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The α‐amylase in the midgut and salivary glands of Eurygaster integriceps was isolated and characterized. The specific activity of α‐amylase in the midgut was 1.77 U/mg protein and in the salivary glands was 1.65 U/mg protein. Sodium dodecylsulfate electrophoresis showed that both midgut and salivary glands contain isozymes. Only a trace amount of α‐amylase activity was detected in the first nymphal stage (0.19 U/mg protein), whereas α‐amylase activity was highest in the third nymphal stage (1.21 U/mg protein). The results show that α‐amylase activity in the immature stages increase constantly to the third instar stage. There was no significant difference in enzyme activity between the third, fourth and fifth nymphal stages and adults. The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme activity was determined to be 6.5 and 35°C, respectively. The enzyme activity was inhibited by addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, urea, sodium dodecylsulfate and Mg2+, but NaCl and KCl enhanced enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Adults of Eurygaster integriceps were collected from the wheat field, dissected and their midguts and salivary glands were removed out. After centrifugation of the homogenates, the resulted supernatants were used as the source of enzyme. Pectinase activity was assayed using agarose plate and colorimetric assays. Pectinesterase and polygalacturonase activity was detected in the first and fourth part of the midgut, respectively. Colorimetric assays revealed more pectinase activity in the first part than the fourth part. No activity was detected in the salivary gland. Optimal pH for pectinase activity in the first part of the midgut was determined at pH set of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The results showed the optimum pH for pectinases occurred at pH 6. Maximum activity for the enzyme incubated at 20,30,35,40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100°C for 60 min was observed at 50°C. This is the first report of the presence of pectinases in a scutellerid bug.  相似文献   

森林革蜱雌蜱唾液腺的结构与变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林革蜱 (DermacentorsilvarumOlenev)雌蜱唾液腺由唾液腺管和大量的腺泡组成。从假头基到唾液腺末端 ,唾液腺管分为三部分 ,即中央腺管、主分支腺管和小叶管。球状的腺泡分布在各级腺管上。气管和中央腺管并行。腺泡呈圆形或近圆形 ,表面呈褶皱状 ,并有细小的气管分布。饥饿雌蜱唾液腺长度短 (5 4 7 3 3 μm) ;吸血后长度增加 ,吸血后 3天达到最大值 (1 1 0 9 40 μm)。从吸血后 3天到饱血后前 3 天 ,无明显变化 ,饱血后 4天明显缩短 (5 0 0 0 0 μm)。饥饿雌蜱的腺泡直径短 (45 2 4 μm) ,吸血期逐渐增大 ,吸血后 5天达到最大值 (74 1 0 μm)。饱血后腺泡逐渐萎缩并于饱血后 4天退化。  相似文献   

Abstract The salivary gland (SG) of female Dermacentor silvarum consists of salivary ducts and lots of acini.
From the basis capituli to the end of the gland, the ducts can be divided into three parts, namely, central duct, major branch ducts and the lobular ducts, and the acini is spherical-like structures attached to various ducts. The central duct parallels with trachea. The surface of the acini is wrinkly and many small tracheae distributed on the acini. In unfed female, the length of SG is short (547.33 μm) and extends on the first day after feeding, and reaches its maximum value (1109.40 μm) on the 3rd day after feeding, while copulation has justly completed. From the 3rd day after feeding to the first three days after engorgement, no apparent change in length of the gland is observed. On the 4th day after engorgement, it shortens sharply (500.00 μm). The diameter of the acini of unfed female is also short (45.24 μm), it increases gradually during feeding and reaches its maximum (74.10 μm) on the 5th day after feeding. After engorgement, the acini becomes atrophic slowly and degenerated sharply on the 4th day.  相似文献   

缪建吾 《昆虫学报》1988,(2):176-183
本文描述了我国疟疾媒介嗜人按蚊(Anopheles anthropophagus)的唾腺染色体图。此蚊的唾腺染色体由五个臂组成。第1号染色体为性染色体,又称X-染色体,是近端着丝粒,只有一个臂,它是各臂中最短的,此臂分为5个区;第2号染色体是中心着丝粒,左、右臂约等长,两臂共分为16个区;第3号染色体为亚中心着丝粒,右臂是各臂中最长的,左臂则是常染色体中最短的,两臂共分为18个区。  相似文献   

To understand the olfactory mechanisms of Holotrichia parallela antennae in detecting volatile compounds in the environment, protein profiles of H. parallela antennae were analyzed using two‐dimensional electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analyses. Approximately 1,100 protein spots in silver staining gel were detected. Quantitative image analysis revealed that in total 47 protein spots showed significant changes in different genders of adult antennae. Thirty‐five differentially expressed proteins were identified by Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF/TOF) tandem mass spectrometer, among which 65.7% are involved in carbohydrate and energy metabolism, antioxidant system, transport, and amino acid/nucleotide metabolism. Some proteins identified here have not been reported previously in insect antennae. Identified male‐biased proteins included odorant‐binding protein 4, pheromone‐binding protein‐related protein 2, odorant‐binding protein 14, prophenoloxidase‐I, acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase, aldo‐keto reductase‐like, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, etc. whereas some proteins are female biased, such as antennae‐rich cytochrome P450, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and putative glutamine synthetase. Alterations in the levels of some proteins were further confirmed by real time polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR). The proteomic resources displayed here are valuable for the discovery of proteins from H. parallela antennae.  相似文献   

颗粒子宫腺细胞的分离、纯化与细胞化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胰蛋白酶消化小鼠子宫腺细胞区,制成单细胞悬液,滴片后进行细胞学及细胞化学研究。结果:有多种类型细胞存在于悬液中,其中中等大小细胞(直径20μm左右)大部分为颗粒子宫腺细胞(GranulatedMetrialGlandCells,GMGcells)。GMG细胞约占所有细胞的50%。利用Percoll非连续性密度梯度离心可以提高GMG细胞的纯度,使之达80%以上。细胞化学研究显示GMG细胞含ACP,NSE,LNAse及糖蛋白成份。  相似文献   

基于构件理论,采用灰色关联度分析技术,对四川缙云山1989年风灾迹地林窗内大头茶(Gordoniaacumenata)幼苗种群构件结构及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明,四川缙云山大头茶幼苗种群构件结构主要分为一级枝、二级枝、当年生枝、空间结构、叶片等几大部分,分别可以以一级枝数或茎粗或长度、二级枝数或基粗或长度、当年生枝数、3年生一级枝数、总叶数等的变化特征来表达其动态特点。前四者间的相关性亦很高,后者(包括主茎上叶面积)和主茎上第一一级枝离地面高、主茎上第一叶距地高为比较稳定的特征,受其它生态因子作用影响不十分显著。相对而言,土壤全N、全P、全K、有机质含量及其pH值是比较关键的环境因子;而海拔高度和林自大小及地形坡度却比较次要。灰色关联度分析不失为一种比较简捷而有效的分析植物种群构件结构特征间及与环境因子间关系的方法。关键词  相似文献   

The 14‐3‐3 proteins are evolutionarily conserved acidic proteins that form a family with several isoforms in many cell types of plants and animals. In invertebrates, including dipteran and lepidopteran insects, only two isoforms have been reported. 14‐3‐3 proteins are scaffold molecules that form homo‐ or heterodimeric complexes, acting as molecular adaptors mediating phosphorylation‐dependent interactions with signaling molecules involved in immunity, cell differentiation, cell cycle, proliferation, apoptosis, and cancer. Here, we describe the presence of two isoforms of 14‐3‐3 in the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and zika viruses. Both isoforms have the conserved characteristics of the family: two protein signatures (PS1 and PS2), an annexin domain, three serine residues, targets for phosphorylation (positions 58, 184, and 233), necessary for their function, and nine alpha helix‐forming segments. By sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, we found that the molecules correspond to ? and ζ isoforms (Aeae14‐3‐3ε and Aeae14‐3‐3ζ). The messengers and protein products were present in all stages of the mosquito life cycle and all the tissues analyzed, with a small predominance of Aeae14‐3‐3ζ except in the midgut and ovaries of adult females. The 14‐3‐3 proteins in female midgut epithelial cells were located in the cytoplasm. Our results may provide insights to further investigate the functions of these proteins in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

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