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Resolution of the two haplotypes present in an individual that is heterozygous at a locus has been a difficult problem for nucleotide sequence-based population genetic studies. Here, we demonstrate a method in which allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR) and computational phasing are combined for relatively high-throughput, efficient resolution of phase in resequencing studies. Using data from multiple loci that were fully experimentally phased, we demonstrate that the popular computational tool PHASE can accurately phase heterozygous individuals with common SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and/or common haplotypes. However, we also demonstrate that experimental phasing with AS-PCR can efficiently supplement computational phasing, providing a rapid means to phase individuals with rare SNPs or haplotypes and with heterozygous insertion/deletion polymorphisms. By following simple stepwise procedures, AS-PCR can result in much more efficient and accurate experimental phasing of haplotypes than is possible with traditional methods such as cloning.  相似文献   

Phasing, and in particular polyploid phasing, have been challenging problems held back by the limited read length of high-throughput short read sequencing methods which can't overcome the distance between heterozygous sites and labor high cost of alternative methods such as the physical separation of chromosomes for example. Recently developed single molecule long-read sequencing methods provide much longer reads which overcome this previous limitation. Here we review the alignment-based methods of polyploid phasing that rely on four main strategies: population inference methods, which leverage the genetic information of several individuals to phase a sample; objective function minimization methods, which minimize a function such as the Minimum Error Correction (MEC); graph partitioning methods, which represent the read data as a graph and split it into k haplotype subgraphs; cluster building methods, which iteratively grow clusters of similar reads into a final set of clusters that represent the haplotypes. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these methods and the metrics used to assess their performance, proposing that accuracy and contiguity are the most meaningful metrics. Finally, we propose the field of alignment-based polyploid phasing would greatly benefit from the use of a well-designed benchmarking dataset with appropriate evaluation metrics. We consider that there are still significant improvements which can be achieved to obtain more accurate and contiguous polyploid phasing results which reflect the complexity of polyploid genome architectures.  相似文献   

Estimating the genomic location and length of identical-by-descent (IBD) segments among individuals is a crucial step in many genetic analyses. However, the exponential growth in the size of biobank and direct-to-consumer genetic data sets makes accurate IBD inference a significant computational challenge. Here we present the templated positional Burrows–Wheeler transform (TPBWT) to make fast IBD estimates robust to genotype and phasing errors. Using haplotype data simulated over pedigrees with realistic genotyping and phasing errors, we show that the TPBWT outperforms other state-of-the-art IBD inference algorithms in terms of speed and accuracy. For each phase-aware method, we explore the false positive and false negative rates of inferring IBD by segment length and characterize the types of error commonly found. Our results highlight the fragility of most phased IBD inference methods; the accuracy of IBD estimates can be highly sensitive to the quality of haplotype phasing. Additionally, we compare the performance of the TPBWT against a widely used phase-free IBD inference approach that is robust to phasing errors. We introduce both in-sample and out-of-sample TPBWT-based IBD inference algorithms and demonstrate their computational efficiency on massive-scale data sets with millions of samples. Furthermore, we describe the binary file format for TPBWT-compressed haplotypes that results in fast and efficient out-of-sample IBD computes against very large cohort panels. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the TPBWT in a brief empirical analysis, exploring geographic patterns of haplotype sharing within Mexico. Hierarchical clustering of IBD shared across regions within Mexico reveals geographically structured haplotype sharing and a strong signal of isolation by distance. Our software implementation of the TPBWT is freely available for noncommercial use in the code repository (https://github.com/23andMe/phasedibd, last accessed January 11, 2021).  相似文献   

Compared with genomic data of individual markers, haplotype data provide higher resolution for DNA variants, advancing our knowledge in genetics and evolution. Although many computational and experimental phasing methods have been developed for analyzing diploid genomes, it remains challenging to reconstruct chromosome-scale haplotypes at low cost, which constrains the utility of this valuable genetic resource. Gamete cells, the natural packaging of haploid complements, are ideal materials for phasing entire chromosomes because the majority of the haplotypic allele combinations has been preserved. Therefore, compared with the current diploid-based phasing methods, using haploid genomic data of single gametes may substantially reduce the complexity in inferring the donor’s chromosomal haplotypes. In this study, we developed the first easy-to-use R package, Hapi, for inferring chromosome-length haplotypes of individual diploid genomes with only a few gametes. Hapi outperformed other phasing methods when analyzing both simulated and real single gamete cell sequencing data sets. The results also suggested that chromosome-scale haplotypes may be inferred by using as few as three gametes, which has pushed the boundary to its possible limit. The single gamete cell sequencing technology allied with the cost-effective Hapi method will make large-scale haplotype-based genetic studies feasible and affordable, promoting the use of haplotype data in a wide range of research.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The search for genetic variants that are linked to complex diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's;, or Alzheimer's; disease, may lead to better treatments. Since haplotypes can serve as proxies for hidden variants, one method of finding the linked variants is to look for case-control associations between the haplotypes and disease. Finding these associations requires a high-quality estimation of the haplotype frequencies in the population. To this end, we present, HaploPool, a method of estimating haplotype frequencies from blocks of consecutive SNPs. RESULTS: HaploPool leverages the efficiency of DNA pools and estimates the population haplotype frequencies from pools of disjoint sets, each containing two or three unrelated individuals. We study the trade-off between pooling efficiency and accuracy of haplotype frequency estimates. For a fixed genotyping budget, HaploPool performs favorably on pools of two individuals as compared with a state-of-the-art non-pooled phasing method, PHASE. Of independent interest, HaploPool can be used to phase non-pooled genotype data with an accuracy approaching that of PHASE. We compared our algorithm to three programs that estimate haplotype frequencies from pooled data. HaploPool is an order of magnitude more efficient (at least six times faster), and considerably more accurate than previous methods. In contrast to previous methods, HaploPool performs well with missing data, genotyping errors and long haplotype blocks (of between 5 and 25 SNPs).  相似文献   



Knowing the phase of marker genotype data can be useful in genome-wide association studies, because it makes it possible to use analysis frameworks that account for identity by descent or parent of origin of alleles and it can lead to a large increase in data quantities via genotype or sequence imputation. Long-range phasing and haplotype library imputation constitute a fast and accurate method to impute phase for SNP data.


A long-range phasing and haplotype library imputation algorithm was developed. It combines information from surrogate parents and long haplotypes to resolve phase in a manner that is not dependent on the family structure of a dataset or on the presence of pedigree information.


The algorithm performed well in both simulated and real livestock and human datasets in terms of both phasing accuracy and computation efficiency. The percentage of alleles that could be phased in both simulated and real datasets of varying size generally exceeded 98% while the percentage of alleles incorrectly phased in simulated data was generally less than 0.5%. The accuracy of phasing was affected by dataset size, with lower accuracy for dataset sizes less than 1000, but was not affected by effective population size, family data structure, presence or absence of pedigree information, and SNP density. The method was computationally fast. In comparison to a commonly used statistical method (fastPHASE), the current method made about 8% less phasing mistakes and ran about 26 times faster for a small dataset. For larger datasets, the differences in computational time are expected to be even greater. A computer program implementing these methods has been made available.


The algorithm and software developed in this study make feasible the routine phasing of high-density SNP chips in large datasets.  相似文献   

Haplotypes are an important resource for a large number of applications in human genetics, but computationally inferred haplotypes are subject to switch errors that decrease their utility. The accuracy of computationally inferred haplotypes increases with sample size, and although ever larger genotypic data sets are being generated, the fact that existing methods require substantial computational resources limits their applicability to data sets containing tens or hundreds of thousands of samples. Here, we present HAPI-UR (haplotype inference for unrelated samples), an algorithm that is designed to handle unrelated and/or trio and duo family data, that has accuracy comparable to or greater than existing methods, and that is computationally efficient and can be applied to 100,000 samples or more. We use HAPI-UR to phase a data set with 58,207 samples and show that it achieves practical runtime and that switch errors decrease with sample size even with the use of samples from multiple ethnicities. Using a data set with 16,353 samples, we compare HAPI-UR to Beagle, MaCH, IMPUTE2, and SHAPEIT and show that HAPI-UR runs 18× faster than all methods and has a lower switch-error rate than do other methods except for Beagle; with the use of consensus phasing, running HAPI-UR three times gives a slightly lower switch-error rate than Beagle does and is more than six times faster. We demonstrate results similar to those from Beagle on another data set with a higher marker density. Lastly, we show that HAPI-UR has better runtime scaling properties than does Beagle so that for larger data sets, HAPI-UR will be practical and will have an even larger runtime advantage. HAPI-UR is available online (see Web Resources).  相似文献   



Inference of haplotypes, or the sequence of alleles along the same chromosomes, is a fundamental problem in genetics and is a key component for many analyses including admixture mapping, identifying regions of identity by descent and imputation. Haplotype phasing based on sequencing reads has attracted lots of attentions. Diploid haplotype phasing where the two haplotypes are complimentary have been studied extensively. In this work, we focused on Polyploid haplotype phasing where we aim to phase more than two haplotypes at the same time from sequencing data. The problem is much more complicated as the search space becomes much larger and the haplotypes do not need to be complimentary any more.


We proposed two algorithms, (1) Poly-Harsh, a Gibbs Sampling based algorithm which alternatively samples haplotypes and the read assignments to minimize the mismatches between the reads and the phased haplotypes, (2) An efficient algorithm to concatenate haplotype blocks into contiguous haplotypes.


Our experiments showed that our method is able to improve the quality of the phased haplotypes over the state-of-the-art methods. To our knowledge, our algorithm for haplotype blocks concatenation is the first algorithm that leverages the shared information across multiple individuals to construct contiguous haplotypes. Our experiments showed that it is both efficient and effective.

Whole-genome association studies present many new statistical and computational challenges due to the large quantity of data obtained. One of these challenges is haplotype inference; methods for haplotype inference designed for small data sets from candidate-gene studies do not scale well to the large number of individuals genotyped in whole-genome association studies. We present a new method and software for inference of haplotype phase and missing data that can accurately phase data from whole-genome association studies, and we present the first comparison of haplotype-inference methods for real and simulated data sets with thousands of genotyped individuals. We find that our method outperforms existing methods in terms of both speed and accuracy for large data sets with thousands of individuals and densely spaced genetic markers, and we use our method to phase a real data set of 3,002 individuals genotyped for 490,032 markers in 3.1 days of computing time, with 99% of masked alleles imputed correctly. Our method is implemented in the Beagle software package, which is freely available.  相似文献   

As the more recent next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide longer read sequences, the use of sequencing datasets for complete haplotype phasing is fast becoming a reality, allowing haplotype reconstruction of a single sequenced genome. Nearly all previous haplotype reconstruction studies have focused on diploid genomes and are rarely scalable to genomes with higher ploidy. Yet computational investigations into polyploid genomes carry great importance, impacting plant, yeast and fish genomics, as well as the studies of the evolution of modern-day eukaryotes and (epi)genetic interactions between copies of genes. In this paper, we describe a novel maximum-likelihood estimation framework, HapTree, for polyploid haplotype assembly of an individual genome using NGS read datasets. We evaluate the performance of HapTree on simulated polyploid sequencing read data modeled after Illumina sequencing technologies. For triploid and higher ploidy genomes, we demonstrate that HapTree substantially improves haplotype assembly accuracy and efficiency over the state-of-the-art; moreover, HapTree is the first scalable polyplotyping method for higher ploidy. As a proof of concept, we also test our method on real sequencing data from NA12878 (1000 Genomes Project) and evaluate the quality of assembled haplotypes with respect to trio-based diplotype annotation as the ground truth. The results indicate that HapTree significantly improves the switch accuracy within phased haplotype blocks as compared to existing haplotype assembly methods, while producing comparable minimum error correction (MEC) values. A summary of this paper appears in the proceedings of the RECOMB 2014 conference, April 2–5.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are plentiful in most genomes and amenable to high throughput genotyping, but they are not yet popular for parentage or paternity analysis. The markers are bi-allelic, so individually they contain little information about parentage, and in nonmodel organisms the process of identifying large numbers of unlinked SNPs can be daunting. We explore the possibility of using blocks of between three and 26 linked SNPs as highly polymorphic molecular markers for reconstructing male genotypes in polyandrous organisms with moderate (five offspring) to large (25 offspring) clutches of offspring. Haplotypes are inferred for each block of linked SNPs using the programs Haplore and Phase 2.1. Each multi-SNP haplotype is then treated as a separate allele, producing a highly polymorphic, 'microsatellite-like' marker. A simulation study is performed using haplotype frequencies derived from empirical data sets from Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus populations. We find that the markers produced are competitive with microsatellite loci in terms of single parent exclusion probabilities, particularly when using six or more linked SNPs to form a haplotype. These markers contain only modest rates of missing data and genotyping or phasing errors and thus should be seriously considered as molecular markers for parentage analysis, particularly when the study is interested in the functional significance of polymorphisms across the genome.  相似文献   

The common approaches for haplotype inference from genotype data are targeted toward phasing short genomic regions. Longer regions are often tackled in a heuristic manner, due to the high computational cost. Here, we describe a novel approach for phasing genotypes over long regions, which is based on combining information from local predictions on short, overlapping regions. The phasing is done in a way, which maximizes a natural maximum likelihood criterion. Among other things, this criterion takes into account the physical length between neighboring single nucleotide polymorphisms. The approach is very efficient and is applied to several large scale datasets and is shown to be successful in two recent benchmarking studies (Zaitlen et al., in press; Marchini et al., in preparation). Our method is publicly available via a webserver at http://research.calit2.net/hap/.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of computational methods in haplotype prediction   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Haplotype analysis has been used for narrowing down the location of disease-susceptibility genes and for investigating many population processes. Computational algorithms have been developed to estimate haplotype frequencies and to predict haplotype phases from genotype data for unrelated individuals. However, the accuracy of such computational methods needs to be evaluated before their applications can be advocated. We have experimentally determined the haplotypes at two loci, the N-acetyltransferase 2 gene ( NAT2, 850 bp, n=81) and a 140-kb region on chromosome X ( n=77), each consisting of five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We empirically evaluated and compared the accuracy of the subtraction method, the expectation-maximization (EM) method, and the PHASE method in haplotype frequency estimation and in haplotype phase prediction. Where there was near complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) between SNPs (the NAT2 gene), all three methods provided effective and accurate estimates for haplotype frequencies and individual haplotype phases. For a genomic region in which marked LD was not maintained (the chromosome X locus), the computational methods were adequate in estimating overall haplotype frequencies. However, none of the methods was accurate in predicting individual haplotype phases. The EM and the PHASE methods provided better estimates for overall haplotype frequencies than the subtraction method for both genomic regions.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the vast amount of genotypic information generated by high-throughput genotyping technologies is crucial in haplotype analyses and linkage-disequilibrium mapping for complex diseases. To date, most automated programs lack quality measures for the allele calls; therefore, human interventions, which are both labor intensive and error prone, have to be performed. Here, we propose a novel genotype clustering algorithm, GeneScore, based on a bivariate t-mixture model, which assigns a set of probabilities for each data point belonging to the candidate genotype clusters. Furthermore, we describe an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for haplotype phasing, GenoSpectrum (GS)-EM, which can use probabilistic multilocus genotype matrices (called "GenoSpectrum") as inputs. Combining these two model-based algorithms, we can perform haplotype inference directly on raw readouts from a genotyping machine, such as the TaqMan assay. By using both simulated and real data sets, we demonstrate the advantages of our probabilistic approach over the current genotype scoring methods, in terms of both the accuracy of haplotype inference and the statistical power of haplotype-based association analyses.  相似文献   



Haplotypes extracted from human DNA can be used for gene mapping and other analysis of genetic patterns within and across populations. A fundamental problem is, however, that current practical laboratory methods do not give haplotype information. Estimation of phased haplotypes of unrelated individuals given their unphased genotypes is known as the haplotype reconstruction or phasing problem.  相似文献   

In this report we highlight the latest trends in phasing methods used to solve alpha helical membrane protein structures and analyze the use of heavy atom metals for the purpose of experimental phasing. Our results reveal that molecular replacement is emerging as the most successful method for phasing alpha helical membrane proteins, with the notable exception of the transporter family, where experimentally derived phase information still remains the most effective method. To facilitate selection of heavy atoms salts for experimental phasing an analysis of these was undertaken and indicates that organic mercury salts are still the most successful heavy atoms reagents. Interestingly the use of seleno‐l ‐methionine incorporated protein has increased since earlier studies into membrane protein phasing, so too the use of SAD and MAD as techniques for phase determination. Taken together this study provides a brief snapshot of phasing methods for alpha helical membrane proteins and suggests possible routes for heavy atom selection and phasing methods based on currently available data.  相似文献   



Sickle cell anemia is caused by a single type of mutation, a homozygous A→T substitution in the ß globin gene. Clinical severity is diverse, partially due to additional, disease-modifying genetic factors. We are studying one such modifier locus, HMIP (HBS1L-MYB intergenic polymorphism, chromosome 6q23.3). Working with a genetically admixed patient population, we have encountered the necessity to generate haplotype signatures of genetic markers to label genomic fragments with distinct genealogical origin at this locus. With the goal to generate haplotype signatures from patients experimentally, we have investigated the suitability of an existing nanofluidic assay platform to perform phase alignment with single-nucleotide polymorphism alleles.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Patient DNA samples were loaded onto Fluidigm Digital Arrays and individual DNA molecules were assayed with allele-specific probes for SNP markers. Here we present data showing the utility of the nanofluidic approach, yielding haplotype data identical to those obtained with a family-based method. We then determined haplotype composition in a group of patients with sickle cell disease, including in those where a mathematical inference approach gave ambiguous or misleading results. Experimental phasing of genotypes across 3.8 kb for rs9399137, rs9402685, and rs11759553 created unequivocal haplotype signatures for each of the patients. In 68 patients, we found 8 copies of a haplotype signature (‘C-C-T’), which is known to be prevalent in Europeans but to be absent in West African populations. We have confirmed the identity of our phased allele pairs by single-molecule sequencing and have demonstrated, in principle, that three-allele phasing (using three colors) is a potential extension to this method.


Phased haplotypes yield more information than the individual marker genotypes. Procedures such as the one described here would therefore benefit genetic mapping and functional studies as well as diagnostic procedures where the identity or parental origin of short genetic fragments is of importance.  相似文献   

Copy number variation (CNV) has been reported to be associated with disease and various cancers. Hence, identifying the accurate position and the type of CNV is currently a critical issue. There are many tools targeting on detecting CNV regions, constructing haplotype phases on CNV regions, or estimating the numerical copy numbers. However, none of them can do all of the three tasks at the same time. This paper presents a method based on Hidden Markov Model to detect parent specific copy number change on both chromosomes with signals from SNP arrays. A haplotype tree is constructed with dynamic branch merging to model the transition of the copy number status of the two alleles assessed at each SNP locus. The emission models are constructed for the genotypes formed with the two haplotypes. The proposed method can provide the segmentation points of the CNV regions as well as the haplotype phasing for the allelic status on each chromosome. The estimated copy numbers are provided as fractional numbers, which can accommodate the somatic mutation in cancer specimens that usually consist of heterogeneous cell populations. The algorithm is evaluated on simulated data and the previously published regions of CNV of the 270 HapMap individuals. The results were compared with five popular methods: PennCNV, genoCN, COKGEN, QuantiSNP and cnvHap. The application on oral cancer samples demonstrates how the proposed method can facilitate clinical association studies. The proposed algorithm exhibits comparable sensitivity of the CNV regions to the best algorithm in our genome-wide study and demonstrates the highest detection rate in SNP dense regions. In addition, we provide better haplotype phasing accuracy than similar approaches. The clinical association carried out with our fractional estimate of copy numbers in the cancer samples provides better detection power than that with integer copy number states.  相似文献   

Liu PY  Lu Y  Deng HW 《Genetics》2006,174(1):499-509
Sibships are commonly used in genetic dissection of complex diseases, particularly for late-onset diseases. Haplotype-based association studies have been advocated as powerful tools for fine mapping and positional cloning of complex disease genes. Existing methods for haplotype inference using data from relatives were originally developed for pedigree data. In this study, we proposed a new statistical method for haplotype inference for multiple tightly linked single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which is tailored for extensively accumulated sibship data. This new method was implemented via an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm without the usual assumption of linkage equilibrium among markers. Our EM algorithm does not incur extra computational burden for haplotype inference using sibship data when compared with using unrelated parental data. Furthermore, its computational efficiency is not affected by increasing sibship size. We examined the robustness and statistical performance of our new method in simulated data created from an empirical haplotype data set of human growth hormone gene 1. The utility of our method was illustrated with an application to the analyses of haplotypes of three candidate genes for osteoporosis.  相似文献   

He Y  Li C  Amos CI  Xiong M  Ling H  Jin L 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22097
The genome-wide association study (GWAS) has become a routine approach for mapping disease risk loci with the advent of large-scale genotyping technologies. Multi-allelic haplotype markers can provide superior power compared with single-SNP markers in mapping disease loci. However, the application of haplotype-based analysis to GWAS is usually bottlenecked by prohibitive time cost for haplotype inference, also known as phasing. In this study, we developed an efficient approach to haplotype-based analysis in GWAS. By using a reference panel, our method accelerated the phasing process and reduced the potential bias generated by unrealistic assumptions in phasing process. The haplotype-based approach delivers great power and no type I error inflation for association studies. With only a medium-size reference panel, phasing error in our method is comparable to the genotyping error afforded by commercial genotyping solutions.  相似文献   

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