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The nature of genetic variation for Drosophila longevity in a population of recombinant inbred lines was investigated by estimating quantitative genetic parameters and mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for adult life span in five environments: standard culture conditions, high and low temperature, and heat-shock and starvation stress. There was highly significant genetic variation for life span within each sex and environment. In the analysis of variance of life span pooled over sexes and environments, however, the significant genetic variation appeared in the genotype x sex and genotype x environment interaction terms. The genetic correlation of longevity across the sexes and environments was not significantly different from zero in these lines. We estimated map positions and effects of QTL affecting life span by linkage to highly polymorphic roo transposable element markers, using a multiple-trait composite interval mapping procedure. A minimum of 17 QTL were detected; all were sex and/or environment-specific. Ten of the QTL had sexually antagonistic or antagonistic pleiotropic effects in different environments. These data provide support for the pleiotropy theory of senescence and the hypothesis that variation for longevity might be maintained by opposing selection pressures in males and females and variable environments. Further work is necessary to assess the generality of these results, using different strains, to determine heterozygous effects and to map the life span QTL to the level of genetic loci.  相似文献   

We used quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping to evaluate the age specificity of naturally segregating alleles affecting life span. Estimates of age-specific mortality rates were obtained from observing 51,778 mated males and females from a panel of 144 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Twenty-five QTL were found, having 80 significant effects on life span and weekly mortality rates. Generation of RILs from heterozygous parents enabled us to contrast effects of QTL alleles with the means of RIL populations. Most of the low-frequency alleles increased mortality, especially at younger ages. Two QTL had negatively correlated effects on mortality at different ages, while the remainder were positively correlated. Chromosomal positions of QTL were roughly concordant with estimates from other mapping populations. Our findings are broadly consistent with a mix of transient deleterious mutations and a few polymorphisms maintained by balancing selection, which together contribute to standing genetic variation in life span.  相似文献   

Wilson RH  Morgan TJ  Mackay TF 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1455-1463
Limited life span and senescence are near-universal characteristics of eukaryotic organisms, controlled by many interacting quantitative trait loci (QTL) with individually small effects, whose expression is sensitive to the environment. Analyses of mutations in model organisms have shown that genes affecting stress resistance and metabolism affect life span across diverse taxa. However, there is considerable segregating variation for life span in nature, and relatively little is known about the genetic basis of this variation. Replicated lines of Drosophila that have evolved increased longevity as a correlated response to selection for postponed senescence are valuable resources for identifying QTL affecting naturally occurring variation in life span. Here, we used deficiency complementation mapping to identify at least 11 QTL on chromosome 3 that affect variation in life span between five old (O) lines selected for postponed senescence and their five base (B) population control lines. Most QTL were sex specific, and all but one affected multiple O lines. The latter observation is consistent with alleles at intermediate frequency in the base population contributing to the response to selection for postponed senescence. The QTL were mapped with high resolution and contained from 12 to 170 positional candidate genes.  相似文献   

Jordan KW  Morgan TJ  Mackay TF 《Genetics》2006,174(1):271-284
Locomotion is an integral component of most animal behaviors and many human diseases and disorders are associated with locomotor deficits, but little is known about the genetic basis of natural variation in locomotor behavior. Locomotion is a complex trait, with variation attributable to the joint segregation of multiple interacting quantitative trait loci (QTL), with effects that are sensitive to the environment. We assessed variation in a component of locomotor behavior (locomotor reactivity) in a population of 98 recombinant inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster and mapped four QTL affecting locomotor reactivity by linkage to polymorphic roo transposable element insertion sites. We used complementation tests of deficiencies to fine map these QTL to 12 chromosomal regions and complementation tests of mutations to identify 13 positional candidate genes affecting locomotor reactivity, including Dopa decarboxylase (Ddc), which catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine. Linkage disequilibrium mapping in a population of 164 second chromosome substitution lines derived from a single natural population showed that polymorphisms at Ddc were associated with naturally occurring genetic variation in locomotor behavior. These data implicate variation in the synthesis of bioamines as a factor contributing to natural variation in locomotor reactivity.  相似文献   

Morgan TJ  Mackay TF 《Heredity》2006,96(3):232-242
For insects, temperature is a major environmental variable that can influence an individual's behavioral activities and fitness. Drosophila melanogaster is a cosmopolitan species that has had great success in adapting to and colonizing diverse thermal niches. This adaptation and colonization has resulted in complex patterns of genetic variation in thermotolerance phenotypes in nature. Although extensive work has been conducted documenting patterns of genetic variation, substantially less is known about the genomic regions or genes that underlie this ecologically and evolutionarily important genetic variation. To begin to understand and identify the genes controlling thermotolerance phenotypes, we have used a mapping population of recombinant inbred (RI) lines to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) that affect variation in both heat- and cold-stress resistance. The mapping population was derived from a cross between two lines of D. melanogaster (Oregon-R and 2b) that were not selected for thermotolerance phenotypes, but exhibit significant genetic divergence for both phenotypes. Using a design in which each RI line was backcrossed to both parental lines, we mapped seven QTL affecting thermotolerance on the second and third chromosomes. Three of the QTL influence cold-stress resistance and four affect heat-stress resistance. Most of the QTL were trait or sex specific, suggesting that overlapping but generally unique genetic architectures underlie resistance to low- and high-temperature extremes. Each QTL explained between 5 and 14% of the genetic variance among lines, and degrees of dominance ranged from completely additive to partial dominance. Potential thermotolerance candidate loci contained within our QTL regions are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Composite interval mapping was used to identify life-span QTL in F2 progeny of three crosses between different pairs of inbred lines. Each inbred line was derived from a different outbred population that had undergone long-term selection for either long or short life span. Microsatellite loci were used as genetic markers, and confidence intervals for QTL location were estimated by bootstrapping. A minimum of 10 QTL were detected, nine of which were located on the two major autosomes. Five QTL were present in at least two crosses and five were present in both sexes. Observation of the same QTL in more than one cross was consistent with the hypothesis that genetic variation for life span is maintained by balancing selection. For all QTL except one, allelic effects were in the direction predicted on the basis of outbred source population. Alleles that conferred longer life were always at least partially dominant.  相似文献   

Three selection experiments were used to identify chromosome regions that contain QTL affecting late-life and early-life fitness in Drosophila melanogaster. The selection experiments were initiated by crossing pairs of inbred lines that had been derived from outbred laboratory populations that had different mean life spans. QTL regions were located by association with microsatellite markers that showed significant selection responses. Regions between recombination map positions 54 and 81 on chromosome 2, between 0 and 30 on chromosome 3, and near locations 49 and 81 on chromosome 3 had the strongest support as locations of life-span QTL. There was good general agreement between the life-span QTL regions that were identified by selection and those that were identified in a companion recombination mapping experiment that used the same fly stocks. Many marker loci responded in opposite directions to selection for late- and early-life fitness, indicating negative genetic correlations or trade-offs between those traits. Indirect evidence suggested that some negative genetic correlations were due to antagonistic pleiotropy.  相似文献   

The ability to withstand periods of scarce food resources is an important fitness trait. Starvation resistance is a quantitative trait controlled by multiple interacting genes and exhibits considerable genetic variation in natural populations. This genetic variation could be maintained in the face of strong selection due to a trade-off in resource allocation between reproductive activity and individual survival. Knowledge of the genes affecting starvation tolerance and the subset of genes that affect variation in starvation resistance in natural populations would enable us to evaluate this hypothesis from a quantitative genetic perspective. We screened 933 co-isogenic P-element insertion lines to identify candidate genes affecting starvation tolerance. A total of 383 P-element insertions induced highly significant and often sex-specific mutational variance in starvation resistance. We also used deficiency complementation mapping followed by complementation to mutations to identify 12 genes contributing to variation in starvation resistance between two wild-type strains. The genes we identified are involved in oogenesis, metabolism, and feeding behaviors, indicating a possible link to reproduction and survival. However, we also found genes with cell fate specification and cell proliferation phenotypes, which implies that resource allocation during development and at the cellular level may also influence the phenotypic response to starvation.  相似文献   

Leips J  Gilligan P  Mackay TF 《Genetics》2006,172(3):1595-1605
Life-history theory and evolutionary theories of aging assume the existence of alleles with age-specific effects on fitness. While various studies have documented age-related changes in the genetic contribution to variation in fitness components, we know very little about the underlying genetic architecture of such changes. We used a set of recombinant inbred lines to map and characterize the effects of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting fecundity of Drosophila melanogaster females at 1 and 4 weeks of age. We identified one QTL on the second chromosome and one or two QTL affecting fecundity on the third chromosome, but these QTL affected fecundity only at 1 week of age. There was more genetic variation for fecundity at 4 weeks of age than at 1 week of age and there was no genetic correlation between early and late-age fecundity. These results suggest that different loci contribute to the variation in fecundity as the organism ages. Our data provide support for the mutation accumulation theory of aging as applied to reproductive senescence. Comparing the results from this study with our previous work on life-span QTL, we also find evidence that antagonistic pleiotropy may contribute to the genetic basis of senescence in these lines as well.  相似文献   

Courtship plays a major role in the sexual isolation of species, yet the genetics underlying courtship behaviour are poorly understood. Here we analyse quantitative trait loci (QTL) for a major component of courtship song in recombinant inbred lines derived from two laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster. The total variance among lines exceeds that between parental strains, and is broadly similar to that seen among geographic strains of the Cosmopolitan form of this species. Previous studies of the quantitative genetics of fly song have implied a polygenic additive inheritance with numerous genes spread throughout the genome. We find evidence for only three significant QTLs explaining 54% of the genetic variance in total. Thus there is evidence for a few large effect genes contributing to the genetic variance among lines. Interestingly, almost all of the candidate song genes previously described for D. melanogaster do not coincide with our QTLs.  相似文献   

Zimmerman E  Palsson A  Gibson G 《Genetics》2000,155(2):671-683
Two composite multiple regression-interval mapping analyses were performed to identify candidate quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting components of wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster defined by eight relative warp-based measures. A recombinant inbred line design was used to map QTL for the shape of two intervein regions in the anterior compartment of the wing, using a high resolution map of retrotransposon insertion sites between Oregon-R and Russian 2b. A total of 35 QTL representing up to 23 different loci were identified, many of which are located near components of the epidermal growth factor-Ras signal transduction pathway that regulates vein vs. intervein decision making and vein placement. Over one-half of the loci were detected in both sexes, and just under one-half were detected at two different growth temperatures. Different loci were found to affect aspects of shape in each intervein region, confirming that the shape of the whole wing should be regarded as a compound trait composed of several developmental units. In addition, a reciprocal backcross design was used to map QTL affecting shape in the posterior compartment of the wings of 831 flies, using a molecular map of 16 allele-specific oligohybridization single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers between two divergent inbred lines. A total of 13 QTL were detected and shown to have generally additive effects on separable components of shape, in both sexes. By contrast, 8 QTL that affected wing size in these backcrosses were nearly dominant in their effects. The results confirm at the genetic level that wing shape is regulated independent of wing size and set up the hypothesis that wing shape is regulated in part through the regulation of the length and positioning of wing veins, involving quantitative regulation of the activity of secreted growth factors.  相似文献   

The properties of alleles at quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to variation in lifespan should be described to determine the mechanisms of evolution of life length and to predict its future changes. Previously, we and others conducted genome-wide screens for QTLs that segregate among one panel of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) using a dense molecular marker map. In non-stressful conditions, QTLs effecting the lifespans of virgin females and males were frequently sex specific. In an unrelated panel of RILs, the effects of QTLs in flies maintained in cages with mixed sexes were similar in both sexes. Here, we re-measured the lifespans of the former panel of RILs in cages with mixed sex cohorts. Lifespan declined owing to mating. The amount of decline correlated between sexes within lines. QTLs mapping to the intervals 15A-19C, 50B-57C, 63A-65A, and 96F-99B had similar effects on the lifespans of both males and females. These QTLs have previously been detected in virgin flies surveys and had sex- and/or environment-specific effects.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phenotypic variation for quantitative traits results from the simultaneous segregation of alleles at multiple quantitative trait loci. Understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits begins with mapping quantitative trait loci to broad genomic regions and ends with the molecular definition of quantitative trait loci alleles. This has been accomplished for some quantitative trait loci in Drosophila. Drosophila quantitative trait loci have sex-, environment- and genotype-specific effects, and are often associated with molecular polymorphisms in non-coding regions of candidate genes. These observations offer valuable lessons to those seeking to understand quantitative traits in other organisms, including humans.  相似文献   

Kopp A  Graze RM  Xu S  Carroll SB  Nuzhdin SV 《Genetics》2003,163(2):771-787
To understand the mechanisms of morphological evolution and species divergence, it is essential to elucidate the genetic basis of variation in natural populations. Sexually dimorphic characters, which evolve rapidly both within and among species, present attractive models for addressing these questions. In this report, we map quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for variation in sexually dimorphic traits (abdominal pigmentation and the number of ventral abdominal bristles and sex comb teeth) in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. To capture the pattern of genetic variation present in the wild, a panel of recombinant inbred lines was created from two heterozygous flies taken directly from nature. High-resolution mapping was made possible by cytological markers at the average density of one per 2 cM. We have used a new Bayesian algorithm that allows QTL mapping based on all markers simultaneously. With this approach, we were able to detect small-effect QTL that were not evident in single-marker analyses. Our results show that at least for some sexually dimorphic traits, a small number of QTL account for the majority of genetic variation. The three strongest QTL account for >60% of variation in the number of ventral abdominal bristles. Strikingly, a single QTL accounts for almost 60% of variation in female abdominal pigmentation. This QTL maps to the chromosomal region that Robertson et al. have found to affect female abdominal pigmentation in other populations of D. melanogaster. Using quantitative complementation tests, we demonstrate that this QTL is allelic to the bric a brac gene, whose expression has previously been shown to correlate with interspecific differences in pigmentation. Multiple bab alleles that confer distinct phenotypes appear to segregate in natural populations at appreciable frequencies, suggesting that intraspecific and interspecific variation in abdominal pigmentation may share a similar genetic basis.  相似文献   

Knockdown resistance to high temperature is an ecologically important trait in small insects. A composite interval mapping was performed on the two major autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting knockdown resistance to high temperature (KRHT). Two dramatically divergent lines from geographically different thermal environments were artificially selected on KRHT. These lines were crossed to produce two backcross (BC) populations. Each BC was analysed for 200 males with 18 marker loci on chromosomes 2 and 3. Three X-linked markers were used to test for X-linked QTL in an exploratory way. The largest estimate of autosome additive effects was found in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2, accounting for 19.26% (BC to the low line) and 29.15% (BC to the high line) of the phenotypic variance in BC populations, but it could represent multiple closely linked QTL. Complete dominance was apparent for three QTL on chromosome 3, where heat-shock genes are concentrated. Exploratory analysis of chromosome X indicated a substantial contribution of this chromosome to KRHT. The results show that a large-effect QTL with dominant gene action maps on the right arm of chromosome 3. Further, the results confirm that QTL for heat resistance are not limited to chromosome 3.  相似文献   

Ashton K  Wagoner AP  Carrillo R  Gibson G 《Genetics》2001,157(1):283-294
Drosophila melanogaster appears to be well suited as a model organism for quantitative pharmacogenetic analysis. A genome-wide deficiency screen for haploinsufficient effects on prepupal heart rate identified nine regions of the genome that significantly reduce (five deficiencies) or increase (four deficiencies) heart rate across a range of genetic backgrounds. Candidate genes include several neurotransmitter receptor loci, particularly monoamine receptors, consistent with results of prior pharmacological manipulations of heart rate, as well as genes associated with paralytic phenotypes. Significant genetic variation is also shown to exist for a suite of four autonomic behaviors that are exhibited spontaneously upon decapitation, namely, grooming, grasping, righting, and quivering. Overall activity levels are increased by application of particular concentrations of the drugs octopamine and nicotine, but due to high environmental variance both within and among replicate vials, the significance of genetic variation among wild-type lines for response to the drugs is difficult to establish. An interval mapping design was also used to map two or three QTL for each behavioral trait in a set of recombinant inbred lines derived from the laboratory stocks Oregon-R and 2b.  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of evolution at two different larval densities on pre-adult and adult fitness traits. Five replicate selection lines each were cultured at either 50 or 150 larvae per vial, avoiding selection on development time, age at breeding or for adaptation to adult density, one or more of which factors has been a confounding variable in previous studies. Low density selection lines evolved extended development times at both growth densities. The extended development times were associated with greater adult body size at the lower growth density only, and particularly in females. The lines did not differ significantly in larval competitive ability at either growth density. At neither growth density did the early adult fertility of females or the lifespan of either sex differ between the lines from the two selection regimes, but at the lower growth density the late fertility of low density line females was significantly enhanced. The results suggest that larval density does have important effects on the expression and resolution of life history trade-offs in Drosophila melanogaster, but that these may be somewhat different from those reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

Nuzhdin SV  Reĭvich SG 《Genetika》2002,38(7):916-921
Knowledge of genes responsible for aging and death is a prerequisite for determining the relative contributions of the different evolutionary factors responsible for the limited duration of life. Polymorphism of these genes probably accounts for the variation in lifespan. Previously, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling this variation were mapped with the use of 98 recombinant inbred (RI) lines originating from two parental isogenic Drosophila melanogaster stocks. In each RI line, lifespan was measured for 25 males and 25 females, and alleles were established for 93 marker genes segregating between the parental lines. Significant correlation between marker segregation and lifespan was revealed for several chromosome regions. The lifespan genes had sex-specific effects and late age onset. In the present work, the effects of the QTLs were compared for homozygous and heterozygous flies. In Six out of the eight detected QTLs alleles that decreased lifespan were recessive. Heterosis was observed for a of QTL at 33E-38A. Thus, heterosis might contribute to maintaining variation in lifespan in natural populations.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the relationship between incubation temperature (20-30 degrees C) of D. melanogaster and the life span as well as the content of various products of lipid peroxidation. It was shown that the increase in the environmental temperature results in the decrease in the life span, the content of unsaturated fatty acids and conjugated hydroxyperoxids; ketodienic content increases. Strong correlation was observed between the life span and the content of peroxidation products. As it is indicated by coefficients of bifactorial linear regression with interaction, conjugated hydroperoxids and ketodiens exert negative influence on the life span. Their combined effect on the life span is less significant than the sum of their separate effects, which indicates the existence of common "canals" of their influences on the life span.  相似文献   

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