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Metabolic syndrome and obesity have become serious threats to public health worldwide. This study was conducted to evaluate the anti-adipogenesis and metabolism-regulating effects of heat-inactivated Streptococcus thermophilus MN-ZLW-002 (MN-ZLW-002), which can be used as a yogurt starter. In vitro study suggested that MN-ZLW-002 stimulated the RAW264.7 macrophages to produce significant amounts of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and induced intense phosphorylation of P38, p44/42 MAPK and nuclear factor κB. MN-ZLW-002-stimulated RAW264.7-conditioned medium (CM) notably suppressed the differentiation and adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes. The 12-week in vivo study suggested that orally administered MN-ZLW-002 significantly reduced the weight gain of mice caused by the high-fat diet (HFD) at weeks 3–8; decreased fasting blood glucose levels at week 4 and week 8; decreased serum total triglyceride level at week 12. MN-ZLW-002 also reduced serum IL-1β and chemokine ligand 3 levels in the HFD-fed mice. These findings suggest that heat-inactivated MN-ZLW-002 can suppress adipocytes differentiation and lipid accumulation by regulating the immune response, possibly via the release of cytokines, particularly TNF-α; MN-ZLW-002 can improve metabolism-related indicators in the early stage of HFD intervention and regulate the related pro-inflammatory immune response.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans, a principal causative agent of dental caries, is considered to be the most cariogenic among all oral streptococci. Of the four S. mutans serotypes (c, e, f, and k), serotype c strains predominate in the oral cavity. Here, we present the complete genome sequence of S. mutans GS-5, a serotype c strain originally isolated from human carious lesions, which is extensively used as a laboratory strain worldwide.  相似文献   

In this study, C57BL/6J male mice were fed normal chow (NC; control) or a high-fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks, and HFD mice were supplemented with oral administration of Streptococcus thermophilus MN-ZLW-002 (HFD + MN002); n=20/group. Body weight, visceral fat, blood glucose, blood lipids and liver lipid deposition increased in the HFD group, and the composition of gut microbiota, cecum short-chain fatty acids and fecal bile acids (BAs) also changed. Oral-fed MN-002 increased the relative abundances of Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae and Streptococcaceae and improved blood glucose, liver cholesterol deposition, and serum IL-10, CCL-3 and the fecal BAs composition. In conclusion, the high-fat diet changed the composition of bile acids by shaping the gut microbiota into an obese type, leading to metabolic disturbances. Streptococcus thermophilus MN-ZLW-002 regulated gut microbiota by adjusting the composition of bile acids and improved the perturbation caused by high-fat diets. However, the effect of MN002 observed in animal experiments needs to be verified by long-term clinical trials.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma wenyonii is a hemotrophic mycoplasma that causes acute and chronic infections in cattle. Here, we announce the first complete genome sequence of this organism. The genome is a single circular chromosome with 650,228 bp and G+C% of 33.9. Analyses of M. wenyonii genome will provide insights into its biology.  相似文献   

Streptococcus salivarius is a commensal species commonly found in the human oropharyngeal tract. Some strains of this species have been developed for use as oral probiotics, while others have been associated with a variety of opportunistic human infections. Here, we report the complete sequence of strain PS4, which was isolated from breast milk of a healthy woman.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica FTNF002-00 strain was originally obtained from the first known clinical case of bacteremic F. tularensis pneumonia in Southern Europe isolated from an immunocompetent individual. The FTNF002-00 complete genome contains the RD23 deletion and represents a type strain for a clonal population from the first epidemic tularemia outbreak in Spain between 1997–1998. Here, we present the complete sequence analysis of the FTNF002-00 genome. The complete genome sequence of FTNF002-00 revealed several large as well as small genomic differences with respect to two other published complete genome sequences of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strains, LVS and OSU18. The FTNF002-00 genome shares >99.9% sequence similarity with LVS and OSU18, and is also ∼5 MB smaller by comparison. The overall organization of the FTNF002-00 genome is remarkably identical to those of LVS and OSU18, except for a single 3.9 kb inversion in FTNF002-00. Twelve regions of difference ranging from 0.1–1.5 kb and forty-two small insertions and deletions were identified in a comparative analysis of FTNF002-00, LVS, and OSU18 genomes. Two small deletions appear to inactivate two genes in FTNF002-00 causing them to become pseudogenes; the intact genes encode a protein of unknown function and a drug:H+ antiporter. In addition, we identified ninety-nine proteins in FTNF002-00 containing amino acid mutations compared to LVS and OSU18. Several non-conserved amino acid replacements were identified, one of which occurs in the virulence-associated intracellular growth locus subunit D protein. Many of these changes in FTNF002-00 are likely the consequence of direct selection that increases the fitness of this subsp. holarctica clone within its endemic population. Our complete genome sequence analyses lay the foundation for experimental testing of these possibilities.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyorhinis is generally considered a swine pathogen yet is most commonly found infecting laboratory cell lines. An increasing body of evidence suggests that chronic infections with M. hyorhinis may cause oncogenic transformation. Here, we announce the complete genome sequence of M. hyorhinis strain HUB-1.Mycoplasma hyorhinis is generally considered to be a swine pathogen causing lung lesions, inflammation in the chest and abdominal lining, and arthritis (8). This agent also frequently contaminates laboratory cell cultures, impinging on many aspects of biological research (3). Recent studies have demonstrated that M. hyorhinis infections induce a malignant phenotype in human prostate (7) and gastric (4) cells, suggesting that M. hyorhinis infections are associated with oncogenic transformation. These properties of M. hyorhinis have increased its profile to researchers. The complete genome sequence of this microbe has yet to be determined.We sequenced the genome of M. hyorhinis strain HUB-1, a pathogenic strain isolated from the respiratory tract of swine. Whole-genome sequencing was performed by combining GS FLX (6) and Solexa paired-end sequencing technologies (1). Genomic libraries containing 3-kb inserts were constructed, and 308,604 reads (79.7% paired end) were produced using the GS FLX system, giving 65.9-fold coverage of the genome. About 93.4% of reads were assembled into one large scaffold using Newbler software (454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT). A total of 822,579 reads were generated using an Illumina Solexa Genome Analyzer IIx and were mapped to the scaffold using the Burrows-Wheeler alignment (BWA) tool (5). Gaps were filled by local assembly of the Solexa/Roche 454 reads or by sequencing PCR products by using an ABI 3730 capillary sequencer. Open reading frames containing more than 30 amino acid residues were predicted using Glimmer 3.0 (2) and verified by comparison with six other closely related genome sequences.The complete genome of M. hyorhinis HUB-1 consists of an 839,615-bp single circular chromosome with an average G+C content of 25.88%. A total of 654 protein-encoding genes are predicted. The average protein size is 364 amino acids, and the mean coding percentage is 85.2%. The genome includes 30 tRNA genes, and only a single copy of the 16S-23S rRNA operon can be found. The 5S rRNA operon is separate from the 16S-23S rRNA operon. Protein secretion occurs through a truncated membrane protein secretion system, consisting of SecA, SecD, SecY, PrsA, DnaK, Tig, and LepA. Additionally, 20 pseudogenes, which become truncated or inactivated, are identified in the genome.M. hyorhinis contains a special variable lipoprotein (Vlp) system that constitutes its major coat protein (9) and provides a mutational strategy for evasion of the host immune system. Different M. hyorhinis strains carry a variable number of vlp genes (9). M. hyorhinis HUB-1 is characterized to contain seven vlp genes displayed in the order 5′-vlpD-vlpE-vlpF-insertion sequence (IS)-vlpG-vlpA-IS-vlpB-vlpC-3′.This is the first complete genome sequence of M. hyorhinis, and its availability will provide a better-defined genetic background for future studies of gene expression and regulation.  相似文献   

Shandong is a porcine circovirus 2b (PCV2b) strain that was isolated and purified from tissue samples from pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in the Shandong Province of China. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of strain Shandong, which may aid in understanding the molecular characteristics of this strain.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the etiologic agent of porcine circovirus-associated disease, and it is mainly divided into five genotypes. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of PCV2 strain GDYX, which belongs to PCV2d and has a unique amino acid variation at position 169 (S to G).  相似文献   

Mycobacterium vaccae is a rapidly growing, nontuberculous Mycobacterium species that is generally not considered a human pathogen and is of major pharmaceutical interest as an immunotherapeutic agent. We report here the annotated genome sequence of the M. vaccae type strain, ATCC 25954.  相似文献   

Alcanivorax dieselolei B5T was isolated from oil-contaminated surface water of the Bohai Sea of China and characterized by the efficient degradation of alkane (C5-C36). Here we report the complete genome of B5T and genes associated with alkane degradation.  相似文献   

Streptococcus agalactiae is a significant Gram-positive bacterial pathogen of terrestrial and aquatic animals. A subpopulation of nonhemolytic strains which appear to be pathogenic only for poikilotherms exists. We report here the first draft genome sequence of a nonhemolytic S. agalactiae isolate recovered from a diseased fish.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis has been widely used as a biopesticide for a long time. Here we report the finished and annotated genome sequence of B. thuringiensis mutant strain BMB171, an acrystalliferous mutant strain with a high transformation frequency obtained and stocked in our laboratory.Bacillus thuringiensis is an insect pathogen which is widely used as a biopesticide due to its various endogenous crystal proteins and spores (12). To improve the virulence and practical effectiveness of B. thuringiensis, genetic transformation of different genes with beneficial traits is a fundamental procedure. Simultaneously, genetic transformation can facilitate functional genomic research. However, wild-type strains are not suitable to be used as recipient strains because of low transformation efficiency. This obstacle is mainly caused by the thick cell wall layer of B. thuringiensis together with multiple plasmids inside the cell, which harbor genes encoding insecticidal crystal proteins. We used the method of elevating the growth temperature and adding 0.05% sodium dodecyl sulfate to treat several parental strains and finally obtained mutant strain BMB171, with no resident plasmid, from wild-type crystalliferous strain YBT-1463 (9). The electrotransformation frequency of mutant BMB171 could reach up to 107 transformants/μg DNA after optimization of the electrotransformation parameters (7), which was 4.8 × 104-fold higher than that of the parental strain (8). Moreover, mutant strain BMB171 exhibited the same characteristics as YBT-1463, such as metabolic abilities and growth properties, as well as sensitivity to 10 antibiotics (8). Of course, BMB171 could produce parasporal crystals with characteristic geometric shapes through the expression of relevant cry genes carried by plasmids (7). Thus, B. thuringiensis mutant strain BMB171 has become a major recipient strain and is widely used for insecticidal crystal protein-encoding gene expression (14, 15), cell surface display (10, 13), gene function and regulation researches (2, 5), etc.The B. thuringiensis mutant strain BMB171 genome was sequenced by using a massive parallel pyrosequencing technology (454 GS-FLX). A total of 448,963 high-quality reads with an average read length of 391 bp were produced, providing about 32-fold coverage of the genome. Assembly was performed using the Newbler software of the 454 suite package (454 Life Sciences), which resulted in 193 large (defined as >500 bp) contigs. The relationship of contigs was determined by multiplex PCR, and gaps were filled through sequencing of PCR products by primer walking or shotgun sequencing with an ABI 3730 sequencer. The Phred/Phrap/Consed software package (3) was used for final sequence assembly and quality assessment. Protein-coding genes were predicted by combining the results of Glimmer 3.02 (1) and ZCURVE (4), followed by manual inspection. Both tRNA and rRNA genes were identified by tRNAscan-SE (11) and RNAmmer (6), respectively. Functional annotation was performed by searching against a protein database of the microbial genome developed in house.The 5.64-Mb genome of B. thuringiensis mutant strain BMB171 contains two replicons: a circular chromosome (5.33 Mb) encoding 5,088 open reading frames (ORFs) and a circular plasmid (0.31 Mb), which is named pBMB171, encoding 276 predicted ORFs. The G+C content of the chromosome is 35.3%, while that of the plasmid is 33.3%. The mutant strain BMB171 genome encodes 104 tRNAs and 14 rRNA operons. A previous study indicated that BMB171 is a plasmid-free mutant (9); however, our sequencing results demonstrated that a large plasmid still remains. The reason why the plasmid was not detected previously might be its large size and low copy number. We did not find any crystal protein genes in either chromosome or plasmid sequences, which was consistent with previous observations (9).In summary, the complete B. thuringiensis mutant strain BMB171 genome provides a better-defined genetic background for gene expression and regulation studies, especially crystal protein production and metabolic network construction.  相似文献   

将麻疹病毒L4株毒种接种于CEC细胞,传代培养及鉴定合格后,用Trizol法提取总RNA,进行分段RT-PCR扩增,并将PCR产物精制后测序分析。结果表明,成功测出麻疹病毒L4株15894 nt全基因组序列,为了解其基因组结构与生物功能的关系及研究开发麻疹病毒新型疫苗而奠定基础。  相似文献   

S Li  H Zhao  Y Li  S Niu  B Cai 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(18):5154-5155
Pseudomonas putida strain ND6 is an efficient naphthalene-degrading bacterium. The complete genome of strain ND6 was sequenced and annotated. The genes encoding the enzymes involved in catechol degradation by the ortho-cleavage pathway were found in the chromosomal sequence, which indicated that strain ND6 is able to metabolize naphthalene by the catechol meta- and ortho-cleavage pathways.  相似文献   

A porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) strain, designated CC1, was isolated and purified from tissue samples from pigs with wasting syndromes in China. We report the complete genome sequence of PCV2b strain CC1 with a deletion of C at position 1053 resulting in elongation of open reading frame 2 (ORF2) and formation of ORF5. There were 11 ORFs in the genome.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 80 (EV80) is a newly identified serotype of the species Human enterovirus B. An EV80 strain designated HZ01/SD/CHN/2004 was isolated from an acute flaccid paralysis case in Shandong, China, in 2004. Complete genome comparison revealed 79.5% similarity with the prototype strain and an insertion of 36 nucleotides in the 3′ end of the VP1 coding region. Intertypic recombination with other serotypes was observed. This is the first report of the complete genome of EV80 in China.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci and commonly found as part of the human skin flora. It is a significant cause of catheter-related bacteremia and also causes serious infections like native valve endocarditis in previously healthy individuals. We report the complete genome sequence of this medically important bacterium.Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) commonly colonizing the human skin and mucosal membranes. While the genus Staphylococcus contains 48 named species currently, only a few species, notably S. aureus, are coagulase positive. Thus, the phenotypic characteristic is routinely tested in the medical microbiological laboratory for rapid differentiation of the highly pathogenic S. aureus from the other staphylococci. Among the CoNS, only a few species are known to cause human disease, usually in the form of opportunistic infections only (6). However, S. lugdunensis is an important exception (3). Besides causing catheter-related bacteremia similar to other CoNS, it causes a variety of severe nosocomial and community-acquired infections, including native valve endocarditis, a devastating and potentially fatal disease that can affect previously healthy individuals. Another unusual feature are the susceptibilities of S. lugdunensis isolates to multiple antimicrobial agents even when the incidence of multiple-drug-resistant CoNS and S. aureus occurrences are increasing in both hospital and community settings (4, 5).The genome sequence of S. lugdunensis strain HKU09-01 was determined by high-throughput sequencing performed on a GS FLX system (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland), with approximately 45-fold coverage of the genome. This clinical strain was previously isolated from the culture of pus from a skin swab. Genome assembly was performed using the Newbler assembler, resulting in 30 large contigs (>500 bp in size). The contigs were then ordered and oriented into one scaffold using OSLay (11). The genome-finishing strategy for S. lugdunensis was similar to that employed for our previously sequenced Laribacter hongkongensis genome (12). Briefly, gap closures were performed by genomic PCR followed by DNA sequencing of amplification products on an ABI 3130xl sequencer (Applied Biosystems, CA). The finished sequence was validated by genome macrorestriction analysis using multiple rare-cutting enzymes and visualization by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Protein coding regions were predicted with Glimmer3 (2), and automatic genome annotation was performed on the RAST server (1). Additionally, annotation of tRNA and transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) genes was performed using tRNAScan-SE (10) and ARAGORN (9). Identification of rRNA genes was performed using RNAmmer (8).The genome of S. lugdunensis strain HKU09-01 consists of a circular 2,658,366-bp chromosome with G+C content of 33.87%, similar to those of other staphylococci. No plasmids are present in the sequenced strain. The genome contains 61 tRNA genes for all amino acids and 2,489 predicted protein-coding genes. Eight putative genomic islands were identified, and one actually consists of a pair of duplicated 32-kb genomic regions. Similar to Staphylococcus saprophyticus (7), but different from the other staphylococci, the genome contains 6 rRNA operons, one of them having the unusual organization 5S-16S-23S-5S.With the availability of the present genome sequence, S. lugdunensis now joins other staphylococcal species with human pathogenic potential, like S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, and S. saprophyticus, to have at least one reference genome available. Further in-depth analysis will be necessary to fully elucidate the genomic differences that may explain the variation in virulence of the staphylococcal species.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis is an important microbial insecticide used in the control of agricultural pests. Here we report the finished, annotated genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar Sichuansis strain MC28, which can form parasporal crystals consisting of Cry4Cc1, Cry30Fa1, Cry53Ab1, Cry54Aa1, Cry54Ab1, Cry68Aa1, Cry69Aa1, Cry69Aa2, Cry70Ba1, Cyt1Da1, and Cyt2Aa3. It is also highly toxic to lepidopterous and dipterous insects.  相似文献   

Here we report the completely annotated genome sequence of the Helicobacter cinaedi type strain (ATCC BAA-847), which is an emerging pathogen that causes cellulitis and bacteremia. The genome sequence will provide new insights into the diagnosis, pathogenic mechanisms, and drug resistance of H. cinaedi.  相似文献   

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