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小熊猫种群遗传结构和地理分化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文采用分子系统地理学的研究方法 ,对我国小熊猫 (Ailurusfulgens)地理分布格局的形成原因进行了探讨。我们从四个地理单元的 32号样品中成功地扩增出了 371bp的线粒体DNA控制区片段 ,在所有可比较的 35 7bp的序列中 ,发现 2 9个变异位点 ,其中转换和颠换分别为 2 1和 8,没有插入 /缺失。在四个地理单元中 ,共有 16种线粒体DNA单倍型 ,且在各地理单元中都具有较高的单倍型的多态性。进一步分析表明 ,各单倍型之间的遗传距离平均为 1 6 0 % ,76 5 9%的遗传差异发生在地理单元间 ,仅 2 3 4 1%发生在单元内。分子变异分析和系统重建结果也表明 ,各地理单元之间不存在共享的单倍型 ,YN (云南地理单元 )与XL (相岭地理单元 )和QL (邛崃地理单元 )之间存在着显著的遗传分化 ,FST分别为 0 336和 0 35 1(P <0 0 0 1) ,其余地理种群之间分化不明显 (P >0 0 5 ) ,单倍型缺乏比较明显的地理分布格局 ,各地理单元中的单倍型相互散布在不同的分布群中。经Fs检验 (Fs=- 10 12 1) ,并结合化石资料 ,我们认为由于受第四纪气候和环境变化的影响 ,小熊猫种群在进化过程中曾经历种群暴发而不断扩散 ,从而形成今天的分布格局。  相似文献   

云南四个瓜实蝇地理种群的遗传关系分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对云南个不同地理区域的瓜实蝇种群(Bactrocera cucurbitae)共23个个体的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因中的部分序列进行测定和分析,并以桔小实蝇(B.dorsalis)、番石榴实蝇(B.correct)和南瓜实蝇(B.tau)为外群种构建了不同单倍型的N-J分子系统树.在获得的26bp序列中,A+T含量约占65.0%,有个多态位点,无任何碱基插入和缺失.这些位点共定义5种单倍型,其中一种为共享单倍型.对个瓜实蝇地理种群进行Fst值和基因流动统计,Fst值为0.16667~0.20000(P>0.05),Nm值为2.00~2.50.5种单倍型共形成了3个聚类簇.可以认为,个地理种群间均存在一定程度的遗传分化,但分化程度不高,导致遗传分化的主要因素是地理隔离,而种群遗传分化程度低与瓜实蝇所在环境条件相似有关.  相似文献   

云南桔小实蝇五个地理种群的遗传分化研究   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
施伟  叶辉 《昆虫学报》2004,47(3):384-388
对云南省瑞丽、景洪、化念、元江、河口的桔小实蝇5个地理种群共27个个体的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ(COⅠ) 基因进行了部分序列测定。序列的碱基变化中转换明显多于颠换、无碱基的插入和缺失。5个地理种群中共有27个多态位点和23种单倍型,其中2种为共享单倍型。桔小实蝇5个地理种群的Fst值在0.0364~0.1364之间(P>0.05), Nm值在3.88~13.25之间。对其所有单倍型聚类分析发现,单倍型在系统树中的分布散乱、混杂,没有显示出明显的地理分布族群。分析认为5个地理种群间已存有一定程度的遗传分化,但分化的程度还比较低。造成5个种群这种遗传分化的因素主要与地理隔离有关,而种群间低程度的遗传 分化估计与桔小实蝇在云南的发展历史及生态适应有关。  相似文献   

【目的】木领针蓟马Helionothrips mube近年来成为芋头Colocasia esculenta上的一种常见害虫。本研究旨在探讨其中国西南地区地理种群间的遗传变异。【方法】通过Sanger法测定了21个地理种群132头木领针蓟马的线粒体COI基因序列,利用MEGA, DnaSP, Arlequin和Network等软件对木领针蓟马种群间的遗传多样性、遗传分化、分子变异等进行分析。【结果】获得的木领针蓟马132条线粒体COI序列(643 bp)中共发现34个变异位点、16种单倍型,其中单倍型H1出现频率最高、分布最广。木领针蓟马总群体的遗传多样性较高(Hd=0.712, Pi=0.00413, K=2.655),遗传分化程度极大(Fst=0.3443),基因交流水平不高(Nm=0.96)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,木领针蓟马的遗传分化主要来自种群内部,Mantel检测出种群地理距离与遗传距离呈正相关。总群体中性检验Tajima’s D值显著负值,Fu’s Fs值不显著,错配分布曲线呈多峰。综合种群间遗传距离、单倍型系统发育树及中介网络图结果,表明四川成都(CHD)、云南昌宁(CHN)和贵州遵义(ZY)3个种群的遗传分化程度均高于其他种群。【结论】中国西南地区木领针蓟马总群体的遗传多样性较高,遗传分化明显,种群间的基因交流受到地理距离的影响,总群体在较近的历史时期内没有出现扩张现象。  相似文献   

不同地理种群羊草的遗传分化研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
任文伟  钱吉  郑师章 《生态学报》1999,19(5):689-696
以不同种群羊草为实验材料(包括内蒙古高原的稆草原类型:荒漠草原,典型草原,草甸草原及吉林盐碱地羊草),分别从个体(叶长,叶宽,株高,分蘖数,根茎芽数等特征及根茎叶的扫描电镜结构),生理(在PEG胁迫下叶片的电阻电导,SOD和POD的活性,脯氨酸和丙二醛的含量等),细胞(染色体核型),同工酶及DNA(RAPD)等几个水平较为系统地研究其遗传分化以及对水因子的适应机理,并进行了大量的聚类分析,发现:不  相似文献   

暗褐蝈螽不同地理种群间的遗传分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhou ZJ  Zhang YX  Chang YL  Yang MR 《遗传》2011,33(1):75-80
利用线粒体COI基因片段研究了我国吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北和四川的暗褐蝈螽(Gampsocleis sedakovii)12个地理种群间的遗传分化。结果表明: 36条626 bp的mtDNA-COI基因片段中共检测到单倍型29种, 多态位点71个, 其中简约信号位点37个, 单一多态位点34个。分子变异等级分析(AMOVA)的计算结果显示, 群体内变异仅占总变异的37.23%, 明显小于群体间变异, Fst值为0.62770, 各群体间呈现明显的遗传分化。最大简约法(MP)系统发育分析结果显示, 暗褐蝈螽的12个地理种群以极高的自举支持度(100%)聚类, 形成两个独立的分枝。由于两个分枝的聚类结果与基于形态学特征划分的两个亚种(Gampsocleis sedakovii sedakovii和Gampsocleis sedakovii obscura)并不对应。综合采集地的生境, 初步推测暗褐蝈螽两个亚种间的形态学差异可能是由于它们所处生境不同所引起。在12个地理种群中, 只有内蒙古通辽(NTL)的个体在两个分枝中均有出现。单倍型分布格局研究发现, 单倍型H10是内蒙古通辽(NTL)、鄂温克(NEWK)和吉林吉林(JJL)3个地理种群的共享单倍型, 说明它们来自于共同的祖先。研究结果支持我国的东北地区是暗褐蝈螽遗传分化中心的观点, 但不支持基于形态学特征划分的两个亚种。  相似文献   

基于线粒体COI基因的桔小实蝇种群遗传分化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蒙  徐浪  张润杰  章桂明  余道坚 《昆虫学报》2014,57(12):1424-1438
【目的】推测桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis在中国的扩散路径和新发生地区的入侵来源。【方法】本研究测序获得来自中国、泰国、日本、老挝、孟加拉国和美国等地31个种群的192头桔小实蝇个体的COI序列(1 496 bp,占COI基因全长97.3%),并以软件DnaSP 5.0, MEGA 6.0和Arlequin 3.5等完成各种群的遗传多样性、种群间的遗传分化以及单倍型分析。【结果】所测31个桔小实蝇种群总体表现出较高水平的核苷酸多样性(0.00663)和高水平的单倍型多样性(0.98069)。以F-统计法度量种群间遗传分化程度, 结果显示中国桔小实蝇地理种群间遗传分化较弱, 中国种群与泰国、日本、老挝、孟加拉国、美国种群间的遗传分化程度不同, 中国种群与美国种群及日本种群的遗传分化最大。而Mantel检验发现,中国、泰国、日本、老挝、孟加拉国和美国种群间的遗传分化与空间距离有关(R=0.670, P<0.0001), 中国种群间的遗传分化不是地理隔离所造成的(R=0.038, P=0.534)。中国种群与泰国、日本、老挝、孟加拉国和美国种群间不存在共享单倍型。根据种群系统发育树,可将中国原发生地区种群划分为西南、东南两大分支。中性检验和错配分析结果均表明桔小实蝇曾存在大规模的扩张。【结论】桔小实蝇以东南地区和西南地区为源头向中国内陆扩散,其中广东、福建、广西和贵州种群为中国内陆种群较为有影响力的源头。根据遗传多样性、遗传分化、单倍型分析,推测新发生地区桔小实蝇的来源, 例如安徽合肥桔小实蝇种群主要来源于福建长乐、广东珠海和上海。  相似文献   

不同地理种群银杏大蚕蛾COI基因序列变异与遗传分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
银杏大蚕蛾Caligula japonica是亚洲东部的特有种, 既是一种重要的林业害虫, 也是一种珍贵的野生蚕类资源。为了揭示银杏大蚕蛾地理种群间的内在联系, 测定了我国分布的12个地理种群的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶C亚基I(COI)基因部分序列(GenBank登录号: FJ358506-FJ358517), 对地理种群间的序列变异和遗传分化进行了分析。结果表明: 银杏大蚕蛾地理种群间的COI序列同源性高达99%~100%, 显示出比较小的遗传差异。序列对准后从供试COI序列中仅鉴定出9个变异位点和6个单元型, 其中3种是共享单元型。系统发育分析结果表明种群间已经按地理位置形成了一定的地理格局, AMOVA分析显示北方组和南方组之间已经具有明显的遗传分化(FST=0.478, P<0.001)。综合分析, 我们认为北方组和南方组之间的遗传分化可能与差异巨大的生态条件有关。研究结果为银杏大蚕蛾的种群遗传学和生态学研究提供了一个基本的分子生物学线索。  相似文献   

【目的】为推测中国橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis向北方扩散的路径和北方地区的传播来源。【方法】本研究对橘小实蝇15个地理种群的144个样本的mtDNA COⅠ序列进行测定;依据mtDNA COⅠ序列利用相关软件对橘小实蝇不同地理种群的遗传多样性、遗传分化等进行分析。【结果】在橘小实蝇144个样本的mtDNA COⅠ序列中获得了75个单倍型,其中单倍型H_7为7个地理种群所共享,北方地理种群与原发生地区种群间存在共享单倍型,绝大部分为种群独享单倍型。15个橘小实蝇地理种群总体表现出高水平的核苷酸多样性(Pi=0.02076)和单倍型多样性(Hd=0.99413),不同橘小实蝇地理种群间遗传分化较大。系统进化树显示,橘小实蝇各地理种群中的单倍型分布格局较为混杂,未形成明显的系统地理结构;系统进化树分为2支,湖北武汉、重庆北碚、福建福州、湖南衡阳、江苏南京、海南海口、河北保定、河南郑州、广东广州的地理种群聚为一支,海南三亚、广西南宁、云南丽江、湖南邵阳、山东泰安、山东临沂的地理种群聚为一支,北方新发生地理种群在两个分支中均有分布。橘小实蝇整体错配分析结果显示为单峰,表明橘小实...  相似文献   

山东省二点委夜蛾不同地理种群遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二点委夜蛾是近年来在我国黄淮海夏玉米区暴发为害的一种玉米新害虫.为了系统揭示二点委夜蛾种群在山东省的扩散途径与发生规律,本研究利用线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(mtCOI)基因对山东省12个地市的二点委夜蛾种群以及威海1个二点委夜蛾形态近似种种群进行遗传结构分析.结果表明: 130条二点委夜蛾mtCOI基因(608 bp)共有24个单倍型,7条二点委夜蛾形态近似种的mtCOI基因共有2个单倍型.单倍型网络图与系统发育树显示,威海地区二点委夜蛾形态近似种与其他种群分为2大组,它们之间存在着显著遗传分化,遗传距离为0.044~0.054.AMOVA分析表明,山东省二点委夜蛾种群遗传变异主要来自组间,该地区二点委夜蛾并没有经历过种群扩张.该研究为此害虫的预测预报及防治提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

Molecular methods have been devised for sexing Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) individuals using minimal amounts of material from any stage of the life cycle. Molecular sexing methods are particularly valuable when material is obtained from pre-adult stages and sex identification based on morphological characters is not possible. These methods may also be useful for adult stage material in situations where only limited amounts or poorly preserved specimens are available. The sexing methods described here use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify sequences known to originate from the sex chromosomes of this species. One method co-amplifies homologous regions of the ITS1 ribosomal DNA from both the X and Y chromosomes. Males and females are distinguished based on the restriction fragment pattern produced after digestion of the PCR products with the restriction enzyme ApoI. A second method identifies males based on the positive amplification of a repetitive DNA sequence originating from the Y chromosome. Both methods are shown to be capable of establishing the sex identity of individuals using only minimal amounts of material from any stage of the life cycle.  相似文献   

A laboratory bioassay was developed to determine both the chemical toxicity and the phototoxicity of the xanthene dye, phloxine B (D&C Red No 28), to the immature stages of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Certitis capitata (Wiedemann). An additional goal was to find out which main tissues are affected first. A low, but significant, level of toxicity was observed when the insects were maintained in the dark: at the point of adult ecdysis, the LC50 was 11.03 mM. As expected, after 8-h exposure of late larva III to light, a high level of mortality was produced (LC50 at ecdysis: 0.45 mM) as a dose-dependent function of dye concentration. At sublethal concentrations of the dye, the surviving insects showed a number of physiological abnormalities. Phloxine B appeared to mainly affect the larval longitudinal muscles as well as the abdominal muscles of ecdysing adults, giving rise to abnormal puparia and failed adult ecdysis, respectively. Moreover, a significant phloxine B-dependent delay in the jumping of surviving larvae for dispersal was documented. This could be attributed to a delay in attaining a threshold weight for jumping and/or to abnormalities in neuromuscular coordination, thus reinforcing the idea of pleiotropic effects of the dye.  相似文献   

The potential of entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Heterorhabditis zealandica and Steinernema khoisanae, to infect pupariating larvae, pupae and adults of Ceratitis capitata and Ceratitis rosa was investigated in laboratory bioassays. Pupariating larvae and adult flies were susceptible to nematode infection, with no infection recorded for the pupae. Pupariating larvae of C. capitata were generally more susceptible to infection than those of C. rosa. Significantly more larvae of C. capitata were infected by H. bacteriophora. For C. rosa, highest infectivity of larvae was obtained with H. zealandica. In contrast, adults of both species were highly infected by S. khoisanae.  相似文献   

Abstract  The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is a pest of citrus in parts of Western Australia. Three citrus cultivars: Valencia oranges, Eureka lemons and Imperial mandarins, as well as non-citrus control fruits, were examined for attractiveness and suitability to Medfly in the field and in the laboratory using choice and no-choice experiments. Oranges were more susceptible to Medfly than mandarins and lemons. Punctures in the skin had a significant impact on the degree of infestation in both citrus and non-citrus control fruit. Artificial infestation and larval survivorship were used to investigate the suitability of each cultivar to Medfly under laboratory conditions. Oranges and mandarins were suitable for the development of Medfly, but lemons were a poor host. When each cultivar was in season, field cage trials demonstrated that infestation occurred in oranges and mandarins but not in lemons.  相似文献   

Aim To predict and compare potential geographical distributions of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) and Natal fruit fly (Ceratitis rosa). Location Africa, southern Europe, and worldwide. Methods Two correlative ecological niche modelling techniques, genetic algorithm for rule‐set prediction (GARP) and a technique based on principal components analysis (PCA), were used to predict distributions of the two fly species using distribution records and a set of environmental predictor variables. Results The two species appear to have broadly similar potential ranges in Africa and southern Europe, with much of sub‐Saharan Africa and Madagascar predicted as highly suitable. The drier regions of Africa (central and western regions of southern Africa and Sahelian zone) were identified as being less suitable for C. rosa than for C. capitata. Overall, the proportion of the region predicted to be highly suitable is larger for C. capitata than for C. rosa under both techniques, suggesting that C. capitata may be tolerant of a wider range of climatic conditions than C. rosa. Worldwide, tropical and subtropical regions are highlighted as highly suitable for both species. Differences in overlap of predictions from the two models for these species were observed. An evaluation using independent records from the adventive range for C. capitata and comparison with other predictions suggest that GARP models offer more accurate predictions than PCA models. Main conclusions This study suggests that these species have broadly similar potential distributions worldwide (based on climate), although the potential distribution appears to be broader for C. capitata than for C. rosa. Ceratitis capitata has become invasive throughout the world, whereas C. rosa has not, despite both species having broadly similar potential distributions. Further research into the biology of these species and their ability to overcome barriers is necessary to explain this difference, and to better understand invasion risk.  相似文献   

Abstract  In the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is only established at Broome. From 1998 to 2001 extensive fruit sampling was carried out at Broome during a trial investigating the eradication of medfly from the Kimberley using the sterile insect technique. Fruit was collected from 82 native and introduced plants growing in and surrounding the town of Broome and held for emergence of medfly. Eighteen plants, including the native tree Terminalia petiolaris , were found to be medfly hosts . On the basis of abundance, fruiting phenology and host suitability, eight species (kumquat Fortunella japonica , mango Magnifera indica , Barbados cherry Malpighia glabra , orange jessamine Murraya paniculata , guava Psidium guajava , Pacific almond Terminalia catapa , blackberry tree Terminalia petiolaris and yellow oleander Thevetia peruviana ) were the most important hosts ensuring medfly survival and population growth. Despite medfly being reared from T. petiolaris , it is likely that medfly can only maintain populations in areas close to human habitation, and eradication from these areas would lead to eradication from the whole Kimberley region.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. This study was conducted in Greece using a wild strain of medflies ( Ceratitis capitata [Weidemann]) to assess age-specific vital rates in adults, and development and survival in pre-adults when reared on different host fruit. The results were used to construct life tables.
2. The demographic analyses suggested that there are basically four aspects of the medfly's life history which are of major importance: (i) multiple, highlyoverlapping generations; (ii) high net reproduction while young; (iii) high larval fitness in certain hosts; (iv) lack of diapause.
3. Reasons why these characteristics are felt to be important are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

No significant variation in mating activity was observed among eight laboratory strains of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Two methods were used to select strains showing high and low mating activity: a single pair technique (SP) assessing time to mating and a mass technique (M) based on a mating index. Reciprocal pairings between fast and slow selected lines showed that the difference between the SP lines was female-determined whereas the difference between the M lines depended on the behaviour of both sexes. M selection, irrespective of its direction, affected two courtship parameters, vibration distance and vibration duration both of which tended to be shorter. M selection was also associated with a reduction in startle activity in females.
Résumé Aucune variation significative n'a été observée dans les activités sexuelles de huit souches de laboratoire de la mouche méditerranéenne du fruit, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae).Deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour sélectionner des souches manifestant une activité sexuelle basse ou élevée: une technique utilisant un seul couple (SP), basée sur la durée de la période avant copulation, et une technique de masse (M), basée sur un index d'accouplement.Des appariements réciproques entre les lignées rapides et lentes ont montré que la différence entre les lignées SP était déterminée par les femelles, tandis que la différence entre les lignées M résultait du comportement des deux sexes. La sélection M, quelle que soit sa direction, affects deux paramètres, la distance entre partenaires lors de la vibration et la durée de la vibration qui tous deux tendent à se raccourcir. La sélection M est aussi associée à une réduction de la réaction des femelles à un brusque stimulus lumineux (Startle activity).

After oviposition, females of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann deposit a host-marking pheromone on the fruit surface that deters oviposition by conspecifics. Methanolic extracts of fruit fly faeces elicit a similar deterrent effect. The results of laboratory and field experiments using raw methanolic extracts of C. capitata faeces as an oviposition deterrent are reported. Laboratory bioassays revealed a significant positive relationship between concentration of faeces and the inhibition of oviposition responses by C. capitata. Treatment of halves of coffee bushes with methanolic extracts containing 0.1, 1.0 and 10 mg faeces ml(-1) resulted in a significant reduction of infestation only at the highest concentration (P=0.03). Treatment of blocks of coffee bushes with an extract of 10 mg faeces ml(-1) resulted in an 84% reduction in infestation by C. capitata in sprayed plants and a 56% reduction in adjacent untreated coffee bushes surrounding treated plots, probably due to the deterrent effect of host-marking pheromone on fly oviposition. We conclude that faeces contain oviposition deterrent substances that effectively reduce fruit infestations by C. capitata, suggesting a clear potential for the use of this infochemical in integrated management programmes targeted at this pest.  相似文献   

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