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This paper examined the association between grip type, hand use, and fingerprint patterns in a sample of captive chimpanzees. Grip type for simple reaching was assessed for the left and right hand and classified as thumb-index, middle-index, or single-digit responses. Fingerprint patterns were characterized as whorls, loops, or arches on each finger. The results indicated that chimpanzees exhibit significantly more thumb-index responses for the right compared to the left hand. In addition, thumb-index responses were more prevalent for subjects that had a whorl compared to a loop or arch on their thumb. The results suggest that fingerprint patterns are associated with individual differences in grasping type in chimpanzees as well as some variation in hand use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of previously published findings on hand preferences in chimpanzees by evaluating hand use in a second colony of captive chimpanzees. We assessed hand preferences for a coordinated bimanual task in 116 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and compared them to previously published findings in captive chimpanzees at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center. The new sample showed significant population-level right handedness, which is consistent with previously published findings in the Yerkes chimpanzees. Combined data on the 2 chimpanzee colonies, revealed a significant effect of rearing history on hand preference, with wild-caught chimpanzees showing less right-handedness than captive-born mother-reared chimpanzees. We discuss the results in terms of the role of early environment on the development of laterality.  相似文献   

Most humans are right‐handed and, like many behavioral traits, there is good evidence that genetic factors play a role in handedness. Many researchers have argued that non‐human animal limb or hand preferences are not under genetic control but instead are determined by random, non‐genetic factors. We used quantitative genetic analyses to estimate the genetic and environmental contributions to three measures of chimpanzee handedness. Results revealed significant population‐level handedness for two of the three measures—the tube task and manual gestures. Furthermore, significant additive genetic effects for the direction and strength of handedness were found for all three measures, with some modulation due to early social rearing experiences. These findings challenge historical and contemporary views of the mechanisms underlying handedness in non‐human animals.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees are well known for their tool using abilities. Numerous studies have documented variability in tool use among chimpanzees and the role that social learning and other factors play in their development. There are also findings on hand use in both captive and wild chimpanzees; however, less understood are the potential roles of genetic and non-genetic mechanisms in determining individual differences in tool use skill and laterality. Here, we examined heritability in tool use skill and handedness for a probing task in a sample of 243 captive chimpanzees. Quantitative genetic analysis, based on the extant pedigrees, showed that overall both tool use skill and handedness were significantly heritable. Significant heritability in motor skill was evident in two genetically distinct populations of apes, and between two cohorts that received different early social rearing experiences. We further found that motor skill decreased with age and that males were more commonly left-handed than females. Collectively, these data suggest that though non-genetic factors do influence tool use performance and handedness in chimpanzees, genetic factors also play a significant role, as has been reported in humans.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees emit a loud, species-typical long distance call known as the pant hoot. Geographic variation between the pant hoots of chimpanzees living in two neighboring populations, the Mahale Mountains and Gombe Stream National Parks, Tanzania, was examined. Analysis of six acoustic features revealed subtle differences in the way chimpanzees from the two populations called. Individuals from the Mahale study site uttered one section of their pant hoots at a faster rate and with shorter elements than animals from Gombe Stream. In addition, individuals at Mahale delivered broader-band, higher pitched “climax” elements than males from Gombe. While genetic factors, anatomical differences, variations in the use of calls at the two sites, and changes in calling over time may account for the variability between populations, we suggest the additional possibility that differences in pant hooting may be due to learning. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We provided a constructive replication of a recently published paper by measuring the relationship between handedness and recall of vivid dreams. To do this we asked groups of right- (N = 174), mixed- (N = 16) and left-handed (N = 13) university students to respond to a dream scale. Our data were consistent with those of the recent study in question in that we demonstrated that left-handers were significantly more likely to recall types of dreams that classified as a vivid. These data seem consistent with the profile of right hemispheric talent that is thought to characterize left-handers.  相似文献   

Grooming is a complex set of motor actions, common in highly social primates. We tested for asymmetries in hand use during unimanual and bimanual allogrooming in 215 captive chimpanzees. In addition to hand use, we coded in the ethogram whether the manual grooming action co-occurred with the use of the mouth. Overall, grooming did not elicit strong handedness at the individual level, but there is a small yet significant population-level right-hand bias for bimanual grooming. Mouth use during grooming had no influence on hand use. A comparison of the findings with previously published data on handedness for grooming in wild chimpanzees suggests that wild apes are more right-handed than captive individuals are for allogrooming. Collectively, the results suggest that role differentiation of the hands is an important factor in the assessment of handedness for grooming, and perhaps additional manual actions of chimpanzees and other primates.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary origins of hemispheric specialization remains a topic of considerable interest in a variety of scientific disciplines. Whether nonhuman primates exhibit population-level limb preferences continues to be a controversial topic. In this study, limb preferences for ascending and descending locomotion were assessed as a means of examining the hypothesis that asymmetries in forelimb bones might be attributed to asymmetries in posture. The results indicated that captive chimpanzees showed a population-level leftward asymmetry in descending locomotion but no group bias for ascending locomotion. The results are consistent with previous behavioral studies in captive chimpanzees as well as studies on skeletal asymmetries of the forelimbs of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Whether nonhuman primates show population‐level handedness is a topic of much scientific debate. A previous study of handedness for termite fishing reported population‐level left handedness in the chimpanzees from Gombe National Park, Tanzania. In the current study, we examined whether similar hand preferences were evident in a savanna‐dwelling chimpanzee population with regards to termite fishing. Hand preference data were collected for 27 chimpanzees from February 2007 through July 2008 and November 2011 through January 2012 in southeastern Senegal. Overall, the Fongoli chimpanzees demonstrate a trend toward population‐level handedness, though the results did not reach conventional levels of statistical significance likely due to the limited sample size. Fongoli chimpanzees showed the same pattern of left hand preference as reported at Gombe and the two populations did not differ significantly. When the data were combined across all studies, wild chimpanzees showed a population‐level left hand preference for termite fishing. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although there is a vast literature on laterality of hand-use in nonhuman primates, the Colobinae have been notably overlooked. Ten manual activities of differing complexity were studied in five male and five female adult Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) from a well habituated, wild population at Ramnagar, in southern Nepal. The activities recorded were carry, eat, hit, hold, idle, manipulate, reach, retrieve, self-groom and social groom. This study aimed to examine handedness across tasks and across subjects in a natural population. The overall result was a lack of preference for subjects and patterns. Only in the eating activity did four individuals show significant hand preference, though they were not unidirectional. Eat seemed to be loosely associated with hold due to the requirements of the strata which the monkeys utilize. These results suggest that hand use is unlateralized in P. entellus. Those individuals exhibiting some hand preferences can be viewed as statistical exceptions or perhaps subject to experiential differences. The results are discussed in terms of their evolutionary significance and methodological implications. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:455–461, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Little information is available regarding the intestinal bacteria of chimpanzees in the wild, due to the technical difficulties of studying intestinal bacteria in the field. In this study, molecular-based bacterial analyses were performed to overcome this difficulty because polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods, such as temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene can be applied to ethanol-fixed fecal samples. The common presence of bacteria belonging to the Clostridium rRNA sub-group XIVa, such as Ruminococcus obeum and Eubacterium sp., was indicated for Bossou wild chimpanzees by ARDRA. TGGE on partial 16S rDNA followed by hierarchical clustering analysis showed a systematic difference in the composition of intestinal microbiota between wild and captive chimpanzees. However, several TGGE bands commonly shared by wild and captured chimpanzees were excised, and their sequences were obtained. They were suggested to be the Clostridium leptum subgroup bacteria, Lactobacillus gasseri-like bacterium, and Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum- or B. catenulatum-like bacterium. These may be considered as common intestinal bacteria for chimpanzees, and may be transmitted vertically over generations.  相似文献   

Urinary testosterone and cortisol concentrations were quantified in a large number of samples (>500) collected from wild male chimpanzees (n=11) over the course of 1 year. For both steroids, urinary concentrations were higher and more variable in the morning than in the afternoon. Urinary creatinine levels showed no such diurnal pattern. These patterns are consistent with studies of steroid excretion in humans and gorillas. This study emphasizes the importance of considering time of day as a confounding variable in field studies of primate endocrine function. It also suggests that if a small number of samples are to be used to characterize an individual's basal steroid levels, afternoon samples may be preferable because they show less intra-individual variability.  相似文献   

The two species of Pan, bonobos and common chimpanzees, have been reported to have different social organization, cognitive and linguistic abilities and motor skill, despite their close biological relationship. Here, we examined whether bonobos and chimpanzee differ in selected brain regions that may map to these different social and cognitive abilities. Eight chimpanzees and eight bonobos matched on age, sex and rearing experiences were magnetic resonance images scanned and volumetric measures were obtained for the whole brain, cerebellum, striatum, motor‐hand area, hippocampus, inferior frontal gyrus and planum temporale. Chimpanzees had significantly larger cerebellum and borderline significantly larger hippocampus and putamen, after adjusting for brain size, compared with bonobos. Bonobos showed greater leftward asymmetries in the striatum and motor‐hand area compared with chimpanzees. No significant differences in either the volume or lateralization for the so‐called language homologs were found between species. The results suggest that the two species of Pan are quite similar neurologically, though some volumetric and lateralized differences may reflect inherent differences in social organization, cognition and motor skills. Am. J. Primatol. 71:988–997, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ovarian function in female hominoids is sensitive to both energy flux and energy balance, resulting in a reduced probability of conception during periods when a successful reproductive outcome is less likely. However, the extent to which energetic factors constrain gonadal function in male hominoids is not clear. We examined the effects of both acute and chronic variation in energy availability on urinary testosterone (T) levels in adult male chimpanzees. Acute changes in energy availability, which were assayed by means of observational data on feeding behavior, did not result in decreased T production for 11 individuals at Kibale National Park, Uganda. Chronic energy shortages, on the other hand, may be associated with lower T levels in this population. Adult males in Kibale (n=11), who maintain suboptimal access to energy, exhibit significantly lower urinary T levels than males in captivity (n=11), who are more sedentary and better fed. These results suggest that data on hormonal function in captive chimpanzees should be interpreted with caution because individuals may produce T at levels well above those that are typical in the wild. They also suggest that short-term variations in T levels in male hominoids are more likely to be explained by social factors than by energetic ones.  相似文献   

This research is based on the idea that some prosimian species are good models in which to test certain postulates of the "postural origins" theory proposed by MacNeilage and colleagues [Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10:247-303, 1987] to explain the evolution of hand preference within the order Primates. We investigated manual laterality in 16 wild indris (eight males and eight females, living in four social groups) in their habitat, the Madagascan tropical rain forest. Data were collected on two spontaneous behaviors: "branch-reach," an action that occurs during foraging, and "higher support," a posture typical of clingers and leapers. A total of seven subjects were significantly lateralized for branch-reach (two showed a right preference, and five showed a left preference). Four subjects were significantly lateralized for higher support, and all of them showed a right-hand preference. Most of the indris we studied showed no preference. Our research suggests that indri are at "level 1 of laterality" in the classification framework proposed by McGrew and Marchant [Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 40:201-232, 1997]. The data presented here are not discordant with the "postural origins" theory, as lateralized subjects are often in the direction predicted by MacNeilage and colleagues [Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10:247-303, 1987], but they are the minority.  相似文献   

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