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The genus Pseudanomalon is defined and a key provided to the four known species, gracile Szepligeti, rectum (Morley), hugin sp.n., munin sp.n. A lectotype is designated for gracile. Biological aspects of the genus and its relationship with other genera are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】研究松树蜂Sirex noctilio的产卵行为,明确其产卵能力,为评估其繁殖潜力和危害能力提供基础数据。【方法】于黑龙江省大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县新店林场采集被松树蜂危害的寄主樟子松Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica木段上获得虫源。在室内条件下观察和分析松树蜂产卵的行为过程及规律。解剖松树蜂在樟子松木段上的产卵孔,并观察其结构特征。【结果】松树蜂羽化时即性成熟,能够马上进行交配和产卵。松树蜂雌成虫一次完整的产卵过程主要分为4个动作:树皮钻孔、木质部钻刺、产卵(注入有毒黏液和共生真菌Amylosereum areolatum)和产卵器拔出。产卵时间在360~540 s之间的产卵频数最多,占产卵总频数的41.40%;产卵过程中木质部钻刺用时最长,至少占整个产卵过程用时的90%。松树蜂雌成虫在一个产卵孔处会进行1~4次产卵,产卵时间和产卵次数呈显著正相关,当产卵时间t<360 s时,进行了1次产卵;当360 s≤t<540 s时,进行了2次产卵;当540 s≤t<780 s时,进行了3次产卵;当t≥780 s时,进行了4次或更多次产卵。松树蜂在一个产卵孔处进行1, 2, 3和4次产卵的比例分别为21.66%, 41.40%, 27.39%和9.55%。【结论】松树蜂雌成虫在一个产卵孔处的产卵时间和产卵次数呈正相关。利用产卵时间和产卵次数的关系,在只调查产卵时间的情况下,可以推断产卵次数。松树蜂在一个产卵孔处产卵的次数多,对寄主樟子松危害大。  相似文献   

【目的】构建入侵种松树蜂Sirex noctilio毒腺转录组数据库,筛选并分析松树蜂毒腺基因数据。【方法】采用新一代高通量测序平台Illumina HiSeqTM 4000对松树蜂雌成虫毒腺进行转录组测序、数据组装和生物信息学分析。【结果】共获得12.7 Gb松树蜂雌成虫毒腺有效转录组数据,并组装到37 098条unigenes,平均长度968 bp,N50长度为2 364 bp。将所得的unigenes数据使用BlastX与各大数据库比对,共注释到13 515条unigenes,并且在NR数据库中注释的unigenes最多,共11 108条(占总数的29.94%),其中相似基因占比最高的物种为丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis,达815条(占总数的7.29%)。在GO数据库中注释到5 726条unigenes,根据功能被分为生物学进程、细胞组分和分子功能3大类63个亚类。KEGG代谢通路分析表明,7 602条unigenes注释到357个代谢通路。根据基因注释信息进一步筛选到43条嗅觉相关基因,包括嗅觉受体(odorant receptor, Or)基因25条、化学感受蛋白(chemosensory protein, CSP)基因10条、离子型受体(ionotropic receptor, IR)基因5条和气味结合蛋白(odorant binding protein, OBP)基因3条。此外,还筛选出11条漆酶基因,包括漆酶1(laccase1, LAC1)基因5条、漆酶2(laccase2, LAC2)基因4条、漆酶4(laccase4, LAC4)基因1条和漆酶9(laccase9, LAC9)基因1条,且其中1条LAC2基因在所有被注释的基因中表达量最高(FPKM值=21 126)。【结论】本研究获得的松树蜂毒腺转录组数据为松树蜂毒液组分的鉴定和生物学功能的研究奠定了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the functional response of the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides on its host, Sirex noctilio. Our results show a type III functional response, which we suggest in due to a changing probability, in host encounter. We discuss its relevance to the biological control of woodwasp populations in the field.  相似文献   

K. L. Taylor 《Oecologia》1978,32(1):1-10
Summary Sampling of Sirex noctilio F. and the insect parasitoids released in a forest of Pinus radiata D. Don near Hobart, Tasmania, has shown that the rhyssines, Megarhyssa nortoni (Cresson) and Rhyssa persuasoria (L.) were mainly responsible for reducing the level of the population of S. noctilio between 1965 and 1974. Parasitic nematodes were not present during this period. Key factor analysis indicates that in this forest the two species act as one delayed density-dependent factor, whereas Ibalia leucospoides Hochenw. is apparently density-independent, its ability to parasitize the host being regulated by conditions within the tree.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to elucidate the reproductive strategy of the siricid woodwasp, Xeris spectrum, which carries no substantial symbiotic fungi in its body, in a comparison with the life cycles of two fungus-carrying siricid woodwasp species, Sirex nitobei and Urocerus japonicus, by considering ecological traits such as seasonal patterns of occurrence, spatial distribution of emergence on a tree, and oviposition activities. Part of the X. spectrum populations emerged in spring, during May and June, while others emerged in summer, during August and September, simultaneously with other siricid fungus-carrying woodwasps. The vertical distribution pattern of X. spectrum emergence holes on the trunk closely coincided with the emergence hole pattern of S. nitobei. X. spectrum laid few eggs on fresh logs, old logs, or on logs inoculated with potato dextrose agar, whereas on logs inoculated with Amylostereum chailletii or A. areolatum, X. spectrum females oviposited no less than 30%, on average, of their potential eggs. Moreover, the oviposition sites on these logs were concentrated near the Amylostereum inoculation positions. These results indicate that X. spectrum has evolved a life history that utilizes fungal symbionts of other woodwasp species without itself possessing any symbiotic fungus. Moreover, X. spectrum has evolved a dual reproductive system in that (1) some adults emerge in summer during the same emergence period as the fungus-carrying woodwasps and thereby oviposit on host trees already inoculated with fungi, and (2) other adults emerge the next spring and oviposit on trees that were inoculated with fungi a year earlier. Received: 16 January 1997 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Adults of the woodwasp Tremex longicollis Konow (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) oviposit in the wood of dying Celtis sinensis trees using their ovipositors, and adults of the parasitoid Megarhyssa jezoensis (Matsumura) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) deposit eggs into the woodwasp larvae that live in the wood, also using their long ovipositors. Many T. longicollis ovipositors, both with and without abdominal segments, and a M. jezoensis ovipositor were found stuck in C. sinensis wood at two parks in Osaka Prefecture, central Japan. Field observations showed that ovipositing woodwasps and parasitoids were attacked by predators during the daytime, and their ovipositors were left behind in the wood. Woodwasps and their parasitoids, which have long ovipositors, may be vulnerable to predation during oviposition.  相似文献   

As a result of the introduction of Sirex noctilio F. into North America, there has been increased interest in the poorly-described native Siricidae communities. To date, few studies have surveyed specifically for Siricidae, and many reports of native siricid populations are byproducts of sampling efforts targeting Coleoptera. We report results from a survey targeted specifically at native and exotic Siricidae in Minnesota. We used Lindgren funnel traps from 2006 to 2008 baited with α/β-pinene (Sirex lure), ethanol (EtOH), EtOH + α-pinene, or Ips 3-part lures. We captured 704 native Siricidae comprising seven species, of which none were exotic. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest field collections of Siricidae from a single discrete set of localities in existence. Adult Siricidae began flying in June and continued into October each year. The α/β-pinene lure was most effective, but the EtOH + α-pinene lure was also moderately effective. We compare our data with those from several states and provinces in the Great Lakes Region of North America. Our data provide insight into the community composition of native Siricidae in Minnesota, while concurrently providing evidence that S. noctilio populations have not yet reached this far into the continental United States.  相似文献   

The Eurasian woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, is an invasive pest of pines in temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere, and has been introduced to North America. A parasitoid, Ibalia leucospoides, has been broadly employed for biological control of this pest. Volatiles emitted from the fungal symbiont of S. noctilio, Amylostereum areolatum, are reliable cues for S. noctilio and I. leucospoides females to optimize their foraging behavior (host location and host habitat finding) in a chemically complex environment. The headspace volatiles of A. areolatum, were analyzed using coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and GC-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) for both S. noctilio and I. leucospoides females. Analyses revealed that both species could detect several fungal volatiles. In olfactometer bioassays, S. noctilio females were attracted to a 4-component blend of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, trans-3-hexenyl acetate, linalool, and geraniol, while the addition of ρ-anisaldehyde to the blend was necessary for attraction of I. leucospoides females. The results of trap catches in field experiments confirmed that these fungal volatiles in combination with host tree volatiles are attractive to both species, although the release rate of the fungal volatiles is important. These volatiles can serve as a basis for the development of improved lures for both species.  相似文献   

B. D. Burks 《BioControl》1964,9(1):17-20
Résumé L'auteur décrit, dans cette note, deux espèces nord-américaines d'Encyrtides, parasites de cochenilles du genreAclerda: Mayridia ferrierei, obtenue deAclerda xalapenseae Mcconnell, etAenasioidea ferrierei, obtenue deA. andropogonis Mcconnell. Chez les deux espèces d'Encyrtides, les males sont ailés, tandis que les femelles possèdent des ailes plus ou moins réduites.   相似文献   

Sirex noctilio F. is an exotic woodwasp now found in eastern North America where it shares natural enemies with native woodwasps of Pinus spp. To study the extent to which native hymenopteran parasitoids and parasitic nematodes could affect woodwasp populations, 60 Pinus trees with symptoms of S. noctilio attack were felled in 2007 and 2008 in Ontario, Canada. Each tree bole was cut into 1-m sections that were placed in individual rearing tubes; emergence was monitored from May to November of the year of felling. Female S. noctilio were dissected to assess parasitism by the nematode Deladenus siricidicola Bedding. Two species of Siricidae emerged from these trees; S. noctilio, which accounted for most of the specimens collected, and S. nigricornis F. Of the three species of parasitoid that emerged, Ibalia leucospoides (Hochenwarth) was the most abundant, accounting for an overall hypothetical Siricidae parasitism rate of almost 20%. This parasitoid emerged over a similar time period as S. noctilio-between early July and early September. Except in trees >15 m in height, parasitism by I. leucospoides generally appeared uniform throughout the bole. Parasitism rates did not vary between the 2 yr, but did between sites in 1 yr. Parasitic nematodes were found in the haemocoel of about one third of S. noctilio females dissected but were never found sterilizing the eggs; none were found in S. noctilio emerging from P. resinosa. These findings suggest that I. leucospoides is currently the primary invertebrate natural enemy of S. noctilio in Ontario.  相似文献   

松树蜂与其共生真菌的互利共生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李大鹏  石娟  骆有庆 《昆虫学报》2015,58(9):1019-1029
松树蜂Sirex noctilio Fabricius是一种重要的国际林业检疫性害虫,主要危害针叶树,原产欧亚大陆和北非。近100多年来,先后入侵大洋洲(新西兰和澳大利亚)、南美洲(乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴西和智利)、北美洲(加拿大和美国),以及南非。2013年8月,在中国黑龙江省内首次发现松树蜂,目前发现其主要危害樟子松。松树蜂能与一种淀粉韧革菌属Amylostereum的真菌Amylostereum areolatum(Fr.)Boidin形成严格的互利共生关系,该虫除直接钻蛀树木外,还能通过产卵行为将自身毒素腺体分泌的毒素和体内共生真菌随同虫卵一起注入寄主树木体内,形成"虫-毒-菌"3个致害因子相互协作的特殊危害方式,加速树势的衰弱并造成寄主树木死亡。本文就国内外松树蜂与其共生菌互利共生关系的研究进行了综述,分别从结构与功能的层次上对其互利共生关系进行了梳理和总结,重点阐释了松树蜂与共生菌的营养共生关系,松树蜂携带传播共生菌的机制,共生菌的种群遗传学以及松树蜂毒素和共生菌在危害寄主树木时的协同关系等。以期为开展关于松树蜂的专项研究提供一些合理的建议,同时为积极有效地防控该害虫提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Little is known about the introduced European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio F. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), and its hymenopteran parasitoid complex in North America. To assess within-tree and landscape-level densities and distributions of these insects, and develop a more cost effective approach for sampling and monitoring S. noctilio, 18 infested pines (12 P. resinosa Aiton and six P. sylvestris L.) were felled from six stands within three regions in central New York and cut into 0.5-m bolts. Bolts were carefully split to recover all siricids (S. noctilio and native siricids) and parasitoids. In total, 2,558 siricids were recovered; 1,972 siricid larvae and 586 teneral adult S. noctilio. Parasitism of siricids, a majority of which were S. noctilio based on larval rearing results, was 16.4% with Ibalia leucospoides ensiger Norton causing 10.7% of the documented mortality. Numbers of siricids and parasitoids declined 33-86% from the northern to the southern sampling regions, peak insect densities occurred in sections of the bole 15-19 cm in diameter and numbers of insects were generally higher in P. sylvestris than P. resinosa according to the highest ranked zero-inflated poisson and probit regression models. Bark thickness was not correlated with siricid or parasitoid species densities. We also describe sampling plans where as few as two 0.5-m samples from infested trees provided reliable within-tree insect densities.  相似文献   

In Japan, two species of the genus Reclinervellus were found to attack a single host spider, Cyclosa octotuberculata (Araneae). One of these, Reclinervellus tuberculatus comb. nov., winters as a tender larva and has at least two generations a year. This species laid its egg on the anterior face of the host's abdomen. Prior to laying an egg the female repeatedly rubbed her ovipositor over the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the host's abdomen near the base for more than 25 min. The hatched larva fixed itself at the position where the egg was laid, and developed by consuming the host's body fluids. The other species, R. masumotoi sp. nov., is closely related to R. tuberculatus but is easily distinguished from it by having a very weakly reclivous Cu vein in the hindwing, a less developed carina of the propodeum, a shorter ovipositor and more blackish coloration of the mesoscutum. Although this species is sympatric with R. tuberculatus and attacks the same host, the position of the egg and larva on the host's body is quite different from that of R. tuberculatus. The egg of this species was laid on the posterior surface of the host's abdomen and the larva matured 10–20 days earlier than those of R. tuberculatus. Via these modes of parasitism R. masumotoi seemed to escape from competition with R. tuberculatus at the stage of oviposition and out‐competed it when a single host individual bore larvae of both species. Previous records of parasitoids reared from C. octotuberculata were reviewed and found to include records of both species.  相似文献   

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