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Gonadal infections by a novel microsporidium were discovered in 34% (13/38) of arrow gobies, Clevelandia ios, sampled over a 3‐yr period from Morro Bay Marina in Morro Bay, California. Gonadal tumors had been reported in arrow gobies from this geographic area. The infected gonads, found primarily in females, typically appeared grossly as large, white‐gray firm and lobulated masses. Histological examination revealed large, multilobate xenomas within the ovaries and no evidence of neoplasia. Typical of the genus Ichthyosporidium, the large xenomas were filled with developmental stages and pleomorphic spores. Wet mount preparations showed two general spore types: microspores with mean length of 6.2 (7.0–4.9, SD = 0.6, N = 20) μm and mean width of 4.3 (5.3–2.9, SD = 0.8) μm; and less numerous macrospores with mean length of 8.5 (10.1–7.1, SD = 1.0, N = 10) μm and mean width of 5.5 (6.2–4.8, SD = 0.5) μm. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated stages consistent with the genus and 35–50 turns of the polar filament. Small subunit rDNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the parasite from arrow gobies was most closely related to, but distinct from Ichthyosporidium sp. based on sequences available in GenBank. We conclude that this microsporidium represents a new species of Ichthyosporidium, the first species of this genus described from a member of the family Gobiidae and from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Myxobolus desaequalis n. sp. is described from the gill lamellae of the freshwater fish Apteronotus albifrons, collected in the Amazon River, near the city of Salvaterra, Brazil. Large spherical plasmodia filled with disporic pansporoblasts and spores were observed. Ellipsoidal to pyriform spores are 18.3 microm length x 11.2 microm width x 4.4 microm thickness. The anterior end of the spores contain two extremely unequal pyriform polar capsules measuring: (larger): 11.2 microm length, 4.9 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 11 to 12 turns obliquely to the longitudinal axis; (smaller): 4.6 microm length, 2.8 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 4 to 5 turns, obliquely to the longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

A new species of Nematopsis (Apicomplexa, Porosporidae) is described from the mantle tissues of the seawater gastropod, Nerita ascencionis (Neritidae), collected in the Atlantic North off the coast of "Fernando de Noronha" Island (3 degrees 47' 57' S, 32 degrees 25' 12' W) situated about 350 km from the northeast coast of Brazil. Numerous oocysts, each contained in a parasitophorous vacuole, were found in the cytoplasm of phagocytes in the mantle tissue of the host. The phagocytes were surrounded by a thin wall composed of lucent material. The phagocyte cytoplasm contained a nucleus surrounded by numerous vesicles and some dense masses. The oocysts were 21.9 +/- 0.5 microm long, and 11.5 +/- 0.6 microm wide. The oocyst wall was 0.18-0.25 microm thick, and the apical zone contained a micropyle, 1.0-1.2 microm in diameter, covered by a canopy-like operculum about 0.25 microm thick. Externally, the oocyst wall was surrounded by numerous anastomosing microfibrils attached to the wall and extending towards the periphery of the parasitophorous vacuole. Some microfibrils formed a dense complex network that surrounded the oocyst in the middle of the parasitophorous vacuole, which opened only at the apical zone near the external region of the opercular system. On the basis of the data obtained by light and transmission electron microscopy and host specificity, the gregarine Nematopsis gigas is distinguished from the nearest species as a new species. The taxonomic affinities and morphological comparisons with other similar species of the same genus are discussed.  相似文献   

This report provides a detailed ultrastructural study of the life cycle, including proliferative and sporogonic developmental stages, of the first Pleistophora species (microsporidium) obtained from an immune-incompetent patient. In 1985, the organism obtained from a muscle biopsy was initially identified as belonging to the genus Pleistophora, based on spore morphology and its location in a sporophorous vesicle. Since that initial report, at least two new microsporidial genera, Trachipleistophora and Brachiola, have been reported to infect the muscle tissue of immunologically compromised patients. Because Trachipleistophora development is similar to Pleistophora, and as Pleistophora was only known to occur in cold-blooded hosts, the question of the proper classification of this microsporidium arose. The information acquired in this study makes it possible to compare Pleistophora sp. (Ledford et al. 1985) to the known human infections and properly determine its correct taxonomic position. Our ultrastructural data have revealed the formation of multinucleate sporogonial plasmodia, a developmental characteristic of the genus Pleistophora and not Trachipleistophora. A comparison with other species of the genus supports the establishment of a new species. This parasite is given the name Pleistophora ronneafiei n. sp.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of a new marine scuticociliate, Dexiotrichides pangi n. sp. were investigated. The new species is characterized by: size about 45-65 x 20-25 microm in vivo with kidney-like body shape and obliquely truncated semicircle-shaped apical plate; cytostome at bottom of conspicuously depressed oral cavity, which is located at the cell equatorial level; paroral membrane extending anteriorly to membranelle 3; scutica multi-rowed; 33-38 somatic kineties; contractile vacuole near ventral side and subcaudally positioned, opening at posterior end of somatic kinety 3; one oval macronucleus and one small micronucleus; caudal cilium positioned in a small pouch; marine habitat. Based on the data obtained, an improved diagnosis for the genus Dexiotrichides is suggested: body with circular cross-section and conspicuous cilia-free apical plate; buccal cavity conspicuously depressed with cytostome located near or at equatorial level; three membranelles transversely orientated each with 2-3 rows; paroral membrane zigzaging structure, extending to about half of the length of buccal field; multi-rowed scutica; somatic kinety one strongly shortened and terminating anteriorly at posterior end of buccal field; basal bodies in equatorial region arranged usually in circular pattern, while in the anterior portion of somatic kinety 2, basal bodies characteristically in pairs and separated from the posterior part of kinety 2; one caudal cilium.  相似文献   

Cochliopodium pentatrifurcatum n. sp. (ATCC© 30935TM) is described based on light microscopic morphology, fine structure, and molecular genetic evidence. Cochliopodium pentatrifurcatum n. sp. (length ~ 25 μm) is characterized by surface microscales (0.3 μm tall) containing a circular porous base (~ 0.6 μm diam.) with a thin peripheral rim. Five radially arranged feet, emanating from the base, support a short central column terminating apically as a funnel‐shaped collar (~ 0.5 μm diam.) composed of five radial, trifurcate rays extending from the center toward a thin peripheral rim. The central spine is 0.5–0.6 μm long. The comparative morphologies and combined molecular genetic evidence, SSU‐rDNA and COI, indicate that the new species falls in a clade sufficiently different from other species to suggest that it is a valid new species.  相似文献   

Henneguya jocu n. sp. (Myxosporea, Myxobolidae) is described from the gill lamellae of the marine teleost fish Lutjanus jocu, with a focus on ultrastructural and molecular features. This myxosporean forms subspherical cysts up to ∼260 μm × 130 μm long, and develops asynchronously. Mature myxospores ellipsoidal with a bifurcated caudal process. Myxospore length 10.9 ± 0.4 μm (n = 50); width, 8.2 ± 0.3 μm (n = 50); and thickness, 2.9 ± 0.5 μm (n = 50). Two equal caudal processes, 34.1 ± 1.0 μm long (n = 50); and total myxospore length, 45.2 ± 1.0 μm (n = 50). Two symmetric valves surround two ellipsoidal polar capsules, 5.0 ± 0.3 × 1.4 ± 0.2 μm (n = 20), each containing an isofilar polar filament forming 4–5 coils along the inner wall of these structures, as well as a binucleated sporoplasm presenting a spherical vacuole and several globular sporoplasmosomes. Both the morphological data and molecular analysis of the SSU rDNA gene identify this parasite as a new species of the genus Henneguya. Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Parsimony analyses further indicate that the parasite clusters within others marine Myxobolidae species, forming a group alongside other Henneguya species described from marine hosts.  相似文献   

A new species of diplogastrid nematode, Leptojacobus dorci n. gen., n. sp., was isolated from adults of the stag beetle Dorcus ritsemae (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) that were purchased from a pet shop in Japan. Leptojacobus n. gen. is circumscribed by a very thin, delicate body and by a small stoma with minute armature. A combination of other stomatal characters, namely the division of the cheilostom into adradial plates, the symmetry of the subventral stegostomatal sectors, and the presence of a thin, conical dorsal tooth, further distinguishes Leptojacobus n. gen. from other genera of Diplogastridae. Phylogenetic analysis of nearly full-length SSU rRNA sequences support the new species, together with an isolate identified previously as Koerneria luziae, to be excluded from a clade including all other molecularly characterized diplogastrids with teeth and stomatal dimorphism. Therefore, the new species will be of importance for reconstruction of ancestral character histories in Diplogastridae, a family circumscribed by a suite of feeding-related novelties.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We describe a new microsporidian species Binucleata daphniae, n. g., n. sp., that infects the integument cells lining the hemocoele cavity of the carapace and the postabdomen of the cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus. Infected cells filled with spores accumulate as large clusters in the carapace cavity and heavily infected hosts are detected by their opaque appearance. Despite the parasite's presence, infected Daphnia grow and molt, but have a reduced fecundity. During the parasite's life cycle, chain‐like meronts with isolated nuclei are formed, giving rise to binucleate presporonts, the most frequently observed, characteristic developmental stage. In sporogony, the nuclei of the presporont separate, divide, and eight spores enclosed in a thin‐walled sporophorous vesicle are formed. Spores are 4.9 × 2.5 μm in size (fresh) and have an anisofilar polar filament with eight coils. DNA sequence analysis places B. daphniae in a clade of microsporidians that parasitize crustaceans and mosquitoes and have assumed complex life cycles. Binucleata daphniae, however, has a simple and direct life cycle and can be transferred to naïve hosts and maintained as persistent infections in populations of its host D. magna. We propose that B. daphniae has simplified its life cycle by losing its secondary host, rendering it unique in this clade.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology, infraciliature, and molecular phylogeny of Pseudodiophrys nigricans n. g., n. sp., and Paradiophrys zhangi n. sp., isolated from a sandy beach near Qingdao, China, were investigated. Pseudodiophrys is characterized by the Diophrys‐like ciliature pattern, but having only a single, reduced undulating membrane. Pseudodiophrys nigricans, the type species by monotypy, is described from live and silver‐impregnated specimens. Paradiophrys zhangi is similar to the type species Paradiophrys irmgard but can be recognized by its border body and the number (7 vs. 8–10) and arrangement (in rows vs. sparsely distributed) of the frontoventral cirri. Small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data support the validity of both species. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rRNA gene sequence data currently available for uronychiids and other related taxa indicate that P. nigricans is most closely related to Diophrys scutum and Diophrys apoligothrix, while P. zhangi clusters most closely with Apodiophrys ovalis within a clade that also includes two other Paradiophrys species.  相似文献   

A new myxosporean species is described from the fish Semaprochilodus insignis captured from the Amazon River, near Manaus. Myxobolus insignis sp. n. was located in the gills of the host forming plasmodia inside the secondary gill lamellae. The spores had a thick wall (1.5-2 microm) all around their body, and the valves were symmetrical and smooth. The spores were a little longer than wide, with rounded extremities, in frontal view, and oval in lateral view. They were 14.5 (14-15) microm long by 11.3 (11-12) microm wide and 7.8 (7-8) microm thick. Some spores showed the presence of a triangular thickening of the internal face of the wall near the posterior end of the polar capsules. This thickening could occur in one of the sides of the spore or in both sides. The polar capsules were large and equal in size surpassing the midlength of the spore. They were oval with the posterior extremity rounded, and converging anteriorly with tapered ends. They were 7.6 (7-8) microm long by 4.2 (3-5) microm wide, and the polar filament formed 6 coils slightly obliquely to the axis of the polar capsule. An intercapsular appendix was present. There was no mucous envelope or distinct iodinophilous vacuole.  相似文献   

A new species, Chaerilus pseudoconchiformus sp. n., is described from Xizang, China. The present new species is distinguished from its congeners by a body length of 32−40 mm, carapace with the anterior margin straight, chela with length/width ratio average of 3.3 in males (3.2−3.4, two adults), and 2.5 in females (2.3−2.6, nine adults), eight or nine (eight usually) rows of denticles on fixed and movable fingers of pedipalp chelae, five pectinal teeth in males and three or four in females. To date, the chaerilid species fauna of China consists of nine species. An updated identification key to Chaerilus from China is presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and infraciliature of two new marine urostylid ciliates, Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae n. sp. and Thigmokeronopsis stoecki n. sp., collected from the coastal waters off Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, have been investigated. Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae n. sp. is characterized by the slender body shape, small size, rose-reddish cell colour, and having two kinds of pigment-like granules. The larger pigment-like granules are yellow–green or grass-green in colour, oval in shape, and flattened, whereas the smaller ones are wine-reddish. Infraciliature and nuclear apparatus are similar to the well-known Metaurostylopsis marina. Thigmokeronopsis stoecki n. sp. is characterized by its large size with dark brown cell colour and grass-green cortical granules, which are large, blood-cell shaped, and sparsely distributed. The thigmotactic ciliature is conspicuous: 11–14 rows of densely arranged cirri occupy the most postoral area. Keys are provided for all the known species in both genera.  相似文献   

Here, we describe Clypeodytes geiseri sp. n. from Champasak Province in southwestern Laos. This very distinct species belongs to the subgenus Hypoclypeus Guignot, 1950 and can be distinguished from all other Clypeodytes species by its larger size and almost completely blackish or dark ferrugineous dorsal surface, except for some weak testaceous markings on the elytra. The habitus and the median lobe of the new species are illustrated, and a map is provided. Altogether, six species of subgenus Hypoclypeus are now known from Asia.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FC01425F-9D3A-482E-8FE4-D2BF3D4943DF  相似文献   

Metaphycus parthenolecanii Japoshvili sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of the European fruit lecanium Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché, 1844) (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Coccidae) in Iran, is described and illustrated.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3B846DA1-7E97-442B-B4AF-B5C727A72521  相似文献   

Five out of one hundred adults of Niphargogammarus intermedius caught at the Azov sea shore were found to be infected with microsporidia. The infection was found in the subcuticular fat body and myocytes. Parasites developed in direct contact with host cells, displayed a disporoblastic sporogony and diplokaryotic arrangement of nuclei at all stages. Spores were oval, 4.6–5.8 × 2.6–3.0 μm. Exospore appendages, vesicular–tubular secretions, and the anisofilar polar filament indicated a similarity to Anncaliia species. Sporont surfaces displayed ridges of amorphous material. Meronts and sporonts formed protoplastic extensions, similar to A. vesicularum and A. meligheti. Mature spores possessed a bipartite polaroplast. The polar tube was arranged in one row of 13–18 coils including 0–3 distal coils of lesser diameter. Partial sequencing of SSU, ITS, and LSU regions of rRNA gene (GenBank accessions: KY288064 – KY288065 ) confirmed this new species to be congeneric with A. algerae (# AF069063 ) and A. meligheti (# AY894423 ). The SSU gene of this novel microsporidium shared 99.4% sequence similarity to A. algerae and 98.9% to A. meligheti. Genes for HSP70 and RPB1 amplified with primers designed for A. algerae orthologs displayed 99.7% and 97.4% similarity, respectively, between A. algerae and the novel microsporidium. A new species, Anncaliia azovica, is described based on morphological and molecular characterization.  相似文献   

A fish-infecting Microsporidia Potaspora morhaphis n. gen., n. sp. found adherent to the wall of the coelomic cavity of the freshwater fish, Potamorhaphis guianensis, from lower Amazon River is described, based on light microscope and ultrastructural characteristics. This microsporidian forms whitish xenomas distinguished by the numerous filiform and anastomosed microvilli. The xenoma was completely filled by several developmental stages. In all of these stages, the nuclei are monokaryotic and develop in direct contact with host cell cytoplasm. The merogonial plasmodium divides by binary fission and the disporoblastic pyriform spores of sporont origin measure 2.8+/-0.3 x 1.5+/-0.2 microm. In mature spores the polar filament was arranged into 9-10 coils in 2 layers. The polaroplast had 2 distinct regions around the manubrium and an electron-dense globule was observed. The small subunit, intergenic space and partial large subunit rRNA gene were sequenced and maximum parsimony analysis placed the microsporidian described here in the clade that includes the genera Kabatana, Microgemma, Spraguea and Tetramicra. The ultrastructural morphology of the xenoma, and the developmental stages including the spores of this microsporidian parasite, as well as the phylogenetic analysis, suggest the erection of a new genus and species.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Crassolabium, Crassolabium persicumsp. n., collected from Arasbaran rangelands of Iran, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its body 1.92-2.40 mm long, lip region offset by constriction and 17-19 μm wide, odontostyle 16-19 μm long with aperture occupying less than one-third (27-30%) its length, neck 428-690 μm long, pharyngeal expansion 369-390 μm long or occupying 54-56% of total neck length, female genital system amphidelphic, uterus bipartite and 162-218 μm long or 2.3-3.5 times as long as body diameter, pars refringens vaginae well developed, V = 54-57.5, vulva longitudinal, prerectum bearing a blind sac, tail conical with rounded tip to conoid (25-36 μm, c=60-69, c'=0.5-0.9), spicules 68-72 μm long, precloacal pair of supplements far (22-27 μm) from cloacal aperture, and 13-17 shortly spaced ventromedian supplements with hiatus. The new taxon is compared in depth to its relatives in Crassolabium as well as other similar species of Aporcelaimellus and Amblydorylaimus.  相似文献   

Morphology, infraciliature, morphogenetic features, and some ecological data for Pelagostrobilidium wilberti n. sp. are described. This new species was collected from a temporary pond in Magdalena, Buenos Aires province, Argentina, which was sampled monthly from August 2003 to July 2005. The species was found in autumn and winter. Observations were made in vivo and after staining with protargol. Pelagostrobilidium wilberti n. sp. measures 63-84 x 42-49 microm in vivo and is conical in shape, with a posterior spine-like cytoplasmic process. It possesses 6 somatic kineties, with kinety 2 sinistrally curved and shorter than the others. The oral apparatus is composed of 25-32 external and two internal membranelles. The macronucleus is horseshoe-shaped and located beneath the oral apparatus; two or three spherical micronuclei lie dorsally. There is a posterior contractile vacuole. Morphogenesis is hypo-apokinetal and begins dorsally between the curved kinety 2 and kinety 3. After the discovery of this new species, the diagnosis of the genus Pelagostrobilidium was amended.  相似文献   

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