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Contractile properties of smooth muscles of bronchial tubes of porpoises in formation of hyperreactance airways, were studied. Sensitization by ovalbumin results in formation of hyperresponsiveness of the airways as shown in increase in amplitude of contractile responses to histaminergic influences and oppression of adrenergic relaxations of segments. Respiratory epithelium oppresses contractile responses of airways in intact animals to histaminergic influences. Influence of epithelium on adrenergic responses depends on precontractile factor: they increase in prereduction by histamine. In formation of hyperresponse, the epithelium loses ability to modulate responses of smooth muscles of the airways. Incubation segments of smooth muscles of the airways in interleukin 5 increases contractile responses to histaminergic influences. Receptor of interleukin 5 (the soluble fraction) neutralizes the effect of exogenous interleukin 5, and incubation of receptor of sensitized animals oppresses histaminergic contractile responses.  相似文献   

The in vitro mechanical properties of smooth muscle strips from 10 human main stem bronchi obtained immediately after pneumonectomy were evaluated. Maximal active isometric and isotonic responses were obtained at varying lengths by use of electrical field stimulation (EFS). At the length (Lmax) producing maximal force (Pmax), resting tension was very high (60.0 +/- 8.8% Pmax). Maximal fractional muscle shortening was 25.0 +/- 9.0% at a length of 75% Lmax, whereas less shortening occurred at Lmax (12.2 +/- 2.7%). The addition of increasing elastic loads produced an exponential decrease in the shortening and velocity of shortening but increased tension generation of muscle strips stimulated by EFS. Morphometric analysis revealed that muscle accounted for 8.7 +/- 1.5% of the total cross-sectional tissue area. Evaluation of two human tracheal smooth muscle preparations revealed mechanics similar to the bronchial preparations. Passive tension at Lmax was 10-fold greater and maximal active shortening was threefold less than that previously demonstrated for porcine trachealis by us of the same apparatus. We attribute the limited shortening of human bronchial and tracheal smooth muscle to the larger load presumably provided by a connective tissue parallel elastic component within the evaluated tissues, which must be overcome for shortening to occur. We suggest that a decrease in airway wall elastance could increase smooth muscle shortening, leading to excessive responses to contractile agonists, as seen in airway hyperresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Respiratory epithelium inhibits bronchial smooth muscle tone   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The aim of the present study was to determine whether or not the respiratory epithelium can modulate the responsiveness of bronchial smooth muscle. Paired rings of canine bronchi (4-6 mm OD), in some of which the epithelium had been removed mechanically (by rubbing the luminal surface), were mounted in physiological saline solution, gassed with 95% O2-5% CO2, and maintained at 37 degrees C. The presence or absence of the epithelium was confirmed by histological examination. Removal of the epithelium increased the contractile responses evoked by acetylcholine, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Transmural nerve stimulation evoked similar peak responses in the presence and absence of epithelium. In unrubbed preparations, the peak response was followed by a gradual decrease when the stimulation was continued. This decrease, which persisted in the presence of propranolol, was not observed in epithelium-denuded preparations. In bronchial rings contracted with acetylcholine, isoproterenol produced concentration-dependent relaxations which were significantly greater in rings with epithelium compared with denuded rings. These results suggest that respiratory epithelial cells may generate an inhibitory signal to decrease the responsiveness of bronchial smooth muscle to contractile agonists and augment the effectiveness of inhibitory stimuli.  相似文献   

Whether contractility of bronchial smooth muscle cells (BSMC) from asthmatic subjects is significantly altered has never been validated. We tested the hypothesis that such BSMC show increased contractility. Cells were isolated from endobronchial biopsies. BSMC shortening was measured under an inverted microscope. Statistically significant increases in maximum shortening capacity (Delta L max) and velocity (Vo) were found in asthmatic BSMC compared with normal cells. Mean Delta L max in asthmatic BSMC was 39.05 +/- 1.99% (SE) of resting cell length compared with 28.6 +/- 1.1% in normal cells; mean Vo was 7.2 +/- 0.8% of resting cell length/s in asthmatic cells and 5.23 +/- 0.46% in normal cells. To investigate the mechanism of the increased contractility, we measured mRNA abundance of smooth muscle types of myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK) and myosin heavy chain. RT-PCR data revealed that smMLCK mRNA was higher in asthmatic BSMC (0.106 +/- 0.021 arbitrary densitometric units, n = 7) than in control cells (0.04 +/- 0.008, n = 11; P < 0.05). Messages for myosin heavy chain isoforms showed no difference. Increased kinase message content is an index of the mechanism for the increased velocity and capacity of shortening we report.  相似文献   

Vagal innervation of guinea pig bronchial smooth muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We isolated the guinea pig right bronchus with the vagus nerves intact and evaluated the changes in isometric tension of the smooth muscle in response to nerve stimulation. Brief (10-s) trains of electrical field stimulation or vagus nerve stimulation caused a biphasic contraction: the "first phase" sensitive to atropine and the "second phase" sensitive to capsaicin. The two phases could be dissociated by adjusting the stimulus intensity; greater stimulus intensities (pulse durations or voltage) were required to evoke the capsaicin-sensitive phase. When stimulated at 30-min intervals, the magnitude of both phases of the contractions declined over a 2-h period of repeated stimulation; however, this was prevented by indomethacin. Stimulation of the left vagus nerve resulted in a monophasic contraction of the right bronchus, with little evidence of a capsaicin-sensitive phase. Blocking neurotransmission through the bronchial ganglion, as monitored by intracellular recording techniques, abolished the first-phase contraction but had no effect on the capsaicin-sensitive phase. Selective blockade of muscarinic M1 receptors had no effect on vagus nerve-mediated contractions. The results demonstrate that the left and right vagus nerves carry preganglionic fibers to the right bronchial ganglion. The right but not the left vagus nerve also carries capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibers that, when stimulated, result in a persistent contraction of the right bronchus. Finally, we provide functional and electrophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that capsaicin-sensitive afferent neurons communicate with postganglionic motoneurons within the bronchus.  相似文献   

Activated fibroblasts, or myofibroblasts, are crucial players in tissue remodeling, wound healing, and various fibrotic disorders, including interstitial lung fibrosis associated with scleroderma. Here we characterize the signaling pathways in normal lung fibroblasts exposed to thrombin as they acquire two of the main features of myofibroblasts: smooth muscle (SM) alpha-actin organization and collagen gel contraction. Our results show that the small G protein Rho is involved in lung myofibroblast differentiation. Thrombin induces Rho-35S-labeled guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) binding in a dose-dependent manner. It potently stimulates Rho activity in vivo and initiates protein kinase C (PKC)-epsilon-Rho complex formation. Toxin B, which inactivates Rho by ADP ribosylation, inhibits thrombin-induced SM alpha-actin organization, collagen gel contraction, and PKC-epsilon-SM alpha-actin and PKC-epsilon-RhoA coimmunoprecipitation. However, it has no effect on PKC-epsilon activation or translocation of PKC-epsilon to the membrane. Overexpression of constitutively active PKC-epsilon and constitutively active RhoA induces collagen gel contraction or SM alpha-actin organization, whereas, individually, they do not perform these functions. We therefore conclude that the contractile activity of myofibroblasts induced by thrombin is mediated via PKC-epsilon- and RhoA-dependent pathways and that activation of both of these molecules is required. We postulate that PKC-epsilon-RhoA complex formation is an early event in thrombin activation of lung fibroblasts, followed by PKC-epsilon-SM alpha-actin coimmunoprecipitation, which leads to the PKC-epsilon-RhoA-SM alpha-actin ternary complex formation.  相似文献   

Using a combination of single maximal stimuli and maximum voluntary contractions, a comparison has been made of muscle properties in pre- and post-pubertal male subjects. In the dorsiflexor and plantarflexor muscles of the ankle, the twitch and maximum voluntary torques were approximately twice as large in the older subjects; the mean height and mean weight increased by factors of 1.20 and 1.86 respectively. The only other muscle parameter that changed, as a function of age, was the contraction time of the ankle dorsiflexors; the mean value was significantly longer in the older subjects. In the younger subjects, there were already clear differences between the dorsiflexor and plantarflexor muscles, the former developing smaller torques and having shorter contraction and half-relaxation times, greater post-activation potentiation and more susceptibility to fatigue. Even in the youngest subject, motor unit activation was complete in the ankle dorsiflexors; although this was not always true of the plantarflexors, the difference between the two subject groups was not significant.  相似文献   

The isometric and force-velocity properties of the fast-twitch flexor digitorum longus (FDL) and slow-twitch soleus muscles were investigated immediately after and during recovery from a fatiguing stimulus regime (40 Hz for 330 ms every second for 180 s) in the anesthetized cat. The amplitude of the isometric twitch of FDL was unaffected but in soleus it remained depressed for much of the recovery period. Immediately after stimulation the twitch time to peak of FDL increased to 140% of the control (prefatigue) value and then reverted to control values. The maximum isometric tetanic tension (Po) developed by FDL was reduced to 67% of control values immediately after the stimulus regime, whereas soleus declined to 93% of control. Recovery of maximum force development was achieved after 45 min in FDL and after 15 min in soleus. The maximum speed of shortening of FDL was reduced to 63% of control values immediately after fatigue; despite some recovery within the first 30 min, it remained depressed during the remainder of the recovery period (up to 300 min). Maximum speed of shortening was unaltered in soleus. The a/Po value transiently increased to 176% of control values in FDL immediately after the fatigue regime but promptly returned to control values. Force-velocity properties of soleus were not affected by the stimulus regime. It is concluded that in FDL changes in the maximum speed of shortening and maximum isometric tension as a result of the stimulus regime are attributable to changes in the intrinsic behavior of cross-bridges and the metabolic status of the fibers, particularly in the fast-twitch fatigue-resistant fibers.  相似文献   

Muscarinic agonists elicit contraction through M3 receptors in most isolated preparations of gastrointestinal smooth muscle, and not surprisingly, several investigators have identified M3 receptors in smooth muscle using biochemical, immunological and molecular biological methods. However, these studies have also shown that the M2 receptor outnumbers the M3 by a factor of about four in most instances. In smooth muscle, M3 receptors mediate phosphoinositide hydrolysis and Ca2+ mobilization, whereas M2 receptors mediate an inhibition of cAMP accumulation. The inhibitory effect of the M2 receptor on cAMP levels suggests an indirect role for this receptor; namely, an inhibition of the relaxant action of cAMP-stimulating agents. Such a function has been rigorously demonstrated in an experimental paradigm where gastrointestinal smooth muscle is first incubated with 4-DAMP mustard to inactivate M3 receptors during a Treatment Phase, and subsequently, the contractile activity of muscarinic agonists is characterized during a Test Phase in the presence of histamine and a relaxant agent. When present together, histamine and the relaxant agent (e.g., isoproterenol or forskolin) have no net contractile effect because their actions oppose one another. However, under these conditions, muscarinic agonists elicit a highly potent contractile response through the M2 receptor, presumably by inhibiting the relaxant action of isoproterenol or forskolin on histamine-induced contractions. This contractile response is pertussis toxin-sensitive, unlike the standard contractile response to muscarinic agonists, which is pertussis toxin-insensitive. When measured under standard conditions (i.e., in the absence of histamine and without 4-DAMP mustard-treatment), the contractile response to muscarinic agonists is moderately sensitive to pertussis toxin if isoproterenol or forskolin is present. Also, pertussis toxin-treatment enhances the relaxant action of isoproterenol in the field-stimulated guinea pig ileum. These results demonstrate that endogenous acetylcholine can activate M2 receptors to inhibit the relaxant effects of beta-adrenoceptor activation on M3 receptor-mediated contractions. An operational model for the interaction between M2 and M3 receptors shows that competitive antagonism of the interactive response resembles an M3 profile under most conditions, making it difficult to detect the contribution of the M2 receptor.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanical and electrophysiological responses of human and porcine bronchial arterial smooth muscle to isoprostanes (metabolites of membrane lipid peroxidation). These evoked a constrictor response which was sensitive to blockade of thromboxane receptors, as well as to a non-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor and an inhibitor of Rho-kinase. The patch clamp technique was used to characterize the K+ and Ca2+ currents in these tissues, and to show that isoprostanes caused a brief enhancement of K+ currents followed by prolonged and marked suppression of the same.  相似文献   

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