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Autoradiography has been applied to two acoel turbellarians, Convoluta convoluta and Oxyposthia praedator, to determine the distribution and fate of proliferative cells. In C. convoluta, mitotic figures and nuclei that labelled with [3H]thymidine could be observed in the peripheral parenchyma but not in the middle zone of the central parenchyma. The time required for regeneration of physiologically competent digestive cells was about 10–15 days. In O. praedator, mitotic figures (in metaphase and telophase) were observed in the peripheral parenchyma while none were found in the epidermis either in untreated animals or after treatment with colchicine. Mitotic figures were found only rarely in the central parenchyma and only in its marginal zone. Autoradiographs of O. praedator demonstrated [3H]thymidine incorporation into both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of peripheral parenchymal cells. In the central parenchyma, no nuclei with primary labelling were observed. The digestive parenchyma of the acoels is regarded as a unique histological system involving both specialized cells of the central parenchyma and stem cells located in the peripheral parenchyma.  相似文献   

A. E. Douglas 《Hydrobiologia》1983,102(3):151-154
Convoluta roscoffensis collected from the natural habitat in reproductive condition laid egg capsules for up to 16 weeks under laboratory conditions. However, both the number of capsules laid and number of embryos per capsule decreased with time in culture. When animals were maintained in an alternating light and dark regime, the capsules were laid during the dark period. Animals ceased to deposit egg capsules within five days of incubation in the photosynthetic inhibitor, DCMU. This suggests that metabolism of the algal symbionts of C. roscoffensis contributes to egg production.  相似文献   

The notion that statocysts originated from an infolding of ectoderm lined by ciliated sensory cells has been challenged with evidence of capsule-limited, non-ciliary statocysts in several independent phyla. Statocysts in turbellarians primitively lack cilia and are embedded within or closely adjoined to the cerebral ganglion; they are likely to be derived from nervous tissue. We investigated the development of the simple statocyst in an acoel turbellarian, a statocyst consisting of three cells. Observations of serial TEM sections of embryos at different stages of development support the hypothesis of an inner (non-epithelial) origin of the statocyst. First, a three-cell complex is delimited by a basal lamina; it then undergoes cavitation by swelling, autophagy, and fluid secretion. The statocyst becomes discernible within the precursor ganglion cells while they still contain yolk inclusions. The two outer (parietal) cells, enclosed together by a 10-nm-thick basal lamina, arrange themselves in an ovoid of about 10 µm diameter and surround the inner statolith-forming cell. The statolith is formed later within vacuoles of the statolith-forming cell.  相似文献   

Morphological studies of eleven new species in the family permitted reconstruction of progressive evolutionary lines, and this strongly implies progressive evolutionary lines for other acoela. Solenofilomorpha funilis n. sp., Myopea crassula n. g. n. sp., M. latafaucium n. sp., Fusantrum rhammiphorum n. g. n. sp. and Endocincta punctata n. g. n. sp. are described from the coast of South Carolina, U.S.A., and S. guaymensis n. sp. is described from the Gulf of California. Five additional unnamed species from the U. S. Pacific Coast, Sweden and Tunisia are briefly described. Two species groupings were based on correlation between two different arrangements of pharynx muscles and trio arrangements of antrum muscles and further correlations with lesser characters. The membership of the two groupings in a single family make it clear that evolution proceeded by addition of structures to a less complex common ancestor. Functional and behavioral considerations support the evolutionary path drawn from morphology. Distinctive statocyst structure, ciliary interconnections and sperm morphology shared by acoels show them to have a common ancestry, but clearly different pharynges and male structures cannot be consistent with evolution by reductions. A common ancestor of low complexity has probably given rise to several partly parallel evolutionary lines which together form the structurally diverse Acoela. The history of acoel systematics is also briefly summarized.  相似文献   

The central parenchyma in Oxyposthia praedator consists of multifunctional cells. These cells digest food material intracellularly, can effect extracellular digestion through release of digestive enzymes by cell lysis and clasmatosis, and synthesize reserve nutritional substances.  相似文献   

Evolution of the nervous system in Paraphanostoma (Acoela)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Raikova, O. I., Reuter, M., Gustafsson, M. K. S., Maule, A. G., Halton, D. W. & Jondelius, U. (2004). Evolution of the nervous system in Paraphanostoma (Acoela). — Zoologica Scripta, 33 , 71–88.
According to recent molecular studies, the Acoela are the earliest extant bilaterian group. Their nervous system displays a striking variety of patterns. The aim of the present investigation was to study the variability of the nervous system in a monophyletic group of the Acoela. Six species of Paraphanostoma were chosen for the study. Using immunocytochemical methods and confocal scanning laser microscopy, the immunoreactive patterns of serotonin (5-HT) and the neuropeptide GYIRFamide were described in detail. The study has demonstrated that the brains in Paraphanostoma species, although diverse in detail, still follow the same general pattern. 18S rDNA sequences were used to generate a hypothesis of the phylogeny within the group. Characters of the nervous system revealed in this study were coded and analysed together with 18S rDNA data. Several synapomorphies in the nervous system characters were identified. However, numerous parallelisms in the nervous system evolution have occurred. Data obtained demonstrate that the genus Paraphanostoma is closely related to Childia and should belong to the same family, Childiidae.  相似文献   

A Fine Structural Analysis of the Statocyst in Turbellaria Acoela   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ferrero, E. (Istituto di Biologia Generale, Universith di Pisa, Pisa, Italy.) A fine structural analysis of the statocyst in Turbellaria Acoela. Zool. Scr. 2 (1): 5–16, 1973.—The fine structure of the statocyst components in the acoelan Convoluta psammophila is described, namely: capsule, parietal cells, lithocyte, and the statolith. The absence of ciliary structures, the highly developed endoplasmic reticulum of the lithocyte and the layered texture of the statolith are remarkable. A functional interpretation of the muscles inserted on the statocyst and of the nerve bundle running nearby is suggested. The morphological similarities and differences between the acoelan statocyst and the statocyst of lower and higher invertebrate phyla are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The nervous system (NS) of Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) was studied by electron and light microscopy, combined with fluorescence histochemistry (Falck-Hillarp method for biogenic monoamines). The NS is primitively organized, with a bilobed brain, two lateral nerve cords lacking commissures, and peripheral nerve cells scattered along the nerve cords. The stomatogastric NS, with a pharyngeal nerve ring, is joined to the central NS by a pair of connective ganglia. A green fluorescence in all parts of the NS indicates catecholaminergic neurons as the dominant neuron type.Ultrastructurally, two types of neurons were identified on the basis of their vesicle content: 1. Aminergic (catecholaminergic) neurons containing densecore vesicles of varying electron-density and size, i.e., small dense-core vesicles (diameter 50–100 nm), vesicles with a highly electron-dense core (60–140 nm), and vesicles with an eccentric dense-core. 2. Presumed peptidergic neuro-secretory neurons containing large granular vesicles (diameter about 200 nm) in the stomatogastric NS and peripheral parts of the central NS. In light microscopy, paraldehyde-thionin stained neurons were observed in the same areas.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of release sites of neurochemical messenger substances in the microturbellarian Microstomum lineare was examined. Aminergic neurites form conventional synapses and synapse-like structures (SLS). Variants of true synapses include: single synapses with symmetric pre- and postsynaptic densities, shared synapses, i.e., contacts between 1 pre- and 2 postsynaptic fibres, en passant synapses between parallel axonal membranes, and synapses without thickenings having only clustered vesicles in the presynaptic terminal. SLS on a nerve cell soma or facing an intercellular stromal channel near muscles are described. Peptidergic neurites containing large granular vesicles (LGV) form synaptoids and signs of putative neurosecretory release. Synaptoids between neurites and between neurite and muscle have lucent vacuoles (about 100nm) and dense material at the contact site. In en passage synaptoids dense-core vesicles are embedded in electron-dense material at the contact site. Putative signs of release of neurosecretory material other than typical exocytosis have been observed.  相似文献   

Based on the literature and own data, consecutive stages of development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the lower Bilateria are considered - separation of brain from parenchyma, formation of its own envelopes, and development of the stem and orthogonal nervous system. Results of histochemical (cholinergic and catecholaminergic) and immunocytochemical (5-HT- and FMRFamid immunoreactive) studies of the CNS in representatives of Acoela, free living and parasitizing Plathelminthes and Rotifera are considered. The comparative analysis makes it possible to describe development and complication of the initially primitive Bilateria plexus nervous system. A special attention will be paid to the Acoela phylogenesis, based on molecular-biology data and results of study of their nervous system.  相似文献   

Ecological investigations on the turbellarian order Acoela were carried out from 1962 to 1965 in List (Sylt), Helgoland, Wilhelmshaven and Juist. The sediments in the eulittoral of the Frisian Islands (Juist) and the Jade are structurally rather similar; sediment mobility or muddy components prevent establishment of an interstitial fauna. Helgoland possesses a great variety of different biotopes; this island harbors the highest number of species in the southern North Sea. In contrast to Juist, Sylt offers predominantly sandy biotopes; in addition to the mudliving species of the epifauna, a number of typical interstitial species was recorded. Of 82 species of Turbellaria Acoela identified, only 1 lives in greater sediment depths; all others are confined to the uppermost centimeters or millimeters of the sediment. Besides the sediment boundaries, the low water line forms an important population barrier. The differences in the sediments can be related to specific morphological and habitual adaptations of their inhabitants. Acoela living in interstitial spaces possess mostly a long and slender body form, which, in turn is correlated to internal organization. Most Acoela species which exist in the spaces between sand grains have an unpaired ovary, shifted from near the statocyst to the area behind the mouth opening. Big vacuoles in the peripheral parenchym counteract mechanical deformation by the sediment. Fixation mechanisms occur in form of tail plates, adhesive glands or caudal organs. The body of mud-living Acoela is usually short and stout. Special structural adaptations are absent. The determining factors in the colonization of mesopsammal biotopes are structure and composition of the sediment. Quantitative investigations at List on Sylt reveal the Acoela speciesHaplogonaria syltensis andPseudaphanostoma psammophilum as being stenotope and stenobath.H. syltensis reaches population densities under favorable circumstances of up to 1500 individuals per 2.5 cm3. InHaplogonaria syltensis andPseudaphanostoma psammophilum annual population fluctuations are not attributable to their reproductive phases which depend upon the season; population decline during summer and displacement from optimal living spaces is due to the vigorous development of competing oligochaetes and archiannelides.  相似文献   

Summary The nervous system of the most primitive fresh-water Turbellaria of the order Catenulida was investigated. Neurosecretory cells were found to occur in it. These cells have a structure similar to that of nerve cells, they only differ by the presence of neurosecretion granules and a more developed golgi complex. In the simplest Catenulida,Stenostomun, neurosecretory granules are found both in the brain cells and in the trunks in the nerve fibres where they are rather randomly distributed. Another representative of this family, the more highly organizedCatenula, exhibits specialized brain and nerve trunk regions containing neurosecretion granules. This work was supported in part by the Committee on Cytobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

Based on the literature and own data, consecutive stages of development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the lower Bilateria are considered-separation of brain from parenchyma, formation of its own envelopes, and development of the trunk and orthogonal nervous system. Results of histochemical (cholinergic and catecholaminergic) and immunocytochemical (5-HT-and FMRF-amid immunoreactive) studies of the CNS in representatives of Acoela, free living and parasitizing Platyhelminthes and Rotifera are considered. The comparative analysis makes it possible to describe development and complication of the initially primitive Bilateria pleux nervous system. A special attention will be paid to the Acoela phylogenesis, based on molecular-biology data and results of study of their nervous system.  相似文献   

Patterns of musculature as taxonomic characters for the Turbellaria Acoela   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Tyler  Seth  Hyra  Gregory S. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):51-59
While turbellarians are generally assumed to have body-wall musculature consisting routinely of longitudinal, circular, and diagonal fibers, members of the Acoela examined by a fluorescence-microscopy technique specific for actin showed more complicated and distinctive arrangements of muscles, giving promise for better delimiting taxa within this taxonomically difficult order. Certain globose or tear-drop-shaped worms such as Convoluta pulchra and species of Pseudaphanostoma, Mecynostomum, and Otocelis, showed a complex pattern in which muscles longitudinal in the anterior half of the body arc diagonally across the posterior half; complex brushes of parenchymal muscles that cross at the level of the statocyst and arc postero-laterally also characterize these groups. The more elongate acoel Paratomella sp. was found to have musculature dominated by strictly longitudinal fibers and with relatively weak circular fibers and few fibers running diagonally to the body axis, yet the elongate mecynostomid Paedomecynostomum bruneum showed a crossing of antero-longitudinal fibers similar to that seen in the more globose Mecynostomum sp. A distinctive looping of muscles around the mouth is seen in P. bruneum and the Anaperidae. Such similarities and differences in pattern of musculature promise to provide easily recognizable characters for taxonomy of the Acoela at levels ranging from species to family. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nervous system of lower fresh-water Turbellaria was investigated. This system consists of a brain, short nerve trunks and a network of subepithelial nerve cells. The brain structure shows ganglion cells and their proccesses, forming a neuropil. The ganglion cells are most probably unipolar. The perikaryon contains numerous ribosomes, few mitochondria, and golgi complexes. Thus it corresponds structurally to neuroblasts of higher animals. The neurites contain mitochondria, neurotubules, and empty or dense core vesicles. All (inStenostomum sp.) or some of the nerve cells (inCatenula sp.) have neurosecretory vesicles.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of ciliary sensory cells in two Turbellaria Acoela   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Comparative characterization of the nervous system of the Turbellaria   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Initial stages of the centralization of the nervous apparatus in the Turbellaria can be traced through a comparison of the structure of the nervous system in various representatives of the class. The most primitive state, found in the Acoela, is predominantly plexiform with a varying number of longitudinal trunks. Three, and in some cases four, longitudinal trunks are found in the Proseriata and Temnocephalida. Commissures appear in the Macrostomida and all higher orders and form an orthogon. Brain shape varies from ring-shaped in the Acoela to bilobed in the Neorhabdocoela. While the nervous system of the Polycladida is peculiar, having numerous lateral trunks and separation of dorsal and ventral parts of the nervous system, the development of the nervous system in Müller's larvae of polyclads shows it is of an orthogonal type comparable to other platyhelminths. Transition to parasitism is accompanied by some progressive transformations in the structure of the nervous system.  相似文献   

In order to broaden the information about the organisation of the nervous system in taxon Acoela, an immunocytochemical study of an undetermined Acoela from Cape Kartesh, Faerlea glomerata, Avagina incola and Paraphanostoma crassum has been performed. Antibodies to 5-HT and the native flatworm neuropeptide GYIRFamide were used. As in earlier studies, the pattern of 5-HT immunoreactivity revealed an anterior structure composed mainly of commissures, a so-called commissural brain. Three types of brain shapes were observed. No regular orthogon was visualised. GYIRFamide immunoreactive cell clusters were observed peripherally to the 5-HT immunoreactive commissural brain. Staining with anti-GYIRFamide revealed more nerve processes than did staining with anti-FMRFamide. As no synapomorphies were found in the organisation of the nervous system of the Acoela and that of the Platyhelminthes, the results support the view that the Acoela is not a member of the Platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

As a part of an investigations on the lipid metabolism in Platyhelminthes, the acoel Convoluta roscoffensis, which harbors the green alga Platymonas convoluta as a symbiont, was studied. Isotopic tracer experiments established that the acoel lacks the ability to synthesize de novo long-chain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and depends on its algal symbiont for these compounds. The acoel's fatty acid composition closely resembles that of the alga but differs from those of other animals; the acoel's polyunsaturated fatty acids are of the plant type (omega 3 family) rather than of the animal type (omega 6 family). The acoel also lacks the ability to synthesize sterols de novo. It contains 24-methylenecholesterol synthesized by the algae and, in addition, significant amounts of cholesterol, which is probably a host modification product of the algal sterol. With fatty acids provided by the symbiont, the acoel has the ability to synthesize its own complex lipids. The acoel contains relatively large amounts of triglyceride, phosphatidylcholine, and ethanolamine plasmalogen. These compounds are either not present at all or present only in minute amounts in the symbiotic alga. Since acoels belong to the most primitive forms of the present-day flatworms, the observed metabolic defects in this organism suggest that mechanisms for the biosynthesis of fatty acids and sterols were lost early during the evolution of the Platyhelminthes, and that this phenomenon is widespread within the phylum.  相似文献   

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