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In insects, hydrophobic odorants are transported through the sensillar lymph to receptors on sensory neurons by odorant-binding proteins (OBPs). The beetle Tenebrio molitor, which is a pest of stored grain products, produces a set of 12-14-kDa OBP-like proteins in its hemolymph. The structure of one of these proteins and that of a moth pheromone-binding protein have been solved. Both proteins have at least six alpha-helices with an internal, hydrophobic, ligand-binding pocket, but the beetle OBP lacks one of the disulfide bonds immediately adjacent to this pocket. To explore this difference and to sample isoform diversity, T. molitor hemolymph OBPs were fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Selected fractions were reduced and alkylated, and tryptic peptides were sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry. Partial sequences of 7 different isoforms were obtained and used to clone 9 new cDNAs encoding OBPs with identities from 32 to 99%. The more divergent isoforms have numerous substitutions of hydrophobic residues that presumably alter the shape and specificity of the ligand-binding pocket. These isoforms all lack the same third disulfide bridge and are more similar to one another than to any of the 38 OBPs in Drosophila melanogaster. They have presumably arisen via gene duplication following separation of the major insect orders.  相似文献   

Encapsulation is a major defensive reaction against foreign materials that are too large to be phagocytosed by individual hemocytes; however, the biochemical process of encapsulation is still obscure. To isolate and characterize the early-stage encapsulation-relating protein (ERP), we used the coleopteran insect, Tenebrio molitor larvae, injecting three differing kinds of bead or inserting pieces of surgical suture into the abdomen of T. molitor larvae. The resulting proteins from the injected beads or the inserted pieces of surgical suture were recovered 10 min after injection or insertion, and were analyzed on SDS/PAGE under reducing conditions. Four different proteins (86, 78, 56 and 48 kDa) were enriched compared with the crude hemolymph. Among them, we purified 56-kDa and 48-kDa ERPs to homogeneity and raised polyclonal antibodies against each protein. Immunoblotting analysis showed that the affinity-purified antibodies of the 56-kDa and 48-kDa ERPs cross-reacted with the 48-kDa and 56-kDa ERPs, respectively. Analysis of the cDNA of 56-kDa ERP consisted of 579 amino acid residues and showed a novel glutamine-rich protein. Positive clones of the 48-kDa ERP showed the same DNA sequence as 56-kDa ERP. Interestingly, the chemically determined N-terminal amino acid sequence and the three partial amino acid sequences of the 48-kDa protein were found in the 56-kDa ERP, suggesting that the 48 kDa ERP was produced by the cleavage of Arg101-Gly102 of the 56-kDa ERP by a limited proteolysis. Western blotting analysis showed that these ERPs were detected exclusively on membrane fractions of hemocytes. Also, when the early-stage encapsulated beads were coated with both the 56-kDa and 48-kDa ERP antibodies and re-injected into larvae, no further encapsulation reaction was observed. However, when the early-stage encapsulated beads were incubated with 56-kDa ERP antibody, 48-kDa ERP antibody or nonimmunized rabbit IgG and re-injected into larvae, further encapsulation did occur.  相似文献   

Conformational isomers of insect odorant-binding proteins.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have identified and cloned the cDNAs encoding odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) from the large black chafer, Holotrichia parallela, and the yellowish elongate chafer, Heptophylla picea. Each species possess two OBPs, the proteins migrating faster in native gels (OBP1) showed high amino acid identity (>88%) to previously identified pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) from scarab beetles. HparOBP1 and HpicOBP1 have 116 amino acids and six highly conserved cysteine residues. In contrast to OBP1 that gave a single band, both HparOBP2 and HpicOBP2 separated each into two bands in native gels (15%). The N-terminal amino acid sequences for the two bands from each species were indistinguishable, and they had the same molecular masses. Although we sequenced several clones from each species, they all encode only one protein for each species, indicating they are different conformational isomers of the same protein. HparOBP2 and HpicOBP2 have 133 amino acids and cysteine residues are conserved in proteins of the same family.  相似文献   

T N Dear  K Campbell  T H Rabbitts 《Biochemistry》1991,30(43):10376-10382
Olfactory reception occurs via the interaction of odorants with the chemosensory cilia of the olfactory receptor cells located in the nasal epithelium. The cDNA clones from mRNA specific to olfactory mucosa were studied. One of these clones, OBPII, encodes a secretory protein with significant homology to odorant-binding protein (OBP), a protein with broad odorant-binding ability, and is expressed in the lateral nasal gland, which is the site of expression of OBP. The OBPII sequence also shows significant homology to the VEG protein, which is thought to be involved in taste transduction. OBPII is a new member of the lipophilic molecule carrier protein family. The second cDNA clone encodes a novel homologue of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme involved in cellular biotransformation pathways. Its expression appears to be localized to the Bowman's glands, the site of several previously identified olfactory-specific biotransformation enzymes.  相似文献   

1. 25-3H- and 26-14C-labelled (24S)-24-ethylcholest-5-en-3beta-ol (clionasterol) were synthesized from (24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5,25-dien-3beta-ol. 2. These labelled substrates were mixed and administered, together with the hypocholesterolemic agent, triparanol citrate, to Tenebrio molitor larvae. 3. The 3H label from the clionasterol substrate was retained in both the desmosterol and the cholesterol isolated from the larvae. 4. Location of this 3H label in the desmosterol showed that dealkylation of the clionasterol involved 3H migration from C-25 to C-24. A possible mechanism for dealkylation is presented.  相似文献   

刘勇  倪汉祥  胡萃 《昆虫知识》2000,37(6):367-371
20世纪 8 0年代后 ,人们开始探求昆虫对气味物质的感受机制。随着昆虫行为学、生物化学、分子生物学以及昆虫电生理技术的飞速发展 ,自 90年代开始 ,深入研究昆虫的嗅觉反应机理已有可能。研究表明 ,昆虫触角中的气味结合蛋白 (odorant-binding protein简称 ,OBP)在昆虫嗅觉反应过程中起重要作用[1] 。本文试从气味分子的化学结构及特征、OBP的化学特性、生理功能及研究展望等方面作一综述 ,以期推动该领域的研究与发展。1 气味分子的化学结构及特征明确气味分子的化学结构及特征 ,有助于确定气味结合蛋白的结构。目前研究以鳞翅目昆虫…  相似文献   

We have purified the chromosomal high mobility group (HMG) protein HMGd from maize suspension culture cells, determined the N-terminal amino acid (aa) sequence, and isolated the corresponding cDNA. Sequence analysis showed that the cDNA encoded a protein of 126 aa residues with a theoretical mass of 14 104 Da. The protein contains an HMG-box DNA-binding domain and a short acidic C-terminal tail. HMGd is in approx. 65% of its residues identical to maize HMGa, whereas it is only approx. 46% identical to maize HMGcl/2. The differences to the previously reported HMG proteins in aa sequence, in overall charge and in protein size indicate that we have identified a third type of plant chromosomal HMG-box protein belonging to the HMG1 protein family. Immunoblot analysis with a HMGd antiserum reveals that HMGd is expressed in all tissues tested.  相似文献   

The subject of these studies was a search for proctolin antagonists among peptides originating from insect species because the proctolin antagonists constantly pose a problem. During these studies we performed the synthesis of the following peptides: a native decapeptide from Manduca sexta Mas-MT-I and its 11 analogs with shortened sequences at the N-end as well as a growth suppressor, a pentapeptide isolated from Antheraea yamamai, Any-GS and its 10 analogs, modified at position 1 and with a shortened peptide chain.Biological effects were evaluated by the cardiotropic test on the semi-isolated heart of the insect species Tenebrio molitor. Mas-MT-I and six analogs stimulate the heartbeat frequency, especially [6-10]-Mas-MT-I, whereas the [4-10]-Mas-MT-I analog shows a strong inhibition of the heartbeat frequency, if insect. The Any-GS and the analogs [Gln(1)]- and [Gly(1)]-Any-GS also show a strong cardioinhibitory effect.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(6):631-640
In a previous study it has been reported that dsp28 is induced during desiccation in Tenebrio larvae. During that study it was observed that in non-stressed larvae the concentration of dsp28 in hemolymph drops dramatically just prior to pupation. These results suggested that control of dsp28 synthesis is subject to environmental as well as hormonal cues. This study identifies a site of synthesis as fat body, as dsp28 was secreted into the medium during in vitro incubation of larval fat bodies. Using immunoelectrophoresis to determine protein concentration a developmental profile showing changes in levels of dsp28 in hemolymph during larval, pupal and adult stages of Tenebrio molitor was established. The concentration of dsp28 in larval hemolymph dropped from 4 to 5 mg/ml to 1.5 mg/ml just prior to pupation. This lower level was maintained until adults emerged when the concentration of dsp28 rose to prepupal levels again. Hormonal regulation is suggested since application of methoprene to newly-emerged pupae resulted in an increased incorporation of radiolabeled cysteine into dsp28.  相似文献   

黄粉虫Tenebrio molitorL.抗冻蛋白基因家族有多个成员,其氨基酸数量和蛋白结构存在差异.尽管有报道发现冷驯化后这些抗冻蛋白的表达量会升高,但不同家族成员是否存在功能分化尚不清楚.本研究中,检测了冷驯化对低温死亡率的效应和对不同类型的抗冻蛋白家族成员基因表达量的影响.结果表明,冷驯化可以显著降低黄粉虫幼虫的低温死亡率和提高不同类型抗冻蛋白基因的表达量.其中,长的抗冻蛋白和低温死亡率的相关关系最为明显.说明不同的抗冻蛋白家族成员的功能有明显的分化,为进一步理解抗冻蛋白的活性和利用抗冻蛋白提供了新的认识.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(3):337-342
During differentiation, the testes of Tenebrio molitor were found to exhibit increases in biosynthetic capacity reflected by changes in the testicular protein content. A gradual increase in testicular protein content was observed during the prepupal stage. The observed increase was more dramatic in the pupal stage and reached its maximum level between days 4 and 7 of pupal development. During the adult stage, the biosynthetic processes for producing protein were apparently reduced following the first few days after adult emergence.The incorporation of radioactive leucine into TCA-precipitable testicular protein was not affected by the administration of exogenous juvenile hormone alone (JH I, 1 μg/animal) during the pupal stage. However, the administration of exogenous ecdysterone (0.5 μg/animal) to pupal T. molitor resulted in an increase in radioactive leucine incorporated into TCA-precipitable testicular proteins, particularly during the first five days after pupal ecdysis.Simultaneous administration of both JH and ecdysterone to mealworm pupae at specific ages indicated that no apparent interaction, synergistic or antagonistic, occurred between these two hormones with respect to [3H]-leucine incorporation. Furthermore, the amount of [3H]-leucine incorporated approximated to that obtained following injection of ecdysterone alone in all the pupal ages studied.  相似文献   

A cell-free protein synthesis system from pupae of Tenebrio molitor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The neuroarchitecture of the central complex, a prominent neuropil in the midbrain of the holometabolan, Tenebrio molitor, is described throughout larval development. The analysis is based on classical silver impregnations and on fate-mapping of identified neurons using antisera against serotonin and FMRF-amide. In T. molitor, the central body is present in the first larval instar, and is formed by side branches of contralaterally projecting neurons. Glial cells surround eight neuropil compartments in the first larval instar. These subdivisions in the organization of the fan-shaped body are maintained throughout development. Intrinsic interneurons are found from the 5th larval instar onwards. In the last larval stage, the central complex consists of the fan-shaped body, the protocerebral bridge, and the anlage of the ellipsoid body. The cellular architecture of the fan-shaped body of the last larval instar resembles the basic structural characteristics of the adult. Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons and FMRF-amide immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain of the first larval instar show the basic structural features of the respective imaginal cells. The structural organizations of larval and adult midbrain are compared.Abbreviations a Anterior - AGT antenno-glomerular tract - aL -lobus - AL antennal lobe - AP anterior protocerebrum - bL -lobe - BSN bilateral symmetrical - FMRF amide-immunopositive neurons - CA calyx - CL1-CL4 serotonin-immunopositive neurons cluster 1–4 - d dorsal - DAB diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - DC dorsal commissure - DCFB dorsal commissure of the fan-shaped body - DHT dorsal horizontal tract - DLTR dorsal lateral triangle - DMLP dorsal medial lateral protocerebrum - DN serotonin-immunopositive deuterocerebral neuron - EB ellipsoid body - en1, en2 extrinsic neurons connecting two FB-subcompartments - esn extrinsic subcompartmental neuron - l lateral - FB fan-shaped body - FN serotonin-immunopositive fan-shaped neuron - fs1, fs2 fanshaped neurons of type 1 and 2 - GC great commissure - HF horizontal fibres - in intrinsic neuron connecting two FB-subcompartments - isn intrinsic subcompartmental neuron - IT isthmus tract - LF large-field neurons - LFASC lateral fascicle - LMFASC lateral median fascicle - MB median bundles - MLP medial lateral protocerebrum - p posterior - P pedunculus - PB protocerebral bridge - pb-fb protocerebral bridge-fan-shaped body connection - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PDC posterio-dorsal commissure - PTX phosphate-buffered saline containing Triton X-100 - SU suboesophageal ganglion - SVT small ventral triangles - TN 1,2 tritocerebral serotonin-immunoreactive neuron 1,2 - v ventral - VB ventral body - VBC ventral body commissure - VCBC ventral central body commissure - VCFB ventral commissure of the fan-shaped body  相似文献   

黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor L.抗冻蛋白基因家族有多个成员,其氨基酸数量和蛋白结构存在差异。尽管有报道发现冷驯化后这些抗冻蛋白的表达量会升高,但不同家族成员是否存在功能分化尚不清楚。本研究中,检测了冷驯化对低温死亡率的效应和对不同类型的抗冻蛋白家族成员基因表达量的影响。结果表明,冷驯化可以显著降低黄粉虫幼虫的低温死亡率和提高不同类型抗冻蛋白基因的表达量。其中,长的抗冻蛋白和低温死亡率的相关关系最为明显。说明不同的抗冻蛋白家族成员的功能有明显的分化,为进一步理解抗冻蛋白的活性和利用抗冻蛋白提供了新的认识。  相似文献   

Thaumatin‐like proteins (TLPs) share structural similarity with the sweet‐tasting thaumatin protein but exhibit antifungal activity by inhibiting growth of fungal pathogens. In a Tenebrio model, two TLP genes were identified by RNA‐sequencing analysis and genome sequencing. Both TmTLP1 and TmTLP2 genes contain 729 nucleotide sequences encoding 242 amino acid residues, including an initiation codon (ATG) and a termination codon (TAA). Interestingly, TmTLPs are proteins with 14 central cysteine residues that may have an important role in structure formation. These data will be used to characterize the innate immune functions of TmTLPs in Tenebrio molitor.  相似文献   

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