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We examined histologically the retinal cone photoreceptor mosaics of 0- to 6-year-old Champsocephalus gunnari. In the retina of 0- to 3-year-old fish, three types of cone cells, single-, double- and triple-cone, were identified. The triple-cone cells were localized near the optic papilla. In the outer region of the optic papilla, double-cone and single-cone cells were aligned alternately. Only double-cone cells were distributed in the peripheral retina. There were very few single-cone cells in the retinas of 4- to 6-year-old fish. The putative ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive visual pigment (SWS1) gene was isolated from the retina of 0- to 1-year-old fish. The recombinant opsin, encoded by this gene, showed a peak absorbance at 358 nm. It was considered that the UV sensitivity in juvenile C. gunnari might increase foraging efficiency by enhancing the contrast of the planktonic prey in the Antarctic summer.  相似文献   

The eye of the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) contains a retinal tapetum composed of guanine. The total amount of the guanine in one eye of the fish (SL=120 cm) was about 88.6 mg. The mean guanine content of the tapetum was approximately 1.25 mg/cm2 of the retinal surface. The highest content of guanine (2.15 mg/cm2) was observed only in the ventro-temporal part of the retina. To distinguish this area from the rest of the eye, we suggested the term ‘locus tapetalis’ for it. The visual accommodation system clearly indicated that the visual axis of the fish is upper-forward and the resulting retinal area for acute vision was suggested to be in the ventro-temporal retina. We discussed that the area centralis of the bigeye tuna may have two functions: to guarantee high visual acuity and to allow for high photo-sensitivity in dim light vision.  相似文献   

The ocean sunfish, Mola mola, is the largest known bony fish. Based on prior studies of diet composition, it is considered to be a pelagic zooplanktivore. However, a recent study using acoustic telemetry revealed that they repeatedly dive to depths of >50 m during the day. We examined the distribution of cells within the retinal ganglion cell layer in the immature ocean sunfish (c.a. 50 cm total length) and estimated their visual acuity with respect to the main visual axis and visual fields. Visual acuity was between 3.37 and 4.41 cycles/degree. The region of highest cell density was located in the dorso-temporal retina, indicating that the main visual axis of ocean sunfish is directed towards the lower frontal portion of the visual field. This axis is considered beneficial for detecting prey items when the sunfish are migrating vertically through the water column, and in foraging behavior near the sea bottom.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic, inter-annual and regional variations in diet were investigated for mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, in three successive summer seasons around South Georgia. Stomach contents from 2239 C. gunnari (130–560 mm total length) were examined. A bootstrapping technique was used to calculate confidence intervals for an index of relative importance of prey categories (% IRIDC). Diet varied significantly between years and age classes but there was little regional difference in diet. In general, diet was dominated by krill, Euphausia superba and by the amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii. Smaller (younger) fish tended to prey on a higher proportion of T. gaudichaudii and small euphausiids such as Thysanoessa sp. and took smaller quantities of E. superba. In a season of poor krill availability (summer of 2003–2004) the proportion of krill in the diet, stomach fullness and fish condition (indicated by length–weight relationships) were significantly lower than in the other summer seasons. A large reduction (>80%) in the estimated annual (2005) biomass of the C. gunnari stock directly followed the season of poor krill availability. This decline was largely because of mortality of 2+ and 3+ fish, which were more krill dependent than 1+ fish. Younger fish appear to have survived, leading to an increase in the estimated population biomass in 2006.  相似文献   

Prey location by clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) larvae feedingon rotifers was accurately characterized. Cruise predator cloworishlarvae locate prey throughout a threedimensional search space,not only on the boundaries of this space as previously predicted.The search space ranged from 0 to 120° away from the lengthaxis of the fish in the horizontal plane and from 0 to 150°in the transverse plane. The boundaries of the search spacewere 1.3 body lengths away along the axis of the fish and 1body length away to the sides and above. First-feeding clownfishlarvae have well-developed visual acuity and binocular vision.  相似文献   

Teleost fish retinas grow throughout adult life through both cell addition and stretching. Cell division occurs at the periphery of the retina, resulting in annular addition of all cell types except rod photoreceptors, which are added in the central retina. Since many teleosts have a region of high cellular density at the temporal pole of the eye, we analyzed whether and how this specialized region of high visual acuity maintained its relative topographical position through asymmetric circumferential growth. To do this, we measured the pattern of long‐term retinal growth in the African cichlid Haplochromis burtoni. We found that the retina expands asymmetrically along the nasotemporal axis, with the nasal retina growing at a higher rate than the temporal, dorsal, or ventral retinae, whose growth rates are equal. This nasotemporal asymmetry is produced via significantly greater expansion of retinal tissue at the nasal pole rather than through differential cell proliferation. The mechanisms responsible for this differential retinal enlargement are unknown; however, such asymmetric expansion very likely minimizes disruption in vision during rapid growth. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 41: 435–442, 1999  相似文献   

Synopsis The cichlid fish, Haplochromis burtoni, is highly dependent on vision for survival in its natural habitat. As is true of most teleost fishes, the eyes continue to grow throughout life without any obvious changes in visual capability. In H. burtoni, for example, retinal area may increase by 27 × in just 6 months. During growth, there is no obvious change in the visual sensitivity, visual acuity or lens quality which must all be appropriate for the enlarging eye. This requires that during growth competing constraints be met. For example, to maintain visual acuity, the number of ganglion cells per visual angle subtended on the retina must remain the same as must the convergence ratio of the cones onto those ganglion cells. In contrast, to maintain visual sensitivity, the number of rod photoreceptors per unit retinal area must remain the same. These requirements are in conflict since a larger eye may preserve acuity with fewer cells per unit area in a larger retina. In addition, the lens properties must remain the same as the animal increases in size so that the image available is of similar quality throughout life. Experiments have been performed to reveal the adaptations during growth which allow the fish to preserve its image of the world throughout life.  相似文献   

A guanine-type retinal tapetum was recorded in the eyes of a carangid fish Kaiwarinus equula (= Carangoides equula), spectrophotometric evidence of such being presented. The total amount of guanine in one eye was about 6.5 mg, the guanine density being ca. 1.3 mg cm(-2) over the retinal surface area. To examine the guanine distribution within the retina, the latter was divided into 21 regions. An area of high guanine density (more than 2.0 mg cm(-2)) was observed in the dorsal fundus of the retina, suggesting that the most sensitive vision was checked downward. Using whole-mount retinal preparations, the distribution of Nissl-stained cells within the retinal ganglion cell layer was examined. The greatest cell density area (area centralis) was observed only in the temporal retina. The visual acuity of the area centralis was 4.3 cycles deg(-1), suggesting that high resolution and binocular vision were directed frontally in this species. The eyes of a related carangid (Pseudocaranx dentex), lacking a tapetum, were also examined for comparison. The possible ecological advantage resulting from the tapetum is discussed in terms of visual threshold.  相似文献   

The eyes of three species of sea turtle hatchlings (loggerheads, green turtles, and leatherbacks) possess visual streaks, areas of densely packed ganglion cells running along the antero‐posterior retinal axis. These probably function to provide heightened visual acuity along the horizon. The vertical extent and absolute concentration of cells within the streak, compared to the rest of the retina, differ among the species. Leatherbacks have an additional specialized region (area temporalis) that might enhance their ability to detect prey below them in the water column. Green turtles and loggerheads, but not leatherbacks, show compensatory eye reflexes that keep the visual streak horizontal. Species differences in retinal structure and eye reflexes probably reflect their unique specializations in visual ecology and behaviour.  相似文献   

Teleost fish retinas grow throughout adult life through both cell addition and stretching. Cell division occurs at the periphery of the retina, resulting in annular addition of all cell types except rod photoreceptors, which are added in the central retina. Since many teleosts have a region of high cellular density at the temporal pole of the eye, we analyzed whether and how this specialized region of high visual acuity maintained its relative topographical position through asymmetric circumferential growth. To do this, we measured the pattern of long-term retinal growth in the African cichlid Haplochromis burtoni. We found that the retina expands asymmetrically along the nasotemporal axis, with the nasal retina growing at a higher rate than the temporal, dorsal, or ventral retinae, whose growth rates are equal. This nasotemporal asymmetry is produced via significantly greater expansion of retinal tissue at the nasal pole rather than through differential cell proliferation. The mechanisms responsible for this differential retinal enlargement are unknown; however, such asymmetric expansion very likely minimizes disruption in vision during rapid growth.  相似文献   

Accessory corner cones (ACC) have recently been suggested to be UV-sensitive photoreceptor cells. With a view toward explaining prey detection, we examined the topography of retinal ganglion cells and ACCs in two Antarctic nototheniids occupying different ecological niches: the cryopelagic Pagothenia borchgrevinki and the benthic Trematomus bernacchii. Isodensity maps of retinal ganglion cells showed that the main visual axis, coincident with the feeding vector, was in a forward direction in both species. Visual acuity was determined as 3.64 and 4.77 cycles/degree for the respective species. In P. borchgrevinki the highest density of ACCs was associated with the eye's main visual axis. This suggested that this species uses UV-vision during forward-swims and probably in encounters with prey. On the other hand, T. bernacchii possessed two horizontal band-shaped high-density areas of ACCs, which stretched from temporal to nasal and ventral to peripheral retinal regions. Therefore, this species appears to use UV-vision to watch prey across the entire circumference of the lateral area and in the water column above its head.  相似文献   

. The number of predators from Heard Island foraging in shelf waters, their prey requirements, and the proportion of their diet that was commercial and non-commercial fish were estimated. The calculated annual consumption of commercial fish species varied between 36,360 and 84,166 tonnes. The non-commercial Krefftichthys anderssoni was the preferred prey for most predators, and when its occurrence in diets was low it was replaced by crustaceans and commercial fish species. The estimated annual consumption of Champsocephalus gunnari was approximately 2 and 6 times the highest and lowest estimates respectively of the biomass of this species, obtained from three fisheries research cruises. For Dissostichus eleginoides, the maximum estimate was 28% of the highest estimate of biomass. The current fishery for D. eleginoides will most likely impact on southern elephant seals, whose population decreased by 50% between the 1950s and the 1980s, possibly as a result of overfishing around Iles Kerguelen. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Larvae of some species of damselflies respond to chemical cues of fish predators but, while larvae of many species are thought to detect prey through vision, there is little evidence that larvae respond to visual cues of predator presence. This laboratory study indicated larval Ischnura verticalis behaviours are affected by visual cues and, to a much lesser extent, chemical cues of fish; there was no significant interaction between the effects of visual and chemical cues. Responses to chemical cues of fish did not depend on whether fish were fed I. verticalis larvae versus commercial fish food. Larvae were more active in the spring than the fall when they were likely in diapause. Results suggest larvae can use vision to detect large, active predators but can also detect predators through olfaction when visual cues are unreliable.  相似文献   

This study examines some peculiarities of the eye organization and spectral properties of retinal photoreceptors of the Pacific saury Cololabis saira. The saury has relatively large eyes with a developed accomodation apparatus and an area of enhanced visual acuity (the fovea) in the retina. A specialized pigmented septum is observed in the vitreal cavity, which is supposed to function as a light-shading screen. The retina contains numerous rods and single and double cones arranged in a square mosaic pattern. Microspectrophotometric measurements indicated that their max occurs at 502 (rods), 380 (single cones), and 478/565 (double cones) nm. Such properties can provide color vision in a broad spectral range, including UV light. The peripheral visual apparatus of the Pacific saury is typical of active diurnal predatory fish that inhabit shallow and upper pelagic water layers.  相似文献   

Information on the anatomy of the eye and the topography of cone photoreceptor cells in the retina is presented for the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). In adults, the shape and proportions of the ocular components of the prominent eye conform to the general form of fish eyes, as determined using cryo-sectioned eyes. The lens is approximately spherical and there is little variation in the distance from the centre of the lens to the border between the choroid and retina at a range of angles about the optical axis. The average ratio of the distance from the centre of the lens to the retina: lens radius (Matthiessen’s ratio) is 2.44:1. In retinal wholemounts, single and double (twin) cone photoreceptors, forming a square mosaic, are present. Peak photoreceptor densities for both morphological cone types are found in the temporal retina. Using peak cone densities and estimates of focal length from cryo-sectioned eyes, visual acuity is calculated to be 5.44 cycles per deg. The lack of apparent specific ocular or retinal specializations and the relatively low visual acuity reflect the lifestyle of the Nile Tilapia and may allow it to adapt to changes in visual environment in its highly variable natural habitat as well as contributing to the ‘ecological flexibility’ of this species.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations were performed on otoliths from Champsocephalus gunnari and Notothenia rossii marmorata as part of an effort to study the population dynamics of Antarctic fishes. Examination of otoliths by scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed internal microincrements which were similar to daily increments described for other fish species. No easily identifiable annuli could be discerned and fishes were aged by counting microincrements. Multiple regression analyses relating age to otolith morphometrics and fish size, provided a simpler ageing method. It was determined with these techniques that C. gunnari grew to 50 cm in 15 yrs and N. rossii marmorata grew to 50 cm in 6.5 yrs. The lack of larger-sized individuals for N. rossii marmorata may be indicative of recent overfishing with only the younger age groups remaining. It appears that length-at-age data determined on a yearly basis, could provide valuable scientific and management information for these species.  相似文献   

Toxocariasis is one of the most common geohelminth infections in several parts of the world. We describe a rare case of ocular toxocariasis with secondary exudative retinal detachment treated with albendazole and an intravitreal dexamethasone implant. A 13-year-old boy with counting finger vision was diagnosed with retinal vasculitis and exudative retinal detachment in his right eye. Fundoscopic examination revealed retinal hemorrhage, retinal vasculitis, and exudative retinal detachment. Serological test using serum and intraocular aqueous humor were positive for anti-Toxocara specific IgG antibodies. He received repeated doses of intravitreal dexamethasone implants combined with oral albendazole. A sequential follow-up optical coherence tomography revealed that the retina was successfully reattached. His visual acuity subsequently improved to 20/400.  相似文献   

 The fish component of the diet of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses at South Georgia was investigated by intercepting 155 meals from adults arriving to feed chicks during February 1986 and 1994. Fish represented 30% and 72% by mass of the diet of black-browed albatrosses and 14% and 60% by mass of the diet of grey-headed albatrosses in 1986 and 1994 respectively. We determined the identity and quantified the contribution (by numbers, size and mass) of fish species mainly by using otoliths (54 representing 9 taxa and 57 representing 17 taxa in black-browed and grey-headed albatross samples respectively). For black-browed albatrosses in 1986 the main fish prey was Patagonotothen guntheri (77% of otoliths, 51% of estimated fish biomass) and a single large specimen of Icichthys australis (40% estimated biomass), whereas in 1994 Pseudochaenichthys georgianus was the main fish prey (57% of estimated biomass) with Magnisudis prionosa (30%) and Champsocephalus gunnari (12%) also making substantial contributions. Grey-headed albatross samples from 1986 were dominated by southern lampreys (40% by number, 79% of estimated biomass), lanternfish (32% of numbers, 9% by mass) and Patagonotothen guntheri (11% by mass); in 1994 Champsocephalus gunnari (42% by numbers, 24% by mass), Magnisudis prionosa (13% by number, 36% by mass), Muraenolepis microps (90% by number), Pseudochaenichthys georgianus (15% by mass) and lanternfish (18% by number but only 1% by mass) were the main prey. The importance of Patagonotothen guntheri to both species in 1986 and its absence in 1994 probably reflect albatrosses obtaining it from the commercial fishery, which was active in 1986 but closed in 1994. Otherwise the fish diet of black-browed albatrosses is dominated by krill-feeding fish, characteristic of the waters of the South Georgia shelf. In contrast, the grey-headed albatross diet comprises deeper water mesopelagic species, especially lanternfish, which reflect its affinity for the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone and associated oceanic upwellings. Received: 28 June 1995 / Accepted: 8 October 1995  相似文献   

The eyes and aspects of vision of the Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis NATTERER 1883: (Sirenia: mammalia) have been examined in five animals, in relation to previous findings for sirenians. This paper presents a review of previous findings confirming those upon gross ocular anatomy, retinal histology and ocular refraction. The confirmation of a primarily rod retina, high receptor: ganglion cell ratio and low refractive error under water were of note. A visual pigment based upon vitamin A1 and a difference spectrum of λ max at 505 nm was in agreement with Dartnalls nomogram. The findings suggest a retina more suited to low light levels and at best, moderate visual acuity, though motion perception appears present and a low degree of binocular vision possible.  相似文献   

The question of why the human eye has two axes, a photopic visual axis, and an eye axis, is just as justified as the one of why the fovea is not on the eye axis, but instead is on the visual axis. An optical engineer would have omitted the second axis and placed the fovea on the eye axis. The answer to the question of why the design of the real eye differs from the logic of the engineer is found in its prenatal development. The biaxial structure was the only possible consequence of the decision to invert the retinal layers. Accordingly, this is of considerable importance. It, in turn, forms the basis of the interpretation of the retina as a cellular 3D phase grating, and can provide a grating-optical interpretation of adaptive effects (Purkinje shift) and aperture phenomena (Stiles-Crawford effects I and II, Bezold-Brücke phenomenon) and visual acuity data in photopic and scotopic vision.  相似文献   

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