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The K+-dependent ATPase and p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity of, and formation of phosphoenzyme by, hog parietal cell membranes were inhibited in a time- and concentration-dependent manner by the carboxyl-activating reagent, N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ). The kinetics of inactivation was pseudo first order and was similar to the EEDQ-catalyzed incorporation of [14C]glycine ethyl ester. The most likely mechanism is the EEDQ-dependent formation of inter- and intramolecular amide bonds. Cross-linking between the subunits of the ATPase occurs with EEDQ treatment. The presence of K+ on the luminal face of the enzyme is able to prevent EEDQ inhibition of K+ ATPase activity (but not intermolecular cross-linking), whereas ATP enhanced the rate of inactivation. EEDQ reaction with the enzyme therefore allows investigation of K+- and ATP-dependent states of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Protein chemistry of the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A highly effective procedure for fragmenting the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase and purifying the resulting peptides is described. The enzyme is cleaved with trypsin to form a limit digest containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides, and the hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides are then separated by extraction with an aqueous ammonium bicarbonate solution. The hydrophilic peptides are fractionated by Sephadex G-25 column chromatography into three pools, and the individual peptides in each pool are purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. The hydrophobic peptides are dissolved in neat trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), diluted with chloroform-methanol (1:1), and the hydrophobic peptide solution thus obtained is then fractionated by Sephadex LH-60 column chromatography in chloroform-methanol (1:1) containing 0.1% TFA. The recoveries in all of the above procedures are greater than 90%. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of three of the hydrophobic H+-ATPase peptides purified by this methodology have been determined, which establishes the position of these peptides in the 100,000 Da polypeptide chain by reference to the published gene sequence, and documents the sequencability of the hydrophobic peptides purified in this way. This methodology should facilitate the identification of a variety of amino acid residues important for the structure and function of the H+-ATPase molecule. Moreover, the overall strategy for working with the protein chemistry of the H+-ATPase should be applicable to other amphiphilic integral membrane proteins as well.  相似文献   

As isolated by our recently developed large-scale procedure, the Neurospora plasma membrane H+-ATPase exists as a homogeneous, oligomeric complex of 105,000-Da monomers with a molecular mass equivalent to a spherical protein of about 1 million Da, as judged by its behavior during chromatography on calibrated columns of Sepharose CL-6B and CL-4B. Treatment of this complex with the nonionic detergent, Tween 20, followed by Sepharose column chromatography in the presence of this detergent produces particles with an apparent molecular mass reduced by 100–300 kDa, and, importantly, when the isolated complex is treated with Tween 20 and then subjected to Sepharose chromatography in the absence of detergent, fully viable, largely detergent-free, homogeneous particles with a molecular mass equivalent to a spherical protein of 670,000 Da are formed. As assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, treatment of the particles isolated in the presence of Tween 20 with glutaraldehyde progressively yields dimers, trimers, tetramers, pentamers, and hexamers of the 105,000-Da monomer, with the expected precursor-product relationships, but no species larger than a hexamer is formed. These results thus strongly indicate that these particles are hexamers of 105,000-Da monomers. Glutaraldehyde crosslinking experiments with the ca. 1 million- and 670,000-Da particles indicate that they too are hexamers, suggesting that the differences in the apparent sizes of the three types of particles are most likely due to bound detergents. Possible implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase has been investigated using a variety of chemical and physicochemical techniques. The transmembrane topography of the H+-ATPase has been elucidated by a direct, protein chemical approach. Reconstituted proteoliposomes containing purified H+-ATPase molecules oriented predominantly with their cytoplasmic surface facing outward were treated with trypsin, and the numerous peptides released were purified by HPLC and subjected to amino acid sequence analysis. In this way, seventeen released peptides were unequivocally identified as located on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, and numerous intervening segments could be inferred to be cytoplasmically located by virtue of the fact that they are too short to cross the membrane and return between sequences established to be cytoplasmically located. Additionally, three large membrane-embedded segments of the H+-ATPase were isolated using our recently developed methods for purifying hydrophobic peptides, and identified by amino acid sequence analysis. This information established the topographical location of virtually all of the 919 residues in the H+-ATPase molecule, allowing the formulation of a reasonably detailed model for the transmembrane topography of the H+-ATPase polypeptide chain. Separate studies of the cysteine chemistry of the H+-ATPase have demonstrated the existence of a single disulfide bridge in the molecule, linking the NH2- and COON-terminal membrane-embedded domains. And, analyses of the circular dichroism and infrared spectra of the purified H+-ATPase have elucidated the secondary structure composition of the molecule. A first-generation model for the tertiary structure of the H+-ATPase based on this information and other considerations is presented.  相似文献   

Brauer DK  Gurriel M  Tu SI 《Plant physiology》1992,100(4):2046-2051
The biochemical events utilized by transport proteins to convert the chemical energy from the hydrolysis of ATP into an electro-chemical gradient are poorly understood. The inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase from corn (Zea mays L.) roots by N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ) was compared to that of ATPase solubilized with N-tetradecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propane-sulfonate (3-14) to provide insight into the minimal functional unit. The chromatographic behavior of the 3-14-solubilized ATPase activity during size exclusion chromatography and glycerol gradient centrifugation indicated that the solubilized enzyme was in a monomeric form. Both plasma membrane-bound and solubilized ATPase were inhibited by EEDQ in a time- and concentration-dependent manner consistent with a first-order reaction. When the log of the reciprocal of the half-time for inhibition was plotted as a function of the log of the EEDQ concentration, straight lines were obtained with slopes of approximately 0.5 and 1.0 for membrane-bound and 3-14-solubilized ATPase, respectively, indicating a change in the number of polypeptides per functional ATPase complex induced by solubilization with 3-14.  相似文献   

The energy-linked nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (TH) purified from bovine heart mitochondria is inhibited by the carboxyl group modifiers, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) and N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ). With either reagent, complete activity inhibition corresponds to modification of one carboxyl group per 2 mol (monomers) of this dimeric enzyme, suggesting half-site reactivity toward DCCD and EEDQ [D. C. Phelps, and Y. Hatefi (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4475-4480; 6340-6344]. It has also been shown in the former reference that DCCD appears to modify TH at the NAD(H)-binding site. The present paper presents data suggesting that EEDQ also binds at or near the NAD(H)-binding domain of TH, but at a site not identical to that of DCCD: TH modified with and inhibited approximately 85% by EEDQ could be further labeled with [14C]DCCD to the extent of 70% of the maximum in the same time period that unmodified TH was modified by [14C]DCCD to near saturation (1 mol DCCD/TH dimer); DCCD-modified TH did not bind to NAD-agarose, while EEDQ-modified TH showed partial affinity for NAD-agarose; 5'-AMP completely protected TH against modification by DCCD, but showed only a weak protective effect against EEDQ; by contrast, NMNH, which is a TH substrate and binds to the NADH site, did not protect TH against DCCD, but completely protected the enzyme against attack by EEDQ. The results are consistent with the possibility that DCCD modifies TH where the 5'-AMP moiety of NAD(H) binds, while EEDQ modifies the enzyme where the NMN(H) moiety of NAD(H) resides.  相似文献   

The proton pump (H+-ATPase) found in the plasma membrane of the fungus Neurospora crassa is inactivated by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). Kinetic and labeling experiments have suggested that inactivation at 0 degrees C results from the covalent attachment of DCCD to a single site in the Mr = 100,000 catalytic subunit (Sussman, M. R., and Slayman, C. W. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 1839-1843). In the present study, when [14C]DCCD-labeled enzyme was treated with the cleavage reagent, N-bromosuccinimide, a single major radioactive peptide fragment migrating at about Mr = 5,300 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was produced. The fragment was coupled to glass beads and partially sequenced by automated solid-phase Edman degradation at the amino terminus and at an internal tryptic cleavage site. By comparison to the DNA-derived amino acid sequence for the entire Mr = 100,000 polypeptide (Hager, K., and Slayman, C. W. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 83, 7693-7697), the fragment has been identified as arising by cleavage at tyrosine 100 and tryptophan 141. Covalently incorporated [14C]DCCD was released at a position corresponding to glutamate 129. The DCCD-reactive glutamate is located in the middle of the first of eight predicted transmembrane sequences. When the sequence surrounding the DCCD site is compared to that surrounding the DCCD-reactive residue of two other proton pumps, the F0F1-ATPase and cytochrome c oxidase, no homology is apparent apart from an abundance of hydrophobic amino acids.  相似文献   

The inactivation of the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase with 1-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ) in the presence of [3H]aniline at pH 7.0 led to the covalent incorporation of 3H into the enzyme. When the ATPase was inactivated by 94% with 0.9 mM EEDQ in the presence of 3.6 mM [3H]aniline in a large-scale experiment in which the protein concentration was 21 mg/ml, 4.2 mol [3H]anilide were formed per mol enzyme, of which 0.35 mol was incorporated per mol of the alpha subunit and 1.0 mol was incorporated per mol of the beta subunit. Examination of a tryptic digest of the isolated alpha subunit revealed that the majority of the 3H was contained in a single tryptic peptide, which, when purified, was shown to contain the [3H]anilide of a glutamic acid residue which corresponds to alpha-Glu-402 of the Escherichia coli F1-ATPase. This residue was labeled to the extent of about 1.0 mol/mol enzyme. Analysis of tryptic peptides purified from the isolated beta subunit showed that 0.8 and 1.5 mol, respectively, of the [3H]anilides of beta-Glu-341 and beta-Glu-199 were formed per mol MF1 during the inactivation of the enzyme at 21 mg/ml. When the ATPase was inactivated by 90% at a protein concentration of 1.7 mg/ml by 0.9 mM EEDQ in the presence of 1.7 mM [3H]aniline, 3.1 mol [3H]anilide were formed per mol enzyme. From the analysis of the radioactive peptides purified from a tryptic digest of the labeled ATPase from this experiment it was estimated that 0.7 mol of the [3H]anilide of alpha-Glu-402, 0.3 mol of the [3H]anilide of beta-Glu-341, and 1.5 mol of the [3H]anilide of beta-Glu-199 were formed per mol F1-ATPase. Since beta-Glu-199 is labeled to the same extent in the two experiments while alpha-Glu-402 and beta-Glu-341 were not, suggests that the modification of beta-Glu-199 is responsible for inactivation of the enzyme by EEDQ.  相似文献   

The Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase is rapidly inactivated in the presence of diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP). The reaction is pseudo-first-order showing time- and concentration-dependent inactivation with a second-order rate constant of 385-420 M-1.min-1 at pH 6.9 and 25 degrees C. The difference spectrum of the native and modified enzyme has a maximum near 240 nm, characteristic of N-carbethoxyhistidine. No change in the absorbance of the inhibited ATPase at 278 nm or in the number of modifiable sulfhydryl groups is observed, indicating that the inhibition is not due to tyrosine or cysteine modification, and the inhibition is irreversible, ruling out serine residues. Furthermore, pretreatment of the ATPase with pyridoxal phosphate/NaBH4 under the conditions of the DEP treatment does not inhibit the ATPase and does not alter the DEP inhibition kinetics, indicating that the inactivation by DEP is not due to amino group modification. The pH dependence of the inactivation reaction indicates that the essential residue has a pKa near 7.5, and the activity lost as a result of H+-ATPase modification by DEP is partially recovered after hydroxylamine treatment at 4 degrees C. Taken together, these results strongly indicate that the inactivation of the H+-ATPase by DEP involves histidine modification. Analyses of the inhibition kinetics and the stoichiometry of modification indicate that among eight histidines modified per enzyme molecule, only one is essential for H+-ATPase activity. Finally, ADP protects against inactivation by DEP, indicating that the essential residue modified may be located at or near the nucleotide binding site.  相似文献   

D C Phelps  Y Hatefi 《Biochemistry》1984,23(26):6340-6344
N,N'-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits the mitochondrial energy-linked nicotinamidenucleotide transhydrogenase (TH). Our studies [Phelps, D.C., & Hatefi, Y. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 8217-8221; Phelps, D.C., & Hatefi, Y. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4475-4480] suggested that the inhibition site of DCCD is near the NAD(H) binding site, because NAD(H) and competitive inhibitors protected TH against inhibition by DCCD and, unlike the unmodified TH, the DCCD-modified TH did not bind to NAD-agarose. Others [Pennington, R.M., & Fisher, R.R. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 8963-8969] could not demonstrate protection by NADH, obtained data indicating DCCD inhibits proton translocation by TH much more than hydride ion transfer from NADPH to 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (AcPyAD), and concluded that DCCD modifies an essential residue in the proton channel of TH. The present studies show that N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ) also inhibits TH. The inhibition is pseudo first order at several EEDQ concentrations, and the reaction order with respect to [EEDQ] is unity, suggesting that inhibition involves the interaction of one molecule of EEDQ with one active unit of TH. The EEDQ-modified TH reacts covalently with [3H]aniline, suggesting that the residue modified by EEDQ is a carboxyl group. More significantly, it has been shown that the absorbance change of oxonol VI at 630 minus 603 nm is a reliable reporter of TH-induced membrane potential formation in submitochondrial particles and that TH-catalyzed hydride ion transfer from NADPH to AcPyAD and the membrane potential induced by this reaction are inhibited in parallel by either DCCD or EEDQ.  相似文献   

The Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase is inactivated by the periodate-oxidized nucleotides, oATP, oADP, and oAMP, with oAMP the most effective. Inhibition of the ATPase is essentially irreversible, because Sephadex G-50 column chromatography of the oAMP-treated ATPase does not result in a reversal of the inhibition. Inhibition of the ATPase by oAMP is protected against by the H+-ATPase substrate ATP, the product ADP, and the competitive inhibitors TNP (2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidine)-ATP and TNP-ADP, suggesting that oAMP inhibition occurs at the nucleotide binding site of the enzyme. The rate of inactivation of the ATPase by oAMP is only slightly affected by EDTA, indicating that the oAMP interaction with the nucleotide binding site of the H+-ATPase occurs in the absence of a divalent cation. The protection against oAMP inhibition by ADP is likewise unaffected by EDTA. The inhibition of the ATPase by oAMP is absolutely dependent on the presence of acidic phospholipids or acidic lysophospholipids known to be required for H+-ATPase activity, suggesting that these lipids either aid in the formation of the nucleotide binding site or render it accessible. Incubation of the ATPase with Mg2+ plus vanadate, which locks the enzyme in a conformation resembling the transition state of the enzyme dephosphorylation reaction, completely protects against inhibition by oAMP, suggesting that in this transition state conformation the nucleotide site either does not exist, or is inaccessible to oAMP. Labeling studies with [14C] oAMP indicate that the incorporation of 1 mol of oAMP is sufficient to cause complete inactivation of the ATPase.  相似文献   

Previous work with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) has defined two sites on the Neurospora plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Modification of one (the "fast" site) by NEM is rapid but does not affect ATPase activity, while modification of the other (the "slow" site) inactivates the enzyme and is protectable by MgATP or MgADP. In the present study, a wider array of sulfhydryl reagents have been used to examine the properties of both sites. The results show the following. (a) Both fast and slow sites react preferentially with hydrophobic compounds (N-pyrenemaleimide, dithiobisnitropyridine greater than N-naphthylmaleimide, dithiobisnitrobenzoate greater than N-phenylmaleimide greater than N-ethylmaleimide) and are virtually insensitive to hydrophilic sulfhydryl reagents such as iodoacetamide and iodoacetic acid. (b) The reaction rate of the slow site with NEM is approximately 2000-fold less rapid than that of the fast site. The slow site also has an unusually high pKa (greater than 9.5). (c) Whether or not cysteine modification leads to inactivation of the ATPase depends upon the site and the reagent. For example, when the fast site reacts with NEM, enzymatic activity is retained; when it reacts with N-pyrenemaleimide, activity is lost. Likewise, when the slow site is modified by any of the maleimides or by dithiobisnitropyridine or dithiobisnitrobenzoate, the ATPase is inactivated; when it is modified by methylmethanethiosulfonate, activity remains intact. Thus, neither cysteine can be considered to play an essential role in the reaction cycle of the ATPase, but the introduction of a sufficiently bulky substituent at either site can disrupt activity. (d) Upon reaction of methylmethanethiosulfonate at the slow site, the K1/2 for MgATP hydrolysis is reduced from 0.65 to 0.25 mM. This result strengthens the evidence for a conformational relationship between the slow site cysteine and the nucleotide binding site of the ATPase.  相似文献   

Treatment of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of Neurospora crassa with the arginine-specific reagents phenylglyoxal or 2,3-butanedione at 30 degrees C, pH 7.0, leads to a marked inhibition of ATPase activity. MgATP, the physiological substrate of the enzyme, protects against inactivation. MgADP, a competitive inhibitor of ATPase activity with a measured Ki of 0.11 mM, also protects, yielding calculated KD values of 0.125 and 0.115 mM in the presence of phenylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione, respectively. The excellent agreement between Ki and KD values makes it likely that MgADP exerts its protective effect by binding to the catalytic site of the enzyme. Loss of activity follows pseudo-first order kinetics with respect to phenylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione concentration, and double log plots of pseudo-first order rate constants versus reagent concentration yield slopes of 0.999 (phenylglyoxal) and 0.885 (2,3-butanedione), suggesting that the modification of one reactive site/mol of H+-ATPase is sufficient for inactivation. This stoichiometry has been confirmed by direct measurements of the incorporation of [14C]phenylglyoxal. Taken together, the results support the notion that one arginine residue, either located at the catalytic site or shielded by a conformational change upon nucleotide binding, plays an essential role in Neurospora H+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

In a previous communication, a water-soluble, hexameric form of the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase was described (Chadwick, C. C., Goormaghtigh, E., and Scarborough, G. A. (1987) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 252, 348-356). To facilitate physical studies of the hexamers, the H+-ATPase isolation procedure has been improved, resulting in a structurally and functionally stable hexamer preparation that contains only 5 to 10% non-ATPase protein, approximately 12 mol of enzyme-bound lysophosphatidylcholine/mol of H+-ATPase monomer, and little or no residual plasma membrane phospholipid. Importantly, when activated by lysophosphatidylglycerol, which satisfies the acidic phospholipid requirement of the enzyme, the hexameric quaternary structure of the enzyme is retained, indicating that the functional properties of the water-soluble hexamers are relevant to those of the native, membrane-bound enzyme. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of this H+-ATPase preparation has been measured from 184 to 260 nm and used to estimate the secondary structure of the enzyme. The H+-ATPase is estimated to consist of approximately 36% helix, 12% antiparallel beta-sheet, 8% parallel beta-sheet, 11% beta-turn, and 26% other (irregular) structure. There is no change in the CD spectrum when known enzyme ligands are added to the H+-ATPase solution, suggesting that any changes in secondary structure that might occur during ligand binding and/or catalytic cycling are either minor or result in compensatory changes in secondary structure. The CD spectrum of the H+-ATPase is also compared to published spectra of the animal cell Na+/K+- and Ca2+-ATPases and is shown to be quite similar in shape and intensity, suggesting that all of these ATPases, which have significant sequence homology and are mechanistically similar, may have similar secondary structure composition as well.  相似文献   

Large-scale isolation of the Neurospora plasma membrane H+-ATPase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for the purification of relatively large quantities of the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane proton translocating ATPase is described. Cells of the cell wall-less sl strain of Neurospora grown under O2 to increase cell yields are treated with concanavalin A to stabilize the plasma membrane and homogenized in deoxycholate, and the resulting lysate is centrifuged at 13,500g. The pellet obtained consists almost solely of concanavalin A-stabilized plasma membrane sheets greatly enriched in the H+-ATPase. After removal of the bulk of the concanavalin A by treatment of the sheets with alpha-methylmannoside, the membranes are treated with lysolecithin, which preferentially extracts the H+-ATPase. Purification of the lysolecithin-solubilized ATPase by glycerol density gradient sedimentation yields approximately 50 mg of enzyme that is 91% free of other proteins as judged by quantitative densitometry of Coomassie blue-stained gels. The specific activity of the enzyme at this stage is about 33 mumol of P1 released/min/mg of protein at 30 degrees C. A second glycerol density gradient sedimentation step yields ATPase that is about 97% pure with a specific activity of about 35. For chemical studies or other investigations that do not require catalytically active ATPase, virtually pure enzyme can be prepared by exclusion chromatography of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-disaggregated, gradient-purified ATPase on Sephacryl S-300.  相似文献   

The [H+]-ATPase of the Neurospora plasma membrane is composed of a single Mr = 104,000 polypeptide (B. J. Bowman, F. Blasco, and C. W. Slayman, J. Biol. Chem. (1981) 256, 12343-12349). The carboxyl-modifying reagent N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inactivates the ATPase with pseudo-first order kinetics, suggesting that one site on the enzyme is involved. The rate constant for inactivation at pH 7.5 and 30 degrees C is approximately 1000 M-1 min-1, similar to values reported for the DCCD-binding proteolipid of F0-F1-type [H+]-ATPases and for the sarcoplasmic reticulum [Ca+2]-ATPase. Although hydrophobic carbodiimides are inhibitory at micromolar concentrations, a hydrophilic analogue, 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide, is completely inactive even at millimolar concentrations. This result implies that the DCCD-reactive site is located in a lipophilic environment. [14C]DCCD is incorporated into the Mr = 104,000 polypeptide at a rate similar to the rate of inactivation. There is no evidence for a separate low molecular weight DCCD-binding proteolipid. Using quantitative amino acid analysis, we established that complete inhibition occurs at a stoichiometry of 0.4 mol of DCCD/mol of polypeptide. Overall, the results are consistent with the idea that DCCD reacts with a single amino acid residue of the Neurospora [H+]-ATPase, thereby blocking ATP hydrolysis and proton translocation.  相似文献   

Reconstituted proteoliposomes containing Neurospora plasma membrane H+-ATPase molecules oriented predominantly with their cytoplasmic portion facing outward have been used to determine the location of the NH2 and COOH termini of the H+-ATPase relative to the lipid bilayer. Treatment of the proteoliposomes with trypsin in the presence of the H+-ATPase ligands Mg2+, ATP, and vanadate produces approximately 97-, 95-, and 88-kDa truncated forms of the H+-ATPase similar to those already known to result from cleavage at Lys24, Lys36, and Arg73 at the NH2-terminal end of the molecule. These results establish that the NH2-terminal end of the H+-ATPase polypeptide chain is located on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Treatment of the same proteoliposome preparation with trypsin in the absence of ligands releases approximately 50 water-soluble peptides from the proteoliposomes. Separation of the released peptides by high performance liquid chromatography and spectral analysis of the purified peptides identified only a few peptides with the properties expected of a COOH-terminal, tryptic undecapeptide with the sequence SLEDFVVSLQR, and NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis identified this peptide among the possible candidates. Quantitative considerations indicate that this peptide must have come from H+-ATPase molecules oriented with their cytoplasmic portion facing outward, and could not have originated from a minor population of H+-ATPase molecules of reverse orientation. These results directly establish that the COOH-terminal end of the H+-ATPase is also located on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. These findings are important for elucidating the topography of the membrane-bound H+-ATPase and are possibly relevant to the topography of other aspartyl-phosphoryl-enzyme intermediate ATPases as well.  相似文献   

Using radiation inactivation, we have measured the size of the H+-ATPase in Neurospora crassa plasma membranes. Membranes were exposed to either high energy electrons from a Van de Graaff generator or to gamma irradiation from 60Co. Both forms of radiation caused an exponential loss of ATPase activity in parallel with the physical destruction of the Mr = 104,000 polypeptide of which this enzyme is composed. By applying target theory, the size of the H+-ATPase in situ was found to be approximately 2.3 X 10(5) daltons. We also used radiation inactivation to measure the size of the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum and got a value of approximately 2.4 X 10(5) daltons, in agreement with previous reports. By irradiating a mixture of Neurospora plasma membranes and rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum, we directly compared the sizes of these two ATPases and found them to be essentially the same. We conclude that both H+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase are oligomeric enzymes, most likely composed of two approximately 100,000-dalton polypeptides.  相似文献   

The topographic location of the region comprising amino acids 359-440 of the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase has been elucidated using reconstituted proteoliposomes and protein chemical techniques. Proteoliposomes containing H(+)-ATPase molecules oriented predominantly with their cytoplasmic surface facing outward were cleaved with trypsin and the resulting digest was subjected to centrifugation on a glycerol step gradient to separate the released and liposome-bound peptides. The released peptides were recovered in the upper regions of the step gradient, whereas the liposome-bound peptides were recovered near the 40% glycerol interface. The released peptides present in the upper fractions were reduced, 14C-carboxy-methylated, and then separated by high performance liquid chromatography. Two radioactive cysteine-containing peptides with retention times of about 162 and 182 min were identified as H(+)-ATPase peptides comprising residues Leu363-Lys379 and Leu388-Arg414, respectively, by comparison to standards prepared from the purified ATPase. This information thus establishes a cytoplasmic location for residues 359-418 in the H(+)-ATPase polypeptide chain. It also infers a cytoplasmic location for residues 419-440, since this stretch of amino acids is too short to cross the membrane and return between regions known to be cytoplasmically located. These results and the results of other recent experiments establish the topographical location of nearly all of the 919 residues in the H(+)-ATPase molecule.  相似文献   

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