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Antigen-specific interactions between B cells and T cells are essential for the generation of an efficient immune response. Since this requires peptide–MHC class II complexes (pMHC-II) on the B cell to interact with TCR on antigen-specific T cells, we have examined the mechanisms regulating the persistence, loss, and secretion of specific pMHC-II complexes on activated B cells. Using a mAb that recognizes specific pMHC-II, we found that activated B cells degrade approximately 50% of pMHC-II every day and release 12% of these pMHC-II from the cell on small membrane vesicles termed exosomes. These exosomes directly stimulate primed, but not naïve, CD4 T cells. Interestingly, engagement of antigen-loaded B cells with specific CD4 T cells stimulates exosome release in a manner that can be mimicked by pMHC-II crosslinking. Biochemical studies revealed that the pMHC-II released on exosomes was previously expressed on the plasma membrane of the B cells, suggesting that regulated exosome release from activated B cells is a mechanism to allow pMHC-II to escape intracellular degradation and decorate secondary lymphoid organs with membrane-associated pMHC-II complexes.  相似文献   

Activation of CD4(+) Th cells requires their cognate interaction with APCs bearing specific relevant MHC class II-peptide complexes. This cognate interaction culminates in the formation of an immunological synapse that contains the various proteins and lipids required for efficient T cell activation. We now show that APC lipid raft membrane microdomains contain specific class II-peptide complexes and serve as platforms that deliver these raft-associated class II molecules to the immunological synapse. APC rafts are required for T cell:APC conjugate formation and T cell activation at low densities of relevant class II-peptide complexes, a requirement that can be overcome at high class II-peptide density. Analysis of confocal microscopy images revealed that over time APC lipid rafts, raft-associated relevant class II-peptide complexes, and even immunologically irrelevant class II molecules accumulate at the immunological synapse. As the immunological synapse matures, relevant class II-peptide complexes are sorted to a central region of the interface, while irrelevant class II molecules are excluded from this site. We propose that T cell activation is facilitated by recruitment of MHC class II-peptide complexes to the immunological synapse by virtue of their constitutive association with lipid raft microdomains.  相似文献   

A specific T cell response to a preformed complex of detergent-solubilized MHC class II molecule and cognate antigenic peptide was observed by monitoring the extracellular acidification. An increase in this rate was observed when the resting 4R3.9 T cell clone specific for the peptide fragment MBP(1-14) of myelin basic protein was exposed to preformed detergent-solubilized IAk-MBP(1-14)A4 complexes. MBP peptide alone, IAk alone, or complexes of IAs-proteolipid protein(139-151) and IAd-OVA(323-339), did not cause significant increases in the acidification rates of the MBP(1-14)-restricted 4R3.9 T cell clone. In addition, BW 5147 T lymphoma cells, which lack TCR, did not show any increase in rate when exposed to IAk-MBP(1-14)A4 complexes. Similar increases in acidification rate were observed in the presence of IL-2, anti-CD3 and anti-TCR antibodies. The enhanced acidification responses were blocked by genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Exogenous antigenic peptides captured and presented in the context of major histocompatibility (MHC) class II molecules on APC, have been employed as potent vaccine reagents capable of activating cellular immune responses. Binding and presentation of select peptide via surface class II molecules has been reported. Here, a role for endocytosis and early endosomes in the presentation of exogenous peptides via MHC class II molecules is described. T cell recognition of a 14 amino acid human serum albumin-derived peptide in the context of HLA-DR4 was observed only with metabolically active APC. The delayed kinetics and temperature dependence of functional peptide presentation via APC, were consistent with a requirement for peptide internalization to early endosomal compartments prior to T cell recognition. Ablating endocytosis by exposing cells to inhibitors of ATP production completely blocked the display of functional peptide:class II complexes on the surface of the APC. Presentation of the peptide was also found to be sensitive to primaquine, a drug that perturbs the recycling of transport vesicles containing endocytic receptors and mature class II complexes. Functional presentation of the endocytosed peptide was dependent upon these mature class II complexes, as inhibitor studies ruled out a requirement for newly synthesized class II molecules. N-terminal processing of the endocytosed peptide was observed upon trafficking through endosomal compartments and linked to the formation of functional peptide:class II complexes. These findings establish a novel mechanism for regulating class II-restricted peptide presentation via the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on class II-peptide interactions has been analyzed using several mouse (IAd, IAk, IEd, IEk) and human (DR1, DR5, DR7) MHC specificities, and eight different class II-restricted determinants. In direct binding assays, acidic conditions led to increased binding capacity for many class II-peptide combinations. IE molecules seemed to bind optimally around pH 4.5, whereas IA molecules displayed binding optima in the 5.5 to 6.5 range. In contrast, the DR molecules studied were, in most cases, affected only marginally by pH changes in the 4.5 to 7.0 range. Despite these apparent isotype-specific trends, no general rule could be formulated, because even for the same class II molecules, the binding capacity could be increased for many peptides when the binding was performed under acidic conditions, was unaffected for some, and even decreased for others. The mechanisms responsible for this complex behavior were analyzed in more detail by kinetic and equilibrium analysis of three different class II-peptide combinations (IAd/OVA 323-339, IAk/HEL 46-61, and DR1/HA 307-319). It was found that acidic pH conditions could affect both on and off rates for class II-peptide complexes. Depending on the net balance of these effects, either increases, decreases, or no effect on overall affinities at equilibrium were detected. In the case of IAd/OVA 323-339, it was also found that acidic conditions influenced the binding capacity of class II molecules by increasing the fraction of sites available for peptide binding, presumably by favoring dissociation of endogenously bound, acid-sensitive peptides.  相似文献   

We previously reported the genetic engineering of the first soluble, bivalent major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-peptide ligand for T-cell receptor (TCR). This ligand binds stably and specifically to cognate T-cells and exhibits immunomodulatory effects in vitro and in vivo. The increase in valence of MHC class II-peptide ligands was shown to parallel their avidity for cognate TCRs and potency in stimulating cognate T-cells. We describe a new enzymatic method to increase the valence of MHC-peptide ligands by cross-linking the N-glycan moieties of dimeric MHC II-peptide units through a flexible, bifunctional polyethylene glycol linker. Using this method, we generated covalently stabilized tetravalent and octavalent MHC II-peptide ligands which bound stably and specifically to cognate TCR and preserved their structural integrity in blood and lymphoid organs for 72 h. Depending on the TCR/CD4 occupancy and degree of TCR/CD4 co-clustering, the multivalent MHC II-peptide ligands polarized efficiently the antigen-specific CD4(+) T-cells toward type 2 cell differentiation or induced T-cell anergy and apoptosis. The enzymatically mediated engineering of multivalent MHC-peptide ligands for cognate TCRs may provide rational grounds for the development of new therapeutic agents endowed with strong modulatory effects on antigen-specific T-cells.  相似文献   

We investigated differentiation of CD4 T cells responding to Ag presented by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) in association with MHC class II (MHC II) molecules. Peptides encapsulated in liposomes opsonized by IgG were taken up by endocytosis. MHC II-peptide-specific T cells responding to this Ag were polarized to a Th1 cytokine profile in a CD40-, CD28-, MyD88-, and IL-12-dependent manner. Th2 responses were obtained from the same transgenic T cell population exposed to the same DC on which MHC-peptide complexes had dispersed for 48 h following uptake of FcR-targeted liposomes. DC that took up the same FcR-targeted liposomes and then were exposed to methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, which chelates cholesterol and dissociates lipid microdomains, also stimulated Th2 differentiation. Incubation of T cells with DC incubated with peptides directly binding to MHC II resulted in Th2 responses, whether or not the DC were coincubated with opsonized liposomes as a maturation stimulus. CD4 Th1 polarization thus appears to depend on MHC II-peptide complex clustering in DC lipid microdomains and the time between peptide loading and T cell encounter.  相似文献   

Class II MHC molecules survey the endocytic compartments of APCs and present antigenic peptides to CD4 T cells. In this context, lysosomal proteases are essential not only for the generation of antigenic peptides but also for proteolysis of the invariant chain to allow the maturation of class II MHC molecules. Recent studies with protease inhibitors have implicated the asparagine endopeptidase (AEP) in class II MHC-restricted Ag presentation. We now report that AEP-deficient mice show no differences in processing of the invariant chain or maturation of class II MHC products compared with wild-type mice. In the absence of AEP, presentation to primary T cells of OVA and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, two Ags that contain asparagine residues within or in proximity to the relevant epitopes was unimpaired. Cathepsin (Cat) L, a lysosomal cysteine protease essential for the development to CD4 and NK T cells, fails to be processed into its mature two-chain form in AEP-deficient cells. Despite this, the numbers of CD4 and NK T cells are normal, showing that the single-chain form of Cat L is sufficient for its function in vivo. We conclude that AEP is essential for processing of Cat L but not for class II MHC-restricted Ag presentation.  相似文献   

Effective identification of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules restricted peptides is a critical step in discovering immune epitopes. Although many online servers have been built to predict class Ⅱ MHC-peptide binding affinity, they have been trained on different datasets, and thus fail in providing a unified comparison of various methods. In this paper, we present our implementation of seven popular predictive methods, namely SMM-align, ARB, SVR-pairwise, Gibbs sampler, ProPred, LP-top2, and MHCPred, on a single web server named BiodMHC (http:∥biod.whu.edu.cn/BiodMHC/index.html, the software is available upon request). Using a standard measure of AUC (Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curves), we compare these methods by means of not only cross validation but also prediction on independent test datasets. We find that SMM-align, ProPred, SVR-pairwise, ARB, and Gibbs sampler are the five best-performing methods. For the binding affinity prediction of class Ⅱ MHC-peptide, BiodMHC provides a convenient online platform for researchers to obtain binding information simultaneously using various methods.  相似文献   

Recent reports concluded that tripeptidyl peptidase (TPPII) is essential for MHC class I Ag presentation and that the proteasome in vivo mainly releases peptides 16 residues or longer that require processing by TPPII. However, we find that eliminating TPPII from human cells using small interfering RNA did not decrease the overall supply of peptides to MHC class I molecules and reduced only modestly the presentation of SIINFEKL from OVA, while treatment with proteasome inhibitors reduced these processes dramatically. Purified TPPII digests peptides from 6 to 30 residues long at similar rates, but eliminating TPPII in cells reduced the processing of long antigenic precursors (14-17 residues) more than short ones (9-12 residues). Therefore, TPPII appears to be the major peptidase capable of processing proteasome products longer than 14 residues. However, proteasomes in vivo (like purified proteasomes) release relatively few such peptides, and these peptides processed by TPPII require further trimming in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by ER aminopeptidase 1 for presentation. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that TPPII plays a specialized role in Ag processing and one that is not essential for the generation of most presented peptides. Moreover, these findings reveal that three sequential proteolytic steps (by proteasomes, TPPII, and then ER aminopepsidase 1) are required for the generation of a subset of epitopes.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation to thymus-derived lymphocytes have been under intense study for several years, focusing on both Class I-restricted antigen presentation and Class II-MHC restricted responses. The studies described here examine the processing and presentation of exogenously provided soluble glycoprotein of the vesicular stomatitis virus and as well as newly synthesized viral glycoprotein. Evidence is provided that newly synthesized Class II MHC chains are required for cell surface expression of processed glycoprotein determinants irrespective of the origin of the viral antigen. Inhibitors of distinct cellular processes, including ammonium chloride, emetine, and Brefeldin A, have been used to dissect the pathways utilized.  相似文献   

Progeny virions of mammalian reoviruses are assembled in the cytoplasm of infected cells at discrete sites termed viral inclusions. Studies of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant viruses indicate that nonstructural protein sigmaNS and core protein mu2 are required for synthesis of double-stranded (ds) RNA, a process that occurs at sites of viral assembly. We used confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and ts mutant reoviruses to define the roles of sigmaNS and mu2 in viral inclusion formation. In cells infected with wild-type (wt) reovirus, sigmaNS and mu2 colocalize to large, perinuclear structures that correspond to viral inclusions. In cells infected at a nonpermissive temperature with sigmaNS-mutant virus tsE320, sigmaNS is distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and mu2 is contained in small, punctate foci that do not resemble viral inclusions. In cells infected at a nonpermissive temperature with mu2-mutant virus tsH11.2, mu2 is distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. However, sigmaNS localizes to discrete structures in the cytoplasm that contain other viral proteins and are morphologically indistinguishable from viral inclusions seen in cells infected with wt reovirus. Examination of cells infected with wt reovirus over a time course demonstrates that sigmaNS precedes mu2 in localization to viral inclusions. These findings suggest that viral RNA-protein complexes containing sigmaNS nucleate sites of viral replication to which other viral proteins, including mu2, are recruited to commence dsRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Controlled localization of class II MHC molecules is essential for proper class II MHC-restricted antigen presentation and the subsequent initiation of an adaptive immune response. Ubiquitination of class II MHC molecules on cytosolic lysine (K225) of the β-chain has been shown to affect localization of the complex. We generated mice in which the endogenous β-chain locus is replaced with a GFP tagged mutant version that lacks the cytosolic lysine residue (I-A-β-K225R-EGFP). These mice have elevated levels of class II MHC as compared to I-A-β-EGFP mice, and immature bone marrow-derived dendritic cells show redistribution of class II MHC to the cell surface. Nonetheless, in these same cells efficiency of antigen presentation is unaffected in I-A-β-K225R-EGFP mice, as assayed for presentation of ovalbumin to appropriately specific T cells. The I-A-β-K225R-EGFP animals have normal CD4 T cell populations and are capable of generating antigen-specific antibody in response to model antigens and viral infection. We therefore conclude that in our experimental system modulation of trafficking by ubiquitination of residue K225 of the β-chain is not essential for the function of class II MHC products in antigen presentation or antibody production.  相似文献   

The molecular details of antigen processing and presentation by MHC class I and class II molecules have been studied extensively for almost three decades. Although the basic principles of these processes were laid out approximately 10 years ago, the recent years have revealed many details and provided new insights into their control and specificity. MHC molecules use various biochemical reactions to achieve successful presentation of antigenic fragments to the immune system. Here we present a timely evaluation of the biology of antigen presentation and a survey of issues that are considered unresolved. The continuing flow of new details into our understanding of the biology of MHC class I and class II antigen presentation builds a system involving several cell biological processes, which is discussed in this Review.  相似文献   

Liposome-encapsulated protein Ag were used to dissect the roles of various subcellular compartments in Ag processing for class I and class II MHC-restricted presentation. Macrophages exhibited efficient processing of Ag encapsulated in acid-resistant dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/dioleoylphosphatidylserine liposomes, which sequester their contents from potential endosomal processing events and release them only after delivery to lysosomes. Lysosomal processing was demonstrated for all four Ag studied (OVA, murine hemoglobin, bovine ribonuclease A, and hen egg lysozyme), establishing the recycling of immunogenic peptides from lysosomes after Ag processing. These acid-resistant liposomes did not engender class I processing. Ag encapsulated within acid-sensitive dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine/palmitoylhomocysteine liposomes were also processed via the class II pathway. Of the four Ag encapsulated in liposomes, one, OVA, was tested for ability to stimulate a class I-specific response. OVA in acid-resistant liposomes did not engender a class I-specific response. In contrast, OVA encapsulated in acid-sensitive liposomes was presented by class I molecules, albeit less efficiently than it was presented by class II molecules. We interpret this to be the result of the release of a minor portion of the encapsulated Ag into the cytosol.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) molecules are targeted to endocytic compartments, known as MIIC, by the invariant chain (Ii) that is degraded upon arrival in these compartments. MHC II acquire antigenic fragments from endocytosed proteins for presentation at the cell surface. In a unique and complex series of reactions, MHC II succeed in exchanging a remaining fragment of Ii for other protein fragments in subdomains of MIIC before transport to the cell surface. Here, the mechanisms regulating loading and intracellular trafficking of MHC II are discussed.  相似文献   

MHC class II molecules (MHC-II) associate with detergent-resistant membrane microdomains, termed lipid rafts, which affects the function of these molecules during Ag presentation to CD4+ T cells. Recently, it has been proposed that MHC-II also associates with another type of membrane microdomain, termed tetraspan microdomains. These microdomains are defined by association of molecules to a family of proteins that contain four-transmembrane regions, called tetraspanins. It has been suggested that MHC-II associated with tetraspanins are selectively identified by a mAb to a MHC-II determinant, CDw78. In this report, we have re-examined this issue of CDw78 expression and MHC-II-association with tetraspanins in human dendritic cells, a variety of human B cell lines, and MHC-II-expressing HeLa cells. We find no correlation between the expression of CDw78 and the expression of tetraspanins CD81, CD82, CD53, CD9, and CD37. Furthermore, we find that the relative amount of tetraspanins bound to CDw78-reactive MHC-II is indistinguishable from the amount bound to peptide-loaded MHC-II. We found that expression of CDw78 required coexpression of MHC-II together with its chaperone Ii chain. In addition, analysis of a panel of MHC-II-expressing B cell lines revealed that different alleles of HLA-DR express different amounts of CDw78 reactivity. We conclude that CDw78 defines a conformation of MHC-II bound to peptides that are acquired through trafficking to lysosomal Ag-processing compartments and not MHC-II-associated with tetraspanins.  相似文献   

MHC class II-restricted presentation of intracellular antigen.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
S Weiss  B Bogen 《Cell》1991,64(4):767-776
An endogenously produced immunoglobulin light chain (lambda 2(315] is processed and presented to T cells in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Using transfectants producing variant forms of lambda 2(315) that are neither expressed on the cell surface nor secreted, we demonstrate that intracellular lambda 2(315), which has never been exported outside of the cell, is the source of processed lambda 2(315) idiotype. This challenges the currently accepted paradigm that endogenous antigens are only presented by MHC class I molecules. Variants of lambda 2(315) protein that are retained in the endoplasmic recticulum (ER) are also presented. Variants that are expressed in the cytosol as well as those that are transported into the nucleus rather than the ER are not presented. Thus, the ER is likely to be the processing compartment.  相似文献   

During biosynthesis, MHC class II molecules travel through the endocytic pathway and interact with antigenic peptides before their stable insertion in the plasma membrane. The process of class II association with these peptides and their final deposition at the cell surface are essential steps in boosting specific antibody responses. Therefore, the study of class II molecules is important in understanding how cell-biological events can direct an immune response.  相似文献   

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