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Mismatch Repair System corrects mutations arising from DNA replication that escape from DNA polymerase proofreading activity. This system consists of three main proteins, MutS-L-H, responsible for lesion recognition and repair. MutL is a member of GHKL ATPase family and its ATPase cycle has been proposed to modulate MutL activity during the repair process. Pseudomonas aeruginosa MutL (PaMutL) contains an N-terminal (NTD) ATPase domain connected by a linker to a C-terminal (CTD) dimerization domain that possesses metal ion-dependent endonuclease activity. With the aim to identify characteristics that allow the PaMutL NTD allosteric control of CTD endonuclease activity, we used an in silico and experimental approach to determine the interaction surfaces of P. aeruginosa NTD (PaNTD), and compared it with the well characterized Escherichia coli MutL NTD (EcNTD). Molecular dynamics simulations of PaNTD and EcNTD bound to or free of adenosine nucleotides showed that a significant difference exists between the behavior of the EcNTD and PaNTD dimerization interface, particularly in the ATP lid. Structure based simulations of MutL homologues with endonuclease activity were performed that allowed an insight of the dimerization interface behavior in this family of proteins. Our experimental results show that, unlike EcNTD, PaNTD is dimeric in presence of ADP. Simulations in mixed solvent allowed us to identify the PaNTD putative DNA binding patch and a putative interaction patch located opposite to the dimerization face. Structure based simulations of PaNTD dimer in presence of ADP or ATP suggest that nucleotide binding could differentially modulate PaNTD protein-protein interactions. Far western assays performed in presence of ADP or ATP are in agreement with our in silico analysis.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - A DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system is found in all living organisms. MMR dysfunction at any step of DNA repair leads to an accumulation of mutations in the...  相似文献   

The assembly of the bacterial flagellum is exquisitely controlled. Flagellar biosynthesis is underpinned by a specialized type III secretion system that allows export of proteins from the cytoplasm to the nascent structure. Bacillus subtilis regulates flagellar assembly using both conserved and species-specific mechanisms. Here, we show that YvyG is essential for flagellar filament assembly. We define YvyG as an orthologue of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium type III secretion system chaperone, FlgN, which is required for the export of the hook-filament junction proteins, FlgK and FlgL. Deletion of flgN (yvyG) results in a nonmotile phenotype that is attributable to a decrease in hag translation and a complete lack of filament polymerization. Analyses indicate that a flgK-flgL double mutant strain phenocopies deletion of flgN and that overexpression of flgK-flgL cannot complement the motility defect of a ΔflgN strain. Furthermore, in contrast to previous work suggesting that phosphorylation of FlgN alters its subcellular localization, we show that mutation of the identified tyrosine and arginine FlgN phosphorylation sites has no effect on motility. These data emphasize that flagellar biosynthesis is differentially regulated in B. subtilis from classically studied Gram-negative flagellar systems and questions the biological relevance of some posttranslational modifications identified by global proteomic approaches.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - The mismatch repair system (MMR) ensures the stability of genetic information during DNA replication in almost all organisms. Mismatch repair is initiated after recognition of a...  相似文献   

DNA错配修复(mismatch repair, MMR)是一种进化中保守的机制,它校正DNA复制过程中产生的错误,维持基因组的稳定性。MMR家族蛋白同时也参与多种DNA相关的生物学功能。本研究从嗜热四膜虫鉴定了一种新的错配修复蛋白MLH3基因,该基因预测编码 319 个氨基酸,在有性生殖期特异表达。免疫荧光定位表明,HA-Mlh3定位在有性生殖期减数分裂的小核和新发育的大核中。MLH3 敲除的突变体细胞株,在有性生殖发育期停滞在两大核和两小核阶段,新大核DNA复制受阻。γ-H2A.X 检测表明,新大核和小核有性生殖后期断裂的基因组不能正常修复,发育中的细胞裂解,不能形成有性生殖后代。结果表明,Mlh3参与四膜虫新大核发育过程基因组的断裂修复和复制,对四膜虫的有性生殖是必需的。  相似文献   

DNA错配修复蛋白MutS和MutL的相互作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MutL 和 MutS 是DNA错配修复系统中起关键作用的修复蛋白. 利用基因融合技术高效表达了MutL 和 MutS融合蛋白,并利用它们发展了一种研究二者相互作用的简便方法. 融合蛋白MutL-GFP (Trx-His6-GFP-(Ser-Gly)6-MutL),MutL-Strep tagⅡ (Trx-His6-(Ser-Gly)6-Strep tagⅡ-(Ser-Gly)6-MutL) 和 MutS (Trx-His6-(Ser-Gly)6-MutS) 被构建并在大肠杆菌中高效表达. 收集菌体细胞、超声波破碎后离心取上清进行SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (SDS-PAGE) 分析,结果表明有与预期分子质量相应的诱导表达条带出现,其表达量约占全细胞蛋白的30%且以可溶形式存在. 利用固定化金属离子配体亲和层析柱分别纯化融合蛋白,其纯度达到90%. 通过将MutS蛋白固定的方法研究两种MutL融合蛋白分别与MutS之间的相互作用. 结果表明:只有MutS蛋白与含有错配碱基DNA分子结合后才与MutL蛋白发生相互作用. 通过检测MutL融合蛋白标记的绿色荧光信号或酶学显色信号来鉴定相互作用的发生. 建立的融合分子系统方法也为研究其他的蛋白质或生物大分子之间的相互作用提供了一个技术平台.  相似文献   

The activities of the Vsr and MutH endonucleases of Escherichia coli are stimulated by MutL. The interaction of MutL with each enzyme is enhanced in vivo by 2-aminopurine treatment and by inactivation of the mutY gene. We hypothesize that MutL recruits the endonucleases to sites of DNA damage.The Escherichia coli Dcm protein methylates the second C of CCWGG sites (W = A or T). Deamination of 5-methylcytosine converts CG base pairs to T/G mismatches, causing CCWGG-to-CTWGG transition mutations. Very-short-patch (VSP) repair minimizes these mutations (2). Repair is initiated by a sequence- and mismatch-specific endonuclease, Vsr, which cleaves the DNA 5′ of the T. DNA polymerase I removes the T along with a few 3′ nucleotides and resynthesizes the missing bases, restoring the CG base pair. Vsr is both necessary and sufficient for initiating VSP repair. However, two other proteins, MutS and MutL, enhance VSP repair of deamination damage (1).MutS and MutL are best known for their roles in postreplication mismatch repair (MMR) (9, 11). MutL couples mismatch recognition by MutS to the activation of MutH, an endonuclease that cleaves the unmethylated strand of GATC sequences that are transiently hemimethylated following DNA replication. The nicked strand, containing the erroneous base, is removed by the UvrD helicase and one of several exonucleases to beyond the mismatch and then resynthesized by DNA polymerase III.MutL stimulates the endonuclease activities of both Vsr and MutH in vitro (8, 17). The requirements for stimulation are the same: a mismatch, MutS, and ATP hydrolysis by MutL (8, 8a). Cross-linking studies showed that MutH and Vsr interact with the same region in the N-terminal domain of MutL (Heinze et al., submitted). Competition of Vsr with MutH for access to MutL explains the ability of Vsr to inactivate MMR in vivo when overexpressed (6, 13). Thus, the interactions of the two repair endonucleases with MutL are structurally and functionally very similar.In contrast to MMR, where the cleavage site for MutH may be several kilobases away from the mismatch, VSP repair requires that mismatch recognition and endonucleolytic cleavage occur at the same C(T/G)WGG site. How MutS and MutL stimulate VSP repair if MutS and Vsr compete for the same mismatch remains unknown (2, 12). We hypothesized that MutS binds the mismatch first and that a MutS-MutL complex then recruits Vsr. If so, then the MMR proteins would initially mask the mismatch, making the interaction of Vsr with MutL independent of lesion identity.To test this hypothesis, we studied the interaction of MutL with Vsr and with MutH in response to two types of mismatch by using a bacterial two-hybrid assay (10). This assay detects all known interactions among the Mut proteins: homodimerization of MutS and MutL, interaction of MutL with MutS and with MutH, and interaction of Vsr with the N-terminal domain of MutL (15). We found no false positives or false negatives. Furthermore, since the assay relies on reconstitution of a soluble protein (adenylate cyclase), the DNA repair proteins are free to interact with the DNA (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Known interactions among repair proteins as detected by the bacterial two-hybrid assay. The T18 and T25 subunits of CyaA are fused to any two repair proteins (illustrated here by MutL and Vsr), allowing measurement of all pairwise interactions as units of β-galactosidase (β-gal). T25 fusions are repair proficient. CRP, cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein; P, lac operon promoter; RNAP, RNA polymerase.2-Aminopurine (2AP) mispairs with C during DNA replication, causing transition and frameshift mutations (5). The transitions are due primarily to the mismatch itself; the frameshifts are due to saturation of MMR, which leaves slipped-strand intermediates caused by DNA replication errors unrepaired (19). MutS and MutL bind to 2AP/C lesions (22), although the lesions may not be subject to MMR (19). As shown in Fig. Fig.2,2, treatment with 2AP causes a dose-dependent increase in the interaction of MutL with both Vsr and MutH; dimerization of MutL and interaction of MutL with MutS are somewhat increased.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Effect of 2AP treatment on protein-protein interactions in the bacterial two-hybrid assay. Results in units of β-galactosidase ± standard errors of the means (n = 9) are shown for BTH101(F galE15 ga1K16 rpsL1 hsdR2 mcrA1 mcrB1 cyaA-99) cells treated with 2AP as described previously (5, 19). Cells were cotransformed with pT18 and pT25 vectors (light gray bars), pT18-mutS and pT25-mutL (white bars), pT18-vsr and pT25-mutL (gray bars), pT18-mutH and pT25-mutL (black bars), or pT18-mutL and pT25-mutL (mottled bars). (NB: The dose-response curve for the pT18-mutS pT25-mutS transformants is similar to that of the pT18-mutL pT25-mutL transformants; it has been omitted for graphical clarity since the MutS-MutS interaction gives very high units of β-galactosidase activity [15]).The MutY adenine glycosylase removes A''s which have mispaired with oxidized guanine (8-oxoG) during DNA replication. Cells with a deletion of mutY have an elevated frequency of CG-to-AT transversion mutations (18); these are reduced by excess MutS, suggesting that 8-oxoG/A mismatches are also subject to MMR (23). As shown in Fig. Fig.3,3, the interactions between Vsr and MutL and between MutH and MutL increase in a mutY cell (stippled bars). Other interactions, such as MutS dimerization, are unaffected (not shown).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Effects of mutY and mutT deletions on protein-protein interactions in the bacterial two-hybrid assay. Results are in units of β-galactosidase, relative to the level in the wild type, in mutT (solid) and mutY (stippled) derivatives of BTH101 cotransformed with pT18 and pT25 vectors, pT18-mutH and pT25-mutL, pT18-vsr and pT25-mutL, or pT18-mutS and pT25-mutS (n = 3).8-OxoG/A mismatches also arise by incorporation of oxidized dGTP opposite A during DNA replication. The MutT nuclease minimizes this by removing oxidized dGTP from the nucleotide pool. The high frequency of AT-to-CG mutations in mutT strains is unaffected by the status of the MMR system (7, 21, 23), possibly because these 8-oxoG/A mispairs are in a conformation that MutS does not recognize. As shown in Fig. Fig.3,3, neither the interaction between MutL and Vsr nor that between MutL and MutH is elevated in a mutT strain (solid bars).These data show that mismatches which attract MutS and MutL increase the interaction of MutL with MutH in vivo. Although these mismatches are not subject to VSP repair, they also increase the interaction between MutL and Vsr. The simplest interpretation is that a MutS-MutL complex recruits MutH and Vsr to the DNA independent of the identity of the mismatch. MutS and MutL could then clear the mismatch, delivering the (activated) endonuclease to its specific target site, no matter how far away it is.Interaction of MutL with MutH, leading to MMR, is probably the default option. However, the MutS-MutL complex may recruit other repair proteins, such as Vsr or UvrB (20), to lesions that are poorly processed by MMR. The T/G mismatch in hemimethylated CTWGG sequences may be one such site. Vsr is expressed at very low levels in growing cells (14), so this recruitment would enhance VSP repair. However, recruitment of Vsr to other lesions would reduce VSP repair. For example, recruitment of Vsr by MutL to 2AP/C lesions (Fig. (Fig.2)2) could explain why CCWGG sites are hotspots for 2AP-induced mutations (4, 19).We have argued that Vsr is kept at low levels while DNA is replicating to avoid interference with MMR (14). However, if, as we suggest here, MutS and MutL are needed to recruit scarce Vsr to its target sequence, this argument loses its merit. It seems more likely that Vsr levels are kept low to avoid CTWGG-to-CCWGG mutations; Vsr creates these mutations by converting T/G mismatches formed at CTAGG sites by errors in DNA replication to CG (3, 6, 16). Vsr levels rise in nongrowing cells (14), when mutagenesis is no longer a risk. Under these circumstances, it is likely that MutS and MutL are no longer required for efficient VSP repair.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(3):287-292
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Summary: From microbes to multicellular eukaryotic organisms, all cells contain pathways responsible for genome maintenance. DNA replication allows for the faithful duplication of the genome, whereas DNA repair pathways preserve DNA integrity in response to damage originating from endogenous and exogenous sources. The basic pathways important for DNA replication and repair are often conserved throughout biology. In bacteria, high-fidelity repair is balanced with low-fidelity repair and mutagenesis. Such a balance is important for maintaining viability while providing an opportunity for the advantageous selection of mutations when faced with a changing environment. Over the last decade, studies of DNA repair pathways in bacteria have demonstrated considerable differences between Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. Here we review and discuss the DNA repair, genome maintenance, and DNA damage checkpoint pathways of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. We present their molecular mechanisms and compare the functions and regulation of several pathways with known information on other organisms. We also discuss DNA repair during different growth phases and the developmental program of sporulation. In summary, we present a review of the function, regulation, and molecular mechanisms of DNA repair and mutagenesis in Gram-positive bacteria, with a strong emphasis on B. subtilis.  相似文献   

At clinically relevant doses, chemotherapeutic SN1 DNA methylating agents induce an ATR-mediated checkpoint response in human cells that is dependent on functional MutSα and MutLα. Deficiency of either mismatch repair activity renders cells highly resistant to this class of drug, but the mechanisms linking mismatch repair to checkpoint activation have remained elusive. In this study we have systematically examined the interactions of human MutSα and MutLα with proteins of the ATR-Chk1 pathway using both nuclear extracts and purified proteins. Using nuclear co-immunoprecipitation, we have detected interaction of MutSα with ATR, TopBP1, Claspin, and Chk1 and interaction of MutLα with TopBP1 and Claspin. We were unable to detect interaction of MutSα or MutLα with Rad17, Rad9, or replication protein A in the extract system. Use of purified proteins confirmed direct interaction of MutSα with ATR, TopBP1, and Chk1 and of MutLα with TopBP1. MutSα-Claspin and MutLα-Claspin interactions were not demonstrable with purified proteins, suggesting that extract interactions are indirect or depend on post-translational modification. Use of a modified chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed that proliferating cell nuclear antigen, ATR, TopBP1, and Chk1 are recruited to chromatin in a MutLα- and MutSα-dependent fashion after N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine treatment. However, chromatin enrichment of replication protein A, Claspin, Rad17-RFC, and Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 was not detected in these experiments. Although our failure to observe enrichment of the latter activities could be due to sensitivity limitations, these observations may indicate a novel mechanism for ATR activation.  相似文献   

ATP binding causes the mispair-bound Msh2-Msh6 mismatch recognition complex to slide along the DNA away from the mismatch, and ATP is required for the mispair-dependent interaction between Msh2-Msh6 and Mlh1-Pms1. It has been inferred from these observations that ATP induces conformational changes in Msh2-Msh6; however, the nature of these conformational changes and their requirement in mismatch repair are poorly understood. Here we show that ATP induces a conformational change within the C-terminal region of Msh6 that protects the trypsin cleavage site after Msh6 residue Arg1124. An engineered disulfide bond within this region prevented the ATP-driven conformational change and resulted in an Msh2-Msh6 complex that bound mispaired bases but could not form sliding clamps or bind Mlh1-Pms1. The engineered disulfide bond also reduced mismatch repair efficiency in vivo, indicating that this ATP-driven conformational change plays a role in mismatch repair.  相似文献   

Stress-promoted mutations that occur in nondividing cells (adaptive mutations) have been implicated strongly in causing genetic variability as well as in species survival and evolutionary processes. Oxidative stress-induced DNA damage has been associated with generation of adaptive His(+) and Met(+) but not Leu(+) revertants in strain Bacillus subtilis YB955 (hisC952 metB5 leuC427). Here we report that an interplay between MutY and MutSL (mismatch repair system [MMR]) plays a pivotal role in the production of adaptive Leu(+) revertants. Essentially, the genetic disruption of MutY dramatically reduced the reversion frequency to the leu allele in this model system. Moreover, the increased rate of adaptive Leu(+) revertants produced by a MutSL knockout strain was significantly diminished following mutY disruption. Interestingly, although the expression of mutY took place during growth and stationary phase and was not under the control of RecA, PerR, or σ(B), a null mutation in the mutSL operon increased the expression of mutY several times. Thus, in starved cells, saturation of the MMR system may induce the expression of mutY, disturbing the balance between MutY and MMR proteins and aiding in the production of types of mutations detected by reversion to leucine prototrophy. In conclusion, our results support the idea that MMR regulation of the mutagenic/antimutagenic properties of MutY promotes stationary-phase mutagenesis in B. subtilis cells.  相似文献   

A nuclease present in extracts of Bacillus subtilis inserts breaks in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) treated with the monofunctional alkylating agent, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), but the nature of the sites within the alkylated macromolecule at which these breaks occur is not known. DNA extracted from B. subtilis cells that have recovered from MMS damage has lost its susceptibility to enzyme action. The recovery process is accompanied by some DNA breakdown and by the incorporation of thymidine. Some recovery from ultraviolet irradiation (UV) and MMS occurred in organisms starved for thymine or adenine, but UV recovery was stimulated by their addition. It is possible that MMS recovery proceeds by a process of excision and repair similar to, but not identical with, UV repair.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a γ-herpesvirus that may cause infectious mononucleosis in young adults. In addition, epidemiological and molecular evidence links EBV to the pathogenesis of lymphoid and epithelial malignancies. EBV has the unique ability to transform resting B cells into permanently proliferating, latently infected lymphoblastoid cell lines. Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2) is a key regulator of viral and cellular gene expression for this transformation process. The N-terminal region of EBNA-2 comprising residues 1-58 appears to mediate multiple molecular functions including self-association and transactivation. However, it remains to be determined if the N-terminus of EBNA-2 directly provides these functions or if these activities merely depend on the dimerization involving the N-terminal domain. To address this issue, we determined the three-dimensional structure of the EBNA-2 N-terminal dimerization (END) domain by heteronuclear NMR-spectroscopy. The END domain monomer comprises a small fold of four β-strands and an α-helix which form a parallel dimer by interaction of two β-strands from each protomer. A structure-guided mutational analysis showed that hydrophobic residues in the dimer interface are required for self-association in vitro. Importantly, these interface mutants also displayed severely impaired self-association and transactivation in vivo. Moreover, mutations of solvent-exposed residues or deletion of the α-helix do not impair dimerization but strongly affect the functional activity, suggesting that the EBNA-2 dimer presents a surface that mediates functionally important intra- and/or intermolecular interactions. Our study shows that the END domain is a novel dimerization fold that is essential for functional activity. Since this specific fold is a unique feature of EBNA-2 it might provide a novel target for anti-viral therapeutics.  相似文献   

Mlh1 is an essential factor of mismatch repair (MMR) and meiotic recombination. It interacts through its C-terminal region with MutL homologs and proteins involved in DNA repair and replication. In this study, we identified the site of yeast Mlh1 critical for the interaction with Exo1, Ntg2, and Sgs1 proteins, designated as site S2 by reference to the Mlh1/Pms1 heterodimerization site S1. We show that site S2 is also involved in the interaction between human MLH1 and EXO1 or BLM. Binding at this site involves a common motif on Mlh1 partners that we called the MIP-box for the Mlh1 interacting protein box. Direct and specific interactions between yeast Mlh1 and peptides derived from Exo1, Ntg2, and Sgs1 and between human MLH1 and peptide derived from EXO1 and BLM were measured with Kd values ranging from 8.1 to 17.4 μM. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a mutant of Mlh1 targeted at site S2 (Mlh1-E682A) behaves as a hypomorphic form of Exo1. The site S2 in Mlh1 mediates Exo1 recruitment in order to optimize MMR-dependent mutation avoidance. Given the conservation of Mlh1 and Exo1 interaction, it may readily impact Mlh1-dependent functions such as cancer prevention in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Repair of UV-induced lesions in DNA was studied with various kinds of subcellular system prepared from Bacillus subtilis. The degree of repair during the post-irradiation incubation period was calculated from marker survivals in transforming DNA. Systems consisting mainly of non-viable spherical cells and subcellular fragments, as well as systems consisting of colony-forming protoplasts, were able to repair UV-induced lesions as efficiently as intact cell systems. A Teflon homogenate, a freeze-and-thawed product and an osmotic shockate were also examined. The former two systems showed high repair activity, but the last did not. Attempts to repair the lesions with a supernatant fraction of Teflon homogenate were unsuccessful. In contrast with the active protoplast derivatives, toluene-treated cells were inert with respect to repair even when supplemented with substrates and cofactors although they retained DNA-synthesizing activity under similar conditions.  相似文献   

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