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The energy requirement for the second step in pullulanase secretion by the general secretory pathway was studied in Escherichia coli . In order to uncouple the two steps in the secretion pathway (across the cytoplasmic and outer membranes, respectively) and to facilitate kinetic analysis of secretion, a variant form of pullulanase lacking its N-terminal fatty acid membrane anchor was used. The transport of the periplasmic secretion intermediate form of this protein across the outer membrane was not inhibited by concentrations of sodium arsenate in excess of those required to reduce ATP levels to ≤10% of their normal value. Pullulanase secretion was inhibited by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenyl hydrazone at concentrations which were similar to those reported by others to be required to prevent solute uptake or the export and processing of preproteins across the cytoplasmic membrane, but which were in excess of those required to fully dissipate the proton-motive force and to reduce lactose uptake to a significant extent.  相似文献   

Many Proteobacteria use the chaperone/usher pathway to assemble proteinaceous filaments on the bacterial surface. These filaments can curl into fimbrial or nonfimbrial surface structures (e.g., a capsule or spore coat). This article reviews the phylogeny of operons belonging to the chaperone/usher assembly class to explore the utility of establishing a scheme for subdividing them into clades of phylogenetically related gene clusters. Based on usher amino acid sequence comparisons, our analysis shows that the chaperone/usher assembly class is subdivided into six major phylogenetic clades, which we have termed alpha-, beta-, gamma-, kappa-, pi-, and sigma-fimbriae. Members of each clade share related operon structures and encode fimbrial subunits with similar protein domains. The proposed classification system offers a simple and convenient method for assigning newly discovered chaperone/usher systems to one of the six major phylogenetic groups.  相似文献   

Gram-negative pathogens commonly exhibit adhesive pili on their surfaces that mediate specific attachment to the host. A major class of pili is assembled via the chaperone/usher pathway. Here, the structural basis for pilus fiber assembly and secretion performed by the outer membrane assembly platform--the usher--is revealed by the crystal structure of the translocation domain of the P pilus usher PapC and single particle cryo-electron microscopy imaging of the FimD usher bound to a translocating type 1 pilus assembly intermediate. These structures provide molecular snapshots of a twinned-pore translocation machinery in action. Unexpectedly, only one pore is used for secretion, while both usher protomers are used for chaperone-subunit complex recruitment. The translocating pore itself comprises 24 beta strands and is occluded by a folded plug domain, likely gated by a conformationally constrained beta-hairpin. These structures capture the secretion of a virulence factor across the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

F1 antigen (Caf1) of Yersinia pestis is assembled via the Caf1M chaperone/Caf1A usher pathway. We investigated the ability of this assembly system to facilitate secretion of full-length heterologous proteins fused to the Caf1 subunit in Escherichia coli. Despite correct processing of a chimeric protein composed of a modified Caf1 signal peptide, mature human interleukin-1beta (hIL-1beta), and mature Caf1, the processed product (hIL-1beta:Caf1) remained insoluble. Coexpression of this chimera with a functional Caf1M chaperone led to the accumulation of soluble hIL-1beta:Caf1 in the periplasm. Soluble hIL-1beta:Caf1 reacted with monoclonal antibodies directed against structural epitopes of hIL-1beta. The results indicate that Caf1M-induced release of hIL-1beta:Caf1 from the inner membrane promotes folding of the hIL-1beta domain. Similar results were obtained with the fusion of Caf1 to hIL-1beta receptor antagonist or to human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Following coexpression of the hIL-1beta:Caf1 precursor with both the Caf1M chaperone and Caf1A outer membrane protein, hIL-1beta:Caf1 could be detected on the cell surface of E. coli. These results demonstrate for the first time the potential application of the chaperone/usher secretion pathway in the transport of subunits with large heterogeneous N-terminal fusions. This represents a novel means for the delivery of correctly folded heterologous proteins to the periplasm and cell surface as either polymers or cleavable monomeric domains.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of how pathogenic bacteria cause disease has been studied by blending a well-developed genetic system with X-ray crystallography, protein chemistry, high resolution electron microscopy, and cell biology. Microbial attachment to host tissues is one of the key events in the early stages of most bacterial infections. Attachment is typically mediated by adhesins that are assembled into hair-like fibers called pili on bacterial surfaces. This article focuses on the structure-function correlates of P pili, which are produced by most pyelonephritic strains of Escherichia coli. P pili are assembled via a chaperone/usher pathway. Similar pathways are responsible for the assembly of over 30 adhesive organelles in various Gram-negative pathogens. P pilus biogenesis has been used as a model system to elucidate common themes in bacterial pathogenesis, namely, the protein folding, secretion, and assembly of virulence factors. The structural basis for pilus biogenesis is discussed as well as the function and consequences of microbial attachment.  相似文献   

Many gram-negative enterobacteria produce surface-associated fimbriae that facilitate attachment and adherence to eucaryotic cells and tissues. These organelles are believed to play an important role during infection by enabling bacteria to colonize specific niches within their hosts. One class of these fimbriae is assembled using a periplasmic chaperone and membrane-associated scaffolding protein that has been referred to as an usher because of its function in fimbrial biogenesis. The presence of multiple types of fimbriae assembled by the chaperone/usher pathway can be found both within a single bacterial species and also among different genera. One way of controlling fimbrial assembly in these bacteria is at the genetic level by positively or negatively regulating fimbrial gene expression. This minireview considers the mechanisms that have been described to control fimbrial gene expression and uses specific examples to demonstrate both unique and shared properties of such regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The complete general secretory pathway in gram-negative bacteria.   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
The unifying feature of all proteins that are transported out of the cytoplasm of gram-negative bacteria by the general secretory pathway (GSP) is the presence of a long stretch of predominantly hydrophobic amino acids, the signal sequence. The interaction between signal sequence-bearing proteins and the cytoplasmic membrane may be a spontaneous event driven by the electrochemical energy potential across the cytoplasmic membrane, leading to membrane integration. The translocation of large, hydrophilic polypeptide segments to the periplasmic side of this membrane almost always requires at least six different proteins encoded by the sec genes and is dependent on both ATP hydrolysis and the electrochemical energy potential. Signal peptidases process precursors with a single, amino-terminal signal sequence, allowing them to be released into the periplasm, where they may remain or whence they may be inserted into the outer membrane. Selected proteins may also be transported across this membrane for assembly into cell surface appendages or for release into the extracellular medium. Many bacteria secrete a variety of structurally different proteins by a common pathway, referred to here as the main terminal branch of the GSP. This recently discovered branch pathway comprises at least 14 gene products. Other, simpler terminal branches of the GSP are also used by gram-negative bacteria to secrete a more limited range of extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

We have identified all homologues in the current databases of the ubiquitous protein constituents of the general secretory (Sec) pathway. These prokaryotic/eukaryotic proteins include (1) SecY/Sec61alpha, (2) SecE/Sec61gamma, (3) SecG/Sec61beta, (4) Ffh/SRP54 and (5) FtsY/SRP receptor subunit-alpha. Phylogenetic and sequence analyses lead to major conclusions concerning (1) the ubiquity of these proteins in living organisms, (2) the topological uniformity of some but not other Sec constituents, (3) the orthologous nature of almost all of them, (4) a total lack of paralogues in almost all organisms for which complete genome sequences are available, (5) the occurrence of two or even three paralogues in a few bacteria, plants, and yeast, depending on the Sec constituent, and (6) a tremendous degree of sequence divergence in bacteria compared with that in archaea or eukaryotes. The phylogenetic analyses lead to the conclusion that with a few possible exceptions, the five families of Sec constituents analyzed generally underwent sequence divergence in parallel but at different characteristic rates. The results provide evolutionary insights as well as guides for future functional studies. Because every organism with a fully sequenced genome exhibits at least one orthologue of each of these Sec proteins, we conclude that all living organisms have relied on the Sec system as their primary protein secretory/membrane insertion system. Because most prokaryotes and many eukaryotes encode within their genomes only one of each constituent, we also conclude that strong evolutionary pressure has minimized gene duplication events leading to the establishment of Sec paralogues. Finally, the sequence diversity of bacterial proteins as compared with their archaeal and eukaryotic counterparts is in agreement with the suggestion that bacteria were the evolutionary predecessors of archaea and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We have identified all homologues in the current databases of the ubiquitous protein constituents of the general secretory (Sec) pathway. These prokaryotic/eukaryotic proteins include (1) SecY/Sec61α, (2) SecE/Sec61γ, (3) SecG/Sec61β, (4) Ffh/SRP54 and (5) FtsY/SRP receptor subunit-α. Phylogenetic and sequence analyses lead to major conclusions concerning (1) the ubiquity of these proteins in living organisms, (2) the topological uniformity of some but not other Sec constituents, (3) the orthologous nature of almost all of them, (4) a total lack of paralogues in almost all organisms for which complete genome sequences are available, (5) the occurrence of two or even three paralogues in a few bacteria, plants, and yeast, depending on the Sec constituent, and (6) a tremendous degree of sequence divergence in bacteria compared with that in archaea or eukaryotes. The phylogenetic analyses lead to the conclusion that with a few possible exceptions, the five families of Sec constituents analyzed generally underwent sequence divergence in parallel but at different characteristic rates. The results provide evolutionary insights as well as guides for future functional studies. Because every organism with a fully sequenced genome exhibits at least one orthologue of each of these Sec proteins, we conclude that all living organisms have relied on the Sec system as their primary protein secretory/membrane insertion system. Because most prokaryotes and many eukaryotes encode within their genomes only one of each constituent, we also conclude that strong evolutionary pressure has minimized gene duplication events leading to the establishment of Sec paralogues. Finally, the sequence diversity of bacterial proteins as compared with their archaeal and eukaryotic counterparts is in agreement with the suggestion that bacteria were the evolutionary predecessors of archaea and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Golgi complex plays a central role in protein secretion by regulating cargo sorting and trafficking. As these processes are of functional importance to cell polarity, motility, growth, and division, there is considerable interest in achieving a comprehensive understanding of Golgi complex biology. However, the unique stack structure of this organelle has been a major hurdle to our understanding of how proteins are secreted through the Golgi apparatus. Herein, we summarize available relevant research to gain an understanding of protein secretion via the Golgi complex. This includes the molecular mechanisms of intra-Golgi trafficking and cargo export in the trans-Golgi network. Moreover, we review recent insights on signaling pathways regulated by the Golgi complex and their physiological significance.  相似文献   

Pullulanase ofKlebsiella oxytoca is one of a wide variety of extracellular proteins that are secreted by Gram-negative bacteria by the complex main terminal branch (MTB) of the general secretory pathway. The roles of some of the 14 components of the MTB are now becoming clear. In this review it is proposed that most of these proteins form a complex, the secreton, that spans the cell envelope to control the opening and closing of channel in the outer membrane. Progress toward the goal of testing this model is reviewed. Presented at the SymposiumRegulatory Aspects of Bacterial Cell Biology, Prague, October 16–17, 1996.  相似文献   

Differences in protein solubility appear to play an important role in lumenal protein trafficking through Golgi/post-Golgi compartments. Recent advances indicate that multimeric protein assembly is one of the factors regulating the efficiency of protein storage within secretory granules, by mechanisms that, with slight modification, might be considered to represent the culmination of a process of Golgi cisternal maturation.  相似文献   

The chaperone-like protein of the main terminal branch of the general secretory pathway from Klebsiella oxytoca , the outer membrane lipoprotein PulS, protects the multimeric secretin PulD from degradation and promotes its correct localization to the outer membrane. To determine whether these are separable functions, or whether resistance to proteolysis results simply from correct localization of PulD, we replaced the lipoprotein-type signal peptide of PulS by the signal peptide of periplasmic maltose-binding protein. The resulting periplasmic PulS retained its ability to protect PulD, but not its ability to localize PulD to the outer membrane and to function in pullulanase secretion. Periplasmic PulS competed with wild-type PulS to prevent pullulanase secretion, presumably again by causing mislocalization of PulD. A hybrid protein comprising the mature part of PulS fused to the C-terminus of full-length maltose-binding protein (MalE–PulS) had similar properties to the periplasmic PulS protein. Moreover, MalE–PulS was shown to associate with PulD by amylose-affinity chromatography. The MalE–PulS hybrid was rendered completely functional (i.e. it restored pullulanase secretion in a pulS mutant) by replacing its signal peptide with a lipoprotein-type signal peptide. However, this fatty-acylated hybrid protein was only functional if it also carried a lipoprotein sorting signal that targeted it to the outer membrane. Thus, the two functions of PulS are separate and fully dissociable. Incorrect localization, rather than proteolysis, of PulD in the absence of PulS was shown to be the factor that causes high-level induction of the phage shock response. The Erwinia chrysanthemi PulS homologue, OutS, can substitute for PulS, and PulS can protect the secretin OutD from proteolysis in Escherichia coli , indicating the possible existence of a family of PulS-like chaperone proteins.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum-gateway of the secretory pathway   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Vitale A  Denecke J 《The Plant cell》1999,11(4):615-628

The secretion of the Klebsiella oxytoca cell surface lipoprotein pullulanase involves translocation across the cytoplasmic and outer membranes of the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope. A variant of pullulanase was created by fusing the signal peptide-encoding 5' region of the Escherichia coli gene for periplasmic MalE protein to the 3' end of the pulA gene encoding almost the entire mature part of pullulanase. When produced in E. coli carrying the malE-pulA gene fusion on a high copy number plasmid and the complete set of genes specifically required for pullulanase secretion on a second plasmid, the hybrid protein differed from wild-type pullulanase as follows: (i) it was not fatty-acylated; (ii) it was apparently processed by LepB signal peptidase rather than by LspA lipoprotein signal peptidase; (iii) it was released into the periplasm and was only slowly transported across the outer membrane, and (iv) it was released directly into the medium rather than via the usual surface-anchored intermediate. The hybrid protein was secreted more rapidly when malE-pulA was expressed from a low copy number plasmid. The two steps in the secretion pathway could be totally uncoupled by expressing first the malE-pulA gene fusion and then the cognate secretion genes. These results show that fatty-acylation of wild-type PulA is not essential for secretion but may improve its efficiency when large amounts of the protein are produced, that the two steps in secretion can occur quite independently and that the periplasmic intermediate can persist for long periods under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Correct protein compartmentalization is a key step for molecular function and cell viability, and this is especially true for membrane and externalized proteins of bacteria. Recent proteomic reports of Bacillus subtilis have shown that many proteins with Sec-like signal peptides and absence of a transmembrane helix domain are still observed in membrane-enriched fractions, but further evidence about signal peptide cleavage or soluble protein contamination is still needed. Here we report a proteomic screening of identified peptides in culture filtrate, membrane fraction and whole cell lysate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We were able to detect peptide sequencing evidence that shows that the predicted signal peptide was kept uncleaved for several types of proteins such as mammalian cell entry (Mce) proteins and PE or PE-PGRS proteins. Label-free quantitation of all proteins identified in each fraction showed that the majority of these proteins with uncleaved signal peptides are, indeed, enriched in the Triton X-114 lipid phase. Some of these proteins are likely to be located in the inner membrane while others may be outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Secretion of proteins by the general secretory pathway (GSP) is a two-step process requiring the Sec translocase in the inner membrane and a separate substrate-specific secretion apparatus for translocation across the outer membrane. Gram-negative bacteria with pathogenic potential use the GSP to deliver virulence factors into the extracellular environment for interaction with the host. Well-studied examples of virulence determinants using the GSP for secretion include extracellular toxins, pili, curli, autotransporters, and crystaline S-layers. This article reviews our current understanding of the GSP and discusses examples of terminal branches of the GSP which are utilized by factors implicated in bacterial virulence.  相似文献   

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