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The ability to image calcium movement within individual neurons inspires questions of functionality including whether calcium entry into the nucleus is related to genetic regulation for phenomena such as long term potentiation. Calcium waves have been initiated in hippocampal pyramidal cells with glutmatergic signals both in the presence and absence of back propagating action potentials (BPAPs). The dendritic sites of initiation of these calcium waves within about 100 μm of the soma are thought to be localized near oblique junctions. Stimulation of synapses on oblique dendrites leads to production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) which diffuses to the apical dendrite igniting awaiting IP3 receptors (IP3Rs) and initiating and propagating catalytic calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum. We construct a reduced mathematical system which accounts for calcium wave initiation and propagation due to elevated IP3. Inhomogeneity in IP3 distribution is responsible for calcium wave initiation versus subthreshold or spatially uniform suprathreshold activation. However, the likelihood that a calcium wave is initiated does not necessarily increase with more calcium entering from BPAPs. For low transient synaptic stimuli, timing between IP3 generation and BPAPs is critical for calcium wave initiation. We also show that inhomogeneity in IP3R density can account for calcium wave directionality. Simulating somatic muscarinic receptor production of IP3, we can account for the critical difference between calcium wave entry into the soma and failure to do so.  相似文献   

Many signals that modify plant cell growth and development initiate changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+. The subsequent movement of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm is thought to take place via waves of free Ca2+. These waves may be initiated at defined regions of the cell and movement requires release from a reticulated endoplasmic reticulum and the vacuole. The mechanism of wave propagation is outlined and the possible basis of repetitive reticulum wave formation, Ca2+ oscillations and capacitative Ca2+ signalling is discussed. Evidence for the presence of Ca2+ waves in plant cells is outlined, and from studies on raphides it is suggested that the capabilities for capacitative Ca2+ signalling are also present. The paper finishes with an outline of the possible interrelation between Ca2+ waves and organelles and describes the intercellular movement of Ca2+ waves and the relevance of such information communication to plant development.  相似文献   

Haiech J  Audran E  Fève M  Ranjeva R  Kilhoffer MC 《Biochimie》2011,93(12):2029-2037
Cells use intracellular free calcium concentration changes for signaling. Signal encoding occurs through both spatial and temporal modulation of the free calcium concentration. The encoded message is detected by an ensemble of intracellular sensors forming the family of calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) which must faithfully translate the message using a new syntax that is recognized by the cell. The cell is home to a significant although limited number of genes coding for proteins involved in the signal encoding and decoding processes. In a cell, only a subset of this ensemble of genes is expressed, leading to a genetic regulation of the calcium signal pathways. Calmodulin (CaM), the most ubiquitous expressed intracellular calcium-binding protein, plays a major role in calcium signal translation. Similar to a hub, it is central to a large and finely tuned network, receiving information, integrating it and dispatching the cognate response. In this review, we examine the different steps starting with an external stimulus up to a cellular response, with special emphasis on CaM and the mechanism by which it decodes calcium signals and translates it into exquisitely coordinated cellular events. By this means, we will revisit the calcium signaling semantics, hoping that we will ease communication between scientists dealing with calcium signals in different biological systems and different domains.  相似文献   

It seems that prostacyclin has an increasing effect on gastric mucosal (antral and fundic) calmodulin level in rats. Using either the calcium channel blocker verapamil or anti-calmodulin drugs (diazepam, trifluoperazine,) the cytoprotective effect of prostacyclin can be inhibited. Therefore, it is probable that calcium ions and calcium-activated calmodulin play a role in the effect of prostacyclin.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of Ca2+ level regulation in the cytoplasm by neurotransmitters, hormones, and growth factors and described. The role of G-proteins, second messengers and protein kinases in the regulation of activity of Ca2+ channels and pumps is discussed. The contributions of the endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and other intercellular compartments to the increase in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration are estimated. The data concerning the relationships between the activities of systems of active and passive Ca2+ transport across the membrane are reviewed. The general mechanisms of intracellular Ca2+ oscillation are summarized, and a possible role of this process in the neuroendocrine signal transduction is discussed.  相似文献   

The annexins are a multigene family of Ca(2+)- and charged phospholipid-binding proteins. Although they have been ascribed with diverse functions, there is no consensus about the role played by this family as a whole. We have mapped the Ca(2+)-induced translocations of four members of the annexin family and of two truncated annexins in live cells, and demonstrated that these proteins interact with the plasma membrane as well as with internal membrane systems in a highly coordinated manner. Annexin 2 was the most Ca(2+) sensitive of the studied proteins, followed by annexins 6, 4 and 1. The calcium sensitivity of annexin 2 increased further following co-expression with S100A10. Upon elevation of [Ca(2+)](i), annexins 2 and 6 translocated to the plasma membrane, whereas annexins 4 and 1 also became associated with intracellular membranes and the nuclear envelope. The NH(2)-terminus had a modulatory effect on plasma membrane binding: its truncation increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity of annexin 1, and decreased that of annexin 2. Given the fact that several annexins are present within any one cell, it is likely that they form a sophisticated [Ca(2+)] sensing system, with a regulatory influence on other signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The effect of intracellular calcium on intracellular pH in the turtle urinary bladder was examined with phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance. The turtle urinary bladder is capable of acidification in vitro and urinary acidification by this membrane is inhibited by an increase in intracellular calcium. Since calcium is capable of altering intracellular pH, it remains unclear whether the inhibition of urinary acidification is the result of an increase in intracellular pH. In the present study, intracellular calcium was increased by the cholinergic agent, carbachol, the ionophore A23187 and replacement of extracellular Na by sucrose. All agents decreased intracellular pH in the turtle bladder, thus suggesting that inhibition of urinary acidification by these agents is not due to an increase in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Calcium ions mediate extracellular signals on intracellular processes. The signalling system based on transient rises or oscillations of the cytoplasmic calcium concentration has potential advantages. The relevant mechanisms of intracellular concentration changes include calcium-induced calcium release and calcium dependent inactivation of calcium release. A model has been devised based on these processes to generate repetitive transients of the cytoplasmic calcium concentration.  相似文献   

After the seminal work of Ebashi and coworkers which established the essential role of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction, we have witnessed an explosive elongation of the list of cell functions that are controlled by the [Ca2+]i. In numerous instances, release of intracellular Ca2+ stores plays important roles in Ca2+ signalling which displays significant variation in spatio-temporal pattern. There are two families of Ca2+ release channels, ryanodine receptors and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors. These Ca2+ release channels are structurally and functionally similar. In particular, the activity of both types of channels is regulated by the [Ca2+]i. The [Ca2+]i dependence of the Ca2+ release channel activity provides both types of channels with properties of a Ca2+ signal amplifier. This function of the ryanodine receptor is important in striated muscle excitation-contraction coupling, whereas that of the IP3 receptor seems to be the basis of the generation of Ca2+ waves. Thus the wide variety of Ca2+ signalling patterns seem to be critically dependent on the [Ca2+]i dependence of the Ca2+ release channels.  相似文献   

Shen R  Shuai JW 《生理学报》2011,63(5):442-452
细胞溶质内的游离钙离子在许多细胞活动中发挥着重要的作用.对于神经元,细胞膜上的神经电信号和胞内钙离子化学信号之间有着复杂的相互作用,每个神经元都可看作为一个含有细胞膜和内质网膜的双膜系统,而神经细胞的内质网则可视为神经元内的神经元.本综述探讨了神经元膜上神经电信号与内质网钙通道释放的胞内钙信号相耦合的动力学模型.我们认...  相似文献   

This paper presents mathematical models for the hepatocyte calcium oscillator which follow the concepts in a class of informal models developed to account for the striking dependence on the receptor type of several features of the calcium oscillations, in particular the shape and duration of the free calcium transients. The essence of these models is that the transients should be timed by a build-up of activated GTP-binding proteins, which, combined with positive feedback processes and perhaps with cooperative effects, leads to a sudden activation of phospholipase C (PLC), followed by negative feedback processes which switch off the calcium rise and lead to a fall in free calcium back to resting levels. These models predict pulsatile oscillations in inositol (1,4,5)P3 as well as in free calcium. We show that receptor-controlled intracellular calcium oscillators involving an unknown positive feedback pathway onto PLC and negative feedback from protein kinase C (PKC) onto G-proteins and receptors, or negative feedback by stimulation of GTPase activity can simulate many of the features of observed intracellular calcium oscillations. These oscillators exhibit a dependence of frequency on agonist concentration and a dependence of transient duration on receptor and G-protein type. We also show that a PLC-dependent GTPase activating factor (GAF) could provide explanations for some otherwise puzzling features of intracellular calcium oscillations.  相似文献   

Inositol polyphosphates and intracellular calcium release   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hydrolysis of inositol lipids triggered by the occupation of cell surface receptors generates several intracellular messengers. Many different inositol phosphate isomers accumulate in stimulated cells. Of these D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins 1,4,5-P3) is responsible for discharging Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Specific membrane binding sites for Ins 1,4,5-P3 have been detected. The properties of these sites and their possible relationship to the calcium release process is reviewed. Ins 1,4,5-P3 binding sites may be present in discrete subcellular structures ("calciosomes"). Kinetic and some electrophysiological evidence indicates that Ins 1,4,5-P3 acts to open a Ca2+ channel. Recent progress on the purification of the receptor from neuronal tissues is summarized. Phosphorylation of Ins 1,4,5-P3 by a specific kinase results in the production of D-myo-inositol 1,3,4,5-tetraphosphate (Ins 1,3,4,5-P4). This inositol phosphate has been reported to increase the entry of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane, activate nonspecific ion channels in the plasma membrane, alter the Ca2+ content of the Ins 1,4,5-P3-releasable store, and bind to and alter the activity of certain enzymes. These data and the possible biological significance of Ins 1,3,4,5-P4 are discussed.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication via intracellular calcium oscillations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this letter, we present the results of a simple model for intercellular communication via calcium oscillations, motivated in part by a recent experimental study. The model describes two cells (a "donor" and "sensor") whose intracellular dynamics involve a calcium-induced, calcium release process. The cells are coupled by assuming that the input of the sensor cell is proportional to the output of the donor cell. As one varies the frequency of calcium oscillations of the donor cell, the sensor cell passes through a sequence of N : M phase-locked regimes and exhibits a "Devil's staircase" behavior. Such a phase-locked response has been seen experimentally in pulsatile stimulation of single cells. We also study a stochastic version of the coupled two-cell model. We find that phase locking holds for realistic choices for the cell volume.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic reduction of intracellular calcium: the role of calcium influx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of dopamine (DA) on 45Ca2+ ion movement and prolactin release in dispersed female rat anterior pituitary cells were studied to elucidate the mechanism for DA reduction of intracellular calcium levels. In 45Ca2+ prelabeled cells, DA inhibited fractional calcium efflux and prolactin release simultaneously and continuously in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 20 nM DA). We then studied unidirectional calcium influx and observed haloperidol-reversible, concentration-dependent DA suppression of calcium influx into unlabeled cells. These data complement and extend reported fluorescent dye studies and suggest that dopamine primarily inhibits calcium influx, thereby reducing intracellular calcium levels, which leads to suppression of prolactin release and is manifest secondarily as a reduction in fractional 45Ca2+ efflux.  相似文献   

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