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The ultrastructure of the tricorn sensilla of the woodlouse Porcellio scaber was investigated in cryofixed and freeze-substituted, or chemically fixed specimens. The tricorn sensilla have a foramenized triangular-shaped outer hair and bear a poreless rod-like inner hair. The conical base of the inner hair is connected to the base of the outer hair by a complex cuticular structure. Each sensillum contains three sensory cells. The tip of one of the three dendrites contains a tubular body and is clamped between two bulges of the dendritic sheath. The two other dendrites protrude to the tip of the inner hair, flush against the cuticular wall. The microtubules in the ciliary segments are arranged in nine double tubuli that have neither osmiophilic cores nor arms. The ciliary rootlets are small. The inner segment of the largest dendrite wraps around the two smaller dendrites and one of seven enveloping cells in a mesaxon-like manner. Although this ultrastructure deviates considerably from most crustacean mechanosensitive sensilla, it nevertheless suggests a mechanosensitive function, at least for one of the sensory cells. In many aspects, the tricorn sensilla resemble the thermohygrosensilla of insects. However, our results suggest that the structural criteria for thermo-hygro-sensitivity used in insects cannot simply be applied to crustaceans.  相似文献   

A 74-year-old woman with documented coronary artery disease presented with symptoms of angina at rest. During these episodes of angina, the initial abnormal terminal negative T waves converted to normal positive T waves. In this article the significance of pseudonormalisation as a sign of ischaemia is reviewed. The underlying electropathological basis of this phenomenon is discussed as well. (Neth Heart J 2007;15:257-9.)  相似文献   

Geophysical maps depicting continental movement have consistently shown India, as it moved northward, to be located far out in the Tethys Sea. India split off from the African east coast about 148 m.y.a. From that time onward, according to almost all geophysical accounts, India was isolated from all of other continents until the early Miocene when it made contact with Eurasia. But the biological data, both fossil and Recent, indicate that this concept cannot be correct. If India had really existed as an isolated, oceanic continent for about 100 m.y., it should have developed a peculiar biota with many endemic genera and families in its terrestrial and shallow marine habitats. But there are virtually no remains of organisms indicating that India was isolated for any substantial time (millions of years). Instead, we find that almost all Indian taxa were possessed in common with other continents. As time went on, the northern relationships became stronger and the southern ones weaker. Most of the recent geophysical accounts show India not making contact with Eurasia until the early Miocene, but fossil materials show that this event must have taken place by the early Eocene. It has been postulated that, as India moved northward, it created a biogeographic barrier that separated marine fish populations and resulted in the east-west provinces that are now apparent in the Indian Ocean. At the same time, the barrier effect was supposed to have resulted in the formation of sister species that are now located far apart. Information currently available indicates that most living, tropical marine species are probably not over 3 m.y. old. Consequently, the northward movement of India, which took place primarily between 148 and 50 m.y.a., could have no bearing on the relationships of modern species.  相似文献   

Robb T  Forbes MR 《Biology letters》2005,1(2):118-120
Hosts often differ in their degree of parasitism and their expression of resistance. Yet very little is known about how the availability (and allocation) of resources to parasites at pre-infective stages influences their success in initiating parasitism, or in inducing and succumbing to resistance from hosts. We studied a damselfly-mite association to address how experimental variation in the age of first contact with hosts (timing) influenced subsequent parasite fitness. We demonstrate that timing influenced the ability of larval mites to make the transition to parasitism, but was not associated with measures of physiological resistance by hosts. Timing presumably relates to the availability of resources remaining for individuals to exploit their hosts. More research is needed on the importance of such factors, from variation in host resistance and parasite success and, ultimately, to the numbers and distributions of parasites on hosts.  相似文献   

Invertebrates living in sulfide-rich environments have developed different strategies of coping with sulfide toxicity. Some bivalves and annelids have hemoglobins that are capable of binding sulfide for detoxification and/or transporting it to internal bacterial symbionts. Annelids living in the sulfide-rich environments have giant (approximately 3.6 MDa) hemoglobin, consisting of 144 globin chains arranged in a hexagonal bilayer structure held together by 36 nonglobin linker chains. Some globin chains contain either a free cysteine residue at positions Cys+1 or at position Cys+11 relative to the E7 distal residue in the E helix and EF interhelical region, respectively, which bind sulfide. The hexagonal bilayer hemoglobins of annelids living in environments lacking sulfide, do not have the corresponding free cysteine residues and cannot bind sulphide. Given that the early stages of life occurred under anoxic conditions in the presence of sulfide, it is possible that the sulfide binding function from modern annelid globins inhabiting sulphide rich habitats is an evolutionary relic. This proposal seems supported by the recent finding of "protoglobins" which also have a corresponding cysteine residue in Archea known to exist in hyperthermophilic and sulfide-rich environments.  相似文献   

Waters A 《Cell》2006,124(4):689-693
Detailed analyses of the 5500 genes revealed by the complete Plasmodium genome sequence are yielding new candidate parasite antigens and strategies that may contribute to a successful vaccine against malaria in the coming decade.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) peptides are involved in the control of multiple functions both in the central nervous system (CNS) and in the gastrointestinal tract where they act as neurotransmitters and regulate digestive functions. This review deals with the role of CCK peptides as vasoactive mediators. Recent work from our group demonstrates that CCK peptides induce neurogenic vasodilatation both in cerebral and mesenteric vessels. Such an effect is mediated by nitric oxide and seems to be presynaptic. These findings suggest that endogenous CCK peptides could be relevant vasodilatory agents involved in regulating both cerebral and splanchnic blood flow. We hypothesize here how such an effect could be useful in the interpretation of, in a new conceptual frame, the eventual contribution of CCK to some physiological and physiopathological events, such as splanchnic postprandial hyperaemia, panic attack or migraine.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the prime cause of dementia and presents a strong genetic predisposition (60-80% of the attributable risk). In addition to APOE, a major recognized genetic determinant of AD, systematic, high-throughput genomic approaches have recently allowed the characterization of four new genetic determinants: CLU, CR1, PICALM and BIN1. Even if the complete picture of AD genetics is still not fully understood, the characterization of these new AD genetic determinants is probably going to strongly modify our perception of the pathophysiological process involved in AD. The new AD genetic landscape suggests that the common and late-onset forms of the disease are associated with a defect in peripheral Aβ peptide clearance, implying that the amyloid cascade hypothesis could be relevant not only in the AD monogenic forms.  相似文献   

Power requirements of swimming: do new methods resolve old questions?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A recurring question in the study of fish biomechanics and energeticsis the mechanical power required for tail-swimming at the highspeeds seen among aquatic vertebrates. The quest for answershas been driven by conceptual advances in fluid dynamics, startingwith ideas on the boundary layer and drag initiated by Prandtl,and in measurement techniques starting with force balances focussingon drag and thrust. Drag (=thrust) from measurements on physicalmodels, carcasses, kinematics as inputs to hydromechanical models,and physiological power sources vary from less than that expectedfor an equivalent rigid reference to over an order of magnitudegreater. Estimates of drag and thrust using recent advanceslargely made possible by increased computing power have notresolved the discrepancy. Sources of drag and thrust are notseparable in axial undulatory self propulsion, are open to interpretationand Froude efficiency is zero. Wakes are not easily interpreted,especially for thrust evaluation. We suggest the best measuresof swimming performance are velocity and power consumption forwhich 2D inviscid simulations can give realistic predictions.Steady swimming power is several times that required for towingan equivalent flat plate at the same speed.  相似文献   

The diversity of the diet of grasshoppers (Acrididae, Orthoptera) is related to multiple factors, including the chemoreceptors on the antennae, palps and on the epipharyngeal face of the labrum. In the present study, we sought to understand the nature of the diet of 12 Moroccan acridian species and to try to relate various aspects of their diet to the number of labrum sensilla. If the effect of the labrum size on the number of sensilla is removed, four groups of species are recorded: (i) polyphagous species with a broad diet and numerous sensilla; (ii) polyphagous species with a graminivorous diet and numerous sensilla; (iii) oligophagous species feeding exclusively on Poaceae and with a medium number of sensilla; and (iv) strictly monophagous species feeding on a single plant species and with the smallest number of sensilla. These observations show the close relationship between the diet and the number of labrum sensilla. However, Sphingonotus rubescens, a polyphagous species, is an exception to this trend as it harbours a medium number of sensilla. We propose that the modification in the number of labrum sensilla is a result of a progressive adaptation to a different diet and does not represent its cause.  相似文献   

The simplest approximation of interaction potential between amino acid residues in proteins is the contact potential, which defines the effective free energy of a protein conformation by a set of amino acid contacts formed in this conformation. Finding a contact potential capable of predicting free energies of protein states across a variety of protein families will aid protein folding and engineering in silico on a computationally tractable time-scale. We test the ability of contact potentials to accurately and transferably (across various protein families) predict stability changes of proteins upon mutations. We develop a new methodology to determine the contact potentials in proteins from experimental measurements of changes in protein's thermodynamic stabilities (DeltaDeltaG) upon mutations. We apply our methodology to derive sets of contact interaction parameters for a hierarchy of interaction models including solvation and multi-body contact parameters. We test how well our models reproduce experimental measurements by statistical tests. We evaluate the maximum accuracy of predictions obtained by using contact potentials and the correlation between parameters derived from different data-sets of experimental (DeltaDeltaG) values. We argue that it is impossible to reach experimental accuracy and derive fully transferable contact parameters using the contact models of potentials. However, contact parameters may yield reliable predictions of DeltaDeltaG for datasets of mutations confined to the same amino acid positions in the sequence of a single protein.  相似文献   

Convergence and parallelism: is a new life ahead of old concepts?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In comparative biology, character observations initially separate similar and dissimilar characters. Only similar characters are considered for phylogeny reconstruction; their homology is attested in a two‐step process, firstly a priori of phylogeny reconstruction by accurate similarity statements, and secondly a posteriori of phylogeny analysis by congruence with other characters. Any pattern of non‐homology is then a homoplasy, commonly, but vaguely, associated with “convergence”. In this logical scheme, there is no way to analyze characters which look similar, but cannot meet usual criteria for homology statements, i.e., false similarity detected a priori of phylogenetic analysis, even though such characters may represent evolutionarily significant patterns of character transformations. Because phylogenies are not only patterns of taxa relationships but also references for evolutionary studies, we propose to redefine the traditional concepts of parallelism and convergence to associate patterns of non‐homology with explicit theoretical contexts: homoplasy is restricted to non‐similarity detected a posteriori of phylogeny analysis and related to parallelism; non‐similarity detected a priori of phylogenetic analysis and necessarily described by different characters would then correspond to a convergence event s. str. We propose to characterize these characters as heterologous (heterology). Heterology and homoplasy correspond to different non‐similarity patterns and processes; they are also associated with different patterns of taxa relationships: homoplasy can occur only in non‐sister group taxa; no such limit exists for heterology. The usefulness of these terms and concepts is illustrated with patterns of acoustic evolution in ensiferan insects. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

Studies of a variety of phenomena, ranging from rates of molecular substitution to rates of diversification, draw on estimates of geological age. Studies incorporating estimates of timing from fossils or other geological evidence are largely of relatively young, Tertiary divergences, to which older systems may provide useful comparisons. One apparently old assemblage comprises the beetle groups associated with the ancient genus Araucaria that share comparable, ostensibly Gondwanan distributions with their host. Our previous studies suggested a possibly Cretaceous age for Araucaria associations in bark beetles. However, the absence of confirmed bark beetle fossils earlier than the Tertiary has been taken as evidence of Cretaceous absence, and their confirmed phylogenetic position within the primitively angiosperm-feeding weevil family rules out pre-angiosperm, Jurassic origins. Nevertheless, an early shift from angiosperms to Araucaria seemed plausible in the light of Araucaria fossil history which spans the Mesozoic since the Jurassic. To resolve the phylogenetic affinities and to estimate divergence times of the Australian and South American bark beetle genera affiliated with Araucaria we analysed DNA sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial genes: protein coding elongation factor alpha, enolase and cytochrome oxidase I. The most parsimonious reconstruction of the host relationships of Tomicini from the combined dataset corroborates the ancestral association with the genus Araucaria of both South American and Australian Tomicini. Bayesian estimation of divergence times indicates that the divergence between the Australian and the South American Araucaria-feeding taxa occurred at the very latest in the Cretaceous/Paleocene border and that the age of the first Scolytinae-Araucarsa association would then be during the later stages of the Late Cretaceous, while other known beetle/Araucaria associations are Jurassic.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence suggests that parasites can not only evade immune responses actively but also exploit the hormonal microenvironment within the host to favor their establishment, growth and reproduction. The benefit for parasites of hormonal exploitation is so great that they have evolved structures similar to the steroid and protein hormone receptors expressed in upper vertebrates that can bind to the hormonal metabolites synthesized by the host. This strategy is exemplified by two parasites that respond to adrenal steroids and sexual steroids, respectively: Schistosoma mansoni and Taenia crassiceps. Understanding how the host endocrine system can, under certain circumstances, favor the establishment of a parasite, and characterizing the parasite hormone receptors that are involved might aid the design of hormonal analogs and drugs that affect the parasite exclusively.  相似文献   

Morphological characters of statoblasts (including floatoblasts and sessoblasts) in freshwater bryozoans have been important in phylactolaemate systematics and identification in that older phylogenetic hypotheses relied heavily on statoblast morphology. To assess the reliability of statoblast characters in drawing conclusions about phylogeny, we examined the phylogenetic distribution of metric and proportional floatoblast characters, floatoblast symmetry, and floatoblast and sessoblast microsculpture in Plumatellidae, the largest family of phylactolaemates, in the context of molecular phylogenetic reconstructions based on nucleotide sequences of parts of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and cytochrome b (cytb) genes. Adding cytb sequences to a previous phylogeny based on 12S and 16S increased support only for a node including Plumatella vaihiriae in the P. repens clade. Characters of gross floatoblast morphology were generally not phylogenetically informative individually, but collectively discriminated among members of three relatively well-supported clades that were analyzed as pre-defined groups in a discriminant analysis. Two characters of floatoblast microsculpture (reticulation and hypertubercles) were restricted to particular clades; other characters (e.g., villi) were clearly convergent. In nine of 11 cases, fenestral microsculpture was identical or partly correlated between the floatoblast and sessoblast of a species. Overall, our results indicate that statoblast morphology is not highly phylogenetically constrained.  相似文献   

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a skin inflammatory disease mediated by activation of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells specific for haptens in contact with the skin. CD4+ T cells behave as both regulatory and tolerogenic cells since they down-regulate the skin inflammation in patients with ACD (regulation) and prevent the development of eczema (tolerance) in normal individuals. Thus, ACD corresponds to a breakdown of immune tolerance to haptens in contact with the skin. Several regulatory CD4+ T cell subsets (Treg), especially CD4+CD25+ natural Treg cells, are involved in immunological tolerance and regulation to haptens through the production of the immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and TGF-beta. Ongoing strategies to re-induce immune tolerance to haptens in patients with eczema include improvement of existing methods of tolerance induction (oral tolerance, low dose tolerance, allergen-specific immunotherapy, UV-induced tolerance) as well as development of new drugs able to activate IL-10 producing Treg cells in vivo. Ongoing and future progress in this area will open up new avenues for treatment of eczema and more generally autoimmune and allergic diseases resulting from a breakdown of tolerance to autoantigens and allergens, respectively.  相似文献   

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