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In colonies of primitively eusocial wasps, some dominant workers become successive queens and inherit queenship after the death of the foundress queens. Although workers in many species do not mate, workers of Polistes snelleni are capable of mating and female production. In this study, we removed foundress queens from colonies of P. snelleni to evaluate the effects of queen loss on the dominant–subordinate relationships among the remaining workers and the productivity of colonies in the species. The foundress queens were the sole egg layers in almost all of the queenright colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour among the wasps in the queenright colonies was significantly less than in the orphan colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour in the successive queens after queen removal was significantly more than in the foundress queens. Multiple workers had developed ovaries, including the successive queens in 66.7 % (10/15) of the orphan colonies after queen removal. The orphan colonies produced significantly more cells and eggs than the queenright colonies. Our results suggest that the reproductive potential of the successive queens in the orphan colonies is not lower than that of the foundress queens, and that the productivity of the orphan colonies is maintained rather than causing potential conflict over direct reproduction among workers.  相似文献   

Summary In queenright colonies of Apis mellifera, worker policing normally eliminates worker-laid eggs thereby preventing worker reproduction. However, in queenless colonies that have failed to rear a replacement queen, worker reproduction is normal. Worker policing is switched off, many workers have active ovaries and lay eggs, and the colony rears a last batch of male brood before dying out. Here we report a colony which, when hopelessly queenless, did not stop policing although a high proportion of workers had active ovaries (12.6%) and many eggs were laid. However, all these eggs and also worker-laid eggs transferred from another colony were policed. This unusual pattern was repeated eight weeks later by a second queenless colony made using worker bees from the same mother colony, which strongly suggests genetic determination.Received 19 May 2003; revised 11 September 2003; accepted 23 September 2003.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchy in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes japonicus was analysed in four colonies for two periods: (1) the first-brood period, when only early emerging workers are present on the nest, and (2) the mixed-brood period, when the first and second (last) broods are present on the nest. The rank in the dominance hierarchy was determined based on a sociogram showing a dominance–subordinance relationship for all pairs of workers. During the first-brood period, older workers were likely to be more dominant (older dominance hierarchy), while the rank of workers was reversed during the mixed-brood period, with younger workers being likely to be more dominant (younger dominance hierarchy). However, the oldest and youngest workers were not always the top-ranked workers in the dominance hierarchy during the first- and mixed-brood periods, respectively, and during the mixed-brood period no younger dominance hierarchy was evident when the first or second brood was analysed separately. Higher ranked workers displayed dominance behaviour more frequently, and the lowest ranked worker hardly displayed dominance behaviour. Most workers displayed dominance behaviours primarily towards the worker ranked immediately below in the dominance hierarchy during the mixed-brood period but not during the first-brood period. The bodies of younger workers were larger for the mixed brood, but not for the first brood in some colonies or the second brood in all colonies. The association between body size and rank in the dominance hierarchy was negative during the first-brood period and positive during the mixed-brood period, with a nearly significant trend also seen even when the analysis was limited to the second brood. To explain the above temporal change from an older dominance hierarchy to a younger dominance hierarchy, we propose the hypothesis that the probability of a worker inheriting the colony increases rapidly with colony development, and consequently younger larger workers attempt to move up the dominance hierarchy in order to produce their own offspring by becoming the superseder late in colony development, rather than working harmoniously so as to boost the overall production of reproductive progeny for a colony, which is the strategy adopted early in colony development.  相似文献   

Workers in queenless groups of the antPachycondyla villosa engage in antennal boxing and biting and by these interactions establish social dominance hierarchies, in which several high-ranking individuals may lay eggs. We observed egg cannibalism by dominant workers. The presence of larvae negatively effects the number of worker-produced eggs in queenless colony fragments in two ways. First, larvae feed on the eggs, and second, workers lay fewer eggs when larvae are present. In queenright colonies, workers lay eggs at a low rate, which are eaten by the queen or fed to the brood, but apparently they do not compete aggressively for egg-laying.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginala, a tropical, primitively eusocial, polistinewasp, is unusual in that the queen (the sole egg-layer) is neitherthe most behaviorally dominant nor the most active individualin the colony. The queen by herself rarely ever initiates interactionstoward her nest mates or unloads returning foragers. There arealways a few workers in the colony who are more dominant andactive than the queen. Absence of the queen from her colonydoes not affect colony maintenance activities such as foragingor brood care, but it always results in one individual becomingvery aggressive and dominant. The dominant worker becomes thenext queen if the original queen does not return. The queendoes not appear to play any significant role in colony activityregulation. Instead, colony activities appear to be regulatedby several mechanisms including dominance behavior toward foragers,feeding of larvae, and the unloading of returning foragers,all mediated by workers themselves. Regulation of colony maintenanceappears to be based on direct evaluation of the needs of thecolony by the workers themselves. The queen however has perfectreproductive control over all workers; workers never lay eggsin the presence of the queen. It appears therefore that themechanisms involved in regulation of worker activity and workerreproduction are separate in R marginata. These findings contrastwith other primitively eusocial species where the queen actsas a "central pacemaker" and controls both worker activity andworker reproduction.  相似文献   

Until recently, morphological differences between castes in independent-founding polistine wasps were considered absent. This paper investigates the extent of morphological and physiological differences between reproductive (foundress and gyne) and worker castes of Belonogaster petiolata, and tests the hypothesis that caste differentiation in this species occurs pre-imaginally.Foundresses were significantly larger than workers, to the extent that foundress/worker ratios were comparable with those between queens and workers in some swarm-founding Polistinae. Early emerging workers were small, but body size increased over the colony cycle such that late-season workers were similar in size to gynes. In proportion to body size, workers possessed broader heads while foundresses and gynes had broader thoraces and gasters. All queens, 98% of subordinate foundresses, and 95% of over-wintering gynes were inseminated. Workers were never inseminated and lacked mature ovaries in colonies with active queens. However, in the absence of the queen (and other foundresses), 11% of workers developed mature ovaries. Ovarian size and fat content of foundresses and gynes was significantly greater than that of workers. The differences in external morphology and reproductive physiology between castes support the hypothesis that differentiation occurs pre-imaginally. However, imaginal factors, in particular social dominance of the queen, maintain the reproductive subordinance of workers.  相似文献   

Bumblebee, Bombus terrestris queens undergo winter diapause and show a great difference in diapause duration in natural conditions. Queens emerged from diapause initiate colonies by producing a batch of diploid (fertilised) eggs that develop into workers. In this study we investigated the effects of both the duration of queen diapause (2, 3, 4, or 5 months) and colony size (artificially limited to 50, 100, 150, and 200 workers) on the number of sexuals (males or new queens — gynes) produced, when gynes are produced and the longevity of both the foundress queen and the colony. Both worker population and diapause duration showed significant effect on sexual gyne production, foundress queen longevity and colony longevity but their interaction effect was insignificant. The worker number and diapause duration, respectively showed significant effect on sexual male production and gyne emergence period, but their interaction effects were insignificant.  相似文献   

Pleometrosis (colony founding by multiple queens) may improve life history characteristics that are important for early colony survival. When queens unite their initial brood, the number of workers present when incipient colonies open may be higher than for single queen colonies. Further, the time until the first worker emerges may shorten. For territorial species and species that rob brood from neighbouring colonies, a faster production of more workers may improve the chance of surviving intraspecific competition. In this study, the time from the nuptial flight to the emergence of the first worker in incipient Oecophylla smaragdina Fabr. colonies founded by 1–5 queens was compared and the production of brood during the first 68 days after the nuptial flight was assessed. Compared to haplometrotic colonies, pleometrotic colonies produced 3.2 times more workers, their first worker emerged on average 4.3 days (8%) earlier and the queen’s per capita egg production almost doubled. Further, colony production was positively, correlated with the number of founding queens and time to worker emergence was negatively correlated. These results indicate that pleometrotic O. smaragdina colo-nies are competitively superior to haplometrotic colonies as they produce more workers faster and shorten the claustral phase, leading to increased queen fecundity.  相似文献   

Who reproduces in colonies of social insects is determined bysome combination of direct competition and more peaceful convention.We studied these two alternatives in foundresses of the paperwasp, Polistes carolina, by examining two different contexts:what determines who becomes the dominant reproductive and whatdetermines the amount of reproduction obtained by subordinates.The dominant queen on most nests was the foundress to arrivefirst, rather than the largest foundress, expected to be bestat fighting. This suggests that dominance is initially determinedby convention, although the persistence of some aggressiveconflict throughout the foundress period suggests that thisconvention is not absolute. Attempts to explain the divisionof reproduction using several skew theories were generallyunsuccessful. Skew was not correlated with relatedness, size differences, colony productivity, and challenges by the subordinate.P. carolina showed high constraints against solitary nesting,with a minority of females attempting to nest alone, and nonesucceeding. In this situation, most skew theories predict thatgroup stability will be independent of relatedness, yet nearlyall collected subordinates were full sisters to the queen.Reproductive partitioning in early P. carolina colonies may have more to do with enhancing worker production than with conflictover direct fitness.  相似文献   

Honeybee workers generally refrain from personal reproduction when a queen is present. Workers discern the presence and fecundity of the queen via volatile pheromones that permeate throughout the colony. Pheromones are emitted both by the queen herself and by the brood that she produces. If pheromone production is disrupted, some workers initiate egg laying. The Eastern honeybee Apis cerana is unusual in that workers have high levels of ovary activation even in the presence of a queen. To investigate the effect of disruption to pheromone dispersal, we fitted three A. cerana colonies with vertical queen excluders, thus splitting the colonies into a half containing a queen and a half without a queen. We regularly sampled adult workers from both sides of the excluder for 3 weeks. We also sampled workers from three control colonies that did not contain excluders. We found a significant increase in worker ovary activation 3 days after addition of excluders, suggesting that the reduced dispersal of pheromones allowed some workers to become reproductively active. Workers attempted to rear queen cells on the queenless halves of all three colonies. Queen-rearing ceased on day 9, at which time no queen-laid brood remained on the queenless halves of the colonies. Ovary activation rates continued to climb until day 9 and then gradually began to decline. With the exception of one egg, we did not observe worker-laid brood on the queenless side of the colonies, suggesting that workers continued policing eggs laid by workers. We conclude that if the distribution of brood pheromone is impeded, workers prepare to supersede their queen, accompanied by high levels of worker ovary activation. However, because workers continue to police each other, high ovary activation does not result in worker-produced drones.  相似文献   

Egg marking pheromones of anarchistic worker honeybees (Apis mellifera)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In honeybees, worker policing via egg eating enforces functionalworker sterility in colonies with a queen and brood. It is thoughtthat queens mark their eggs with a chemical signal, indicatingthat their eggs are queen-laid. Worker-laid eggs lack this signaland are, therefore, eaten by policing workers. Anarchistic workerhoneybees have been hypothesized to circumvent worker policingby mimicking the queen egg-marking signal. We investigated thisphenomenon by relating chemical profiles of workers and theireggs to egg acceptability. We found that the ability of someworkers (anarchistic workers in queenright colonies and deviantworkers from a queenless colony) to lay more acceptable eggsis due to them producing significant amounts of queen-like estersfrom their Dufour's gland. These esters appear to be transferredto eggs during laying and increase egg survival. However, theseesters cannot be the normal queen egg-marking signal, as theyare generally absent from queen-laid eggs and only increasethe short-term persistence of worker-laid eggs, because only7–30% of anarchistic worker-laid eggs persisted to hatchingversus 91–92% of queen-laid eggs. All workers can producesome esters, but only workers that greatly increase their esterproduction lay more acceptable eggs. The production of estersappears to be a flexible response, as anarchistic workers rearedin queenless colonies did not increase their ester production,while some deviant workers in queenless colonies did increasetheir ester production.  相似文献   

Animal societies vary in the number of breeders per group, which affects many socially and ecologically relevant traits. In several social insect species, including our study species Formica selysi, the presence of either one or multiple reproducing females per colony is generally associated with differences in a suite of traits such as the body size of individuals. However, the proximate mechanisms and ontogenetic processes generating such differences between social structures are poorly known. Here, we cross‐fostered eggs originating from single‐queen (= monogynous) or multiple‐queen (= polygynous) colonies into experimental groups of workers from each social structure to investigate whether differences in offspring survival, development time and body size are shaped by the genotype and/or prefoster maternal effects present in the eggs, or by the social origin of the rearing workers. Eggs produced by polygynous queens were more likely to survive to adulthood than eggs from monogynous queens, regardless of the social origin of the rearing workers. However, brood from monogynous queens grew faster than brood from polygynous queens. The social origin of the rearing workers influenced the probability of brood survival, with workers from monogynous colonies rearing more brood to adulthood than workers from polygynous colonies. The social origin of eggs or rearing workers had no significant effect on the head size of the resulting workers in our standardized laboratory conditions. Overall, the social backgrounds of the parents and of the rearing workers appear to shape distinct survival and developmental traits of ant brood.  相似文献   

Physogastric queens of Melipona marginata were removed from their colonies in order to verify the acceptance of a new queen by workers. Colony strength was evaluated according to queen oviposition rate and comb diameters. Replacement was observed seven times. Its occurrence and speed related positively to colony strength, independently of queen's age. In weak colonies, queen replacement was observed only once, following colony population increase that occurred after introduction of combs from another colony. Worker oviposition after queen removal was observed three times: in a strong colony with virgin queens and males, and in two of the weak colonies. In the first two or three days of new queen oviposition, during which most of the eggs were eaten by the queen, worker oviposition preceded almost all provisioning and oviposition processes (POPs). After this period, worker oviposition decreased until it reached around 25% of the POPs. Daily oviposition rate of young queens decreased or was even interrupted by hatching of their first brood.  相似文献   

In many species of eusocial Hymenoptera, conflict about the production of males is resolved through “policing.” Recent studies in wasps and the ant Temnothorax unifasciatus suggest that in these species policing workers are dominant themselves and selfishly increase their own chances of later becoming fertile. Policing may therefore to some extent be associated with dominance and selfishness, and dominance and policing behaviour are indeed difficult to distinguish and often not mutually exclusive. Moreover, selfish policing requires that workers form rank orders already in the presence of the queen. Here, we try to allocate aggressiveness by workers towards policing and/or dominance behaviour and investigate whether hierarchies based on subtle, non-aggressive interactions exist in queenright colonies of the ant T. unifasciatus. We either split colonies into a queenright and queenless halve or temporarily removed the queen from complete colonies, which in both cases allows a few dominant workers to lay eggs in the queenless colony. Reunification of colony halves and return of the queen to orphaned colonies led to aggression against those workers that had become fertile during the absence of the queen. Dominant workers in reunited, split colonies were more severely attacked than those in orphaned colonies after return of the queen. Furthermore, we observed that workers, which later became dominant egg layers under queenless conditions, have more contact with the queen than other workers. Both results corroborate the existence of rank relationships among workers in queenright colonies and show that results from policing experiments may be affected by the disturbance of pre-existing hierarchies through colony splitting.  相似文献   

In queenright colonies of the slave-making ant, Chalepoxenus muellerianus, workers formed dominance hierarchies through ritualized food begging and antennation bouts, but did not lay eggs. Within a few hours of the experimental removal of the queen, the frequency of dominance displays increased drastically and the interactions became considerably more violent. During the observation period, the dominant workers almost incessantly attacked subordinate slave-makers and slaves by antennation and biting. The aggression rate decreased after approximately 3–4 wk. Within a single colony, several high-ranking workers were observed laying eggs, although typically only one or a few top-ranking individuals became fully fertile Directly after eclosion, young workers engaged in aggressive interactions with other young workers and high-ranking old workers, but did not dominate the top-ranking egg-layers. Callows achieved ranks immediately below the top-ranking worker.  相似文献   

Lasioglossum malachurum, a bee species common across much of Europe, is obligately eusocial across its range but exhibits clear geographic variation in demography and social behaviour. This variation suggests that social interactions between queens and workers, opportunities for worker oviposition, and patterns of relatedness among nest mates may vary considerably, both within and among regions. In this study, we used three microsatellite loci with 12-18 alleles each to examine the sociogenetic structure of colonies from a population at Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias in southern Greece. These analyses reveal that the majority of colonies exhibit classical eusocial colony structure in which a single queen mated to a single male monopolizes oviposition. Nevertheless, we also detect low rates of multiqueen nest founding, occasional caste switching by worker-destined females, and worker oviposition of both gyne and male-producing eggs in the final brood. Previous evidence that the majority of workers show some ovarian development and a minority (17%) have at least one large oocyte contrasts with the observation that only 2-3% of gynes and males (the so-called reproductive brood) are produced by workers. An evaluation of the parameters of Hamilton's Rule suggests that queens benefit greatly from the help provided by workers but that workers achieve greater fitness by provisioning and laying their own eggs rather than by tending to the queen's eggs. This conflict of interest between the queen and her workers suggests that the discrepancy between potential and achieved worker oviposition is due to queen interference. Comparison of relatedness and maternity patterns in the Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias population with those from a northern population near Tübingen, Germany, points to a north-south cline of increasingly effective queen control of worker behaviour.  相似文献   

Incipient ant colonies are often under fierce competition, making fast growth crucial for survival. To increase production, colonies can adopt multiple queens (pleometrosis), fuse with other colonies or rob brood from neighboring colonies. However, different adoption strategies might have different impacts such as future queen fecundity or future colony size. O. smaragdina queen production was measured in incipient colonies with 2, 3 or 4 founding queens, following the transplantation of 0, 30 or 60 pupae from a donor colony. Pupae developed into mature workers, resulting in increased worker/queen ratios in pupae transplanted treatments and leading to increases in the per capita queen production. Conversely, more queens did not induce increased per capita fecundity. Thus, brood robbing added individuals to the worker force and increased future production of resident queens, whereas queen adoption increased the colony’s future production, but not the production of individual queens.  相似文献   

Colonies of the ponerine antPachycondyla tridentata from Malaysia occur with and without queens. In a total of 7 colonies we found more than 80% of the workers to be mated, irrespective of the presence or absence of queens. This is a hitherto unknown social organisation in ants. Queens and workers competed equally for reproduction. In the colonies investigated several ants were laying eggs. Behavioral observations revealed persistent dominance interactions between colony members. A few ants, but not necessarily a queen, occupied top positions. Removal of the most dominant ants led to a new hierarchy in which subordinate ants with developed ovaries were attacked significantly more frequently than non-reproductive ants. On the average, callows were more aggressive than older subordinate ants, displacing most of the older laying workers in one colony. Nestmate recognition tests revealed that non-reproductive ants were much more aggressive towards foreign ants than were ants with developed ovaries.  相似文献   

Abstract In a colony headed by a single monandrous foundress, theories predict that conflicts between a queen and her workers over both sex ratio and male production should be intense. If production of males by workers is a function of colony size, this should affect sex ratios, but few studies have examined how queens and workers resolve both conflicts simultaneously. We conducted field and laboratory studies to test whether sex-ratio variation can be explained by conflict over male production between queen and workers in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis.
Worker oviposition rate increased more rapidly with colony size than did queen oviposition. Allozyme and micro-satellite markers revealed that the mean frequency of workers' sons among male adults in queen-right colonies was 0.39 ± 0.08 SE (n = 22). Genetic relatedness among female nestmates was high (0.654–0.796), showing that colonies usually had a single, monandrous queen. The mean sex allocation ratio (male investment/male and gyne investments) of 46 queen-right colonies was 0.47 ± 0.02, and for 25 orphaned colonies was 0.86 ± 0.04. The observed sex allocation ratio was likely to be under queen control. For queen-right colonies, the larger colonies invested more in males and produced reproductives protandrously and/or simultaneously, whereas the smaller colonies invested more in females and produced reproductives protogynously. Instead of positive relationships between colony size and worker oviposition rate, the frequency of workers' sons within queen-right colonies did not increase with colony size. These results suggest that queens control colony investment, even though they allow worker oviposition in queen-right colonies. Eggs laid by workers may be policed by the queen and/or fellow workers. Worker oviposition did not influence the outcome of sex allocation ratio as a straightforward function of colony size.  相似文献   

Workers of the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius), the only North American Pogonomyrmex with a polymorphic worker caste, produce males when colonies are orphaned. In this study,we assessed the reproductive potential of workers of each caste group, minors and majors, in the presence and absence of the queen, and tested whether males produced in natural queen-right colonies are derived from workers. Worker size was positively correlated with ovariole number such that major workers had approximately double the number of ovarioles as minor workers. The number of vitellogenic oocytes, a measure of reproductive potential, was greater in major compared to minor workers and increased in both worker castes when queens were removed. Major workers have greater reproductive potential than minors although they represent a minority within the colony (~5% of workers are majors). Worker produced eggs were visible in colonies 28 – 35 days after queen removal. This time lag, from queen removal to egg production, is similar to other ants and bees. Though workers are capable of producing viable eggs, we found no evidence that they do so in queen-right colonies, suggesting that worker reproduction is controlled via some social mechanism (self restraint, policing, or inhibition). This result supports predictions of kin selection theory – that due to multiple mating by the queen workers are more related to queen-produced males than most worker-produced males and should thus favor reproduction by the queen and inhibit reproduction by other workers. Received 25 January 2007; revised 1 May 2007; accepted 21 May 2007.  相似文献   

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