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IscS is a widely distributed cysteine desulfurase that catalyzes the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent desulfuration of L-cysteine and plays a central role in the delivery of sulfur to a variety of metabolic pathways. We report the crystal structure of Escherichia coli IscS to a resolution of 2.1A. The crystals belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit cell dimensions a=73.70A, b=101.97A, c=108.62A (alpha=beta=gamma=90 degrees ). Molecular replacement with the Thermotoga maritima NifS model was used to determine phasing, and the IscS model was refined to an R=20.6% (R(free)=23.6%) with two molecules per asymmetric unit. The structure of E.coli IscS is similar to that of T.maritima NifS with nearly identical secondary structure and an overall backbone r.m.s. difference of 1.4A. However, in contrast to NifS a peptide segment containing the catalytic cysteine residue (Cys328) is partially ordered in the IscS structure. This segment of IscS (residues 323-335) forms a surface loop directed away from the active site pocket. Cys328 is positioned greater than 17A from the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor, suggesting that a large conformational change must occur during catalysis in order for Cys328 to participate in nucleophilic attack of a pyridoxal phosphate-bound cysteine substrate. Modeling suggests that rotation of this loop may allow movement of Cys328 to within approximately 3A of the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor.  相似文献   

IscS plays a principal role in the synthesis of sulfur-containing biomolecules. It is known that the expression of iscS can be negatively regulated by IscR, the first gene product of iscRSUA-hscBA-fdx. What governs the regulation of cysteine desulfurase activity, however, is unknown. Here, we report that IscS from Escherichia coli is able to bind iron with an association constant of 1.6 × 1017 M−1 to form an IscS-iron complex. IscS is also capable of binding both iron and sulfide to form an IscS-iron-sulfide complex with a higher affinity. The desulfurase activity is gradually inhibited as the amount of iron and sulfide bound to IscS increases. When 2Fe-2S binds IscS, about 20% of the activity is inhibited; when 8Fe-8S adheres to IscS, about 70% of the activity is inhibited. Thus, the cell is able to modulate its desulfurase activity with the formation of an IscS-iron-sulfide complex.  相似文献   

The cofactor content of in vivo, as-isolated, and reconstituted forms of recombinant Escherichia coli biotin synthase (BioB) has been investigated using the combination of UV-visible absorption, resonance Raman, and M?ssbauer spectroscopies along with parallel analytical and activity assays. In contrast to the recent report that E. coli BioB is a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme with intrinsic cysteine desulfurase activity (Ollagnier-deChoudens, S., Mulliez, E., Hewitson, K. S., and Fontecave, M. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 9145-9152), no evidence for PLP binding or for PLP-induced cysteine desulfurase or biotin synthase activity was observed with any of the forms of BioB investigated in this work. The results confirm that BioB contains two distinct Fe-S cluster binding sites. One site accommodates a [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster with partial noncysteinyl ligation that can only be reconstituted in vitro in the presence of O(2). The other site accommodates a [4Fe-4S](2+,+) cluster that binds S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) at a unique Fe site of the [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster and undergoes O(2)-induced degradation via a distinct type of [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster intermediate. In vivo M?ssbauer studies show that recombinant BioB in anaerobically grown cells is expressed exclusively in an inactive form containing only the as-isolated [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster and demonstrate that the [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster is not a consequence of overexpressing the recombinant enzyme under aerobic growth conditions. Overall the results clarify the confusion in the literature concerning the Fe-S cluster composition and the in vitro reconstitution and O(2)-induced cluster transformations that are possible for recombinant BioB. In addition, they provide a firm foundation for assessing cluster transformations that occur during turnover and the catalytic competence of the [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster as the immediate S-donor for biotin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster-containing proteins relies on assistance of complex machineries. To date three systems, NIF, ISC, and SUF, were reported to allow maturation of Fe-S proteins. Here we report that the csdA-csdE (formally ygdK) genes of Escherichia coli constitute a sulfur-generating system referred to as CSD which also contributes to Fe-S biogenesis in vivo. This conclusion was reached by applying a thorough combination of both in vivo and in vitro strategies and techniques. Yeast two-hybrid analysis allowed us to show that CsdA and CsdE interact. Enzymology analysis showed that CsdA cysteine desulfurase activity is increased 2-fold in the presence of CsdE. Mass spectrometry analysis and site-directed mutagenesis showed that residue Cys-61 from CsdE acted as an acceptor site for sulfur provided by cysteine desulfurase activity of CsdA. Genetic investigations revealed that the csdA-csdE genes could act as multicopy suppressors of iscS mutation. Moreover, both in vitro and in vivo investigations pointed to a specific connection between the CSD system and quinolinate synthetase NadA.  相似文献   

Biotin synthase (BioB) catalyzes the insertion of a sulfur atom between the C6 and C9 carbons of dethiobiotin. Reconstituted BioB from Escherichia coli contains a [4Fe-4S](2+/1+) cluster thought to be involved in the reduction and cleavage of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), generating methionine and the reactive 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical responsible for dethiobiotin H-abstraction. Using EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy as well as methionine quantitation we demonstrate that the reduced S = 1/2 [4Fe-4S](1+) cluster is indeed capable of injecting one electron into AdoMet, generating one equivalent of both methionine and S = 0 [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster. Dethiobiotin is not required for the reaction. Using site-directed mutagenesis we show also that, among the eight cysteines of BioB, only three (Cys-53, Cys-57, Cys-60) are essential for AdoMet reductive cleavage, suggesting that these cysteines are involved in chelation of the [4Fe-4S](2+/1+) cluster.  相似文献   

Control of sulfur metabolism in plants and bacteria is linked, in significant measure, to the behavior of the cysteine synthase complex (CSC). The complex is comprised of the two enzymes that catalyze the final steps in cysteine biosynthesis: serine O-acetyltransferase (SAT, EC, which produces O-acetyl-L-serine, and O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase (OASS, EC, which converts it to cysteine. SAT (a dimer of homotrimers) binds a maximum of two molecules of OASS (a dimer) in an interaction believed to involve docking of the C terminus from a protomer in an SAT trimer into an OASS active site. This interaction inactivates OASS catalysis and prevents further binding to the trimer; thus, the system exhibits a contact-induced inactivation of half of each biomolecule. To better understand the dynamics and energetics that underlie formation of the CSC, the interactions of OASS and SAT from Escherichia coli were studied at equilibrium and in the pre-steady state. Using an experimental strategy that initiates dissociation of the CSC at different points in the CSC-forming reaction, three stable forms of the complex were identified. Comparison of the binding behaviors of SAT and its C-terminal peptide supports a mechanism in which SAT interacts with OASS in a non-allosteric interaction involving its C terminus. This early docking event appears to fasten the proteins in close proximity and thus prepares the system to engage in a series of subsequent, energetically favorable isomerizations that inactivate OASS and produce the fully isomerized CSC.  相似文献   

Biotin protein ligases (BPLs) are enzymes of extraordinary specificity. BirA, the BPL of Escherichia coli biotinylates only a single cellular protein. We report a mutant BirA that attaches biotin to a large number of cellular proteins in vivo and to bovine serum albumin, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, immunoglobin heavy and light chains, and RNAse A in vitro. The mutant BirA also self biotinylates in vivo and in vitro. The wild type BirA protein is much less active in these reactions. The biotinylation reaction is proximity-dependent in that a greater extent of biotinylation was seen when the mutant ligase was coupled to the acceptor proteins than when the acceptors were free in solution. This approach may permit facile detection and recovery of interacting proteins by existing avidin/streptavidin technology.  相似文献   

Biotin synthase (BioB), an iron-sulfur enzyme, catalyzes the last step of the biotin biosynthesis pathway. The reaction consists in the introduction of a sulfur atom into two non-activated C-H bonds of dethiobiotin. Substrate radical activation is initiated by the reductive cleavage of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) into a 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical. The recently described pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-bound enzyme was used to show that only one molecule of AdoMet, and not two, is required for the formation of one molecule of biotin. Furthermore 5'-deoxyadenosine, a product of the reaction, strongly inhibited biotin formation, an observation that may explain why BioB is not able to make more than one turnover. However this enzyme inactivation is not irreversible.  相似文献   

We have purified three NifS homologs from Escherichia coli, CSD, CsdB, and IscS, that appear to be involved in iron-sulfur cluster formation and/or the biosynthesis of selenophosphate. All three homologs catalyze the elimination of Se and S from L-selenocysteine and L-cysteine, respectively, to form L-alanine. These pyridoxal 5'-phosphate enzymes were inactivated by abortive transamination, yielding pyruvate and a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate form of the enzyme. The enzymes showed non-Michaelis-Menten behavior for L-selenocysteine and L-cysteine. When pyruvate was added, they showed Michaelis-Menten behavior for L-selenocysteine but not for L-cysteine. Pyruvate significantly enhanced the activity of CSD toward L-selenocysteine. Surprisingly, the enzyme activity toward L-cysteine was not increased as much by pyruvate, suggesting the presence of different rate-limiting steps or reaction mechanisms for L-cysteine desulfurization and the degradation of L-selenocysteine. We substituted Ala for each of Cys358 in CSD, Cys364 in CsdB, and Cys328 in IscS, residues that correspond to the catalytically essential Cys325 of Azotobacter vinelandii NifS. The enzyme activity toward L-cysteine was almost completely abolished by the mutations, whereas the activity toward L-selenocysteine was much less affected. This indicates that the reaction mechanism of L-cysteine desulfurization is different from that of L-selenocysteine decomposition, and that the conserved cysteine residues play a critical role only in L-cysteine desulfurization.  相似文献   

The gene encoding Escherichia coli biotin synthase (bioB) has been expressed as a histidine fusion protein, and the protein was purified in a single step using immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The His(6)-tagged protein was fully functional in in vitro and in vivo biotin production assays. Analysis of all the published bioB sequences identified a number of conserved residues. Single point mutations, to either serine or threonine, were carried out on the four conserved (Cys-53, Cys-57, Cys-60, and Cys-188) and one non-conserved (Cys-288) cysteine residues, and the purified mutant proteins were tested both for ability to reconstitute the [2Fe-2S] clusters of the native (oxidized) dimer and enzymatic activity. The C188S mutant was insoluble. The wild-type and four of the mutant proteins were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, metal and sulfide analysis, and both in vitro and in vivo biotin production assays. The molecular masses of all proteins were verified using electrospray mass spectrometry. The results indicate that the His(6) tag and the C288T mutation have no effect on the activity of biotin synthase when compared with the wild-type protein. The C53S, C57S, and C60S mutant proteins, both as prepared and reconstituted, were unable to covert dethiobiotin to biotin in vitro and in vivo. We conclude that three of the conserved cysteine residues (Cys-53, Cys-57, and Cys-60), all of which lie in the highly conserved "cysteine box" motif, are crucial for [Fe-S] cluster binding, whereas Cys-188 plays a hitherto unknown structural role in biotin synthase.  相似文献   

Biotin synthase is required for the conversion of dethiobiotin to biotin and requires a number of accessory proteins and small molecule cofactors for activity in vitro. We have previously identified two of these proteins as flavodoxin and ferredoxin (flavodoxin) NADP(+) reductase. We now report the identification of MioC as a third essential protein, together with its cloning, purification, and characterization. Purified MioC has a UV-visible spectrum characteristic of a flavoprotein and contains flavin mononucleotide. The presence of flavin mononucleotide and the primary sequence similarity to flavodoxin suggest that MioC may function as an electron transport protein. The role of MioC in the biotin synthase reaction is discussed, and the structure and function of MioC is compared with that of flavodoxin.  相似文献   

Hewitson KS  Baldwin JE  Shaw NM  Roach PL 《FEBS letters》2000,466(2-3):372-376
Biotin synthase (BioB) is a member of a family of enzymes that includes anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase and pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme. These enzymes all use S-adenosylmethionine during turnover and contain three highly conserved cysteine residues that may act as ligands to an iron-sulfur cluster required for activity. Three mutant enzymes of BioB have been made, each with one cysteine residue (C53, 57, 60) mutated to alanine. All three mutant enzymes were inactive, but they still exhibited the characteristic UV-visible spectrum of a [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster similar to that of the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Cysteine desulfurases perform pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent desulfuration of cysteine. The key steps of the enzymatic cycle include substrate binding to PLP, formation of a covalent persulfide intermediate at the active site cysteine, and transfer of sulfur to recipients for use in various metabolic pathways. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cysteine desulfurase Nfs1p and an accessory protein, Isd11p, are found primarily in mitochondria, and both are essential for cell viability. Although cysteine desulfurases are conserved from bacteria to humans, Isd11p is found only in eukaryotes and not in prokaryotes. Here we show that Isd11p activates Nfs1p. The enzyme without Isd11p was inactive and did not form the [(35)S]persulfide intermediate from the substrate [(35)S]cysteine. Addition of Isd11p to inactive Nfs1p induced formation of the persulfide. Remarkably, in a two-step assay, [(35)S]cysteine could be bound to the inactive Nfs1p in a PLP-dependent manner, and the enzyme could be subsequently induced to form the persulfide by addition of Isd11p. A mutant form of Isd11p with the (15)LYK(17) motif changed to (15)AAA(17) was able to bind but failed to activate Nfs1p, thus separating these two functions of Isd11p. Finally, compared with Nfs1p with or without the bound Isd11p mutant, the Nfs1p·Isd11p complex was more resistant to inactivation by an alkylating agent. On the basis of these novel findings, we propose that interaction of Isd11p with Nfs1p activates the enzyme by inducing a conformational change, thereby promoting formation of the persulfide intermediate at the active site cysteine. Such a conformational change may protect the active site cysteine from alkylating agents.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a proteolytic fragment of Escherichia coli biotin carboxyl carrier protein was determined from the structures of overlapping tryptic, thermolytic, and staphylococcal protease peptides together with automated sequenator analyses on the intact protein. The fragment, 82 residues in length, contains the single residue of biocytin of the protein. The relationship of the Mr = 9100 fragment to the native Mr = 22,500 subunit is discussed.  相似文献   

Holo-(acyl carrier protein) synthase (AcpS) post-translationally modifies apoacyl carrier protein (apoACP) via transfer of 4'-phosphopantetheine from coenzyme A (CoA) to the conserved serine 36 gamma-OH of apoACP. The resulting holo-acyl carrier protein (holo-ACP) is then active as the central coenzyme of fatty acid biosynthesis. The acpS gene has previously been identified and shown to be essential for Escherichia coli growth. Earlier mutagenic studies isolated the E. coli MP4 strain, whose elevated growth requirement for CoA was ascribed to a deficiency in holoACP synthesis. Sequencing of the acpS gene from the E. coli MP4 strain (denoted acpS1) showed that the AcpS1 protein contains a G4D mutation. AcpS1 exhibited a approximately 5-fold reduction in its catalytic efficiency when compared with wild type AcpS, accounting for the E. coli MP4 strain phenotype. It is shown that a conditional acpS mutant accumulates apoACP in vivo under nonpermissive conditions in a manner similar to the E. coli MP4 strain. In addition, it is demonstrated that the gene product, YhhU, of a previously identified E. coli open reading frame can completely suppress the acpS conditional, lethal phenotype upon overexpression of the protein, suggesting that YhhU may be involved in an alternative pathway for phosphopantetheinyl transfer and holoACP synthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

Many eubacteria are resistant to the toxic oxidizing agent potassium tellurite, and tellurite resistance involves diverse biochemical mechanisms. Expression of the iscS gene from Geobacillus stearothermophilus V, which is naturally resistant to tellurite, confers tellurite resistance in Escherichia coli K-12, which is naturally sensitive to tellurite. The G. stearothermophilus iscS gene encodes a cysteine desulfurase. A site-directed mutation in iscS that prevents binding of its pyridoxal phosphate cofactor abolishes both enzyme activity and its ability to confer tellurite resistance in E. coli. Expression of the G. stearothermophilus iscS gene confers tellurite resistance in tellurite-hypersensitive E. coli iscS and sodA sodB mutants (deficient in superoxide dismutase) and complements the auxotrophic requirement of an E. coli iscS mutant for thiamine but not for nicotinic acid. These and other results support the hypothesis that the reduction of tellurite generates superoxide anions and that the primary targets of superoxide damage in E. coli are enzymes with iron-sulfur clusters.  相似文献   

The product of the selA gene, selenocysteine synthase, is a pyridoxal 5-phosphate-containing enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of seryl-tRNA(Sec UCA) into selenocysteyl-tRNA(Sec UCA). Reduction of the aldimine group of pyridoxal 5-phosphate inactivates the enzyme. When reacted with seryl-tRNA(Sec UCA) as sole substrate, pyruvate (and possibly also ammonia) is released; in the presence of a high concentration of potassium borohydride, alanyl-tRNA(Sec UCA) is formed from seryl-tRNA(Sec UCA). These results support the notion that the formyl group of pyridoxal phosphate forms a Schiff base with the alpha-amino group of L-serine with the subsequent 2,3-elimination of a water molecule and the generation of an aminoacrylyl-tRNA(Sec UCA) intermediate. ATP is not required for this reaction step, but it is necessary for the conversion of aminoacrylyl-tRNA into selenocysteyl-tRNA(Sec UCA) which, in addition, requires the SELD protein and reduced selenium. Selenocysteine synthase forms a stable complex with seryl-tRNA(Sec UCA) with one tRNA molecule bound per two 50-kDa monomers. The enzyme does not interact with serine-inserting tRNA species. Taken together, the results show that biosynthesis of selenocysteine takes place in the enzyme-bound state and involves the dehydration of L-serine esterified to tRNA in a first step formally followed by the 2,3-addition of HSe- which is provided by the SELD protein in an ATP-dependent reaction in the form of a reactive selenium donor molecule.  相似文献   

Uptake of exogenous biotin by two Escherichia coli biotin prototroph strains, K-12 and Crookes, appeared to involve incorporation at a fixed number of binding sites located at the cell membrane. Incorporation was characterized as a binding process specific for biotin, not requiring energy, and stimulated by acidic pH. Constant saturation quantities of exogenous biotin were incorporated by these cells, and the amounts, which were titrated, depended on whether the cells were resting or dividing. Resting cells incorporated exogenous biotin amounting to 2% of their total intracellular biotin content. Fifty percent of the exogenous biotin was incorporated into their free biotin fraction, and 50% was incorporated into their bound biotin fraction. On the other hand, dividing cells incorporated exogenous biotin into all of their intracellular sites, 88% going into the intracellular-bound biotin fraction, and 12% going into the free biotin fraction. Calculations suggested that each cell contained approximately 3,000 binding sites for biotin. It was postulated that biotin incorporation sites might have been components of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase located at or near the membrane.  相似文献   

We previously showed that biotin synthase in which the (Fe-S) cluster was labelled with 34S by reconstitution donates 34S to biotin [B. Tse Sum Bui, D. Florentin, F. Fournier, O. Ploux, A. Méjean & A. Marquet (1998) FEBS Lett. 440, 226-230]. We therefore proposed that the source of sulfur was very likely the (Fe-S) centre. This depletion of sulfur from the cluster during enzymatic reaction could explain the absence of turnover of the enzyme which means that to restore a catalytic activity, the clusters have to be regenerated. In this report, we show that the NifS protein from Azotobacter vinelandii and C-DES from Synechocystis as well as rhodanese from bovine liver can mobilize the sulfur, respectively, from cysteine and thiosulfate for the formation of a [2Fe-2S] cluster in the apoprotein of Escherichia coli biotin synthase. The reconstituted enzymes were as active as the native enzyme. When [35S]cysteine was used during the reconstitution experiments in the presence of NifS, labelled (Fe35S) biotin synthase was obtained. This enzyme produced [35S]biotin, confirming the results obtained with the 34S-reconstituted enzyme. NifS was also effective in mobilizing selenium from selenocystine to produce an (Fe-Se) cluster. However, though NifS could efficiently reconstitute holobiotin synthase from the apoform, starting from cysteine, these two effectors had no significant effect on the turnover of the enzyme in the in vitro assay.  相似文献   

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