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Pheasant and O'Neill's torque model (1975) was modified to account for grip force distributions. The modified model suggests that skin friction produced by twisting an object in the direction of fingertips causes flexion of the distal phalanges and increases grip force and, thus, torque. Twelve subjects grasped a cylindrical object with diameters of 45.1, 57.8, and 83.2 mm in a power grip, and performed maximum torque exertions about the long axis of the handle in two directions: the direction the thumb points and the direction the fingertips point. Normal force on the fingertips increased with torque toward the fingertips, as predicted by the model. Consequently, torque toward the fingertips was 22% greater than torque toward the thumb. Measured torque and fingertip forces were compared with model predictions. Torque could be predicted well by the model. Measured fingertip force and thumb force were, on average, 27% less than the predicted values. Consistent with previous studies, grip force decreased as the handle diameter increased from 45.1 to 83.2 mm. This may be due not only to the muscle length-strength relationship, but also to major active force locations on the hand: grip force distributions suggest that a small handle allows fingertip force and thumb force to work together against the palm, resulting in a high reaction force on the palm, and, therefore, a high grip force. For a large handle, fingertip force and thumb force act against each other, resulting in little reaction force on the palm and, thus, a low grip force.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the manual patterns used by tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to retrieve a small food item from a narrow tube, with special attention focused on the independent use of single fingers, fine digit movements, hand preference, and intermanual differences in the time it took the monkeys to obtain the food. The capuchins (n = 20) mainly used their forefinger to extract the food from the tube. The simultaneous use of the index and middle fingers occurred less frequently, and the use of the forefinger in combination with other digits occurred rarely. The capuchins demonstrated a capacity to move single digits independently when the fingers were locating the food inside the tube, and displayed a high mobility of the distal phalanx joints. However, they possessed only a limited capacity to coordinate single fingers in space, and displayed only a slight degree of manual preshaping when they approached the tube. A hand-preference analysis failed to reveal any significant lateral bias for the group, since both adults (> or = 5 years) and immature individuals (<5 years) of both sexes used either hand with the same frequency. Conversely, a latency analysis showed a significant interaction between the subject's age and performance difference between hands: in adults, but not in immature individuals, the left hand was faster than the right hand in retrieving food.  相似文献   

Biofouling is a major problem faced by marine industries. Physical and chemical treatments are available to control fouling, but most are costly, time consuming or negatively affect the environment. The use of aeration (ie continuous streams of air bubbles) to prevent fouling was examined. Experiments were conducted at three sites with different benthic communities. Experimental panels (10 cm × 10 cm; PVC and concrete) were deployed with or without aeration. Aeration flowed continuously from spigots 0.5 m below the panels at a rate of ~3.3 to 5.0 l min?1. After 1 and 4 weeks, aerated PVC panels from all sites had significantly less fouling than non-aerated controls. Aeration reduced fouling on both the PVC and concrete surfaces. Fouling was reduced on panels directly in bubble streams while panels 30 cm and 5 m away had significantly more fouling. Thus, under the conditions used in this study, aeration appears to be an effective and simple way to prevent fouling.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The present study used the mountain specialist butterfly Parnassius apollo as a model system to investigate how climate change may alter habitat requirements for species at their warm range margins. 2. Larval habitat use was recorded in six P. apollo populations over a 700 m elevation gradient in the Sierra de Guadarrama (central Spain). Larvae used four potential host species (Sedum spp.) growing in open areas amongst shrubs. 3. Parnassius apollo host‐plant and habitat use changed as elevation increased: the primary host shifted from Sedum amplexicaule to Sedum brevifolium, and larvae selected more open microhabitats (increased bare ground and dead vegetation, reduced vegetation height and shrub cover), suggesting that hotter microhabitats are used in cooler environments. 4. Larval microhabitat selection was significantly related to ambient temperature. At temperatures lower than 27 °C, larvae occupied open microhabitats that were warmer than ambient temperature, versus more shaded microhabitats that were cooler than ambient conditions when temperature was higher than 27 °C. 5. Elevational changes in phenology influenced the temperatures experienced by larvae, and could affect local host‐plant favourability. 6. Habitat heterogeneity appears to play an important role in P. apollo larval thermoregulation, and may become increasingly important in buffering populations of this and other insect species against climatic variation.  相似文献   

Embryogenesis in the beetle Tribolium is of increasing interest to both molecular and evolutionary biology because it differs from the Drosophila paradigm by its type of segment specification (short- vs. long-germ) and by the extensive epithelial envelopes – amnion and serosa – that are typical of most insects but not of higher dipterans. Using scanning electron microscopy of DAPI staged embryos we document development in Tribolium castaneum from blastoderm to completion of the envelopes, recording many details not otherwise accessible; we also provide a time table of the respective stages at 30°C. The nascent blastoderm cells remain basally confluent with the yolksac until after the 13th (=last synchronous) mitotic cycle. The cells in the prospective serosa – the first domain to segregate visibly from the uniform blastoderm – carry surface protrusions likely to contact the overlying vitelline envelope. The embryonic rudiment, the other (and larger) blastodermal domain, gives rise to amnion and germ anlage. In the latter, visible differentiation begins with a ”primitive pit” reminiscent of the posterior midgut rudiment of Drosophila. The subsequent invagination of the mesoderm resembles Drosophila gastrulation, except in the head region where the median groove extends through the entire preoral region. The prospective amnion starts differing visibly from the germ anlage during early gastrulation. It then folds underneath the spreading serosa and, advancing with the latter, closes the amniotic cavity at the ventral face of the germband. The largest (=posterior) amniotic fold covers a crestlike protrusion of the yolksac. Together with marked changes in the shape and arrangement of the amnion cells, this protrusion may contribute to the fold’s elevation and early progress. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

Warm-water riverine fish assemblages were investigated downstream of an impoundment before and after thermal stratification and the associated cold-water pollution was prevented using an aeration system. Temperatures below the dam significantly increased after installation of the aeration system and this correlated with an increased abundance and greater number of species downstream. Overall, aeration appeared to be beneficial for both the lake (upstream) and the downstream riverine environments.  相似文献   

The time course of changes in the hand muscle activity and the grip force before the hit of an object falling from different heights into a cup held between the thumb and the forefinger was analyzed in three variants of the experiment: (1) the subject saw the object falling; (2) the subject did not see the object falling but initiated the fall; and (3) the subject had no information on either the falling or its start. In the third variant, the muscle activity and the grip force changed in response to the object hitting the cup. In the second variant, the muscle activity and the grip force began to change 200–280 ms before the hit, this time being independent of height from which the object fell. In the first variant, the anticipatory changes began 150 ms after the object started falling and did not depend on the height of the falling within the rage 30–50 cm. If the object fell from a height of 70–105 cm, the changes in the muscle activity and the grip force began a fixed time before the object hit the cup, which did not depend on the height from which the object fell. Thus, when the object fall from small heights, the timing of the increase in the grip force was mainly determined by the moment when the object began moving; at large heights, the increase in the grip force was related to the presumed moment of the hit.  相似文献   

A calibration procedure for a Clark-type oxygen electrode over a wide range of temperatures is described. The autoxidation of duroquinol (2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzenediol) was used to verify the electrode's ability to accurately sense the total amount of dissolved O2 in an aqueous buffer. Electrode response time was measured by using oxygenated ethanol to deliver a rapid increase in O2 concentration to the reaction medium. An oxygen-producing system (spinach thylakoids) was utilized to test the range of O2-evolution rates able to be sensed. It was concluded that a Clark-type oxygen electrode has the absolute sensitivity, rapidity, and range necessary to accurately track rates of O2 production or consumption from 5 to 45 degrees C.  相似文献   

Many ecosystems are dominated by clonal plants. Among the most distinctive characteristics of clonal plants is their potential for clonal integration (i.e. the translocation of resources between interconnected ramets), suggesting that integration may play a role in their success. However, a general synthesis of effects of clonal integration on plant performance is lacking. We conducted a meta-analysis on the effects of clonal integration on biomass production and asexual reproduction of the whole clone, the recipient part (i.e. the part of a clone that imports resources) and the donor part (i.e. the part of a clone that exports resources). The final dataset contained 389 effect sizes from 84 studies covering 57 taxa. Overall, clonal integration increased performance of recipient parts without decreasing that of donor parts, and thus increased performance of whole clones. Among the studies and taxa considered, the benefits of clonal integration did not differ between two types of experimental approaches, between stoloniferous and rhizomatous growth forms, between directions of resource translocation (from younger to older ramet or vice versa), or among types of translocated resources (water, nutrients and carbohydrates). Clonal taxa with larger benefits of integration on whole-clone performance were not more invasive globally, but taxa in which recipient parts in unfavorable patches benefited more from integration were. Our results demonstrate general performance benefits of clonal integration, at least in the short term, and suggest that clonal integration contributes to the success of clonal plants.  相似文献   

The experiments were carried out on 11 subjects ranging in the age from 23 to 37 years. Heart rate, integrated electrical activity from 4 muscles of the forearm and the hand and mechanical activity were measured simultaneously during rhythmical work using a hand-ergometer. The strength of the dynamic contractions was 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of a maximal voluntary contraction. The mean values of the maximal voluntary contraction obtained on male subjects were 57.3 kp and on female subjects 33.2 kp. The results showed that during dynamic contractions mechanical activity was related to the integrated electrical activity and both integrated electrial activity of 3 muscles and heart rate were linearly related to the load. The correlation coefficients for the EMG/EMG relationships of different muscles and for the EMG/heart rate varied between 0.83 and 0.98.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute effects of a caffeine-containing supplement (SUPP) on one-repetition maximum (1-RM) bench press strength and time to running exhaustion (TRE) at a velocity that corresponded to 85% of the peak oxygen uptake ([latin capital V with dot above]O2peak). The study used a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Thirty-one men (mean +/- SD age = 23.0 +/- 2.6 years) were randomly assigned to take either the SUPP or placebo (PLAC) first. The SUPP contained 201 mg of caffeine, and the PLAC was microcrystalline cellulose. All subjects were tested for 1-RM bench press strength and TRE at 45 minutes after taking either the SUPP or PLAC. After 1 week of rest, the subjects returned to the laboratory and ingested the opposite substance (SUPP or PLAC) from what was taken during the previous visit. The 1-RM bench press and TRE tests were then performed in the same manner as before. The results indicated that the SUPP had no effect on 1-RM bench press strength or TRE at 85% [latin capital V with dot above]O2peak. It is possible that the acute effects of caffeine are affected by differences in training status and/or the relative intensity of the exercise task. Future studies should examine these issues, in addition to testing the acute effects of various caffeine doses on performance during maximal strength, power, and aerobic activities. These findings do not, however, support the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid in untrained to moderately trained individuals.  相似文献   

Different isolates of the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produce multiple crystal (Cry) proteins toxic to a variety of insects, nematodes and protozoans. These insecticidal Cry toxins are known to be active against specific insect orders, being harmless to mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Due to these characteristics, genes encoding several Cry toxins have been engineered in order to be expressed by a variety of crop plants to control insectpests. The cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis, and the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, are the major economically devastating pests of cotton crop in Brazil, causing severe losses, mainly due to their endophytic habit, which results in damages to the cotton boll and floral bud structures. A cry1Ia-type gene, designated cry1Ia12, was isolated and cloned from the Bt S811 strain. Nucleotide sequencing of the cry1Ia12 gene revealed an open reading frame of 2160 bp, encoding a protein of 719 amino acid residues in length, with a predicted molecular mass of 81 kDa. The amino acid sequence of Cry1Ia12 is 99% identical to the known Cry1Ia proteins and differs from them only in one or two amino acid residues positioned along the three domains involved in the insecticidal activity of the toxin. The recombinant Cry1Ia12 protein, corresponding to the cry1Ia12 gene expressed in Escherichia coli cells, showed moderate toxicity towards first instar larvae of both cotton boll weevil and fall armyworm. The highest concentration of the recombinant Cry1Ia12 tested to achieve the maximum toxicities against cotton boll weevil larvae and fall armyworm larvae were 230 microg/mL and 5 microg/mL, respectively. The herein demonstrated insecticidal activity of the recombinant Cry1Ia12 toxin against cotton boll weevil and fall armyworm larvae opens promising perspectives for the genetic engineering of cotton crop resistant to both these devastating pests in Brazil.  相似文献   

Serum albumin is the most abundant protein in plasma and it has a high capacity to bind many small compounds and macromolecules. In this way, albumin may promote important interferences during affinity chromatography of plasma proteins. Guanidinobenzoatase (GB) is a very relevant plasma protease that seems to be related to tumoral processes. This enzyme may be adsorbed on tailor-made agmatine-amide-agarose (CH-A) supports (e.g., the ones having 2 μmol of guanidino groups per ml of agarose attached to the support, through a 6 C aliphatic chain). Such tailor-made supports containing a very low concentration of ionized groups are hardly able to adsorb any protein by anion-exchange. However, they are able to strongly adsorb albumin. In order to solve this problem new mimetic affinity matrices have been designed: (i) by using the same ligand immobilized through a different chemical linkage [guanidino groups attached via secondary amino bonds, (AEA)] or (ii) by using slightly different ligands (e.g., 1,8-octanediamine containing a primary amino group instead of a guanidino one) also attached to the support via amido bonds (CH-DAO). Albumin adsorbs on the target and on the two mimetic matrices while GB is mainly adsorbed on the target one. Moreover, the adsorption of albumin on the affinity matrix (CH-A) is very strongly inhibited by the presence of low concentrations of soluble ligands (e.g., 1,8-octanediamine containing two ionized primary amino groups). On the contrary, the adsorption of GB on CH-A is hardly inhibited by the presence of such mimetic soluble ligand. In this way, the former offering of crude GB samples to AEA plus the use of mimetic inhibitors during adsorption of the extract on CH-A completely prevent the undesirable adsorption of albumin. In a such way, an extremely selective adsorption of GB can be performed. Such an improved chromatography procedure allows a very easy affinity purification and detection of GB.  相似文献   

In young male chicks a single injection of testosterone oenanthate leads to a long-lasting facilitation of behaviour patterns related to adult attack, courtship and copulation. The same responses, in particular facilitated pecking, may be evoked, with a similar time course of facilitation and subsequent waning, by a human hand or a white featureless sphere. The dose-response curve to the androgen is also similar for these two objects. A very simple stimulus thus appears to be capable of evoking at least one major component of aggressive behaviour, as well as other responses normally directed to conspecifics. Pecking of the sphere increases within 4–7 h of a second injection of the androgen, given after facilitation due to the first has disappeared, whereas the first requires 48–72 h to become effective. This rapid effect is not dependent on the age of the animal, nor on prior experience of pecking the sphere—indeed this causes marked habituation of all response to the sphere, whether or not response is facilitated by testosterone during the initial experience. It appears to result from central ‘priming’, perhaps by a process similar to the reversal of refractoriness to central androgen implants by prior systemic priming with testosterone, which has been previously reported for adult castrates.  相似文献   

The adherence of an environmental strain of Pseudomonas sp. to titanium was evaluated modifying the pH (2 to 8) and ionic strength (0.1 and 0.6 M NaCl) of the electrolyte solution. Results were analyzed considering the participation of the different interfacial forces under the Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) theory. At 0.1 M, maximal bacterial adhesion was at pH 6, in agreement with the point of zero charge of the titanium surface. Similar adhesion values were observed at both sides of this point despite the opposite electrostatic condition of the surface oxide. At 0.6 M an absence of bacterial adhesion was observed throughout the pH range tested. The changes in bacterial adhesion are in agreement with the changes in the number of reinforced H-bond-forming sites on the titanium surface calculated using a simple model for the ionization of OH group adsorbed to the surface. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 303–308. Received 25 May 2000/ Accepted in revised form 14 February 2001  相似文献   

Ammonium recovery using a two chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC) was investigated at high ammonium concentration. Increasing the ammonium concentration (from 0.07 to 4 g ammonium-nitrogen/L) by addition of ammonium chloride did not affect the performance of the MFC. The obtained current densities by DC-voltammetry were higher than 6 A/m2 for both operated MFCs. Also continuous operation at lower external resistance (250 Ω) showed an increased current density (0.9 A/m2). Effective ammonium recovery can be achieved by migrational ion flux through the cation exchange membrane to the cathode chamber, driven by the electron production from degradation of organic substrate. The charge transport was proportional to the concentration of ions. Nonetheless, a concentration gradient will influence the charge transport. Furthermore, a charge exchange process can influence the charge transport and therefore the recovery of specific ions.  相似文献   

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