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鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器及其感受机理新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨慧  严善春  彭璐 《昆虫学报》2008,51(2):204-215
鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器是鳞翅目昆虫化学通讯的主要工具,将种间、种内及无机环境各种化学信息联系起来,从而使昆虫做出相应的行为反应。本文综述了鳞翅目昆虫化学感受器的类型及化学感受机理新进展, 包括嗅觉途径、嗅觉感受相关蛋白、信息传导、编码、加工处理、整合输出、感受谱及味觉感受机理,为探索利用鳞翅目昆虫行为控制剂来监测、防治鳞翅目害虫提供理论依据。  相似文献   

郭金梦  董双林 《昆虫学报》2020,(11):1399-1410
昆虫是地球上最大的动物类群,在长期的进化过程中形成了复杂的感受系统,其中以化学感受(嗅觉和味觉)最为重要。气味受体(odorant receptor, OR)和味觉受体(gustatory receptor, GR)分别在嗅觉和味觉中起关键作用,但近年发现离子型受体(ionotropic receptor, IR)也在一些化学感受中发挥作用,有些IR还参与温度和湿度等非化学感受。IR家族由离子型谷氨酸受体(ionotropic glutamate receptor, iGluR)进化而来,具有典型的3个跨膜结构域;与OR相似,每个IR至少需要一个共受体(co-receptor)才能发挥功能,现已发现4个IR共受体(IR8a, IR25a, IR76b和IR93a);两个或多个IR可以共表达于同一个嗅觉神经元,IR间的不同组合导致神经元不同的气味反应谱。一种昆虫通常含有几个到上百个不等的IR,其中部分IR为触角特异表达,但绝大多数IR的功能及其作用机制仍不清楚。本文综述了IR的结构和进化以及昆虫IR基因鉴定、表达和功能等方面的研究进展,以期为深入研究昆虫IR的功能、作用机制及在害虫防治中...  相似文献   

单感器记录技术是一种昆虫细胞外电生理技术,可以测量昆虫单个感受器对刺激物的电生理反应。该技术有助于探明昆虫嗅觉和味觉感受器对不同信息化合物的电生理响应机制,将单感器记录技术与其他技术相结合,不仅可以阐明昆虫嗅觉反应的分子机制,还可以研制昆虫行为调节剂、检测挥发性有机化合物的生物传感器。本文介绍了单感器记录仪的结构和昆虫单感器记录的原理,并对单感器记录技术在昆虫学研究方面的应用进行了综述,以期为探明昆虫感受化学信息物质的机理和应用提供依据。  相似文献   

汤清波  马英  黄玲巧  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1433-1444
很多昆虫具有极其灵敏的味觉感受系统, 在其取食选择、 交配和产卵等过程中起重要作用。相对于昆虫的嗅觉机制, 对昆虫味觉感受机制的研究较少。传统的味觉感受研究主要集中在味觉感器外部形态、 味觉电生理和行为学上。近年来随着分子遗传学、 生物信息学和神经生物学技术的应用, 昆虫味觉的研究不断深入, 主要体现在下列两方面: (1)味觉受体方面, 通过分子生物信息学等手段获得了多种昆虫的味觉受体, 不同种昆虫之间受体数目差异较大, 不同受体之间氨基酸的相似性较低。通常, 根据味觉受体配体物质的性质可以把味觉受体分为取食抑制素受体和取食刺激素受体两大类。(2)味觉神经元的投射及味觉编码机制方面, 多个研究表明昆虫外围味觉神经元在中枢神经系统中的投射部位为咽下神经节和后脑, 但是不同性质的受体神经元投射的具体位置有所不同。本文对昆虫味觉感器和神经元的基本特征, 味觉受体的进化、 表达和功能, 味觉神经元在中枢神经系统中的投射, 味觉神经元的编码机制及味觉可塑性等进行了综述。  相似文献   

昆虫对宿主植物的嗅觉定向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雷宏 《生物学通报》1995,30(3):9-11
在混虫辨别宿主植物所利用的各种信息中,植物的气味是一个很重要的因素昆虫利用触角上的嗅觉感受器来感觉植物气味。触角电位是昆虫的触角感受到植物气味后所产生的神经反应,而嗅觉编码则是嗅觉感受器将植物的气味信息传至神经中枢的脉冲系列。本文从行为生理学的角度介绍了昆虫利用植物气味寻找宿主植物的过程。  相似文献   

本文从外周、中枢和行为三个不同层次,探讨昆虫对性外激素感受的嗅觉过程。通过对大量昆虫的性外激素组分化学结构鉴定,以及结构一活性关系的研究,促进了对嗅觉机制的了解。对于嗅觉中枢过程的了解是很初步的,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

鳞翅目昆虫的味觉感受器及其电生理研究方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
严福顺 《昆虫知识》1995,32(3):169-172

昆虫气味结合蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫主要依赖其复杂且灵敏的化学感受系统来识别并区分外界环境中的各种化学信号。嗅觉是负责嗅觉信号传导的感官方式,能够引起昆虫觅食、产卵、交配和躲避天敌等对生存和繁殖至关重要的行为反应。在嗅觉感知过程中,气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins, OBPs)最先与外界脂溶性化学物质相互作用,并将其转运至化学受体神经元上,激活树突膜表面分布的嗅觉受体(olfactory receptors, ORs),是嗅觉系统正常运行的必需蛋白。近年来,随着高通量测序和分子生物学技术的快速发展,越来越多的昆虫OBPs相继得以鉴定并开展功能研究。昆虫OBPs是一类可溶性的小分子蛋白,一般由6个α-螺旋构成一个稳定、紧密的疏水性结合腔,其构象变化因昆虫种类和配体结构不同而有所差异。OBPs的分布不受限于嗅觉器官,还在口器、足、中肠、腺体等非嗅觉组织中表达,具有嗅觉识别、味觉感受、营养物质转运、信息素合成与释放、组织发育与分化等生理功能。OBPs行使以上功能的共同特性为结合和溶解包括信息素组分、普通气味分子和非挥发性物质等的疏水性小分子物质。昆虫OBPs的稳定性和多功能性暗示其可广泛应用于...  相似文献   

昆虫对Bt毒素的抗性机理研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
文中综述了昆虫对苏云杆菌(Bt)毒素产生抗性的生化遗传机理及抗性的遗传及交叉抗性情况。昆虫对Bt毒素的抗性可能在6个环节发生,其中与毒素特异结合的受体上结合位点的改变及毒素水解过程中的变化是抗性产的两个主要环节。从现有的研究结果来看,实验室及田间抗性昆虫品系对Bt毒素产生的抗性主要与昆虫中肠上皮细胞膜上Bt毒素特异结合受体的变化有关,深入研究是昆虫对Bt毒素的抗性机理,将有助于建立抗性的早期监测技术、抗性治理措施,实施无公害Bt农药及转Bt基因作物的持续利用。  相似文献   

昆虫嗅觉受体的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
昆虫的嗅觉对昆虫的栖息地选择、觅食、群集、趋避、繁殖以及信息传递等行为具有重要的影响。对昆虫嗅觉机理的深入研究和嗅觉信号传导途径的完整阐述,是探索农业害虫的专一性防治的基础。嗅觉受体(olfactory receptors,Ors)是G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupled receptor)的一种,是嗅觉系统的关键成分。近年来嗅觉受体的研究日益受到关注。本文对昆虫嗅觉的基本过程、基因结构和表达调控特征、蛋白分子结构、生理功能、分布部位和相关配体的研究等进行了综述。  相似文献   

昆虫社会行为的进化与生态适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言昆虫社会行为的进化涉及两大问题:(1)社会行为的起源和进化过程;(2)社会行为的适应意义。这两个问题都曾使达尔文感到困惑。达尔文曾详尽地描述过蜜蜂复杂的造巢行  相似文献   

Loli D  Bicudo JE 《Bioscience reports》2005,25(3-4):149-180
Most insects and birds are able to fly. The chitin made exoskeleton of insects poses them several constraints, and this is one the reasons they are in general small sized animals. On the other hand, because birds possess an endoskeleton made of bones they may grow much larger when compared to insects. The two taxa are quite different with regards to their general “design” platform, in particular with respect to their respiratory and circulatory systems. However, because they fly, they may share in common several traits, namely those associated with the control and regulatory mechanisms governing thermogenesis. High core temperatures are essential for animal flight irrespective of the taxa they belong to. Birds and insects have thus evolved mechanisms which allowed them to control and regulate high rates of heat fluxes. This article discusses possible convergent thermogenic control and regulatory mechanisms associated with flight in insects and birds.  相似文献   

综论稻田生态系中性昆虫的意义及其调控   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1 中性昆虫的概念及田间动态1.1 概念的提出吴进才等在对稻田节肢动物群落营养物种的系统调查中发现,稻田生态系中,既非害虫又非天敌的一类昆虫占整个节肢动物群落丰盛度的20%~65%[7,8]。生态学理论认为,系统中没有孤立存在的物种[12]。数量庞大的这一昆虫类群在稻田生态系统中有何意义?与稻田害虫的发生有何联系?现有文献还少有涉及。吴进才等[7]、郭玉杰等[1]提出了中性昆虫的概念,用于指称传统植物保护学中的既非害虫又非天敌的一类昆虫,并就其田间动态及在食物网中的作用进行了系统调查、研究和讨论…  相似文献   

昆虫资源利用及其产业化进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要从食用昆虫、饲用昆虫、药用昆虫、工业原料昆虫、传粉昆虫、观赏娱乐昆虫、天敌昆虫、环保昆虫以及昆虫生物反应器和昆虫在仿生学上的应用等方面全面综述了昆虫资源的利用及其产业化进展.  相似文献   

昆虫NF-kB信号通路由toll和imd两条通路组成,通过转录因子NF-kB作用于靶标基因kB位点,而调节抗菌活性物质的表达。大量实验表明它能够被细菌、真菌和病毒的侵染所激活,在昆虫体液免疫中发挥着主要作用。现就昆虫的NF-kB信号通路的主要信号元件等进行综述。  相似文献   

Insects in biodiversity conservation: some perspectives and directives   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Insecta is the most speciose class in the Animal Kingdom. The insect-plant relationship is the dominant biotic interaction, yet plants have many times the biomass of all animals together. The functional significance of insects is enormous, owing to the large numbers of individuals and great intra-and interspecific variety. Lack of human appreciation of importance, coupled with the general disregard and dislike of insects, is an enormous perception impediment to their conservation. This impediment coupled with the taxonomic impediment (at most only about 7–10% of insects are scientifically described) must be overcome for realistic biodiversity conservation. As it is not possible to know all the species relative to the rate at which they are becoming extinet, it is essential to conserve as many biotopes and landscapes as possible. These would be for typical species and communities, as well as for endemic sinks. It is also essential to preserve speciesdynamo areas as an insurance for future biodiversity. Preserved areas must also be linked by movement and gene-flow corridors as much as possible. Recognition, functional importance, taxic uniqueness, typicalness, genetic variation and important behavioural traits place much more emphasis on qualitative biodiversity conservation than on quantitative approaches. Ecological entomologists play a significant double role, suppressing noxious populations on crops, livestock and other products, while at the same time identifying and using beneficial species. There are well-known inherent and environmental risks with many traditional control methods and high risks with the use of genetically engineered biopesticide baculoviruses. Preservation technologies, where individuals are held in suspended animation, must be developed soon. However, such technologies, as with restoration activities such as site restoration, captive breeding, reintroductions and translocations, all require considerable knowledge and economic iput to be predictably successful. Ecological restoration involves so many biotic and abiotic interactions in even the simplest of communities, that predictiveness under all potential conditions is virtually unattainable. Instead, there should be strong focus on the preservation and conservation of as many, and as large as possible, pristine and near-pristine unique and typical landscapes as soon as possible.  相似文献   

A model for the kinetics of aggregation in social insects which accounts for stochastic effects arising from individual variability and covers both the early and the mature stages of the process is developed. Different aggregation scenarios are studied, depending on the degree of cooperativity and the mean population density. It is shown that under certain conditions, the system evolves slowly to a single cluster incorporating all individuals, or to two coexisting clusters of similar sizes. Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, OX1 3PS Oxford, UK.  相似文献   

Insects on the brink of a major discontinuity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population surges and local extinctions are not uncommon among insects. In response to climatic changes in the past, insects have often shifted their ranges. This long-term range shifting and the vagaries of short-term weather makes reserve selection unrealistically rigid for many species. Although some insect species are surviving in reserves, others have disappeared from such small areas because of adverse weather. In contrast, many other insects depend on localized disturbance for survival. In response to anthropogenic disturbance, some native insects have become more abundant and widespread, such as Orthoptera in response to grazing and burning, and some Odonata in response to aquatic weeds and water impoundment. The effect of some exotic invasive insects on some native ecosystems is of major concern. Human-induced insect population crashes and species extinctions are becoming more common and widespread, and exacerbated by the synergistic effect of the various local impacts with global changes. A major insect population and species extinction discontinuity is beginning to take place. Yet, there is also an increase in range and abundance of some other insects. The world is becoming increasingly species-poorer and more homogenous in its insect fauna.  相似文献   

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