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The febrile responses of male Sprague-Dawley rats to a semipurified endogenous pyrogen produced from human monocytes were characterized by establishing fever dose-response curves. The animals were then injected intravenously with a number of substances that possessed the common properties of stimulating the phagocytic activity of the cells of the reticuloendothelial system and of acting as immunoadjuvants. The substances used were zymosan, lipopolysaccharide endotoxin, and muramyl dipeptide. Three days after any of these immunoadjuvants were injected, the fever sensitivity of the rats was remeasured. In each case, the slope of the fever dose-response curve tripled, and in some instances the response threshold for fever response was reduced by factors of three to eight. Furthermore, the maximum increase in body temperature produced by the endogenous pyrogen was more than doubled after immunoadjuvant treatment. By contrast latex beads, which are also phagocytized by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system but do not subsequently increase their phagocytic index nor do they enhance immune responses, had no effect on the fever sensitivity of rats in response to endogenous pyrogen. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that the febrile responses of rats to endogenous pyrogen are mediated in some manner by cells that possess some of the properties of reticuloendothelial cells. The location of these putative cells must be close to the circulation, because the immunoadjuvants used in this study were, for the most part, large molecular weight molecules that could not cross the blood-brain barrier easily.  相似文献   

The fever responses of rats and rabbits were compared in detail using a single common source of semipurified endogenous pyrogen prepared from human monocytes. The characteristics and dynamics of the fever-response curves for each species were examined and their dose-response curves were determined and compared. The fevers displayed by rats were qualitatively similar to those of rabbits, but, typically, they developed and terminated more rapidly than those of rabbits. Rabbits were much more sensitive to the endogenous pyrogen than rats. The threshold dose of pyrogen required to elicit a fever was 5 times lower in the rabbit, and the slope of the rabbit's dose-response curve was 1.5 times steeper than that of the rat. The maximum fevers attainable in rabbits were approximately twice those attainable in rats. It was also shown that the more rapid febrile responses of the rat were not due to the 10-fold smaller mass of the rat; instead, we proposed that this difference was more likely due to a closer diffusional proximity of the pyrogen receptor sites to the circulation in rats. The lower sensitivity of the rat to endogenous pyrogen was attributed to a relative insensitivity of the pyrogen receptor sites in rats in the translation of the endogenous pyrogen stimulus into fever.  相似文献   

The febrile responses of male Sprague-Dawley rats to a semi-purified endogenous pyrogen (EP) derived from human monocytes are markedly enhanced 3 days after the animals are intravenously injected with a variety of immunoadjuvants. The present study was designed to investigate the site within the body at which these substances act to produce this febrile-enhancing phenomenon. Stainless steel microinjection cannula guide tubes were implanted within the region of the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis (OVLT) of the rats and control febrile dose-response curves to EP were established. Minute quantities of the immunoadjuvants zymosan, lipopolysaccharide endotoxin, and the synthetic adjuvant peptide, muramyl dipeptide, were microinjected into the OVLT region and 3 days later, the febrile responses of the animals were retested. In each case the febrile response elicited by a standard dose of EP was more than doubled, the slope of the fever dose-response curve was tripled, and the dose threshold was lowered by a factor of four to five. These responses are identical with those produced when much larger amounts of these immunoadjuvants are injected intravenously, and, thus, we conclude that the site of action of these substances in enhancing fever in response to EP resides in or near the OVLT region. It is proposed that EP stimulates a type of reticuloendothelial cell residing within the OVLT to release prostaglandin E, which in turn crosses the blood-brain barrier to effect the changes in the thermoregulatory neurons of the preoptic anterior hypothalamic area that result in fever.  相似文献   

The febrile responses of Sprague-Dawley rats to semi-purified human endogenous pyrogen were studied at a thermoneutral ambient temperature (26 degrees C) and in the cold (3 degrees C). It was found that while rats developed typical monophasic febrile responses at thermoneutrality, febrile responses were absent in the cold-exposed rats. Experiments were conducted to determine whether this lack of febrile responses in cold-exposed rats was due to an inability of these animals to generate or retain heat in the cold. Thermogenesis and vasoconstriction were stimulated in cold-exposed rats by selectively cooling the hypothalamus, using chronically implanted thermodes. It was shown that, using this stimulus, metabolic rate could be increased by more than 50 percent and body temperature could be driven up at a rate of 5 degrees C/hour in rats exposed to the cold. Therefore, it was concluded that the lack of febrile responses of cold-exposed rats to pyrogen is in no way due to a physical or physiological inability to retain heat. Instead, it appears that in some manner cold exposure suppresses the sensitivity or responsiveness of the rat to pyrogenic stimuli.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that febrile responses in both rats and rabbits are elicited by the intravenous injection of a semipurified endogenous pyrogen (EP) prepared from human monocytes. We are now presenting evidence that these febrile responses are mediated via activation of Ca2+ channels by EP. The febrile responses of male New Zealand White rabbits and Sprague-Dawley rats to a standard dose of EP were determined at their respective thermoneutral ambient temperatures. The animals were then treated with Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil (7.5 mg/kg iv) 30-60 min before the EP challenge. In every case the febrile response to EP was markedly attenuated after verapamil pretreatment, while administration of verapamil by itself had no detectable effect on body temperature. Another Ca2+ channel blocker, nifedipine (5 mg/kg iv), was shown to possess antipyretic activity in rats also. To localize where in the fever pathway these Ca2+ channel blockers were acting, we investigated the effect of verapamil at the same dose on fevers that were produced by microinjection of prostaglandin E (PGE) directly into the brain. These PGE fevers were unaffected by verapamil pretreatment, indicating that the antipyretic action of Ca2+ channel blockers occurs before the formation of PGE in response to EP stimulation. The most likely locus of action is the activation of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which regulates the production of arachidonic acid from cellular phospholipids in the prostanoid cascade.  相似文献   

We have compared the characteristics of fevers produced by endogenous pyrogen administered by the intravenous (iv) and by the intracerebroventricular (icv) routes in conscious rabbits. Fevers induced by the intracerebroventricular route have a longer latency to onset, a less steep rise in body temperature, and a longer time to peak elevation in body temperature than do fevers induced by the intravenous route. Furthermore, a dose of indomethacin (2 mg/kg) administered intravenously, which is effective in markedly attenuating fevers produced by the intravenous route, was completely without effect on fevers induced by the intracerebroventricular route. On the other hand, when indomethacin (500 micrograms) was infused intracerebroventricularly, it markedly reduced fevers induced by the subsequent injection of endogenous pyrogen into the contralateral cerebral ventricle, but such pretreatment had little effect on fevers elicited by intravenous injections of endogenous pyrogen. It is concluded that the sites of action of endogenous pyrogen in response to intravenous injections of pyrogen are different from those responding to intracerebroventricular injections of pyrogen and that this is manifest in several distinct differences in the characteristics of the two fevers. These results indicate that the intracerebroventricular model of fever production is not appropriate for the study of the normal pathogenesis of fever.  相似文献   

When the core temperature stabilizes at a hyperthermic level after iv injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the threshold core temperature for cutaneous vasoconstriction (Thcv) is significantly increased in hot and neutral environments, while the threshold core temperature for shivering (Thsh) is not significantly altered in hot or cold environments but is significantly reduced at thermoneutrality. This type of dissociated threshold alterations of thermoregulatory effector responses seems to be typical for the febrile response of rabbits to LPS. Because the same threshold dissociation can be demonstrated after icv injection of LPS, the systemic and the central effects of LPS in the generation of fever seem to be mediated by identical mechanisms. Prostaglandins of the E series (PGE), one of the mediators considered as important in fever generation, cause parallel increases in Thcv and Thsh when injected icv. This indicates that the mode of action of PGE on the central targets producing hyperthermia differs from that of the ensemble of mediators involved in the generation of LPS fever in rabbits. In rabbits pretreated with aspirin, the threshold dissociation after iv LPS injection still occurs. This indicates that factors other than PGE play an important role in the generation of the threshold dissociation of thermoregulatory effector responses, which is typical for LPS fever. These data indicate also that the states of activity of the thermoregulatory effectors involved in the febrile responses can be altered individually and that the activities of these effectors during LPS fever are quite different from their activities in the control state.  相似文献   

The development of the febrile response to E. coli lipopolysaccharide (1.5 micrograms/kg, i.v.) in thyroid-deficient rabbits has been studied. Twenty-eight New Zealand White rabbits weighing 2.1-2.3 kg were used. Hypothyroidism was induced by treatment with propylthiouracil (100 or 200 mg/kg body wt./15 days). Thyroid-deficient animals showed a reduction in the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide, but the effect was significantly different (p less than 0.01) from the control only for rabbits treated with 200 mg/kg of propylthiouracil. Propranolol (2 mg/kg, i.p.) given 30 min before lipopolysaccharide also reduced (p less than 0.01) the fever response in control rabbits. The results of this experiment are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction in the febrile response of thyroid-deficient rabbits is due to the reduced number of beta-adrenergic receptors, or to a change in the availability of neurotransmitter in thermogenically active tissues, such as brown fat.  相似文献   


1. 1.|The effectiveness of a gas environment consisting of 80% helium and 20% oxygen (Helox) in reducing a rabbit's fever due to an i.v. injection of endotoxin was found to be dependent on the amount of pyrogen injected.

2. 2.|When a relatively large dose of pyrogen was injected, the helox environment used in these experiments reduced the mean maximum temperature reached during the fever from 41.5 to 40.5°C, but the helox did not significantly alter the change in temperature from baseline levels prior to the injection (a 1.4°C increase in air and a 1.1°C increase in helox).

3. 3.|When a relatively low dose of pyrogen was injected, the helox environment increased the change in temperature from baseline at peak fever, but did not produce a significant change in the actual temperatures attained during the fever.

Author Keywords: Helox; fever; rabbit; endotoxin  相似文献   

The febrile responses of homozygous (di/di) Brattleboro rats, to both intravenous endogenous pyrogen and to a lipopolysaccharide endotoxin, were compared with those of normal Sprague-Dawley rats. There were no detectable differences between the fever curves of the two strains in response to endogenous pyrogen. Brattleboro rats, which are deficient in the neuropeptide arginine vasopressin (AVP), displayed fevers that were both qualitatively and quantitatively indistinguishable from those of normal Sprague-Dawley rats that do not suffer from congenital diabetes insipidus. It is concluded that the absence of AVP-containing cells in Brattleboro rats is not an important factor in determining the nature of their febrile responses to endogenous pyrogen. More remarkable, however, were the divergent febrile responses of the two strains to intravenously injected endotoxin. Normal rats displayed hypothermic responses, whereas the Brattleboro rats became febrile. By 2 h after the injection of endotoxin, body temperatures in both strains had returned to normal. Three hours after the rats had been exposed to endotoxin, both strains were found to be totally refractory to endogenous pyrogen. However, when both strains of rats were tested to endogenous pyrogen 3 days later, their febrile responses were more than double the magnitude of their initial control responses. These alterations in the febrile responsiveness of rats occurring at different times after the injection of endotoxin appear to be related to the effects that endotoxin has on the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, over the same time course.  相似文献   

Production of endogenous pyrogen by human and rabbit blood monocytes in response to stimulation with agents of different origin was studied by inhibitory analysis under comparable conditions. Actinomycin D and cytochalasin B were applied. New evidence was obtained about an important role in the mechanism of activation of mononuclear phagocytes of initial interaction between a stimulating agent and the leukocyte membrane and of the biphasic process of endogenous pyrogen production.  相似文献   

目的统计实验数据,分析影响家兔热原检查结果的因素。方法将一定剂量的供试品静脉注入家兔体内,在规定时间内,观察家兔体温升高的情况。结果基础体温≥38.9℃的家兔,其升温≥0.4℃及≥0.6℃的百分比与基础体温<38.9℃家兔相比具有显著性差异(P<0.05),且不同季节家兔升温≥0.4℃的家兔数百分比具有显著性差异(P<0.05),夏秋两季所占百分数高于冬春两季,夏季(6~8月)家兔基础体温较高。结论不同基础体温家兔对热原敏感程度不同,敏感性随家兔基础体温的升高而下降,为保证热原试验结果的准确性,夏季应适当提前热原质检查时间。  相似文献   

Experiments were done on eight young lambs to investigate the effects of hypoxemia on the body temperature, metabolic and cardiovascular responses to intravenous administration of a small dose of bacterial pyrogen (0.3 micrograms lipopolysaccharide extracted from Salmonella Abortus Equi; SAE). Each lamb was anaesthetized with halothane and prepared for sleep staging and measurements of cardiac output, arterial and mixed-venous haemoglobin oxygen saturations, body-core and ear-skin temperatures. Three experiments were done on each lamb, the first being done no sooner than three days after surgery. The first experiment consisted of establishing the thermal neutral environment during normoxemia (ie, environmental temperature at which total body oxygen consumption was minimal while body temperature was maintained) for each lamb. The second and third experiments were done at the lamb's thermoneutral environment as determined on day 1. One experiment was done during normoxemia (ie, control condition, SaO2 approximately 90%) and one experiment was done during hypoxemia (ie, experimental condition, SaO2 approximately 50%). Measurements were made during a control period and during one-minute experimental periods at 10 minute intervals for 120 minutes following administration of 0.3 micrograms of bacterial pyrogen in sterile saline. Administration of SAE produced a short-lived fever of about 0.8 degrees C in the normoxemic lambs, whereas no change in body-core temperature was observed in the hypoxemic lambs. During normoxemia, the increase in body-core temperature was preceded by peripheral vasoconstriction, the onset of shivering, and a surge in total body oxygen consumption. The increase in total body oxygen consumption was met primarily by an increase in total body oxygen extraction during the development of fever. Cardiac index, heart rate, and systemic oxygen transport increased during the peak body-core temperature response. Systemic arterial blood pressure did not change significantly during the febrile response; however, pulmonic arterial blood pressure increased. During hypoxemia, peripheral vasoconstriction and shivering occurred following administration of SAE, but there was no change in total body oxygen consumption or body-core temperature. Thus, our data provide evidence that hypoxemia alters the febrile response of young lambs to bacterial pyrogen. The precise mechanism remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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