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The paleopathological pattern of three large burial complexes CI-CIII and of cemetery N (but not of cemetery A) at Sayala, Egyptian Nubia, shows a predominance of traumatism over other pathologies. Males compared with females were more often afflicted by injuries. In the skull, mostly the frontal and parietal regions, and more often the left than the right side, show traumatic changes. Cuts are most common, suggesting their origin from swords and daggers. Also traumatism of the vertebral column is high, comprising more compression fractures than post-traumatic synostoses of vertebrae, and afflicting mostly the lumbar, lower thoracic and lower cervical regions. This suggests falls in a sitting position, probably while riding camels. In the remaining postcranial skeleton, mostly fractures are present, most often afflicting the antebrachial bones, especially on the left side. The majority of the ulnar fractures are typical parry fractures. Most injuries are well healed, only some showing quick death after affliction. The overall pattern suggests fighting as the leading cause of the traumatism. Among other pathologies, osteophytosis, especially in males, occurs rather commonly and more intensively than with the comparative sample of the C-Group people. Evidence of inflammations and tumours is rare. Some senile changes, many congenital anomalies, occasional orthopaedic deviations, and affections of unknown origin complement the paleopathological picture. Some functional changes disclose overloading of both extremities. According to these findings, the way of life and the question of ethnic identification of the people are discussed.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in human burials from the post‐medieval (16th–18th c. AD) Carmelite friary burial grounds at Aalst, a town in Flanders, Belgium. Dietary patterns of 39 adult individuals were analyzed, from a mixed monastic and lay population buried in three different locations, reflecting groups with differing social status. The data show significant variation in the consumption of perhaps meat, but certainly also marine protein between females and males. This result represents a remarkable continuity with medieval dietary patterns, suggesting that the social and economic changes of the early modern period had a limited effect on everyday life. When both sexes were examined together, individuals buried in the cloister garth consumed significantly less marine protein compared to people buried in the church, likely reflecting social stratification. No statistical differences were observed between isotopic values from the church and the cloister alley, suggesting a similarly diverse diet of the monastic part of the buried population and that of the richer lay population. Finally, the hypothesis that diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is linked to a diet rich in animal protein was tested. No systematic or statistically significant differences between pathological and non‐pathological bones from the same individuals affected with DISH were observed, and no statistical differences were found between individuals with DISH and individuals without DISH. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:203–213, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As circumstances of conquest change, leaders of empires must adapt their colonial strategies in order to be successful. One example of such modification in approach is the shift from Middle Kingdom to New Kingdom Egyptian colonial activities in Nubia. During the Middle Kingdom (2050-1650 BC) Egypt used aggressive military campaigns to subdue the strong Nubian polity at Kerma, resulting in the construction of fortresses and many victory stelae. In the subsequent New Kingdom period (1550-1050 BC) during which the Egyptian administration succeeded in occupying nearly all of Nubia, changes were necessary in conquest strategies. Diplomacy and cooperation may have replaced military action as mechanisms of control. This article investigates changes in imperial policy through the examination of traumatic injuries in human skeletal remains. Patterns of injuries in a sample from the site of Tombos, an Egyptian colonial cemetery in Nubia dating to the New Kingdom period, are compared with data on the patterns of injuries from Kerma, a cemetery dating to the Middle Kingdom period, published by Judd (2004). Analysis indicates a decrease in the level of traumatic injuries from Kerma to Tombos supporting the idea that through time the Egyptian administration modified their colonial strategy toward more nonviolent means. This article presents data on differences in the patterns of injury at Tombos and Kerma and explores possible explanations for this variation.  相似文献   

The River Nile and its two impoundments, the Aswan Reservoir and Lake Nasser, are important habitats for submerged and floating-leaved freshwater macrophytes (euhydrophytes) in the desert region of Egyptian Nubia. Ordination and classification analysis of survey data collected during the period 1980–1986 suggested that the Aswan High Dam forms a man-made vegetational boundary, delineating two basic macrophyte community types. In Lake Nasser a community dominated by Najas spp. is present. In the Aswan Reservoir and the R. Nile downstream of the old Aswan Dam the euhydrophyte community is dominated by a Potamogeton crispus — Ceratophyllum demersum association. Differences between the two community types appear to be related to differences in physical factors (e.g. water level fluctuation and flow regime), and water chemistry, to phenological factors, and to the differing successional ages of the macrophyte communities of the Nile system upstream and downstream of the Aswan High Dam. There is some evidence for depth zonation of the submerged macrophyte community in both lake and river habitats. Strategy analysis of the euhydrophyte communities present upstream and downstream of the High Dam, over the period 1963–89, indicated that successful established-phase strategy types were similar on both sides of the dam. In the long term there seems little to prevent euhydrophyte species at present confined to below the High Dam from crossing this boundary to colonise Lake Nasser.  相似文献   

The social development of 11 free-ranging infantLemur catta was examined over the first 16 weeks of the infants' lives. By 16 weeks, infants still occasionally suckled and were carried dorsally, but on the whole, they were independent of their mothers. Sex or mother's rank was not found to affect frequency or type of play behavior. Mother's rank had no effect on frequency of maternal rejections, from the nipple or from riding, but female infants were rejected slightly more frequently than males were. Mothers tended to reject infants more severely and more frequently from dorsal riding than from the nipple. Sex and rank differences were not found with respect to behaviors determined as measures of independence; however, lower-ranking infants engaged in significantly more dependent behaviors than higher-ranking young did. It may be necessary for the infant of a low-ranking mother to maintain closer proximity to its mother for a longer period of time during infancy because such infants may be subject to abuse by higher-ranking group members and, furthermore, may not be as readily rescued in a stressful or dangerous situation as a higher-ranking infant. Sex was not found to be a factor in terms of measures of dependence. The lack of sex differences in developmental behaviors in this species may be related to female dominance, as well as to the fact that, as adults, both sexes engage in aggressive territorial behavirs.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated the presence and the effectiveness of volatile pheromones in Lepidoptera. Conversely, very few studies have focused on the composition and the perception of the relatively low volatile components of cuticular mixtures. Yet, cuticular lipids are implied in the recognition processes of several solitary and social insects. In the present study, the cuticular signatures of the satyrid butterflies Lasiommata megera and Lasiommata paramegaera were examined by gas chromatography. General linear model and discriminant analyses on chemical data clearly revealed large differences between sexes, which showed the same diversification pattern in both species. Moreover, a strong diversification between the two species was found, as were differences among populations. These results represent a first step in demonstrating the communicative function of cuticular compounds in the L. megera / paramegaera complex. Moreover, the discrimination among different species and populations on the basis of cuticular mixtures could represent a platform for studying chemotaxonomy and chemical biogeography in butterflies, as already found in several other insect groups.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 703–710.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the stigmatization of obesity relative to the stigmatization of various disabilities among young men and women. Attitudes across ethnic groups were compared. In addition, these findings were compared with data showing severe stigmatization of obesity among children. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants included 356 university students (56% women; mean age, 20.6 years; mean BMI, 23.3 kg/m2; range, 14.4 to 45.0 kg/m2) who ranked six drawings of same‐sex peers in order of how well they liked each person. The drawings showed adults with obesity, various disabilities, or no disability. These rankings were compared with those obtained through a similar procedure with 458 fifth‐ and sixth‐grade children. Results: Obesity was highly stigmatized relative to physical disabilities. African‐American women liked obese peers more than did African‐American men, white men, or white women [F (1, 216) = 4.02, p < 0.05]. Overweight and obese participants were no less stigmatizing of obesity than normal weight participants. Adults were more accepting than children of their obese peers [t (761) = 9.16, p < 0.001]. Discussion: Although the stigmatization of obesity was high among participants overall, African‐American women seemed to have more positive attitudes toward obesity than did white women, white men, or African‐American men. Participants’ weight did not affect their stigmatization of obesity: obese and overweight adults were as highly stigmatizing of obesity as non‐overweight adults. Such internalized stigmatization could help to explain the low self‐esteem and poor body image among obese young adults. However, adults seemed to have more positive attitudes about obesity than children. An understanding of the factors that limit the stigma of obesity among African‐American women could help efforts to reduce stigma.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1980, numerous exposed native littleneck clams (Protothaca staminea) were observed in Sequim Bay, Washington. The kidneys of these clams were found to be parasitized by a coccidian. Heavily parasitized kidney was characterized by massive epithelial destruction and an intense inflammatory response. In addition, large numbers of “brown cells” were present throughout the tissues of infected clams.Infected kidneys harbored several stages of the life history of the parasite. The present coccidian differs markedly in several respects from other coccidians in bivalves. First, the entire life history apparently occurs in the kidney of the clam, in contrast to the presumed involvement of an alternative host in other known coccidian parasites of bivalves. Second, a thick-walled spore is produced in addition to a thin-walled oocyst. The apparent presence of two types of dissemination stages is unknown in the Coccidia. Finally, the sporocysts are tetrazoic as opposed to dizoic or multiple sporocysts in previously described species. This parasite, therefore, appears to represent an undescribed genus and species of Coccidia.  相似文献   

A new visual method for the determination of sex using the human hip bone (os coxae) is proposed, based on a revision of several previous approaches which scored isolated characters of this bone. The efficacy of the methodology is tested on a sample of 402 adults of known sex and age of French and Portuguese origins. With the simultaneous use of five characters of the hip bone, it is possible to provide a correct sexual diagnosis in 95% of all cases, with an error of 2% and an inability to identify sex in only 3%. The advantage of this new method is a reduction in observer subjectivity, since the evaluation procedure cannot involve any anticipation of the result. In addition, this method of sex determination increases the probability of a correct diagnosis with isolated fragments of the hip bone, provided that a combination of elements of one character is found to be typically male or female.  相似文献   

Most of what is currently known about western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) diet is based on indirect studies using fecal samples and trail signs rather than measures based on direct observations. Here we report results on adult male and female western gorilla foraging behavior, based on systematic focal observations and nutritional analyses of foods. We found that western gorillas, like other apes, are highly selective ripe fruit specialists, seeking fruit high in energy, low in antifeedants, and rare in the environment. During seasonal fruiting peaks, fruit accounted for up to 70% of feeding time. When ripe fruit was scarce, gorillas increased time spent feeding on leaves and nonpreferred fruits and herbs. Leaves were the major fallback food, accounting for up to 70% of feeding time in males and 50% in females during periods of fruit scarcity. In spite of large differences in body size, the sexes were remarkably similar in their overall diet, not differing in time spent feeding on fruit or preferred herbs. However, the male consistently fed more often and on a greater variety of leaves than did females, whereas females fed more often on fallback herbs and termites. Our findings, when considered in light of previous findings on sympatric mangabeys, indicate that the foraging strategy of western gorillas is broadly similar to that of chimpanzees and orangutans, and distinct from that of old world monkeys. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:727–738, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Ghanaian marine water of the Atlantic Ocean could be said to be polluted with As and Hg. However, Cd levels do not appear to pose an environmental concern based on levels reported in tissue samples collected. Tissue samples from six Manta birostris (manta ray) used as a bioindicator were tested for these heavy metals because many people in Ghana eat this fish (aka “kako”). The pattern of bioaccumulation of these heavy metals found in the tissues of manta rays, which feed on phytoplankton, suggests that pollution has traveled deeper into the sea, which is an environmental concern and one that may require some urgent attention. Concentrations of As, Cd, and Hg were determined in kidney, liver, and muscle samples from six Manta birostris using the neutron activation analysis method. The results showed elevated levels of the metals in the manta rays. If these values are interpreted to represent daily human exposure estimates of possible human health cancer and non-cancer risks may be derived to conclude some potential risk for daily consumers of manta ray tissues. From the assessment, most of the hazard indexes for children were less than 1 except for arsenic, which was greater than 1. This means that there is for arsenic some hazard risk for children consumers of the manta ray. This is the first study to show the accumulation of heavy metals in manta ray; although the sources are not very clear, and may be due to the numerous mining activities, it needs to be investigated further. The presence of the heavy metals is very significant because the meat (muscle) is consumed in Ghana and hence there is possible accumulation in humans.  相似文献   

通过野外采样对青藏高原东部高寒草甸上两个海拔间3种常见毛茛科植物条裂银莲花(Anemone trullifo-liavar.linearis)、粗距翠雀花(Delphinium pachycentrumHemsl.)和钝裂银莲花(Anemone obtusiloba)的繁殖性状和资源分配进行了研究,并对植物在极端环境下采取的繁殖策略及繁殖模式进行了探讨.结果显示:(1)3个物种的株高都随着海拔的升高而降低;同一物种的花大小在不同海拔间均无显著差异;条裂银莲花单个种子重随海拔的升高而增加,但虫食数/株、结籽率和种子数/株均随着海拔的升高而减少;钝裂银莲花的繁殖分配、虫食数/株、种子数/株和单个种子重均随着海拔的升高而减小.(2)不同海拔条裂银莲花的个体大小与单花重、雄蕊重、虫食数/株均呈显著正相关,且回归斜率在海拔间有显著差异.粗距翠雀花花期的雄蕊重与个体大小呈显著正相关,但这种异速关系不受海拔和个体大小的影响;钝裂银莲花的个体大小与花期的所有繁殖特征以及果期的种子重/果实均呈显著正相关,不同海拔间个体大小与种子重/果实的斜率差异显著,且与花期各繁殖性状异速关系的截距差异显著.研究表明海拔对植物的个体大小以及种群间的繁殖对策和繁殖成功率有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

The Roman conquest of Britain was previously shown to have negatively impacted health, particularly for children, older adults, and men. We build upon this previous research by investigating the effect that status had on risks of mortality within the Roman Britain populations of Dorset. This study incorporates a sample of 291 individuals excavated from several cemeteries in the county of Dorset dating between the first to early fifth centuries AD. To assess the effect of status on risks of mortality, burial type was used as a proxy for status and modeled as a covariate affecting the Siler and Gompertz-Makeham models of mortality. The results of these analyses indicate that high-status individuals, particularly children, had a lower mortality risk compared to lower-status groups; and for those buried in urban cemeteries, higher-status individuals of all age-groups had a lower mortality risk. As with our previous study (Redfern and DeWitte: Am J Phys Anthropol 144 (2011) 269-285), we found that male mortality risk was higher than females, which we consider to reflect underlying sex-differences in immunity and disease response.  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera are important models for analyzing functional brain plasticity. These insects provide the opportunity to learn how individuals' social roles are related to flexible investment in different brain regions. We assessed how age, sex, and individual behavior influence brain development in a primitively eusocial paper wasp, Mischocyttarus mastigophorus. Previous research in other species has demonstrated experience-dependent changes in central and primary sensory centers in the brain. The mushroom body (MB) calyx is a central processing region involved in sensory integration, learning and memory and may be particularly relevant to social behavior. We extend earlier cross-sectional studies of female brain/behavior associations by measuring sex- and age-related differences in MB calyx volume, and by quantifying optic lobe and antennal lobe development. Age did predict MB development: calyx neuropils increased in volume with age. We show that MB development differs between the sexes. Males, who frequently depart to seek mating opportunities, have larger MB calyx collars (which receive optic input) than females. In contrast, females have augmented predominantly antenna-innervated MB calyx lips, which may be useful for nestmate recognition and interactions on the nest. Sex differences in MB development increased with age. After accounting for age and sex effects, social aggression was positively correlated with MB calyx volume for both sexes. We found little evidence for relationships among sex, age, or behavior and the volumes of peripheral sensory processing structures. We discuss the implications of gender- and age-related effects on brain volume in relation to male and female life history and reproductive success.  相似文献   

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