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The complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced from the Amur stickleback Pungitius kaibarae. The genome sequence was 16,505 bp in size, and the gene order and contents were identical with the same genera Pungitius sinensis and other previously reported fish mitochondrial genomes. Of 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 3 genes (CO2, ND4, and Cytb) had incomplete stop codons. The base composition of P. kaibarae showed anti-G bias (8.86%) on the third position of PCGs.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced from the Amur stickleback Pungitius sinensis. The genome sequence was 16,581 bp in size, and the gene order and contents were identical with those of previously reported fish mitochondrial genomes. Of 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), four genes (ND2, CO2, ND4, Cytb) had incomplete stop codons. The base composition of P. sinensis showed anti-G bias (9.53%) on the third position of PCGs.  相似文献   

Two ecologically distinct forms, fresh- and brackish-water types, of ninespine stickleback co-exist in several freshwater systems on the coast of eastern Hokkaido. Recent genetic analyses of 13 allozyme loci revealed genetic separation between the two types even though their spawning grounds were in close proximity. On the other hand, there is only a small difference in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence between the two types suggesting that they diverged quite recently or that mtDNA introgression occurred between them. To test for postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms and hybrid mediated gene flow, we examined the viability and reproductive performance of reciprocal F1 hybrids. The hybrids grew to the adult size normally and both sexes expressed secondary sexual characters in the reciprocal crosses. The female hybrids were reciprocally fertile, while the male hybrids were reciprocally sterile. Histological and flow-cytometric analyses of the hybrid testis revealed that the sterility pattern was classified as 'gametic sterility,' with gonads of normal size but abnormal spermatogenesis. To our knowledge, the present finding is a novel example of one sex hybrid sterility in the stickleback family (Gasterosteidae).  相似文献   

Spondias L. comprises at least nine Neotropical species, including the widely cultivated S. monbim and S. tuberosa. Umbu‐cajá, a putative hybrid between these two species, is also grown. In this paper, the karyotypes of five Spondias species and Umbu‐cajá were analysed for evidence of this hybridization. Chromosome banding with chromomycin A3 and the distribution of 5S and 45S rDNA sites were used to characterize the plants, also genomic in situ hybridization using nuclear DNA from both putative parents and the hybrid as probes. All material presented the same chromosome number (2n = 32) and morphology, but differed in the number and distribution of bands. Spondias monbim and S. tuberosa, the supposed relatives of Umbu‐cajá, displayed similar banding patterns, with five to six chromosome pairs having terminal bands, whereas Umbu‐cajá exhibited bands on both members of nine chromosome pairs. The three other species, S. venulosa, S. cytherea and S. purpurea, showed less closely related karyotypes, with bands in 12–18 chromosome pairs. In situ hybridization with 5S and 45S rDNA probes revealed one site of each probe per haploid chromosome complement in all material. However, in S. tuberosa, the location of 5S rDNA was different from the other species and found no counterpart in Umbu‐cajá. Several tests with total DNA from S. mombin and S. tuberosa against metaphase chromosomes of Umbu‐cajá failed to differentiate the individual genomes in the hybrid. From the chromosome banding and the distribution of rDNA sites, as well as from the genomic in situ hybridization, it seems clear that Umbu‐cajá is related closely to S. monbim and S. tuberosa, but it is karyotypically homozygous and distinct from theses other species. Karyotypically, the three other investigated species were related less closely to Umbu‐cajá. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155 , 541–547.  相似文献   

Summary Cells immunoreactive with an anti-LHRH serum were visualized in the brain of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, by means of the PAP technique. Positive cells were found in a periventricular position in the nucleus praeopticus pars magnocellularis, the nucleus dorsomedialis thalami, the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, the nucleus periventricularis posterior, and in the periventricular dorsomedian tegmentum. These cells were frequently observed to contact the CSF.  相似文献   

We have analysed the karyotype structure, DNA amounts and seed protein profiles of three isolated populations of two species: S. saetabensis and S. tragoriganum. These species are closely related from a karyological and morphological point of view. The differences in karyotypes and seed protein profiles between species and among populations could be the result of the differentiation that they are undergoing at present due to geographical isolation.  相似文献   

Zymograms indicate the existence of three loci coding for lactate dehydrogenase in the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius. The skeletal muscle locus is polymorphic for two codominant alleles: Ldh-A(100). and Ldh-A(140). Differences in allele frequencies among nine samples, obtained from eight geographically isolated populations, proved not significant in 28/36 pairwise comparisons. The frequency of Ldh-A(100) varied from 0.426 to 0.715. Significant differences in apparent Km (pyruvate) values were found among the LDH-A allozymes suggesting a functional basis for the selective maintenance of this polymorphism.  相似文献   

Behavioural syndromes are correlations between behaviours in different functional contexts. Behavioural syndromes are attracting the attention of evolutionary biologists because they mean that different behaviours might not be free to evolve independently of one another. In a landmark study, Huntingford (1976) showed that individual stickleback which were bold toward predators were also aggressive toward conspecifics and active in an unfamiliar environment. Here, I revisited the activity-aggression-boldness syndrome in stickleback and tested the hypothesis that correlations between behaviours might act as evolutionary constraints. I measured a suite of behaviours on wild-caught individuals and their offspring from two different populations and calculated heritabilities and genetic correlations between the different behaviours. I found that these behaviours were phenotypically and genetically correlated in one population but not another. On average, boldness and aggression were negatively related to each other across the populations. These results suggest that behavioural syndromes don't always act as evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

Wet and dry weights of tissue were measured and concentrations of glycogen, lipid and protein were estimated for the liver, gonad and carcass of male sticklebacks from an annual population collected each month over one complete year. In young-of-the-year there is one period of rapid weight gain, in all three body regions (liver, carcass and gonads) but particularly of the carcass, in the autumn and a second in spring and early summer. This is accompanied by an increase in the water content of all three body regions. The gonadosomatic index also increases sharply in spring and early summer. Young sticklebacks accumulate lipid and glycogen slowly during the autumn and winter of their first year of life and more rapidly from late winter to early summer. Thus, the period of most rapid accumulation of these reserves coincides with the time when body weight and gonad maturation are also increasing sharply. Lipid and glycogen levels fall during the reproductive season in those males that breed, so that by July they are reduced to 43% and 37% (respectively) of their peak values in May. Levels of protein increase throughout the year as the fish grow, but in breeding males by July the concentration of protein in the carcass falls to 70% of pre-breeding levels. Breeding males therefore reach the end of the reproductive season with their total energy reserves severely reduced, and consequently they suffer a very high mortality. In contrast, adult males that fail to reproduce survive beyond the breeding season. They continue to gain weight and to accumulate lipid and glycogen from August to September, but these energy reserves fall (to levels comparable to those of post-breeding fish) in December, when these fish probably die. These results demonstrate that in male sticklebacks, growth and gonad maturation can be sustained in parallel with the accumulation of energy reserves, which are subsequently extensively depleted as a result of reproductive activities.  相似文献   

Bernini C  Marin-Morales MA 《Cytobios》2001,104(407):157-171
This is the first karyotype characterization of Brachiaria species. Twelve accessions belonging to five species were analysed. The basic chromosome number was x = 9 and 7, the same reported for the tribe Paniceae. Variations in the chromosome number were observed in B. decumbens (2n = 18; 36) and B. humidicola (2n = 36; 42; 54). Chromosome numbers of 2n = 18 in B. ruziziensis and 2n = 36 in B. brizantha and B. jubata were recorded. Inter- and intraspecific karyotype differentiation of the accessions analysed was facilitated by variations in karyotypic symmetry. The karyotypes were generally considered symmetrical, with a tendency to asymmetry in the direction of the polyploids. It is suggested that addition, deletions and mainly polyploidy have been the most direct causes involved in the chromosome evolution of this genus.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of four South American species of Cestrum (C. capsulare,C. corymbosum,C. laevigatum and C. megalophylum) were studied using conventional staining, C-CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and FISH with 45S and 5S rDNA probes. The karyotypes showed a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 16, with metacentric chromosomes, except for the eighth submeta- to acrocentric pair. Several types of heterochromatin were detected, which varied in size, number, distribution and base composition. The C-CMA(+) bands and 45S rDNA were located predominantly in terminal regions. The C-CMA (+) /DAPI (+) bands appeared in interstitial and terminal regions, and the C-DAPI (+) bands were found in all chromosome regions. The 5S rDNA sites were observed on the long arm of pair 8 in all species except C. capsulare, where they were found in the paracentromeric region of the long arm of pair 4. The differences in band patterns among the species studied here, along with data from other nine species reported in the literature, suggest that the bands are dispersed in an equilocal and non-equilocal manner and that structural rearrangements can be responsible for internal karyotype diversification. However, it is important to point out that the structural changes involving repetitive segments did not culminate in substantial changes in the general karyotype structure concerning chromosome size and morphology.  相似文献   

Most species of the genus Tripogandra (Commelinaceae) are taxonomically poorly circumscribed, in spite of having a relatively stable basic number x = 8. Aiming to estimate the cytological variation among Tripogandra species carrying this base number, several structural karyotypic characters were investigated in the diploid T. glandulosa, the hexaploid T. serrulata, and the octoploid T. diuretica. A careful evaluation of chromosome size and morphology did not reveal clear chromosome homeologies among karyotypes. The mean chromosome size was strongly reduced in the octoploid species, but not in the hexaploid species. They also differed largely in the CMA(+) banding pattern and in the number of 5S and 45S rDNA sites per monoploid chromosome complement. All three species showed proximal DAPI (+) heterochromatin, although in T. serrulata this kind of heterochromatin was only visible after FISH. Further, the meiosis in T. serrulata was highly irregular, suggesting that this species has a hybrid origin. The data indicate that, in spite of the conservation of the base number, these species are karyologically quite different from each other.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of French ninespined sticklebacks (Pungitius spp.) has long been controversial. To clarify the taxonomy in this group, we use mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (RNF213) sequence markers, as well as morphological data. In France, both genetic markers discriminate three evolutionary lineages. Morphological analysis on fresh and type specimens supports the different lineages and the existence of three species in France. Pungitius pungitius, occurring in the North of France and Rhone basin, is characterized by specimens longer than 35 mm SL, by a flat head with a straight or slightly concave snout, typically 9–10 dorsal spines, 10–11 dorsal soft rays, 9–10 anal soft rays, 0–12 scutes on the caudal peduncle with a keel reaching the last anal‐fin ray, longer pelvic fin, post‐dorsal and caudal peduncle lengths, and a slim caudal peduncle (caudal peduncle depth/length 11.8%–21.9%). Pungitius laevis, occurring in France, in the English Channel basins and Loire drainage, differs from the other species by a head rounded with concave snout in specimens longer than 35 mm SL, accentuating the impression of fleshy lips, 0–4 scutes on the caudal peduncle and a higher caudal peduncle depth/length ratio (15.7%–34.5%). Finally, Pungitius vulgaris, endemic to the Vienne River and rivers of south‐western France as far north as the Garonne estuary, is differentiated by a rounded head with a straight or slightly convex snout, the absence of scutes on the caudal peduncle and by having 11 pectoral‐fin rays. Our data confirm the existence of a hybridization zone in the North of France between P. pungitius and P. laevis. As a result, Pungitius lotharingus is invalid, as it was described based on hybrid specimens. A lectotype for P. laevis was designated because the syntypes included hybrids. This revision provides new perspectives for evolutionary biology studies and will have consequences for Pungitius conservation in France.  相似文献   

An analysis was carried out on the length, diameter and number of leaves, and the ratios between these variables for current-year growth units (sibling growth units) derived from different nodes of previous-year growth units (parent growth units) of young Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus pumilio trees. Changes in sibling growth unit length, diameter, and number of leaves with position on the parent growth unit were assessed. In both species, sibling-growth unit morphology varied according to both the axis type of the parent growth unit and the position of the sibling growth unit on its parent growth unit. For the largest parent growth units, the length, diameter and number of leaves of their sibling growth units decreased from distal to proximal positions on the parent growth unit. Distal sibling growth units had a more slender stem and longer internodes than proximal sibling growth units. Sibling growth units in equivalent positions tended to have a more slender stem for N. dombeyi than for N. pumilio. Long main-branch growth units of N. pumilio had longer internodes than those of N. dombeyi; the converse was true for shorter growth units. The growth unit diameter/leaf number ratio was consistently higher for N. pumilio than for N. dombeyi. Nothofagus pumilio axes would go through a faster transition from an 'exploring' morphology to an 'exploiting' morphology than N. dombeyi axes. Within- and between-species variations in growth unit morphology should be considered when assessing the adaptive value of the branching pattern of plants.  相似文献   

The ecological theory of adaptive radiation states that differences in ecological circumstances among local populations are the cause of divergence that leads to speciation. The role of parasites in contributing to divergence has seldom been considered, despite their ubiquity and known selective effects. The potential for parasites to contribute to divergence between closely related taxa was examined by quantifying the variation in parasite burdens between sympatric three-spined stickleback species ( Gasterosteus aculeatus complex) in two lakes in coastal British Columbia, Canada. In doing so the relative importance of geographical differences between lakes and trophic or microhabitat differences between species within lakes were evaluated. The entire metazoan parasite burdens of a total of 255 limnetic and benthic sticklebacks in Paxton and Priest lakes were assayed over five time points between spring and autumn. Despite their sympatric distributions, there were large differences in parasite burdens between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks within lakes and these were consistent across both lakes. In particular, limnetics suffered greater burdens of the parasites Schistocephalus solidus and Diplostomum scudderi and benthics had much higher burdens of parasitic glochidia (mollusc larvae). Parasite burdens also differed quantitatively between lakes, but in general such differences were less pronounced than those between the stickleback species. The documented differences in parasite burdens between stickleback species have potential to contribute to divergent selection on life history, immunological and secondary sexual characters that could contribute to reproductive isolation between the species.  相似文献   

A stickleback with brilliant white dorsal breeding colours is widely distributed in north-eastern Nova Scotia, Canada, where it often breeds sympatrically with the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Breeding males are highly conspicuous and visible at distances of 20 m or more whereas sympatric G. aculeatus are cryptic and difficult to detect even at 2 m. The white stickleback nests only above the substrate in filamentous algae, where G. aculeatus nests only on the substrate. The white stickleback is smaller in size and more terete than G. aculeatus , but it is morphologically similar in having a complete row of lateral plates and similar lateral plate and gill raker numbers. The white stickleback occurs only in environments where there are filamentous algae (which appears to be an obligatory nesting substrate) and where the water is clear, saline and relatively still. Female choice tests in the laboratory show that the white stickleback is reproductively isolated from G. aculeatus , and field observations on natural spawning support this conclusion. We suggest that the bright breeding colouration may have evolved through sexual selection and/or to advertise unprofitability to predators.  相似文献   

Fifty‐two populations representing thirty‐two taxa of Lilium L. from China are karyologically analyzed. The results showed that all populations have the same basic chromosome number x=12, and all species are diploid except Lilium tigrinum, which is triploid with 2n=36. In addition, one population of L. sulphureum is aneuploid with 2n=23. The karyotype evolution in the genus Lilium is mainly in terms of alterations of the fine structure of the chromosomes, not in ploidy or basic chromosome number variation. When combining previous studies and our results, we consider the major driving forces for evolution of Lilium to be an increase in karyotypic asymmetry, and unequal translocation and formation of secondary constrictions. The existence of intercalary satellites on the two largest pairs of chromosomes is correlated with the geographic distribution pattern of Lilium across the world. The Hengduan Mountains is a modern diversity and differentiation center of Lilium and it also could be the center of origin for this genus. In addition, some taxonomic conclusions were verified on the subgenus level. Among the species investigated, the chromosome number and karyotypes of 13 taxa were documented for the first time.  相似文献   

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