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Florigen is a mobile signal released by the leaves that reaching the shoot apical meristem (SAM), changes its developmental program from vegetative to reproductive. The protein FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) constitutes an important element of the florigen, but other components such as sugars, have been also proposed to be part of this signal.1-5 We have studied the accumulation and composition of starch during the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana in order to understand the role of carbon mobilization in this process. In A. thaliana and Antirrhinum majus the gene coding for the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS) is regulated by the circadian clock6,7 while in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the homolog gene CrGBSS is controlled by photoperiod and circadian signals.8,9 In a recent paper10 we described the role of the central photoperiodic factor CONSTANS (CO) in the regulation of GBSS expression in Arabidopsis. This regulation is in the basis of the change in the balance between starch and free sugars observed during the floral transition. We propose that this regulation may contribute to the florigenic signal and to the increase in sugar transport required during the flowering process.  相似文献   

Bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are known for their symbioses with fungi and play a key role in the dispersal of phytopathogens. The scolytine community of eight pine stands along a latitudinal gradient in the UK was surveyed and beetle-associated fungal communities (mycobiota) were assessed using ITS2 metabarcoding (304 specimens, 12 species). Distribution patterns among 2,257 detected fungal Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) revealed that beetle species identity was an important predictor of mycobiotic richness and composition, while the effects of environmental and spatial variables were negligible. Network-based specificity analysis suggested that a relatively small subset of OTUs (75 in total) exhibit an affinity for a subset of beetle species and that these include many Microascales and Saccharomycetes. Notably though, of the OTUs belonging to the family Ophiostomataceae, relatively few display host specificity. Our results add to the complex picture of host-associated fungal communities and suggest that host range limits are unlikely to restrict the spread of economically important phytopathogens.  相似文献   

Yeast, as well as higher eukaryotes, are induced to increase thermal resistance (thermotolerance) by prior exposure to a heat stress. Prior exposure to an acute dose of either 60Co gamma or 254-nm ultraviolet radiation, at sublethal or fractionally lethal doses, is shown to cause a marked increase in the resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to killing by heat. Following a radiation exposure, thermal resistance increased with time during incubation in nutrient medium, and the degree of resistance reached was proportional to the dose received. Partial induction by radiation followed by maximum induction by heat did not produce an additive response when compared to a maximum induction by heat alone, suggesting that the same process was induced by both heat and radiation. Irradiation with 254-nm uv light followed by an immediate, partial photoreversal of the pyrimidine dimers with long-wavelength uv light resulted in a reduced level of resistance compared to cells not exposed to the photoreversal light, indicating that the cells specifically recognized pyrimidine dimers as a signal to increase their thermal resistance. Exposure to 254-nm uv or ionizing radiation induced thermal resistance in mutants defective in either excision repair (rad3, uv-sensitive) or recombinational repair (rad52, gamma-sensitive), suggesting that recognition and repair of DNA damage by these systems are not a part of the signal which initiates an increase in resistance to heat. The amount of induction, per unit dose, was greater in the DNA repair-deficient mutants than in the wild-type cells, suggesting that an increase in the length of time during which damage remains in the DNA results in an increase in the effectiveness of the induction. These data indicate that types of DNA damage as diverse as those produced by ionizing radiation and by ultraviolet light are recognized as a signal by the yeast cell to increase its thermal resistance. It is therefore suggested that heat-induced alterations in DNA or in DNA-dependent chromosomal organization may be the signal for heat induction of thermotolerance in this and other eukaryotes.  相似文献   



The accuracy by which phenotype can be reproduced by genotype potentially is important in determining the stability, environmental sensitivity, and evolvability of morphology and other phenotypic traits. Because two sides of an individual represent independent development of the phenotype under identical genetic and environmental conditions, average body asymmetry (or "fluctuating asymmetry") can estimate the developmental instability of the population. The component of developmental instability not explained by intrapopulational differences in gene or environment (or their interaction) can be further defined as internal developmental noise. Surprisingly, developmental noise remains largely unexplored despite its potential influence on our interpretations of developmental stability, canalization, and evolvability. Proponents of fluctuating asymmetry as a bioindicator of environmental or genetic stress, often make the assumption that developmental noise is minimal and, therefore, that phenotype can respond sensitively to the environment. However, biologists still have not measured whether developmental noise actually comprises a significant fraction of the overall environmental response of fluctuating asymmetry observed within a population.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infection during pregnancy results in the sequestration of infected red blood cells (IRBCs) in the placenta, contributing to pregnancy associated malaria (PAM). IRBC adherence is mediated by the binding of a variant Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte binding protein 1 named VAR2CSA to the low sulfated chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S) proteoglycan (CSPG) present predominantly in the intervillous space of the placenta. IRBC binding is highly specific to the level and distribution of 4-sulfate groups in C4S. Given the strict specificity of IRBC-C4S interactions, it is better to use either placental CSPG or CSPGs bearing structurally similar C4S chains in defining VAR2CSA structural architecture that interact with C4S, evaluating VAR2CSA constructs for vaccine development or studying structure-based inhibitors as therapeutics for PAM.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays are the most sensitive and specific method to detect malaria parasites, and have acknowledged value in research settings. However, the time lag between sample collection, transportation and processing, and dissemination of results back to the physician limits the usefulness of PCR in routine clinical practice. Furthermore, in most areas with malaria transmission, factors such as limited financial resources, persistent subclinical parasitaemia, inadequate laboratory infrastructures in the poorer, remote rural areas preclude PCR as a diagnostic method. Even in affluent, non-endemic countries, PCR is not a suitable method for routine use. Nonetheless, PCR could be clinically useful in selected situations.  相似文献   

Knoblauch A  Palm G 《Bio Systems》2005,79(1-3):83-90
The response of a cortical neuron to a stimulus can show a very large variability when repeatedly stimulated by exactly the same stimulus. This has been quantified in terms of inter-spike-interval (ISI) statistics by several researchers (e.g., [Softky, W., Koch, C., 1993. The highly irregular firing of cortical cells is inconsistent with temporal integration of random EPSPs. J. Neurosci. 13(1), 334-350.]). The common view is that this variability reflects noisy information processing based on redundant representation in large neuron populations. This view has been challenged by the idea that the apparent noise inherent in brain activity that is not strictly related or temporally coupled to the experiment could be functionally significant. In this work we examine the ISI statistics and discuss these views in a recently published model of interacting cortical areas [Knoblauch, A., Palm, G., 2002. Scene segmentation by spike synchronization in reciprocally connected visual areas. I. Local effects of cortical feedback. Biol. Cybernet. 87(3), 151-167.]. From the results of further single neuron simulations we can isolate temporally modulated synaptic input as a main contributor for high ISI variability in our model and possibly in real neurons. In contrast to alternative mechanisms, our model suggests a function of the temporal modulations for short-term binding and segmentation of figures from background. Moreover, we show that temporally modulated inputs lead to ISI statistics which fit better to the neurophysiological data than alternative mechanisms.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that a high recombination rate such as that in a pseudoautosomal region (PAR) greatly increases the mutation rate because a 170-fold increase was estimated for the mouse PAR region. However, sequencing PAR and non-PAR introns of the Fxy gene in four Mus taxa, we found an increase of only twofold to fivefold. Furthermore, analyses of sequence data from human and orangutan PAR and X-linked regions and from autosomal regions showed a weak effect of recombination on mutation rate (a slope of less than 0.2% per cM/Mb), although a much stronger effect on GC content (1% to 2% per cM/Mb). Because typical recombination rates in mammals are much lower than those in PARs, the mutagenicity of recombination is weak or, at best, moderate, although its effect on GC% is much stronger. In addition, contrary to a previous study, we found no Fxy duplicate in Mus spretus.  相似文献   

Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations are expected to have significant impacts on the world's climate on a timescale of decades to centuries. Evidence from long-term monitoring studies is now accumulating and suggests that the climate of the past few decades is anomalous compared with past climate variation, and that recent climatic and atmospheric trends are already affecting species physiology, distribution and phenology.  相似文献   

The radiation chemical yields of unaltered base release have been measured in three crystalline double-stranded DNA oligomers after X irradiation at 4 K. The yields of released bases are between 10 and 20% of the total free radical yields measured at 4 K. Using these numbers, we estimate that the yield of DNA strand breaks due to the direct effect is about 0.1 micromol J(-1). The damage responsible for base release is independent of the base type (C, G, A or T) and is not scavenged by anthracycline drugs intercalated in the DNA. For these reasons, reactions initiated by the hydroxyl radical have been ruled out as the source of base release. Since the intercalated anthracycline scavenges electrons and holes completely but does not inhibit base release, the possibility for damage transfer from the bases to the sugars can also be ruled out. The results are consistent with a model in which primary radical cations formed directly on the sugar-phosphate backbone react by two competing pathways: deprotonation, which localizes the damage on the sugar, and hole tunneling, which transfers the damage to the base stack. Quantitative estimates indicate that these two processes are approximately equally efficient.  相似文献   

A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plant material (stem, leaf or reproductive structure). This is basic knowledge and may be crucial for the concept of competition for space. We sampled two grassland communities and two shrublands in both Italy and New Zealand. The height of the canopy was measured by a point quadrat method, and the volume of plant material, after cutting, by displacement of water. From 0.5% to 2.9% of the canopy was occupied by plant material. Occupancy was lower in the Italian communities, which we tentatively attribute to the climate. It did not differ significantly between grasslands and shrublands. Our data suggest that physical space is probably never limiting by itself in terrestrial higher-plant communities, so that competition for space, distinct from competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, is not likely to exist.  相似文献   

A seita is a carrier frame for backpacking used in Nishiki-cho, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. In this mountainous district, people make their living by agriculture and forestry and carry everything on their backs with seita. In this study, we investigated the relationships between the sizes of a body and the dimensions of a seita. This survey was conducted on 30 subjects (mean +/- SD; 68.1 +/- 9.0 years old) at three mountain villages. We measured some anthropometric sizes and seita dimensions and found that the correlation between height and sum of shoulder-lumbar-nuki distance (back length of a seita) and shoulder strap length is significant. In additional surveys, we took photographs with some markers on iliocristale, trochanterion, and so on, when the subjects carried seita in two load conditions. The photographs indicate that the load-supporting points in 16 of 23 subjects were between the iliocristale and trochanterion (i.e., on the sacrum). It is important to note that nobody showed that point above the iliocristale (i.e., on the lumbar vertebra). These data lead to the conclusion that when people in Nishik-icho carry loads with seita, they support loads not on the lumbar vertebrae but on the sacrum, and that they adjust the perimeter consisting of the back part and shoulder strap of the seita.  相似文献   

Upon the binding of their ligands, G protein-coupled receptors couple to the heterotrimeric G proteins to transduce a signal. One receptor family may couple to a single G protein subtype and another family to several ones. Is there a signal in the receptor sequence that can give an indication of the G protein subtype selectivity? We used a sequence analysis method on biogenic amine and adenosine receptors and concluded that a weak signal can be detected in receptor families where specialization for coupling to a given G protein occurred during a recent divergent evolutionary process. Proteins 2000;41:448-459.  相似文献   

Selected reaction monitoring (SRM) MS is proving to be a popular approach for targeted quantitative proteomics. The use of proteotypic peptides as candidates for SRM analysis is a wise first step in SRM method design. The obvious reason for this is the need to avoid redundancy at the sequence level, however this is incidental. The true reason is that homologous peptides result in redundancy in the mass‐to‐charge domain. This may seem like a trivial subtlety, however, we believe this is an issue of far greater significance than the proteomic community is aware. This VIEWPOINT article serves to highlight the complexity associated with designing SRM assays in light of potential ion redundancy.  相似文献   

NADP photoreduction of chloroplasts was discovered in 1951, and subsequent research was conducted to elucidate the enzymatic mechanisms involved in this reaction. In 1963, ferredoxin-NADP reductase (FNR; EC, ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase) was isolated and purified to a crystalline form. Because the reaction mechanism of ferredoxin-NADP reducing system was clarified in the isolated enzyme system, it was generally thought that the role of FNR in the NADP photoreduction of chloroplasts had been fully elucidated. However, the results of a reconstitution study using the crystallized FNR and the depleted grana, from which 'built-in' FNR had been eliminated, showed that the NADP photoreducing activity of reconstituted FNR was much lower than the original physiological activity, and as a result, more studies had to be continued. In 1985, a protein factor called 'connectein' was discovered, and it was shown that this new protein binds with two FNR molecules to form an FNR-connectein complex. Then in 1991, the FNR-connectein complex was formed using purified connectein and FNR, and after eliminating 'built-in' FNR, the reconstituted complex was bound to the depleted grana having reduced NADP photoreducing activity. The results showed that NADP photoreducing activity of the reconstituted system was comparable to the original physiological activity. This proved that the FNR-connectein complex, which binds to a specific site on the surface of thylakoid membrane, is functionally responsible for NADP photoreduction in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

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