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Telocytes are CD34‐positive interstitial cells, known to exert several functions, one of which is a role in tissue organisation, previously demonstrated by telocytes in the myocardium. The existence of telocytes in the prostate has recently been reported, however, there is a lack of information regarding the function of these cells in prostate tissue, and information regarding the possible role of these cells in prostatic development. This study used immunofluorescence techniques in prostate tissue and prostatic telocytes in culture to determine the relationship between telocytes and prostate morphogenesis. Furthermore, immunofluorescent labelling of telocytes was performed on prostate tissue at different stages of early postnatal development. Initially, CD34‐positive cells are found at the periphery of the developing alveoli, later in the same region, c‐kit‐positive cells and cells positive for both factors are verified and CD34‐positive cells were predominantly observed in the interalveolar stroma and the region surrounding the periductal smooth muscle. Fluorescence assays also demonstrated that telocytes secrete TGF‐β1 and are ER‐Beta (ERβ) positive. The results suggest that telocytes play a changing role during development, initially supporting the differentiation of periductal and perialveolar smooth muscle, and later, producing dense networks that separate alveoli groups and form a barrier between the interalveolar region and periurethral smooth muscle. We conclude that telocytes play a relevant role in prostate tissue organisation during postnatal development.  相似文献   

The formation of endocardial cushions in the atrioventricular (AV) canal of the rudimentary heart requires epithelial-to-mesenchymal cell transformation (EMT). This is a complex developmental process regulated by multiple extracellular signals and transduction pathways. A collagen gel assay, long used to examine endocardial cushion development in avian models, is now being employed to investigate genetically engineered mouse models with abnormal heart morphogenesis. In this study, we determine interspecies variations for avian and mouse cultured endocardial cushion explants. Considering these observed morphologic differences, we also define the temporal requirements for TGFbeta2 and TGFbeta3 during mouse endocardial cushion morphogenesis. TGFbeta2 and TGFbeta3 blocking antibodies inhibit endothelial cell activation and transformation, respectively, in avian explants. In contrast, neutralizing TGFbeta2 inhibits cell transformation in the mouse, while TGFbeta3 antibodies have no effect on activation or transformation events. This functional requirement for TGFbeta2 is concomitant with expression of TGFbeta2, but not TGFbeta3, within mouse endocardial cushions at a time coincident with transformation. Thus, both TGFbeta2 and TGFbeta3 appear necessary for the full morphogenetic program of EMT in the chick, but only TGFbeta2 is expressed and obligatory for mammalian endocardial cushion cell transformation.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerves do not play a trophic role in limb skeletal morphogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research was undertaken to test the hypothesis that thalidomide-induced limb defects resulted from damage to the neural crest or peripheral nerves and that normal limb development depends upon either the quality (level specific) or quantity of peripheral nerves. Barriers which were placed into early chick embryos to block brachial plexus-level neural crest cells from reaching the limb resulted in normal limb skeletons. These data agree with previous work in suggesting that skeletal morphology is independent of innervation.  相似文献   

Several APCs participate in apoptotic cell-induced immune modulation. Whether plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) are involved in this process has not yet been characterized. Using a mouse model of allogeneic bone marrow engraftment, we demonstrated that donor bone marrow PDCs are required for both donor apoptotic cell-induced engraftment and regulatory T cell (Treg) increase. We confirmed in naive mice receiving i.v. syngeneic apoptotic cell infusion that PDCs from the spleen induce ex vivo Treg commitment. We showed that PDCs did not interact directly with apoptotic cells. In contrast, in vivo macrophage depletion experiments using clodronate-loaded liposome infusion and coculture experiments with supernatant from macrophages incubated with apoptotic cells showed that PDCs required macrophage-derived soluble factors--including TGF-β--to exert their immunomodulatory functions. Overall, PDCs may be considered as the major APC involved in Treg stimulation/generation in the setting of an immunosuppressive environment obtained by apoptotic cell infusion. These findings show that like other APCs, PDC functions are influenced, at least indirectly, by exposure to blood-borne apoptotic cells. This might correspond with an additional mechanism preventing unwanted immune responses against self-antigens clustered at the cell surface of apoptotic cells occurring during normal cell turnover.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitutions within the amino-terminal 5 residues of the thrombin-specific inhibitor hirudin dramatically alter its ability to inhibit the thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of both a chromogenic substrate and fibrinogen. Replacing the highly conserved Tyr-3 residue with Trp or Phe increases hirudin's affinity for thrombin 3-6-fold (decreases the inhibition constant, Ki) whereas Thr results in a 450-fold increase in Ki. A more extensive modification involving deletion of the amino-terminal Val, and Tyr-3----Val, Thr-4----Gln, and Asp-5----Ile replacement, results in a large reduction in thrombin inhibitory activity corresponding to greater than a 10(7)-fold increase in Ki and a 10(3)-fold increase in IC50, using D-Phe-L-pipecolyl-Arg-p-nitroanilide (S-2238) and fibrinogen, respectively, as substrates. Kinetic analysis of these mutant proteins and synthetic peptide fragments and available structural information on thrombin and hirudin derived from protein crystallography and two-dimensional NMR studies indicate that the amino-terminal region of hirudin binds at the apolar binding/active site region of thrombin, with Tyr-3 occupying the S3 specificity site. The large effect of these modifications on hirudin activity suggests that alteration of the amino-terminal segment can destabilize the interaction of other regions of hirudin with thrombin.  相似文献   

An apical surface glycoprotein, designated gp125 for its apparent molecular weight of 125,000, appears in Ca2(+)-free, ionic detergent extracts of imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster in response to the steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE). Gp125 is not synthesized in response to 20-HE, but results from modification of an existing macromolecule. Treatment of discs or larval epidermis with serine protease (e.g., trypsin) results in hormone-independent production of gp125. Antiserum raised to electrophoretically purified gp125 recognizes, in addition to gp125, two closely related glycoproteins with higher apparent molecular weights, gp200 and gp180. This family of glycoproteins is localized at the apical surface of imaginal disc cells and of the epidermal epithelium in embryos, larvae and prepupae. Ca2+ affects both the solubility and the proteolytic products of this family of glycoproteins. We discuss the possibility that gp125 is generated through the action of a hormonally controlled serine protease in a process that is necessary for disc morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin on the in vivo glucose utilization by different hepatic cells was investigated using the euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp, combined with the 2-deoxyglucose tracer technique. Rats were infused with insulin at a rate of 2.8 or 9.0 mU/min/kg for 220 min, resulting in plasma concentrations of the hormone of about 80 microU/ml and 340 microU/ml, respectively. Glucose use by the whole liver was elevated by more than 200% following insulin. However, glucose uptake by the parenchymal cells was only elevated by 50-60%. By contrast nonparenchymal cells were more responsive to insulin. Glucose uptake by endothelial cells was increased 100% and Kupffer cells displayed the most marked response to insulin showing a 3- to 6-fold increase in glucose uptake. These data indicate that the sinusoidal nonparenchymal cells are the major sites of the insulin-mediated increased glucose utilization by the liver.  相似文献   

During development pancreatic endocrine cells migrate in a coordinated fashion. This migration is necessary to form fully functional islets, but the mechanisms involved remain unknown. Therapeutic strategies to restore β-cell mass and islet functionality by reprogramming endogenous exocrine cells would be strengthened from simultaneous treatments that enhance endocrine cell clustering. We found that endocrine progenitors respond to and regulate G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in order to cluster in islets. Rgs4, a dedicated regulator of GPCR signaling, was specifically expressed in early epithelial endocrine progenitors of both zebrafish and mouse, and its expression in the mouse endocrine progenitors was strictly dependent upon Ngn3, the key specification gene of the endocrine lineage. Rgs4 loss of function resulted in defects in islet cell aggregation. By genetically inactivating Gα(i)-mediated GPCR signaling in endocrine progenitors, we established its role in islet cell aggregation in both mouse and zebrafish. Finally, we identified sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) as a ligand mediating islet cell aggregation in both species acting through distinct but closely related receptors.  相似文献   



The role of migratory birds and of poultry trade in the dispersal of highly pathogenic H5N1 is still the topic of intense and controversial debate. In a recent contribution to this journal, Flint argues that the strict application of the scientific method can help to resolve this issue.


We argue that Flint's identification of the scientific method with null hypothesis testing is misleading and counterproductive. There is far more to science than the testing of hypotheses; not only the justification, bur also the discovery of hypotheses belong to science. We also show why null hypothesis testing is weak and that Bayesian methods are a preferable approach to statistical inference. Furthermore, we criticize the analogy put forward by Flint between involuntary transport of poultry and long-distance migration.


To expect ultimate answers and unequivocal policy guidance from null hypothesis testing puts unrealistic expectations on a flawed approach to statistical inference and on science in general.  相似文献   

Production of immunosuppressive factors is one of the mechanisms by which tumors evade immunosurveillance. Soluble factors hampering dendritic cell (DC) development have recently been identified in culture supernatants derived from tumor cell lines. In this study, we investigated the presence of such factors in 24-h culture supernatants from freshly excised solid human tumors (colon, breast, renal cell carcinoma, and melanoma). While primary tumor-derived supernatant (TDSN) profoundly hampered the in vitro DC differentiation from CD14(+) plastic-adherent monocytes or CD34(+) precursors (based on morphology and CD1a/CD14 phenotype), the effects of tested tumor cell line-derived supernatants were minor. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-1- and COX-2-regulated prostanoids present in the primary TDSN were found to be solely responsible for the observed hampered differentiation of monocyte-derived DC (MoDC). In contrast, both prostanoids and IL-6 were found to contribute to the TDSN-induced inhibition of DC differentiation from CD34(+) precursor cells. While the addition of TDSN during differentiation interfered with the ability of CD34-derived DC to stimulate a primary allogeneic T cell response, it actually increased this ability of MoDC. These opposite effects were correlated to different effects of the TDSN on the expression levels of CD86 and HLA-DR on the DC from the different precursor origins. Although TDSN increased the T cell-stimulatory capacity of MoDC, TDSN inhibited the IL-12 production and increased the IL-10 production of MoDC, thus skewing them to a type-2 T cell-inducing phenotype. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that primary tumors negatively impact DC development and function through COX-1 and -2 regulated factors, whereas tumor-derived cell lines may lose this ability upon in vitro propagation.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that Trypanosoma cruzi antioxidant enzymes play a key immune evasion role by protecting the parasite against macrophage-derived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Using T. cruzi transformed to overexpress the peroxiredoxins TcCPX (T. cruzi cytosolic tryparedoxin peroxidase) and TcMPX (T. cruzi mitochondrial tryparedoxin peroxidase), we found that both cell lines readily detoxify cytotoxic and diffusible reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated in vitro or released by activated macrophages. Parasites transformed to overexpress TcAPX (T. cruzi ascorbate-dependent haemoperoxidase) were also more resistant to H2O2 challenge, but unlike TcMPX and TcCPX overexpressing lines, the TcAPX overexpressing parasites were not resistant to peroxynitrite. Whereas isolated tryparedoxin peroxidases react rapidly (k=7.2 x 10(5) M(-1) x s(-1)) and reduce peroxynitrite to nitrite, our results demonstrate that both TcMPX and TcCPX peroxiredoxins also efficiently decompose exogenous- and endogenously-generated peroxynitrite in intact cells. The degree of protection provided by TcCPX against peroxynitrite challenge results in higher parasite proliferation rates, and is demonstrated by inhibition of intracellular redox-sensitive fluorescence probe oxidation, protein 3-nitrotyrosine and protein-DMPO (5,5-dimethylpyrroline-N-oxide) adduct formation. Additionally, peroxynitrite-mediated over-oxidation of the peroxidatic cysteine residue of peroxiredoxins was greatly decreased in TcCPX overexpressing cells. The protective effects generated by TcCPX and TcMPX after oxidant challenge were lost by mutation of the peroxidatic cysteine residue in both enzymes. We also observed that there is less peroxynitrite-dependent 3-nitrotyrosine formation in infective metacyclic trypomastigotes than in non-infective epimastigotes. Together with recent reports of up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes during metacyclogenesis, our results identify components of the antioxidant enzyme network of T. cruzi as virulence factors of emerging importance.  相似文献   

Migratory shorebirds show regulated seasonal increases in body mass (BM) even in captivity, consisting primarily, but not exclusively, of fat. We examined whether captive red knot (Calidris canutus) exhibited seasonal alterations in mitochondrial volume (liver, pectoral muscle) and/or succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity (liver, pectoral muscle, heart, small intestine) during three distinct life-cycle stages: stable BM, spring peak in BM, and as BM rapidly declined after the spring peak. Mitochondrial volume in liver and pectoral muscle and SDH activity in liver and heart did not alter with life-cycle stage. However, red knot undergoing premigratory fattening exhibited significantly lower pectoral muscle SDH activity in concert with significantly elevated activity in the small intestine compared with the other two time-points, suggesting that tissue metabolic rate alters with life-cycle stage. The increased intestinal SDH activity may indicate an elevation in energy assimilation at a time when intestine hypertrophy occurs, thus maximizing BM increase prior to putative migration. The concomitant decrease in pectoral muscle activity may act to reduce overall metabolic rate, or at least help counter the elevation in intestinal mass-specific metabolic rate. Both tissues hypertrophy prior to migration in wild red knot, but hypertrophy of the intestine precedes that of pectoral muscle. Indeed, it appears that the intestinal mass undergoes atrophy by the time pectoral muscle hypertrophy occurs in wild red knot. Thus, physiological adjustments in tissue metabolism may be an important factor in the life-history strategies of migrating shorebirds.  相似文献   

Jin JB  Bae H  Kim SJ  Jin YH  Goh CH  Kim DH  Lee YJ  Tse YC  Jiang L  Hwang I 《The Plant cell》2003,15(10):2357-2369
Dynamin-related proteins are high molecular weight GTP binding proteins and have been implicated in various biological processes. Here, we report the functional characterization of two dynamin homologs in Arabidopsis, Arabidopsis dynamin-like 1C (ADL1C) and Arabidopsis dynamin-like 1E (ADL1E). ADL1C and ADL1E show a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity with members of the dynamin family. However, both proteins lack the C-terminal Pro-rich domain and the pleckstrin homology domain. Expression of the dominant-negative mutant ADL1C[K48E] in protoplasts obtained from leaf cells caused abnormal mitochondrial elongation. Also, a T-DNA insertion mutation at the ADL1E gene caused abnormal mitochondrial elongation that was rescued by the transient expression of ADL1C and ADL1E in protoplasts. In immunohistochemistry and in vivo targeting experiments in Arabidopsis protoplasts, ADL1C and ADL1E appeared as numerous speckles and the two proteins colocalized. These speckles were partially colocalized with F1-ATPase-gamma:RFP, a mitochondrial marker, and ADL2b localized at the tip of mitochondria. These results suggest that ADL1C and ADL1E may play a critical role in mitochondrial fission in plant cells.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) plays an important role in determining the biological behavior of a variety of malignancies. We measured IGF-I, its receptor and related receptors in thyroid cancer. IGF-I was present both in normal thyroid tissue and in thyroid cancer tissue and it was produced by stromal cells but not by thyrocytes. Values were significantly higher in malignant than in normal tissue. IGF-I receptors (IGF-I-Rs) and the homologous insulin receptors (IRs) were found overexpressed in both thyroid cancer cell lines (n = 4) and specimens (n = 17) as compared to normal values. In addition, high levels of hybrid IGF-I/insulin receptors (IR/IGF-I-Rs) were present in both thyroid cancer specimens and cell lines. IR/IGF-I-R hybrids were the most represented type of receptor in 14/17 specimens and exceeded the IGF-I-R content in all cases. Hybrid content correlated with the IR and IGF-I-R content, suggesting that in thyroid tissue hybrid formation occurs by random assembly of IR and IGF-I-R half receptors. Hybrid receptor autophosphorylation was stimulated by IGF-I with high affinity. In cells with a high IR/IGF-I-Rs content, blocking antibodies specific to these receptors substantially inhibited IGF-I induced cell growth. These data indicate that the IGF-I system is overactivated in thyroid cancer and that IR/IGF-I-R hybrid receptors play an important role in IGF-I mitogenic signaling in these tumors.  相似文献   

Infection of genetically susceptible mice with the LP-BM5 mixture of murine leukemia viruses including an etiologic defective virus (BM5def) causes an immunodeficiency syndrome called murine AIDS (MAIDS). The disease is characterized by interactions between B cells and CD4(+) T cells resulting in polyclonal activation of both cell types. It is known that BM5def is expressed at highest levels in B cells and that B cells serve as viral APC. The CD19-CD21 complex and CD22 on the surface of B cells play critical roles as regulators of B cell responses to a variety of stimuli, influencing cell activation, differentiation, and survival. CD19 integrates positive signals induced by B cell receptor ligation by interacting with the protooncogene Vav, which leads to subsequent tyrosine phosphorylation of this molecule. In contrast, CD22 negatively regulates Vav phosphorylation. To analyze the role of CD19, CD21, Vav, and CD22 in MAIDS, we infected mice deficient in CD19, CD21 (CR2), Vav-1, or CD22 with LP-BM5 murine leukemia viruses. Infected CR2(-/-) mice developed MAIDS with a time course and severity indistinguishable from that of wild-type mice. In contrast, CD19 as well as Vav-1 deficiency restricted viral replication and suppressed the development of typical signs of MAIDS including splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and hypergammaglobulinemia. Finally, CD22 deficiency was found to accelerate MAIDS development. These results provide novel insights into the B cell signaling pathways required for normal induction and progression of MAIDS.  相似文献   

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