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Neurotensin (NT) is now classified as a brain-gut peptide in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. In the present study, we characterized the NT receptors on the rat liver plasma membranes. The specific binding of [3H]NT was time dependent, reversible, and saturable. Scatchard analysis of the specific binding data yielded two classes of binding sites, a high affinity site and a low affinity site. The average maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) amounted to 13.3 +/- 1.1 fmol/mg protein at high affinity site and 122.3 +/- 21.5 fmol/mg protein at low affinity site, respectively. The dissociation constant (Kd) had values of 0.39 +/- 0.01 nM at high affinity site and 8.1 +/- 1.1 nM at low affinity site, respectively. The amount of specifically bound [3H]NT was significantly reduced in the presence of mono and divalent cations, EDTA, EGTA and a peptidase inhibitor bacitracin, NT1-13 competed with [3H]NT for its binding site with an IC50 of 0.19 nM at high affinity site (0.2 nM concentration of [3H]NT) and 0.7 nM at low affinity site (4.0 nM concentration of [3H]NT). Xenopsin, a NT analogue separated from the skin of Xenopus laevis, was equipotent (IC50 0.75 nM) with NT1-13 at 4.0 nM concentration of [3H]NT. C-terminal sequence of NT contains the structure necessary for interaction with NT binding sites whereas N-terminal sequence had no binding activity. Since NT has a hyperglysemic and a hypercholesterolemic effects in rats, these NT receptors on the rat liver plasma membranes may be involved in the hyperglycemia and/or hypercholesteroremia induced by NT.  相似文献   

It was found that isolated plasma membranes whose purity was assayed by determinations of marker enzyme activities, specifically bind dexamethasone. The association constant and the number of binding sites were found to be equal to (7,03 +/- 4,05) . 10(9) M-1 and (1,6 +/- 0,18) . 10(-14) mol/mg protein, respectively. It was assumed that lipoprotein components of plasma membranes are involved in this binding.  相似文献   

The ability of hepatic plasma membrane to bind desialylated glycoproteins has been shown to be markedly diminished by prior treatment of the membranes with phospholipase A or phospholipase C. In the latter case, the decreased binding capacity was correlated with the loss of membrane-bound phosphate over a wide range of enzyme concentration. However, upon solubilization of the membrane associated binding protein, the sensivity to phospholipase-induced inhibition of binding was eliminated.Additional evidence is presented to support the concept that the observed inhibition is a consequence of non-specific changes in the membrane phospholipids and that phospholipid, per se, does not participate directly in the mechanism of binding.  相似文献   

Binding of fibronectins to gangliosides was tested directly using several different in vitro models. Using an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA), gangliosides were immobilized on polystyrene tubes and relative binding of fibronectin was estimated by alkaline phosphatase activity of conjugated second antibody. Above a critical ganglioside concentration, the gangliosides bound the fibronectin (GT1b congruent to GD1b congruent to GD1a greater than GM1 much greater than GM2 congruent to GD3 congruent to GM3) in approximately the same order of efficiency as they competed for the cellular sites of fibronectin binding in cell attachment assays (Kleinman et al., Proc natl acad sci US 76 (1979) 3367). Alternatively, these same gangliosides bound to immobilized fibronectin. Rat erythrocytes coated with gangliosides GM1, GD1a or GT1b bound more fibronectin than erythrocytes not supplemented with gangliosides. Using fibronectin in which lysine residues were radioiodinated, an apparent Kd for binding to mixed rat liver gangliosides of 7.8 X 10(-9) M was determined. This value compared favorably with the apparent Kd for attachment of fibronectin to isolated plasma membranes from rat liver of 3.7 X 10(-9) M for fibronectin modified on the tyrosine residue, or 6.4 X 10(-9) M for fibronectin modified on lysine residues. As shown previously by Grinnell & Minter (Biochem biophys acta 550 (1979) 92), fibronectin modified on tyrosine residues did not promote spreading and attachment of CHO cells. It did, however, bind to cells. In contrast, lysine-modified fibronectin both bound to cells and promoted cell attachment. Plasma membranes isolated from hepatic tumors in which the higher gangliosides that bind fibronectin were depleted bound 43-75% less [125I]fibronectin than did plasma membranes from control livers. The findings were consistent with binding of fibronectins to gangliosides, including the same gangliosides depleted from cell surfaces during tumorigenesis in the rat.  相似文献   

The association of 125I-labelled insulin with liver plasma membranes from diabetic rats was consistent with more than one compartment of binding. After a short association period, insulin dissociation comprised rapid and slow phases. After a long association period, dissociation was only at a slow rate. Lower-affinity hormone-receptor complexes were converted to higher-affinity complexes as the time of occupancy lengthened.  相似文献   

Calcium binding by the vesiculate fraction of rabbit small intestine myocyte plasma membranes was studied. It was shown that the membrane fraction as well as the muscle tissue contain two types of Ca2(+)-binding sites with binding constants of 2.3-2.5 x 10(4) and 2.1-1.25 x 10(3) M-1. The number of binding sites and their affinity for Ca2+ depend on the presence in the incubation medium of Mg2+, Na+ and ATP.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes (1–2 mg protein) prepared from the livers of adult male rats and human organ donors were incubated with 0.6 μM [α-32P] guanosine triphosphate (GTP) in an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-regenerating buffer at 37°C for 1 h; during this incubation, the [32P]GTP is hydrolyzed and the nucleotide that is predominantly bound to the membranes is [32P] guanosine diphosphate (GDP). [32P]GDP release from the liver membranes was proportional to the protein concentration and increased as a function of time. At 5 mM, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ maximally inhibited GDP release by 80–90%, whereas, 5 mM Cu2+ maximally stimulated the reaction by 100%. Therefore, cations were not included in the buffer used in the GDP release step. One μM Gpp(NH)p (5′-guanylylimidodiphosphate), a nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP, maximally stimulated [32P]GDP release in the liver membranes by up to 30%. Although 10 nM Gpp(NH)p had no effect on GDP release, it appeared to stabilize the hormonal effect by blocking further GDP/GTP exchange. In the rat membranes, 1–100 nM glucagon (used as a positive control) stimulated [32P]GDP release by about 17% (P < .05); similarly, 0.1–100 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by 10–13% (P < .05). In the human membranes, 10 pM to 100 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by 7–10%. In the rat membranes, 10 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by 17 and 24% at 2 and 4 min, respectively (P < .05); in the human membranes, 10 nM insulin stimulated [32P]GDP release by about 9% at 2 and 4 min. Normal rabbit IgG (used as a control for insulin receptor antibody) by itself stimulated the GDP release by rat and human membranes. However, the stimulation of the GDP release by insulin receptor antibody was consistently higher than that observed with normal rabbit IgG. Four to 15 μg of insulin receptor antibody stimulated [32P]GDP release by 12–22% (P < .05) and 7–14% in rat and human membranes, respectively. These results indicate that ligand binding to the insulin receptor results in a functional interaction of the receptor with a guanine nucleotide-binding transducer protein (G protein) and activation of GTP/GDP exchange.  相似文献   

The equilibrium in calcium ions binding to isolated cattle thymocyte plasma membranes within the concentration range 1.10(-5)--5.10(-4) M has been investigated. The plasma membranes has been shown to possess two kinds of Ca(2+)-binding sites with the association constants 2,35.10(5) and 7.64.10(2) M-1 and numbers of binding sites 3.45.10(-4) and 4.55.10(-3) mole.g-1 protein respectively.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing a plasma-membrane fraction from hepatocytes by a rapid, gentle, Percoll fractionation procedure. Cholera toxin elicited the ribosylation of a number of proteins in these membranes, including the components of the stimulatory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein, Ns. Insulin, however, inhibited the ability of cholera toxin to ribosylate a protein of Mr 25 000. The action was decreased in membranes from cells that had been pre-treated with glucagon. Ribosylation of both the components of Ns and the Mr-25 000 species occurred in whole cells treated with cholera toxin, because membranes from such treated cells exhibited decreased labelling when incubated with [32P]NAD+ and activated cholera toxin. The labelling of proteins, including the Mr-25 000 species, with [32P]NAD+ and cholera toxin in the plasma membranes was decreased by an inhibitor of ribosylation. Azido-GTP photoaffinity labelling identified several high-affinity GTP-binding proteins, including one of Mr 25 000. Cholera toxin failed to ribosylate the Mr-25 000 protein in membranes from cells that had been pre-treated with the tumour-promoting agent 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). In membranes from such treated cells, insulin actually allowed cholera toxin to label this species. As TPA activates protein kinase C, it is possible that the Mr-25 000 protein, or a species that interacts with it, is a substrate for phosphorylation. These observations may offer an explanation for some of the perturbing effects that TPA exerts on insulin's action. It is suggested that the insulin receptor interacts with the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein system in the liver, and that the Mr-25 000 species may be a component of Nin, a specific guanine nucleotide regulatory protein that has been proposed to mediate certain of the actions of insulin on target cells [Houslay & Heyworth (1983) Trends Biochem. Sci. 8, 449-452].  相似文献   

Insulin-receptor interaction in partially purified preparations of human placental plasma membranes from normal mothers at term of pregnancy has been characterized. 125I-insulin became rapidly and reversibly bound to plasma membranes, being time and temperature dependent. The binding readily appeared at 1.0 ng/ml insulin concentration which falls within the physiological range of peripheral blood. Low levels of unlabeled insulin inhibited binding; 20 ng/ml insulin produced fifty per cent inhibition. Scatchard plots of data from competitive insulin binding proved to be curvilinear. The insulin greater ability for binding observed in this preparation can be explained by the purification degree achieved at the plasma membranes. 125I-insulin was less degraded by partially purified placental plasma membranes than by a microsomal-membrane preparation obtained without differential centrifugation in sucrose linear gradient. All these properties strongly suggest that the insulin-binding sites characterized in the plasma membrane fraction of the placenta represent biologically important receptors to hormone.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes (PM) of helathy rats as well as those hepatomas and PM of tumor-bearing rats were found (radioreceptor assay) to have apparently two groups of receptors for insulin with a high and low affinity for the hormone respectively and different insulin-binding capacities. Kass values of the receptors with a high affinity for insulin are drastically decreased in the PM of ascites Zajdela hepatoma (AZH) and of solid hepatoma 27 (SH-27) as well as in the liver of SH-27-bearing animals, but not in the liver of the AZH-bearing rats. Kass values of the receptors with a low affinity for insulin in the PM of AZH and in those of the liver of AZH-bearing rats appear nearly normal. In contrary, above Kass the receptors in the PM of SH-27 and SH-27-bearing animals are significantly decreased. The insulin-binding capacity of the receptors with a high affinity for the hormone in the PM of SH-27, AZH and the liver of both tumor-bearing rats is shown to be significantly higher than that in the PM of normal animals. The same property of the receptors with a low is affinity in the PM of the hepatomas and theliver of their hosts is also increased, especially in the PM of SH-27 and of the liver of SH-27-carring rats.  相似文献   

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