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The characteristic aroma compounds of Citrus natsudaidai Hayata essential oil were evaluated by a combination of instrumental and sensory methods. Sixty compounds were identified and quantified, accounting for 94.08% of the total peel oil constituents. Limonene was the most abundant compound (80.68%), followed by γ-terpinene (5.30%), myrcene (2.25%) and α-pinene (1.30%). Nineteen compounds which could not be identified in the original oil were identified in the oxygenated fraction. Myrcene, linalool, α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, nonanal, γ-terpinene, germacrene D, and perillyl alcohol were the active aroma components (FD-factor > 36), whereas β-copaene, cis-sabinene hydrate and 1-octanol were suggested as characteristic aroma compounds, having a Natsudaidai-like aroma in the GC effluent. Three other compounds, heptyl acetate, (E)-limonene oxide and 2,3-butanediol, which each showed a high RFA value (>35) were considered to be important in the reconstruction of the original Natsudaidai oil from pure odor chemicals. The results indicate that 1-octanol was the aroma impact compound of C. natsudaidai Hayata peel oil.  相似文献   

A study was made on the elaborate separation and identification of the fraction, boiling higher than monoterpene hydrocarbons, of cold-pressed peel oil of Citrus natsudaidai Hayata, by using fractional distillation under reduced pressure, adsorption and gas chromatography, infrared, mass and proton magnetic resonance spectrometry. The following components were identified; in sesquiterpene hydrocarbon series: copaene, β-elemene, β-ylangene, caryophyllene, aromadendrene, farnesene, α-selinene, δ-cadinene, calamenene, α-calacorene; and among oxygenated compounds: n-nonyl alcohol, n-decyl alcohol, linalool, α-terpineol, terpinen-4-ol, nerolidol, elemol, n-octyl aldehyde, n-decyl aldehyde, perillaldehyde, carvone, n-octyl acetate, n-decyl acetate, geranyl acetate, perillyl acetate and acetic ester of p-methadiene-1,8(10)-ol-9.  相似文献   

Citrus reticulata Blanco (ponkan) cold-pressed oil and its oxygenated fraction were studied by analytical (GC and GC/MS) and sensory analyses. The monoterpene group was predominant, accounting for more than 89.6% (w/w), of which limonene was the most abundant (80.3%). Among the oxygenated compounds, octanal and decanal were the major ones among 12 aldehydes accounting for >1.5%; six alcohols were identified with a total concentration of >0.7%, while oxides, ketones and esters did not quantitatively or qualitatively contribute to the oil. Sniffing the ponkan cold-pressed oil and its oxygenated fraction demonstrated that octanal and decanal were the characteristic odor components of ponkan. Reconstruction of the ponkan aroma model and its sensory evaluation by a hedonic test were performed, showing that, in addition to octanal and decanal which played important roles, (R)-(+)-limonene contributed to the aroma model as a background component, making the aroma model very similar to that of the original.  相似文献   

A comparison of the volatile profiles between Korean and Japanese Shiranui cold-pressed peel oil was performed by GC and GC-MS. Limonene was the most abundant in the Japanese (91.8%) and Korean (86.4%) oil. Alcohols accounted for 1.8% in the Korean oil, and 0.2% in the Japanese oil, in which the respective linalool levels were 1.2% and 0.1%. The level of aldehydes was also higher in the Korean oil (1.6%) than in the Japanese oil (0.7%).  相似文献   

This study was designed to analyze the chemical composition of Citrus obovoides (Geumgamja) and Citrus natsudaidai (Cheonyahagyul) oils and to test their biological activities. These citrus essential oils were obtained by steam distillation of fruits collected from Jeju Island, Korea, and were analyzed using gas chromatograph (GC)-flame ionization detectors (FID) and GC-MS. Limonene and gamma-terpinene were the major components of the two citrus species. To evaluate in vitro anti-acne activity, they were tested against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis, which are involved in acne. The Geumgamja and Cheonyahagyul oils exhibited antibacterial activity against both P. acnes and S. epidermidis. Their effects on DPPH radical scavenging, superoxide anion radical scavenging, and nitric oxide radical were also assessed. Cheonyahagyul and Geumgamja exhibited only superoxide anion radical-scavenging activity. To assess their potential usefulness in future cosmetic product applications, the cytotoxic effects of the two oils were determined by colorimetric MTT assays using two animal cell lines: normal human fibroblasts and HaCaT cells. They exhibited low cytotoxicity at 0.1 microl/ml in both cell lines. In addition, they reduced P. acnes-induced secretion of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in THP-1 cells, an indication of anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, based on these results, we suggest that Geumgamja and Cheonyahagyul essential oils are attractive acne-mitigating candidates for topical application.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the antimicrobial properties of flavonoid-rich fractions derived from bergamot peel, a byproduct from the Citrus fruit processing industry and the influence of enzymatic deglycosylation on their activity against different bacteria and yeast. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bergamot ethanolic fractions were tested against Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, Salmonella enterica), Gram-positive bacteria (Listeria innocua, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactococcus lactis) and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bergamot fractions were found to be active against all the Gram-negative bacteria tested, and their antimicrobial potency increased after enzymatic deglycosylation. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of the fractions and the pure flavonoids, neohesperidin, hesperetin (aglycone), neoeriocitrin, eriodictyol (aglycone), naringin and naringenin (aglycone), were found to be in the range 200 to 800 microg ml(-1). The interactions between three bergamot flavonoids were also evaluated. CONCLUSION: The enzyme preparation Pectinase 62L efficiently converted common glycosides into their aglycones from bergamot extracts, and this deglycosylation increased the antimicrobial potency of Citrus flavonoids. Pairwise combinations of eriodictyol, naringenin and hesperetin showed both synergistic and indifferent interactions that were dependent on the test indicator organism. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bergamot peel is a potential source of natural antimicrobials that are active against Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Citrus peels were successively extracted with hexane, chloroform and acetone using a soxhlet extractor. The hexane and chloroform extracts were fractionated into alcohol-soluble and alcohol-insoluble fractions. These fractions were tested against different gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The EtOH-soluble fraction was found to be most effective. Fractionation of EtOH-soluble fraction on silica gel column yielded three polymethoxylated flavones, namely desmethylnobiletin, nobiletin and tangeretin. Their structures were confirmed by UV, 1H, 13C NMR and mass spectral studies. The findings indicated a potential of these natural compounds as biopreservatives in food applications.  相似文献   

The severe deficiency of iron or ferric chlorosis is a serious problem of most citrus trees established in calcareous soils, as a result of the low availability of iron in these soils and the poor uptake and limited transport of this nutrient in trees. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of chlorotic Italian lemon trees (Citrus lemon) to the application of iron compounds to roots and stems. On comparing the effects of aqueous solutions of ferric citrate, ferrous sulphate and FeEDDHA chelate, applied to 20% of the roots grown in soil and sand, of trees that were planted in pots containing calcareous soil, it was observed that the chelate fully corrected ferric chlorosis, while citrate and sulphate did not solve the problem. EDDHA induced the root uptake of iron as well as the movement of the nutrient up to the leaves. With the use of injections of ferric solutions into the secondary stem of adult trees, ferric citrate corrected chlorosis but ferrous sulphate did not. The citrate ion expanded the mobility of iron within the plant, from the injection points up to the leaves, whereas the sulphate ion did not sufficiently improve the movement of iron towards the leaf mesophyll.  相似文献   

Extract from yuzu fruit peel (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) strongly suppressed the germination of lettuce seeds while that from the peel of other citrus fruits such as navel orange (C. sinensis) and lemon (C. limon Burm. f.) had very little or no effect. The highest inhibitory activity was located in the peel followed by the segment but no significant activity was found in the seed extract of yuzu fruit. The effect of yuzu peel extract was tested on a variety of major crops including 38 crop species. Germination of seeds of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), celery (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce) and watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) was completely blocked by 27.8 mg dry peel equivalent ml–1 of yuzu peel extract, while that of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata [Duch. ex Lam.] Duch. ex Poir.) seeds was not affected at this concentration, showing a broad variation in the sensitivity of crop seeds to the extract. The effectiveness of yuzu peel was also tested on some harmful weeds. The extract inhibited the elongation of both radicle and hypocotyl in summer weed quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) grown on agar plates. Yuzu peel powder added to the soil was also effective in suppressing the growth of C. quinoa, Sonchus oleraceus L. and Digitaria ciliaris, while it had little effect on the spring weed Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. A strong growth inhibitory activity of yuzu peel was found in the aqueous phase after solvent extraction and most of the activity was recovered in the neutral fraction that passed through cation and anion exchange resins.  相似文献   

A pectin was extracted from the peel of Citrus tankan with a yield of 2.75%. The uronic acid content was 80.0%, and the degree of methoxylation was 63.2%. The pectin was composed of D-GalA, D-Gal, L-Ara and L-Rha in the molar ratio of 100:11.3:3.6:2.6. The molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 9.2 x 10(4). The pectin formed a gel by conventional procedures.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine key aroma compounds were newly identified or tentatively identified in the aroma concentrate of Japanese sweet rice wine (Mirin) by an aroma extract dilution analysis technique based on the 68 detected peaks. Among them, 3-(methylthio)propanal, 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone, 3-methylbutanoic acid, 2-methylbutanoic acid, and 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol were detected with the highest FD factors in this study.  相似文献   

报道了中国大陆兰科植物新记录种——美丽盆距兰[Gastrochilus somai(Hayata)Hayata],并提供形态描述与图片。该植物在福建省的发现有助于研究美丽盆距兰与黄松盆距兰[G.japonicas(Makino)Schltr.]的分类以及中国大陆与附近岛屿植物区系的内在联系。  相似文献   

Citrus aurantium (L.) peel extracts in petroleum ether were evaluated for toxicity against olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) and medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) adults. Bactrocera oleae flies were more susceptible to the extract than C. capitata in contact and residual bioassays. Fumigation bioassay had no effect. Both sexes of B. oleae were equally susceptible in both types of bioassays. However, males of C. capitata were more susceptible than the conspecific females. LD50 values (concentration causing 50% mortality) after 96 h for the males and females of B. oleae were 44.8 and 40.1 μg/insect in contact bioassay through topical application. Whereas, LD50 values for the males and females of C. capitata were 38.8 and 67.8 μg/insect respectively. LC50 values after 96 h for the males and females of B. oleae were 18.8 and 17.8 μg/cm2 in Petri dish residual bioassay. Whereas, LC50 values for the males and females of C. capitata were 70.6 and 147.1 μg/cm2 respectively.
Fractionation of the extract on a silica gel column with three different polarity solvents resulted in three fractions with only the intermediate polarity solvent fraction having substantial insecticidal activity. Toxicity of the mixtures of active and inactive fractions was equal to the original extract. Our results indicate that C. aurantium has potential for controlling insect pests.  相似文献   

The highest yield (14.4 g/kg) of naringin, the major flavonoid from the peel of Citrus paradisi L., that could be achieved by supercritical fluid extraction was obtained using supercritical carbon dioxide modified with 15% ethanol and fresh (rather than dried) peels at 95 bar and 58.6 degrees C. This yield is higher than that attained by the conventional technique of maceration, and close to those obtained by reflux and Soxhlet methods. Furthermore, supercritical fluid extraction consumes less solvent and provides a shorter extraction time than conventional extraction methods.  相似文献   

Previously, a suppression subtractive hybridization library was constructed to identify differentially expressed genes in peel pitting of navel orange fruit and a cDNA fragment sharing high similarities to cysteine protease genes was identified. In this study, we cloned its full-length cDNA sequence, designated CsCP, using the Rapid amplification of cDNA ends approach. It consists of 1,409 nucleotides and its ORF encodes 361 amino acids predicted to have an N-terminal signal peptide. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CsCP belonged to the aleurain group in papain family of cysteine proteases. According to quantitative RT-PCR, the expression of CsCP was enhanced during the development of postharvest peel pitting concomitant with senescence, although it was detectable in all tested tissues including root, leaf, flower and peel of fruit. RNA gel blot analysis showed that the CsCP expression was induced by hypoxia (3% O2), but repressed by anoxia (0% O2), wounding, ethylene and high temperature (40°C). Conclusively, the CsCP is a senescence-associated gene and up-regulated during the development of citrus postharvest peel pitting, which provides a basis to understand its role in citrus peel pitting.  相似文献   

Study of male sterility in Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata (Taxodiaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen SH  Chung NJ  Wang YN  Lee CL  Lee YL  Tsai PF 《Protoplasma》2006,228(1-3):137-144
Summary. A study of male sterility over a period of three consecutive years on a conifer species endemic to Taiwan, Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata (Taxodiaceae), was done for this article. With the aids of fluorescence and electron microscopic observations, the ontogenic processes in the fertile and sterile microsporangia are compared, using samples collected from Chitou Experimental Forest and Yeou-Shoei-Keng Clonal Orchard of the National Taiwan University, Nantou, Taiwan. The development of male strobili occurred from August to the end of March. Microsporogenesis starts with the formation of the archesporium and ends with the maturation of 2-celled pollen grains within the dehiscing microsporangium. Before meiosis, there was no significant difference in ultrastructure between the fertile and sterile microsporangia. Asynchronous pollen development with various tetrad forms may occur in the same microsporangium of either fertile or sterile strobili. However, a callose wall was observable in the fertile dyad and tetrad, but not in the sterile one. After dissolution of the callose wall, the fertile microspores were released into the locule, while some sterile microspores still retained as tetrads or dyads with intertwining of exine walls in the proximal faces. As a result, there was no well developed lamellated endexine and no granulate ectexine or intine in the sterile microspores. Eventually, the intracellular structures in sterile microspores were dramatically collapsed before anthesis. The present study shows that the abortion in pollen development is possibly attributed to the absence of the callose wall. The importance of this structure to the male sterility of T. cryptomerioides is discussed. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University, 106 Taipei, Taiwan.  相似文献   

外源ABA和GA3对红肉脐橙果皮主要色素含量变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了红肉脐橙果实发育期间果皮叶绿素和总类胡萝卜素含量的变化动态,并在果实转色前用不同浓度的外源ABA和GA3处理后测定果皮色素含量的变化动态。结果表明,红肉脐橙果皮叶绿素总量于9月20日出现最大值(0.1469mg/gfw),总类胡萝卜素含量于12月20日达到最大值(0.0321mg/gfw);转色前用ABA处理后加速果皮叶绿素的降解,但抑制果皮类胡萝卜素的积累;转色前用GA3处理后延缓果皮叶绿素的降解,并同样抑制果皮类胡萝卜素的积累,严重阻碍了果皮类胡萝卜素的合成。  相似文献   

Myrtle-leaved orange, or chinotto, is a Chinese lesser-known citrus, nowadays cultivated in all the Mediterranean area of Italy. Its fruits are traditionally used in the confectionary and beverage industries: the former mainly uses the unripe fruits, while the juice of the ripe ones is the core ingredient of the well-known Italian soft drink “Chinotto”. In the present work, the compositions of several accessions of chinotto fruit peel essential oils (EOs) have been analysed by GC-MS: in particular, i) fresh specimens from Savona (Liguria, Italy) at different ripening stages, as well as a dried ripe one; ii) two accessions from Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), of which one native and one transplanted from Savona. A comparison of the analysed samples with literature reported EO compositions has been performed by means of multivariate statistical analysis. The aim was to assess the influence of both the ripening stage and the geographical area of collection on the EO, assessing which factor influenced it the most. The ripening stage influence on the EO composition was found to be less significant compared to the geographical area of growth of the specimens. The statistical analyses, indeed, evidenced a proximity in the compositions obtained from the different ripening stages, whereas greater differences were evidenced for samples at the same ripening phase, but coming from different regions.  相似文献   

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