing that the proximal breakpoint of the deletion in intron 43 fell within the sequence of a transposon-like element. This segment, belonging to the THE-1 family of human transposable elements, is normally present in a complete form in intron 43 of the dystrophin gene. The deletion mutation was maternally transmitted and eliminated two-thirds of the THE-1 element. Analysis of DNA from additional DMD patients revealed a second deletion with the proximal breakpoint mapping within the same THE-1 element.  相似文献   

Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase was shown to contain an associated 5' to 3' exonuclease activity. Both polymerase and exonuclease activities cosedimented with a molecular weight of 72,000 during sucrose gradient centrifugation. Using a novel in situ activity gel procedure to simultaneously detect these two activities, we observed both DNA polymerase and exonuclease in a single band following either nondenaturing or denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: therefore, DNA polymerase and exonuclease activities reside in the same polypeptide. As determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis this enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of 92,000. The exonuclease requires a divalent cation (MgCl2 or MnCl2), has a pH optimum of 9.0 and excises primarily deoxyribonucleoside 5'-monophosphate from double-stranded DNA. Neither heat denatured DNA nor the free oligonucleotide (24-mer) were efficient substrates for exonuclease activity. The rate of hydrolysis of a 5'-phosphorylated oligonucleotide (24-mer) annealed to M13mp2 DNA was about twofold faster than the same substrate containing a 5'-hydroxylated residue. Hydrolysis of a 5'-terminal residue from a nick was preferred threefold over the same 5'-end of duplex DNA. The 5' to 3' exonuclease activity appeared to function coordinately with the DNA polymerase to facilitate a nick translational DNA synthesis reaction.  相似文献   

Techniques for in vivo cloning were used with the fast-growing nitrogen-fixing soybean microsymbiont R. fredii USDA 191. Selection for transfer of Tn5 insertions from R. fredii USDA 191 containing the gene-mobilizing plasmid pJB3JI provided recombinants at up to 400 times the background mutation level. These techniques may be useful for future genetic analysis of R. fredii.  相似文献   

Rapid direct sequence analysis of the dystrophin gene   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations in the dystrophin gene result in both Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD and BMD), as well as X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy. Mutational analysis is complicated by the large size of the gene, which consists of 79 exons and 8 promoters spread over 2.2 million base pairs of genomic DNA. Deletions of one or more exons account for 55%-65% of cases of DMD and BMD, and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction method-currently the most widely available method of mutational analysis-detects approximately 98% of deletions. Detection of point mutations and small subexonic rearrangements has remained challenging. We report the development of a method that allows direct sequence analysis of the dystrophin gene in a rapid, accurate, and economical fashion. This same method, termed "SCAIP" (single condition amplification/internal primer) sequencing, is applicable to other genes and should allow the development of widely available assays for any number of large, multiexon genes.  相似文献   

We have found and characterized an unusual extended area of DNA association with the nuclear matrix in the human dystrophin gene. This extended DNA loop anchorage region (LAR) has been mapped and characterized using a variety of biochemical and microscopy techniques. It spans approximately 200 kbp at chromosomal locations 950-1,150 Kb downstream to the beginning of the first exon of the dystrophin gene Dp427m and covers a part of the intron 43, exon 44, and most of intron 44. The extended LAR harbors the major recombination hot spot of the dystrophin gene and a replication origin. We propose a model where DNA topoisomerase II-mediated cleavage at the nuclear matrix may enhance recombination events within this extended LAR.  相似文献   

A hypervariable region 3'' to the human apolipoprotein B gene.   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

We mapped at high resolution and as a function of development the hypersensitive domain in the 5'-flanking region of the chicken alpha D-globin gene and determined the specific protein-binding sites within the domain. The domain extends from -130 to +80 nucleotides (nt) relative to the cap site. DNase I footprinting within intact embryonic erythrocyte nuclei revealed a strongly protected area from -71 to -52 nt. The same area was weakly protected in adult nuclei. A factor was present in extracts of erythrocyte nuclei from both embryos and adults that protected the sequence AAGATAAGG (-63 to -55 nt) in DNase I footprinting experiments; at higher concentrations of extract, sequences immediately adjacent (-73 to -64 and -53 to -38) were also protected. The same pattern of binding was revealed by gel mobility shift assays. The identical AAGATAAGG sequence is found in the 5'-flanking region of the beta rho gene; it competed for binding of the alpha D-specific factor, suggesting that regulatory elements are shared.  相似文献   

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