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A rare species, Diaphanosoma celebensis (Stingelin, 1900) is redescribed from type material and material from the South of Vietnam. In comparative morphological aspect it is close to D. volzi, but it is relatively less specialized. D. celebensis is known from single locations in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. It probably also occurs in Malaysia. The size frequency and sex structure of a population from Vietnam is described.  相似文献   

Diaphanosoma kizakiensis sp. nov. is described from material from Lake Kizaki (Honshu, Japan). It can be regarded as a member of the D. brachyurum species group, and is characterized by some specific but not readily visible features, such as the presence of a relatively small head, a small and sharp (not large and lanceolate) spine on the outer side of the distal end of the antennal basipodite, and particular features of the armament of the posteroventral valve margins. This species along with some other recently investigated Japanese cladocerans form a group of taxa which highlight that this country is one of the regional centers of cladoceran endemicity in Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Diaphanosoma, D. oligosetum and D. dorotheae, from Louisiana and North Carolina respectively, are described. The former species has large head with protruding dorsal part, large lanceolate spine on the basipodite's distal outer end, an extremely reduced number of antennal setae, up to six in adult specimens, and unique armament of valve margin. On the whole, it shows the pronounced combination of primitive and specialized morphological traits. D. dorotheae is a member of D. brachyurum species group differing from its other known representatives in presence of a small but very conspicuous spine on the end of proximal segment of antennal exopodite and a variable number of setae (seven or eight) on the distal segment of the branch. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Dumont  Henri J.  Han  Bo-Ping  Guo  Fei Fei  Chen  Hua  Cheng  Dan  Liu  Ping  Xu  Lei  Sanoamuang  La-Orsri  Rietzler  Arnola C.  Xu  Shaolin  Vierstraete  Andy  Elias-Gutierrez  Manuel 《Aquatic Ecology》2021,55(4):1207-1222
Aquatic Ecology - Diaphanosoma s.l., with 40+? described species, is the largest genus of the Sididae and the Ctenopoda, similar in many ways to the anomopod genus Daphnia. Here, we offer a c...  相似文献   

Liu  Ping  Xu  Shao-Lin  Liao  Jian  Dumont  Henri J.  Han  Bo-Ping 《Aquatic Ecology》2021,55(4):1189-1206

Diaphanosoma, the “tropical Daphnia”, is common and ubiquitous in South China. Like other ctenopods, Diaphanosoma has a reproductive mode similar to Daphnia’s, but its resting eggs are rarely observed and lack an ephippium. With limited dispersal and reduced buffer effect from resting egg banks, Diaphanosoma is expected to have a population genetic structure different from that of temperate Daphnia. To facilitate genetic comparison, we developed microsatellite markers using next-generation sequencing for the most common species in tropical and subtropical East Asia, Diaphanosoma dubium. Thirty-one polymorphic microsatellite markers were obtained, and 29 of them were efficient for the congeneric species D. excisum, D. orghidani, D. mongolianum and D. chankensis. The markers allowed intra- and interspecific genetic analysis, including population structure, hybridization and introgression. We used 11 selected microsatellite markers to analyze spatial and temporal heterogeneity of genetic diversity in four (sub)tropical D. dubium populations from two large reservoirs and two temporary ponds. In contrast to temperate Cladocera, higher genetic diversity in summer rather than in spring suggested weak contribution from resting eggs in spring. Clustering of DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses indicated a clear-cut genetic structure in the four populations. Variation partitioning revealed that water storage and depth were key factors in genetic differentiation. Within large reservoirs, we detected backward (reversing time) gene flow from resting egg banks. We conclude that resting eggs have an effective contribution to the genetic diversity in large water bodies during growing seasons and that large water bodies can host higher genetic diversity in summer due to environmental heterogeneity and high carrying capacity. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of genetic diversity detected by our microsatellite markers showed the newly developed markers can be applied for further study of populations of D. dubium and other species of Diaphanosoma at a contemporary scale.


We analysed in how far the decrease of pH, that is part of the ongoing restoration of the softwater Lake Windsborn (conductivity below 30 S cm–1), may in future influence the occurrence of the two cladoceran species Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and Diaphanosoma brachyurum. In the field, the abundance of Ceriodaphnia was positively correlated with lake water pH, whereas there was no correlation between abundance and pH for D. brachyurum. Experiments on the tolerance against acidification included dynamic (24 h) and static tests (24, 48 h, 30 d), and were conducted with acidified lake water. C. quadrangula tolerated a slight acidification to pH 5.2, but not pH 4.8, whereas the NOEC value seems to be between pH 4.2 and 4.5 for D. brachyurum. Differences between the experimental NOEC values and field data may be explained by diurnal pH fluctuations and the low ion content of Lake Windsborn which puts an additional physiological challenge to its inhabitants.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of nine species of Daphniidae (Crustacea,Cladocera)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M. Trentini 《Genetica》1980,54(2):221-223

Korovchinsky  N. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):171-181
Review of the Sididae of the Pacific Ocean islands revealed only three species (Diaphanosoma sarsi s. l., Latonopsis australis s. l., and L. brehmi) so far known from New Caledonia, Vanuatu (New Hebrides), Fiji, Guam Island, and Hawaii. Study of museum and other additional material made it possible to describe a new species, D. samoaensis, from West Samoa, the first record of an endemic sidid on a small ocean island. Its mode of speciation is discussed.  相似文献   

Lake Taihu is characterized by its shallowness (mean depth = 1.9 m) and large surface area (2,338 km2). Runoff sources are mostly from the mountainous west and southwest, and outflows are located throughout East Taihu. This causes shorter retention times in the south. In contrast, urban pollutants discharge into northern Taihu and result in poor water quality. Non-point pollution from rural areas and sewage wastewater is the primary pollution source. Water current velocity ranges from 10–30 cm s−1, and surface currents normally follow wind direction. Bottom currents appear to be a compensation flow. Most wave heights are less than 40 cm, and underwater irradiance correlates to seston in the water column. Lacustrine sediment is distributed in littoral zones, mostly along the western shoreline, with almost no accumulation in the lake center. Intensive aquaculture in East Taihu caused eutrophication and hampered water supply in surrounding areas. In addition, development of marshiness in the eastern littoral zones and East Taihu has occurred. The function of flood discharging of East Taihu has been limited by flourishing macrophytes. The problems facing in Lake Taihu will be alleviated by improving the management of nutrient sources into the lake. Guest editors: B. Qin, Z. Liu & K. Havens Eutrophication of shallow lakes with special reference to Lake Taihu, China  相似文献   

Cladocera (Crustacea) from Nicaragua   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Thirty-one Cladocera taxa are recorded from lakes, rivers and ponds of Western Nicaragua. They include Alona bromelicola sp. nov. found in water accumulations in epiphytic Bromeliads. The Cladocera recorded are neotropical and circumtropical. Other invertebrates found are also listed.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex are two important model species in ecotoxicology. In daphniids, studies of the effects of contaminants have mostly focused on female life history traits, yet it would also be important to examine male reproductive traits, particularly in relation to endocrine disruptors. In this study, we developed a protocol that uses flow cytometry to measure sperm number in individual males of different species of Daphnia. We tested our protocol on 114 males from several clones of three common species of Daphnia. Sperm count varied widely among individuals and reached high numbers (up to 1.45 × 105). Positive relationships between male length and sperm number were observed in D. pulex and Daphnia pulicaria, but not in D. magna. Important inter‐clonal differences in sperm production were observed in all species, with some clones producing very little sperm. Duplicated sperm samples showed on average only 6% difference in sperm counts. Sperm counts were stable at least over a 2‐hr period and up to 5 hr for most samples. This sperm isolation protocol and flow cytometric enumeration approach will be of major interest to ecotoxicologists.  相似文献   

Material from 49 localities in Europe, Asia and Africa is used to study two similar Diaphanosoma species, viz. D. mongolianum UENO, 1938, and D. lacustris KORINEK, 1981, both of which were described earlier under other names, the most common of which were “D. brachyurum”, “D. leuchtenbergianum” and “D. birgei lacustris”. These species are redescribed in detail, consideration being given to interpopulational and individual morphological variability, the type material, and material from type localities. The morphology of the setae of the swimming antennae is studied in detail, and the author concludes that some of them are not only used for swimming but also perform a sensory function. Some aspects of the biology of the species are described. They inhabit water bodies of different types, are often so abundant that they constitute the main component of zooplankton communities, and are an important link in the trophic chain. Little known cases of the co-occurrence of Diaphanosoma species in a water body are described. Localities known for D. mongolianum and D. lacustris are situated mainly in the temperate and subtropical zones, the former species penetrating farther north than the latter. However, they are also found in the White Nile (Sudan) and Ethiopian lakes. This southward penetration may be connected with the azonal distribution of fluviatile fauna and with the altitude of Ethiopian lakes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Life history parameters of two species of Chydoridae ( Leydigia leydigi and Disparalona rostrata ) were studied in the field and in the laboratory.
2. For both species the number of juvenile instars was variable and tentatively related to initial size of neonate. Egg volume increased with increasing parent length and with decreasing temperature; possible advantages gained by the offspring are discussed in relation to invertebrate predation.
3. The life history strategy employed by the littoral Chydoridae is compared to that of large and small planktonic cladocerans. Small planktonic cladocerans and the Chydoridae (except the Eurycercinae and the Saycinae) produce large young relative to their size at maturity and mature early. However, unlike the small planktonic cladocerans, growth in the Chydoridae is curtailed after the onset of reproduction and in this they resemble the large planktonic cladocerans. This strategy may be related to vertebrate predation and the presence of vegetation in the habitat.  相似文献   

Bychek EA  Müller J 《Genetika》2003,39(3):439-441
Population genetic structure of the widespread Daphnia species from Kuibyshev and Saratov reservoirs was examined by use of RAPD-PCR technique with four mitochondrial DNA (16S rRNA) specific primers. One of the examined Daphnia clones from the Volga region appeared to be conspecific to the North American Daphnia galeata, while another clone was most likely a hybrid between D. galeata and D. cucullata.  相似文献   

Der Ankerapparat vonSida crystallina (Crustacea,Cladocera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hans Günzl 《Zoomorphology》1980,95(2):149-157
Zusammenfassung Die in eine Grundsubstanz eingebetteten Klebanker und Ankerfäden, mit deren Hilfe sichSida crystallina am Substrat befestigt, liegen auf der Epicuticula. Die Fäden sind mit der Epicuticula über Trennvorrichtungen verbunden. Die Sekretion der Ankerstrukturen durch die Epidermiszellen erfolgt zunächst in oberflächenparallelen Schichten. Später wird das Sekretionsfeld mit den Fadenenden nach hinten verschoben. Es folgt die Bildung der Trennstellen und schließlich die Sekretion der Cuticula. Nach der Häutung klappt die Ankerleiste in ihre funktionelle Stellung und die Procuticula skierotisiert.
The anchor apparatus ofSida crystallina (Crustacea, Cladocera)II. Ultrastructure and formation
Summary Sida crystallina attaches itself to the substratum by adhesive anchors. Anchors and anchor threads are embedded in a matrix and situated on the epicuticle. The anchor threads are connected to the epicuticle by special junctions at which they can be separated. The new structures of the anchor organs, which are secreted by epidermal cells, are firstly laid down in layers parallel to the surface. Later the area of secretion becomes shifted backward. Then the junctions are formed and finely the secretion of the cuticle follows. After molting the anchor ledge turns out in its functional position and sclerotisation of the procuticle takes place.

H. J. Dumont 《Hydrobiologia》1983,106(2):97-106
The groundwater along the Couze (= river) Pavin in Auvergne, France, yielded four chydorid Cladocera, among which two are known but rare species, while two are new species. One of the new species, Alona phreatica, has reduced eye and ocellus-sizes, but no other adaptations to a groundwater-mode of life are apparent. The likelihood that more phreatic species exist in other parts of Europe and elsewhere is discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Bosmina can be differentiated into four subgenera: 1. Bosmina s. str. BAIRD , 1845, 2. Eubosmina SELIGO , 1900, 3. Neobosmina LIEDER , 1957, and 4. Sinobosmina LIEDER , 1957. Subgeneric discrimination is based upon several features of the females (postabdominal claw, serration of the mucro, patterns of the lateral head pores) and, mainly, upon certain differences in the morphology of the male (postabdomen and, according to LILLJEBORG 1900, BURCKHARDT 1924 and KOŘINEK 1971, the first leg). The distribution of the Bosmina subgenera throughout the world varies: Bosmina s. str. is distributed worldwide (except for Australia?), Eubosmina is holarctic, Neobosmina has been found in Africa, the neotropical zone, Australia and Oceania, and Sinobosmina occurs in East and South-East Asia.  相似文献   

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