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Polyploid cells result in aneuploidy through aberrant chromosome segregation, possibly leading to tumorigenesis. Although polyploid cells are induced through over-replication by a variety of agents, including DNA-damaging drugs, the mechanisms that induce polyploidy have been hitherto unknown. Here, we show that treatment with bleomycin, a glycopeptide anticancer drug, induces over-replication at low cytotoxic doses. During bleomycin-induced over-replication, mitotic entry is inhibited through tyrosine phosphorylation of CDK1 along the ATM/ATR pathway in the early phase of treatment. Bleomycin-induced over-replication is inhibited by the inhibitors of the ATM/ATR pathway through abrogation of bleomycin-induced G2 arrest, and the ATM/ATR inhibitors promote cell death instead of over-replication. Following the phosphorylation of CDK1, the level of cyclin B1 is decreased in the late phase of treatment. Time-lapse imaging of clone cells that express a live cell marker of endogenous cyclin B1 revealed that cyclin B1 is degraded in G2-arrested cells upon bleomycin treatment. Our findings lead to a model of how the ATM/ATR pathway acts as a molecular switch for regulating cell fates, flipping between cell death via progress into mitosis, and over-replication via sustained G2 arrest upon DNA damage, where cyclin B1 degradation is an important factor for inducing over-replication.  相似文献   

Modulation of MEK has been demonstrated to affect hydroxyurea (HU) induced-DNA damage response (DDR), implying the involvement of ERK1 and ERK2 in the process. To directly examine how the ERK kinases function in HU-initiated DDR, we knocked-down either ERK1 or ERK2 in MCF7 cells. This resulted in reduction of HU-induced phosphorylation of CHK1 S345 (serine 345), p53 S15, and H2AX S139. While HU potently induced CDC2 Y15 (tyrosine 15) phosphorylation, an event causing CDC2 inactivation, inhibition of ERK kinases using U0126 (a MEK inhibitor), MEK1K97M (a dominant negative MEK1), and knockdown of either ERK1 or ERK2 significantly attenuated HU-induced CDC2 Y15 phosphorylation. As CDC2 kinase activity is required for mitosis, our observations reveal that ERK1 and ERK2 kinases play important roles in preventing mitotic entry in response to HU. Consistent with ATR being the apical kinase to initiate HU-induced DDR, knockdown of ERK1 or ERK2 significantly inhibited HU-induced ATR recruitment to the stalled replication forks (ATR foci), an event required for ATR activation. Mechanistically, knockdown of ERK1 or ERK2 resulted in relocation of ATR from the nucleoplasm to the nucleolus in response to HU, therefore making ATR unavailable to the sites of DNA damage. Taken together, we demonstrate that ERK kinases sit upstream of ATR to facilitate its activation.  相似文献   

Summary A potential membrane-interacting site within the essential growth-controlling carboxy-terminal region of the CDC25 protein was interrupted by a lethal mutation (1461 TyrAsp and 1462 LeuArg). The elimination of two potential phosphorylation sites found in the same region (1489 ThrPro and 1584 SerPro) does not affect growth but completely prevents glucose-induced cAMP signalling in the double mutant, whereas the single mutants produce normal or slightly retarded cAMP signals. A cluster of five potential targets for cAMP-dependent phosphorylation at the amino-terminal region could be deleted without affecting phenotypic properties. It is concluded that the carboxy-terminal 137 residues of the CDC25 protein are involved in three different functions: control of mitotic growth, glucose-induced hyperactivation of adenylate cyclase, and feedback inhibition of cAMP synthesis.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, inactivation of the Cdc25 phosphatase by checkpoint kinases participates in the signaling cascade that temporarily stops cell cycle progression after DNA damage. In human, CDC25B and C are also known to be targeted by a similar checkpoint machinery. We have examined by homologous recombination, whether CDC25B and CDC25C were able to substitute for the function of fission yeast Cdc25. We demonstrate that (i) CDC25B and C efficiently replace Cdc25 for vegetative growth, (ii) CDC25C is able to restore a functional checkpoint in response to ionizing radiation in both a Chk1- and Cds1-dependent manner, (iii) CDC25B and C are equally efficient in the response to UV irradiation, CDC25B being only dependent on Chk1, while CDC25C depends on both Chk1 and Cds1, and (iv) CDC25C is able to restore a functional DNA replication checkpoint induced by hydroxyurea in a Cds1-dependent manner. The consequences of these findings on our current view of the checkpoint cascade are discussed.  相似文献   

The Cdc25A phosphatase is an essential activator of CDK-cyclin complexes at all steps of the eukaryotic cell cycle. The activity of Cdc25A is itself regulated in part by positive and negative feedback regulatory loops performed by its CDK-cyclin substrates that occur in G1 as well as during the G1/S and G2/M transitions. However, the regulation of Cdc25A during G2 phase progression before mitotic entry has not been intensively characterized. Here, we identify by mass spectrometry analysis a new phosphorylation event of Cdc25A on Serine283. Phospho-specific antibodies revealed that the phosphorylation of this residue appears in late S/G2 phase of an unperturbed cell cycle and is performed by CDK-cyclin complexes. Overexpression studies of wild-type and non-phosphorylatable mutant forms of Cdc25A indicated that Ser283 phosphorylation increases the G2/M-promoting activity of the phosphatase without impacting its stability or subcellular localization. Our results therefore identify a new positive regulatory loop between Cdc25A and its CDK-cyclin substrates which contributes to accelerate entry into mitosis through the regulation of Cdc25A activity in G2.  相似文献   

The increasing resistance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma to irradiation makes the exploration of effective radiosensitizers necessary. Tetrandrine is known to be an antitumor drug, but little is known regarding its radiosensitization effect on nasopharyngeal carcinoma. We investigated the effect of combined treatment of irradiation and maximum non-cytotoxic doses of tetrandrine on the nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines CNE1 and CNE2. The maximum non-cytotoxic doses of tetrandrine in CNE1 and CNE2 cells were assessed using the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. The radiosensitization of cells receiving the maximum non-cytotoxic doses of tetrandrine was assessed by evaluating cell proliferation and DNA damage repair using MTT, clonogenic, comet assays and detection of caspase-3 and phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ-H2AX). The cell cycle was assessed by flow cytometry, and protein expression was detected by western blot analysis. The maximum non-cytotoxic doses of tetrandrine in CNE1 and CNE2 cells were 1.5 μmol/L and 1.8 μmol/L, respectively. When cells were exposed to irradiation and the maximum non-cytotoxic doses of tetrandrine, the survival fraction was decreased. DNA damage and γ-H2AX levels markedly increased. Moreover, tetrandrine abrogated the G2/M phase arrest caused by irradiation. Combined treatment with the maximum non-cytotoxic dose of tetrandrine and irradiation caused suppression of the phosphorylation of CDK1 and CDC25C and increase in the expression of cyclin B1. The study in vivo also showed that the maximum non-cytotoxic dose of tetrandrine could reduce tumor growth in xenograft tumor model. Our results suggest that the maximum non-cytotoxic dose of tetrandrine can enhance the radiosensitivity of CNE1 and CNE2 cells and that the underlying mechanism could be associated with abrogation of radiation-induced G2/M arrest via activation of the CDC25C/CDK1/Cyclin B1 pathway.  相似文献   

The WD-repeat proteins Rae1 and Bub3 show extensive sequence homology, indicative of functional similarity. However, previous studies have suggested that Rae1 is involved in the mRNA export pathway and Bub3 in the mitotic checkpoint. To determine the in vivo roles of Rae1 and Bub3 in mammals, we generated knockout mice that have these genes deleted individually or in combination. Here we show that haplo-insufficiency of either Rae1 or Bub3 results in a similar phenotype involving mitotic checkpoint defects and chromosome missegregation. We also show that overexpression of Rae1 can correct for Rae1 haplo-insufficiency and, surprisingly, Bub3 haplo-insufficiency. Rae1-null and Bub3-null mice are embryonic lethal, although cells from these mice did not have a detectable defect in nuclear export of mRNA. Unlike null mice, compound haplo-insufficient Rae1/Bub3 mice are viable. However, cells from these mice exhibit much greater rates of premature sister chromatid separation and chromosome missegregation than single haplo-insufficient cells. Finally, we show that mice with mitotic checkpoint defects are more susceptible to dimethylbenzanthrene-induced tumorigenesis than wild-type mice. Thus, our data demonstrate a novel function for Rae1 and characterize Rae1 and Bub3 as related proteins with essential, overlapping, and cooperating roles in the mitotic checkpoint.  相似文献   

To maintain genomic integrity DNA damage response (DDR), signaling pathways have evolved that restrict cellular replication and allow time for DNA repair. CCNG2 encodes an unconventional cyclin homolog, cyclin G2 (CycG2), linked to growth inhibition. Its expression is repressed by mitogens but up-regulated during cell cycle arrest responses to anti-proliferative signals. Here we investigate the potential link between elevated CycG2 expression and DDR signaling pathways. Expanding our previous finding that CycG2 overexpression induces a p53-dependent G(1)/S phase cell cycle arrest in HCT116 cells, we now demonstrate that this arrest response also requires the DDR checkpoint protein kinase Chk2. In accord with this finding we establish that ectopic CycG2 expression increases phosphorylation of Chk2 on threonine 68. We show that DNA double strand break-inducing chemotherapeutics stimulate CycG2 expression and correlate its up-regulation with checkpoint-induced cell cycle arrest and phospho-modification of proteins in the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM and Rad3-related (ATR) signaling pathways. Using pharmacological inhibitors and ATM-deficient cell lines, we delineate the DDR kinase pathway promoting CycG2 up-regulation in response to doxorubicin. Importantly, RNAi-mediated blunting of CycG2 attenuates doxorubicin-induced cell cycle checkpoint responses in multiple cell lines. Employing stable clones, we test the effect that CycG2 depletion has on DDR proteins and signals that enforce cell cycle checkpoint arrest. Our results suggest that CycG2 contributes to DNA damage-induced G(2)/M checkpoint by enforcing checkpoint inhibition of CycB1-Cdc2 complexes.  相似文献   

DNA double strand break (DSB) repair pathway choice following ionizing radiation (IR) is currently an appealing research topic, which is still largely unclear. Our recent paper indicated that the complexity of DSBs is a critical factor that enhances DNA end resection. It has been well accepted that the RPA-coated single strand DNA produced by resection is a signaling structure for ATR activation. Therefore, taking advantage of high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation to effectively produce complex DSBs, we investigated how the complexity of DSB influences the function of ATR pathway on the G2/M checkpoint regulation. Human skin fibroblast cells with or without ATM were irradiated with X rays or heavy ion particles, and dual-parameter flow cytometry was used to quantitatively assess the mitotic entry at early period post radiation by detecting the cells positive for phosphor histone H3. In ATM-deficient cells, ATR pathway played a pivotal role and functioned in a dose- and LET-dependent way to regulate the early G2/M arrest even as low as 0.2 Gy for heavy ion radiation, which indicated that ATR pathway could be rapidly activated and functioned in an ATM-independent, but DSB complexity-dependent manner following exposure to IR. Furthermore, ATR pathway also functioned more efficiently in ATM-proficient cells to block G2 to M transition at early period of particle radiation exposure. Accordingly, in contrast to ATM inhibitor, ATR inhibitor had a more effective radiosensitizing effect on survival fraction following heavy ion beams as compared with X ray radiation. Taken together, our results reveal that the complexity of DSBs is a crucial factor for the activation of ATR pathway for G2/M checkpoint regulation, and ATM-dependent end resection is not essential for the activation.  相似文献   

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