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The multiprotein Mediator complex is an important regulator of RNA polymerase II-dependent genes in eukaryotic cells. In contrast to the situation in many other eukaryotes, the conserved Med15 protein is not a stable component of Mediator isolated from fission yeast. We here demonstrate that Med15 exists in a protein complex together with Hrp1, a CHD1 ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling protein. The Med15-Hrp1 subcomplex is not a component of the core Mediator complex but can interact with the L-Mediator conformation. Deletion of med15+ and hrp1+ causes very similar effects on global steady-state levels of mRNA, and genome-wide analyses demonstrate that Med15 associates with a distinct subset of Hrp1-bound gene promoters. Our findings therefore indicate that Mediator may directly influence histone density at regulated promoters.  相似文献   

Unfolding of the gene expression program that converts precursor cells to their terminally differentiated counterparts is critically dependent on the nucleosome-remodeling activity of the mammalian SWI/SNF complex. The complex can be powered by either of two alternative ATPases, BRM or BRG1. BRG1 is critical for development and the activation of tissue specific genes and is found in two major stable configurations. The complex of BRG1-associated factors termed BAF is the originally characterized form of mammalian SWI/SNF. A more recently recognized configuration shares many of the same subunits but is termed PBAF in recognition of a unique subunit, the polybromo protein (PBRM1). Two other unique subunits, BRD7 and ARID2, are also diagnostic of PBAF. PBAF plays an essential role in development, apparent from the embryonic lethality of Pbmr1-null mice, but very little is known about the role of PBAF, or its signature subunits, in tissue-specific gene expression in individual differentiation programs. Osteoblast differentiation is an attractive model for tissue-specific gene expression because the process is highly regulated and remains tightly synchronized over a period of several weeks. This model was used here, with a stable shRNA-mediated depletion approach, to examine the role of the signature PBAF subunit, ARID2, during differentiation. This analysis identifies a critical role for ARID2-containing complexes in promoting osteoblast differentiation and supports a view that the PBAF subset of SWI/SNF contributes importantly to maintaining cellular identity and activating tissue-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

The mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex is a key player in multiple chromatin transactions. Core subunits of this complex, including the ATPase, Brg-1, and various Brg-1-associated factors (BAFs), work in concert to maintain a functional remodeling complex. This intra-complex regulation is supervised by protein-protein interactions, as stoichiometric levels of BAF proteins are maintained by proteasomal degradation. We show that the mechanism of BAF155-mediated stabilization of BAF57 involves blocking its ubiquitination by preventing interaction with TRIP12, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Consequently, as opposed to complexed BAF57, whose principal lysines are unavailable for ubiquitination, uncomplexed BAF57 can be freely ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. Additionally, a BAF57 mutant, which contains no lysine residues, was found to retain its ability to be stabilized by interaction with BAF155, suggesting that in addition to the ubiquitin-dependent mechanism of BAF57 degradation, there exists a ubiquitin-independent mechanism that may involve the direct interaction of BAF57 with the proteasome. We propose that this regulatory mechanism exists to ensure functional fidelity of the complex and prevent the accumulation of uncomplexed proteins, which may disrupt the normal activity of the complex.  相似文献   

The proteins belonging to SWI2/SNF2 family of DNA dependent ATPases are important members of the chromatin remodeling complexes that are implicated in epigenetic control of gene expression. We have identified a human gene with a putative DNA binding domain, which belongs to the INO80 subfamily of SWI2/SNF2 proteins. Here we report the cloning, expression, and functional activity of the domains from hINO80 gene both in terms of the DNA dependent ATPase as well as DNA binding activity. A differential expression of the various domains within this gene is detected in human tissues while a ubiquitous expression is detected in mice. The intranuclear localization is demonstrated using antibodies directed against the DBINO domain of hINO80.  相似文献   

From late mitosis to the G(1) phase of the cell cycle, ORC, CDC6, and Cdt1 form the machinery necessary to load MCM2-7 complexes onto DNA. Here, we show that SNF2H, a member of the ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex, is recruited onto DNA replication origins in human cells in a Cdt1-dependent manner and positively regulates MCM loading. SNF2H physically interacted with Cdt1. ChIP assays indicated that SNF2H associates with replication origins specifically during the G(1) phase. Binding of SNF2H at origins was decreased by Cdt1 silencing and, conversely, enhanced by Cdt1 overexpression. Furthermore, SNF2H silencing prevented MCM loading at origins and moderately inhibited S phase progression. Although neither SNF2H overexpression nor SNF2H silencing appeared to impact rereplication induced by Cdt1 overexpression, Cdt1-induced checkpoint activation was inhibited by SNF2H silencing. Collectively, these data suggest that SNF2H may promote MCM loading at DNA replication origins via interaction with Cdt1 in human cells. Because efficient loading of excess MCM complexes is thought to be required for cells to tolerate replication stress, Cdt1- and SNF2H-mediated promotion of MCM loading may be biologically relevant for the regulation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Previous studies of E2F family members have suggested that protein-protein interactions may be the mechanism by which E2F proteins are recruited to specific genomic regions. We have addressed this hypothesis on a genome-wide scale using ChIP-seq analysis of MCF7 cell lines that express tagged wild type and mutant E2F1 proteins. First, we performed ChIP-seq for tagged WT E2F1. Then, we analyzed E2F1 proteins that lacked the N-terminal SP1 and cyclin A binding domains, the C-terminal transactivation and pocket protein binding domains, and the internal marked box domain. Surprisingly, we found that the ChIP-seq patterns of the mutant proteins were identical to that of WT E2F1. However, mutation of the DNA binding domain abrogated all E2F1 binding to the genome. These results suggested that the interaction between the E2F1 DNA binding domain and a consensus motif may be the primary determinant of E2F1 recruitment. To address this possibility, we analyzed the in vivo binding sites for the in vitro-derived consensus E2F1 motif (TTTSSCGC) and also performed de novo motif analysis. We found that only 12% of the ChIP-seq peaks contained the TTTSSCGC motif. De novo motif analysis indicated that most of the in vivo sites lacked the 5' half of the in vitro-derived consensus, having instead the in vivo consensus of CGCGC. In summary, our findings do not provide support for the model that protein-protein interactions are involved in recruiting E2F1 to the genome, but rather suggest that recognition of a motif found at most human promoters is the critical determinant.  相似文献   

The Brahma (Brm) complex of Drosophila melanogaster is a SWI/SNF-related chromatin remodeling complex required to correctly maintain proper states of gene expression through ATP-dependent effects on chromatin structure. The SWI/SNF complexes are comprised of 8-11 stable components, even though the SWI2/SNF2 (BRM, BRG1, hBRM) ATPase subunit alone is partially sufficient to carry out chromatin remodeling in vitro. The remaining subunits are required for stable complex assembly and/or proper promoter targeting in vivo. Our data reveals that SNR1 (SNF5-Related-1), a highly conserved subunit of the Brm complex, is required to restrict complex activity during the development of wing vein and intervein cells, illustrating a functional requirement for SNR1 in modifying whole complex activation functions. Specifically, we found that snr1 and brm exhibited opposite mutant phenotypes in the wing and differential misregulation of genes required for vein and intervein cell development, including rhomboid, decapentaplegic, thick veins, and blistered, suggesting possible regulatory targets for the Brm complex in vivo. Our genetic results suggest a novel mechanism for SWI/SNF-mediated gene repression that relies on the function of a 'core' subunit to block or shield BRM (SWI2/SNF2) activity in specific cells. The SNR1-mediated repression is dependent on cooperation with histone deacetylases (HDAC) and physical associations with NET, a localized vein repressor.  相似文献   

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