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Some diatoms are able to colonize as epibionts on their potential zooplankton predators. Here, we report Pseudohimantidium pacificum living on the copepod Corycaeus giesbrechti and as a new finding on Oithona nana, Protoraphis atlantica living on the copepod Pontellopsis brevis, Protoraphis hustedtiana on the cypris larvae of barnacles, and Falcula hyalina on the copepod Acartia lilljeborgii. The epizoic diatoms were able to grow as free‐living forms under culture conditions. Pseudohimantidium pacificum and P. atlantica appeared as the most derived species from their benthic diatom ancestors. The mucilage pad or stalk of the strains of these species showed important morphological distinction when compared with their epizoic forms. Barnacle larvae explore benthic habitats before settlement, and epibiosis on them is an example where P. hustedtiana profits from the host behavior for dispersal of its benthic populations. Molecular phylogenies based on the SSU rRNA and RuBisCO large subunit (rbcL) gene sequences revealed F. hyalina as an independent lineage within the Fragilariales (Tabularia, Catacombas, and others), consistent with its morphological distinction in the low number of rows (≤6) in the ocellulimbus, among other features. We propose the transfer of F. hyalina to the genus Pseudofalcula gen. nov. Molecular phylogeny suggests a single order for the members of the Cyclophorales and the Protoraphidales, and that the epibioses of araphid diatoms on marine zooplankton have been independently acquired several times. These clades are constituted of both epizoic and epiphytic/epilithic forms that evidence a recent acquisition of the epizoic modus vivendi.  相似文献   

Iyer  Nandini  Ramakrishna Rao  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):325-332
Using population densities and growth rates as criteria, we studied interactions between the epizoic rotifer Brachionus rubens and each of three cladoceran species differing in size and reproductive rates — Daphnia carinata, Moina macrocopa and Ceriodaphnia rigaudi. In all mixed — species experiments, B. rubens existed in both the epizoic mode, attached to the cladoceran host, and in the free-swimming mode. Rotifer population growth rates were significantly depressed in the presence of M. macrocopa, presumably as a consequence of exploitative and interference competition. The largest cladoceran, D. carinata probably did not suppress B. rubens, because the epizoic component of the rotifer population escaped from the deleterious effects of mechanical interference. Peak population numbers and initial population growth rates reached by all three cladocerans were lower in the presence of B. rubens, probably because of the adverse effects of the epizoic infestation, which was maximal on D. carinata and least on C. rigaudi. In mixed-species cultures of D. carinata and M. macrocopa, the presence of B. rubens helped D. carinata coexist with M. macrocopa, which otherwise would have suppressed the Daphnia.  相似文献   

As human population size increases and cities become denser, several urban‐related selection pressures increasingly affect species composition in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Yet, it is not well known whether and how urbanization influences other facets of biodiversity, such as the functional and evolutionary composition of communities, and at what spatial scale urbanization acts. Here we used a hierarchical sampling design in which urbanization levels were quantified at seven spatial scales (ranging from 50 to 3200 m radii). We found that urbanization gradients are associated with a strong shift in cladoceran zooplankton species traits, which in turn affected phylogenetic composition of the entire metacommunity, but only when considering urbanization at the smallest spatial scale (50 m radius). Specifically, small cladoceran species dominated in more urbanized ponds whereas large‐bodied, strong competitors prevailed in less urbanized systems. We also show that trait and phylogenetic metrics strongly increase the amount of variation in β‐diversity that can be explained by degree of urbanization, environmental and spatial factors. This suggests that the mechanisms shaping β‐diversity in our study system are mediated by traits and phylogenetic relatedness rather than species identities. Our study indicates that accounting for traits and phylogeny in metacommunity analyses helps to explain seemingly idiosyncratic patterns of variation in zooplankton species composition along urbanization gradients. The fact that urbanization acts only at the smallest spatial scale suggests that correctly managing environmental conditions locally has the power to counteract the effects of urbanization on biodiversity patterns. The multidimensional approach we applied here can be applied to other systems and organism groups and seems to be key in understanding how overall biodiversity changes in response to anthropogenic pressures and how this scales up to affect ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

A seasonal study of two spring-fed stream systems in south-central Texas was undertaken over a 15-month period from June 1996 to September 1997. Relative abundance of the epilithic diatom flora, percent cover of macroalgae, and several physical and chemical conditions were monitored in one 20-m stretch in each of the streams at approximately two-month intervals. Six additional spring-fed stream segments were sampled in May 1996 for macroalgae and measured for the same conditions, in order to determine how representative the macroalgal floras of the study sites were of south-central and western Texas. Conditions in the two stream segments were relatively constant over the 15 months, except for maximum depth; this finding is similar those reported for other spring-fed systems worldwide. Sixty-eight diatom taxa and nine macroalgae taxa were identified from the San Marcos River, which compares to 46 diatom taxa and six macroalgae taxa from the Comal River. Several diatom and macroalgae species were significantly correlated to stream conditions (e.g. Dichotomosiphon tuberosus and Hildenbrandia angolensis with daylength, and Amphora pediculus with maximum depth). Twenty-one macroalgal taxa were identified from the six additional spring-fed steam segments. Conditions in these streams were very similar to those measured in the San Marcos River and Comal River, except that they had a higher average pH x= 8.1 versus x= 7.6). The epilithic diatom flora of the San Marcos River and the Comal River contains many of the diatom and some macroalgal taxa commonly reported from springs globally. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The pattern of annual changes in zooplankton composition andabundance was investigated in Lake Mikolajskie and in a small,artificial pond. Changes in the cladoceran abundance in thelake do not accord with the competitive exclusion principle,which appears to occur in the pond. In the lake, though notin the pond, fish predation on zooplankton seems to weaken interspecificcompetition sufficiently to allow related cladocerans to achievetheir highest levels of abundance simultaneously.  相似文献   

In the mid‐twentieth century, many lakes near Sudbury, Canada, were severely contaminated by acid and metal emissions from local smelters. For example, in the early 1970s, Middle Lake had pH of 4.2, and Cu and Ni levels both >0.5 mg L?1 . To determine if crustacean zooplankton could recover from such severe and chronic damage, Middle Lake was neutralized in 1973. A comparison of its zooplankton with that of 22 reference (pH > 6) lakes indicates that the planktonic Copepoda completely recovered by 2001. In contrast, the cladoceran assemblage improved but did not recover. Colonist sources existed – Cladocera and Copepoda occurred with equal frequency in area lakes – but six separate colonizations by cladoceran species failed. We argue that local factors, metal toxicity and predation by yellow perch, have, to date, prevented cladoceran recovery. Nonetheless, the complete copepod recovery is encouraging, given the severity and duration of pre‐neutralization stress.  相似文献   

Replication origins, factors and attachment sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The initiation of eukaryotic DNA synthesis occurs at specific sites determined by both cis- and trans-acting elements. Here I review advances in the characterization of yeast origins, origin-binding proteins and the relationship of DNA replication to nuclear substructure in yeast.  相似文献   

Z. M. Gliwiz 《Oecologia》1994,97(4):458-461
Various instars of four different cladoceran species representing a wide spectrum of body size were grown at high food availability in the presence and in the absence of natural densities of an invertebrate predator, a cyclopoid copepod Acanthocyclops robustus (G.O. Sars). Daily weight increments calculated from individual weights at the end and at the beginning of each 1, 2 or 4 day experiment, showed that individual growth was more or less drastically retarded in the presence of the predator as well as when exposed to water in which the predator had been feeding. The data also showed that the effect of this invertebrate predator was more pronounced in small prey instars and small prey species that were more vulnerable to predation than large prey.  相似文献   

The growth rate, birth rate, death rate and production of the cladocera of Lake Kasumigaura were studied. Standing crop of zooplankton seemed to be governed by predation rather than food. Maximum productivity of cladocerans was observed in late August and early September. There were differences in production between sampling stations. The highest production was recorded in the most eutrophic basin, where heavy water blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa occurred. Maximum secondary production coincided with maximum primary production, which was mainly due to M. aeruginosa. Cladocerans probably utilize decomposed or decomposing Microcystis cells and bacteria in summer. Estimates of annual production of cladocerans varied from 4.2 to 13.1 g dry wt · m–3, and annual P:B ratios ranged from 36 to 108. The production of cladocerans in Takahamairi Bay was 2.7% of gross primary production.  相似文献   

1. It is well accepted that fish, if abundant, can have a major impact on the zooplankton community structure during summer, which, particularly in eutrophic lakes, may cascade to phytoplankton and ultimately influence water clarity. Fish predation affects mean size of cladocerans and the zooplankton grazing pressure on phytoplankton. Little is, however, known about the role of fish during winter. 2. We analysed data from 34 lakes studied for 8–9 years divided into three seasons: summer, autumn/spring and winter, and four lake classes: all lakes, shallow lakes without submerged plants, shallow lakes with submerged plants and deep lakes. We recorded how body weight of Daphnia and then cladocerans varied among the three seasons. For all lake types there was a significant positive correlation in the mean body weight of Daphnia and all cladocerans between the different seasons, and only in lakes with macrophytes did the slope differ significantly from one (winter versus summer for Daphnia). 3. These results suggest that the fish predation pressure during autumn/spring and winter is as high as during summer, and maybe even higher during winter in macrophyte‐rich lakes. It could be argued that the winter zooplankton community structure resembles that of the summer community because of low specimen turnover during winter mediated by low fecundity, which, in turn, reflects food shortage, low temperatures and low winter hatching from resting eggs. However, we found frequent major changes in mean body weight of Daphnia and cladocerans in three fish‐biomanipulated lakes during the winter season. 4. The seasonal pattern of zooplankton : phytoplankton biomass ratio showed no correlation between summer and winter for shallow lakes with abundant vegetation or for deep lakes. For the shallow lakes, the ratio was substantially higher during summer than in winter and autumn/spring, suggesting a higher zooplankton grazing potential during summer, while the ratio was often higher in winter in deep lakes. Direct and indirect effects of macrophytes, and internal P loading and mixing, all varying over the season, might weaken the fish signal on this ratio. 5. Overall, our data indicate that release of fish predation may have strong cascading effects on zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton and water clarity in temperate, coastal situated eutrophic lakes, not only during summer but also during winter.  相似文献   

A study of the epilithic diatom, macroalgal and macrophyte communities from a spring-fed stream in Ontario, Canada was undertaken from September 1996 to July 1997. The relative abundance of the epilithic diatom flora, percent cover of macroalgal and macrophyte taxa, and several physical and chemical stream conditions were monitored along a 20-m stretch at each of four sites, approximately every 2 months. Several stream conditions were relatively constant over the sampling period (pH, maximum width and maximum depth), while others exhibited a distinct seasonal pattern (water temperature, specific conductance and daylength) and some fluctuated strongly with no discernable seasonal pattern (turbidity, current velocity). A total of 124 taxa were identified from the four sites, including 79 epilithic diatoms, three macroalgal diatom species (large gelatinous masses), one cyanobacterium, two red algae, eight green algae, one chrysophyte alga, one tribophyte alga, three mosses, three horsetails and 23 angiosperm taxa. Species richness was positively correlated to stream channel maximum width and depth, indicating that the total number of species tends to increase in a downstream direction. Distribution of several diatom and macroalgal species was significantly correlated to stream conditions (e.g. Gomphonema parvulum and Phormidium subfuscum with current velocity); however, the vast majority of species did not display seasonal variation in abundance that could be explained by changes in stream conditions. Many of the taxa identified from Blue Springs Creek are common elsewhere in North America.  相似文献   

The life table responses and population dynamics of four cladocerans(Ceriodaphnia lacustris, Daphnia parvula, Diaphonosoma leuchtenbergianumand Moina micrura) were measured during a flood of a large turbidreservoir (Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas). Mean recruitment andlongevity of Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia in life table experimentswere reduced during the flood when abundant silt particles andpicoplankton (<2 µm) replaced algal particles in thewater column. Individual growth rates measured in the life tableexperiments were slower for Ceriodaphnia during the flood. Fieldcollections revealed that Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia populationsdeclined immediately after the arrival of turbid water, andremaining females carried fewer eggs. Populations of Moina andDiaphanosoma increased during the flood, and life table experimentsshowed that these species were able to grow well in silt-ladenwater.  相似文献   

Attachment strength and exopolysaccharide (EPS) production of Pseudomonas sp. (bacteria) and the diatom Amphora coffaeformis were studied on six different substrata with surface tensions between 19 and 64.5 mN m–1. Test panels of the materials were exposed to bacterial cultures between 3 and 120 hours, and to diatom cultures between 48 and 72 hours. Exopolysaccharide production by surface-associated cells was measured using the phenol sulfuric acid method. Attachment studies were run by exposing test panels to laminar flow pressure using a radial flow chamber. Highest EPS production by bacteria and diatoms was recorded on substrata with surface tensions above 30 mN m–1. Lowest EPS production occurred on substrata between 20 and 25 mN m–1. Highest EPS production and strongest adhesion was found on polycarbonate (33.5 mN m–1). Both test organisms improved their attachment strength with exposure time on most materials. However, amounts of produced EPS and improvement of attachment indicated that mechanisms other than polysaccharide production are more important on substrata with low surface tensions (<25 mN m–1). Simply producing more polysaccharides is not sufficient to overcome weak attachment on materials with low surface tensions. For example, adhesion of Pseudomonas sp. and A. coffaeformis on polytetrafluorethylene/perfluor-copolymer (PFA; 22 mN m–1). and glass (64.5 mN m–1. was equally strong although EPS production was much higher on glass than on PFA. This is somewhat surprising for A. coffaeformis because polysaccharide production has been considered the most important attachment mechanism of A. coffaeformis.  相似文献   

The Cdc34 E2 ubiquitin (Ub) conjugating enzyme catalyzes polyubiquitination of a substrate recruited by the Skp1-Cullin 1-F-box protein-ROC1 E3 Ub ligase. Using mutagenesis studies, we now show that human Cdc34 employs distinct sites to coordinate the transfer of Ub to a substrate and the assembly of polyubiquitin chains. Mutational disruption of the conserved charged stretch (residues 143 to 153) or the acidic loop residues D102 and D103 led to accumulation of monoubiquitinated IkappaBalpha while failing to yield polyubiquitin chains, due to a catalytic defect in Ub-Ub ligation. These results suggest an ability of human Cdc34 to position the attacking Ub for assembly of polyubiquitin chains. Analysis of Cdc34N85Q and Cdc34S138A revealed severe defects of these mutants in both poly- and monoubiquitination of IkappaBalpha, supporting a role for N85 in stabilizing the oxyanion and in coordinating, along with S138, the attacking lysine for catalysis. Finally, Cdc34S95D and Cdc34(E108A/E112A) abolished both poly- and monoubiquitination of IkappaBalpha. Unexpectedly, the catalytic defects of these mutants in di-Ub synthesis can be rescued by fusion of a glutathione S-transferase moiety at E2's N terminus. These findings support the hypothesis that human Cdc34 S95 and E108/E112 are required to position the donor Ub optimally for catalysis, in a manner that might depend on E2 dimerization.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of a Rift Valley lake in Ethiopia, Awasa, was sampled at 3 stations for 2 years (1986 and 1987) concurrently with various meteorological and limnological measurements. The spatial and temporal variation in abundance of some numerically dominant crustaceans, Mesocyclops aequatorialis similis (Copepoda), Thermocyclops consimilis (Copepoda) and Diaphanosoma excisum (Cladocera) is discussed. Temporal (months, sampling dates) rather than spatial (station) variability accounts for more than 50% of the total variance in zooplankton abundance but horizontal patchiness exists during periods of high zooplankton density. Sampling errors were generally low, except for counts of cyclopoid nauplii (subsampling) and Diaphanosoma (inter-replicate variance). Zooplankton showed distinct seasonality associated with the mixing cycle of the lake. Total numbers increased to more than 200 000 m−3 during the unstratified period (July to September). Low numbers were evident during stratification (February to May) when zooplankton numbers did not exceed 15 000 m−3. Individual zooplankton species and age classes showed variable seasonal amplitudes, ranging from 6.4 (nauplius 3) to 44.8 (copepodite 3 of Mesocyclops). We discuss some possible causes for zooplankton seasonality in Lake Awasa, and also review zooplankton seasonal cycles in other tropical lakes, especially African ones.  相似文献   

Seasonal studies of water bodies in separate branches of the Vistula River estuary in Northern Poland were conducted over 30 months from May 2005 to October 2007. Diatom samples were collected from different substrata from two sites located in the river mouth, which has physical characteristics as a result of a complex interplay of natural and human influences that have taken place over the last 100+ years. The diatom flora growing on hard surfaces near the river banks such as sand, muddy sand, rocks, macroscopic green algae and/or vascular aquatic plants was recorded. All diatom taxa collected were distinguished based on their morphological features using light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A total of 187 species belonging to 61 genera were identified. A canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the diatom assemblages were definitely associated with salinity as well as nutrient concentrations and substratum type. During the study, malformations of diatom valves were observed in 48% of the microphytobenthos samples. Abnormal outline morphology and ornamentation deformities in several individuals of nine different species were recorded, which were mainly in epilithic and epiphytic communities collected from spring to autumn.  相似文献   

D L Newton  C B Klee 《Biochemistry》1989,28(9):3750-3757
In the presence of Ca2+ norchlorpromazine isothiocyanate forms a monocovalent complex with calmodulin: CAPP1-calmodulin (Newton et al, 1983). Trypsin digestion of [3H]CAPP1-calmodulin yields as the major radioactive peptide N epsilon-CAPP-Lys-Met-Lys, corresponding to residues 75-77 of calmodulin. Stoichiometric amounts of all other expected tryptic peptides are also found, indicating that norchlorpromazine isothiocyanate selectively acylates Lys 75. A second molecule of CAPP-NCS can react, albeit slowly, with calmodulin to form CAPP2-calmodulin. Fragments 38-74 and 127-148 are completely missing from the trypsin digests of CAPP2-calmodulin without deliberate exposure to UV irradiation. Possibly the lengthy preparation of CAPP2-calmodulin favors photolysis, caused by room lights, of the putative CAPP-binding domains located in these two peptides. Lys 148, the sole lysyl residue in fragment 127-148, is a probable site of attachment of the second molecule of CAPP. UV irradiation of CAPP1-calmodulin, followed by digestion with trypsin, results in the selective loss of 50% each of peptides containing residues 38-74 and 127-148, suggesting that these peptides contain the hydrophobic amino acids that form the phenothiazine-binding sites. The loss of peptides encompassing residues 38-74 and 127-148, located in the amino and carboxyl halves of calmodulin, respectively, suggests that the hydrophobic rings of CAPP can bind at either one of the two phenothiazine sites. Computer modeling of CAPP1-calmodulin with the X-ray coordinates of calmodulin (Babu et al., 1986) indicates that CAPP attached to Lys 75 cannot interact with the carboxyl-terminal phenothiazine-binding site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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