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Morphogenesis of the lung is regulated by reciprocal signaling between epithelium and mesenchyme. In previous studies, we have shown that FGF9 signals are essential for lung mesenchyme development. Using Fgf9 loss-of-function and inducible gain-of-function mouse models, we show that lung mesenchyme can be divided into two distinct regions: the sub-mesothelial and sub-epithelial compartments, which proliferate in response to unique growth factor signals. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 9 signals from the mesothelium (the future pleura) to sub-mesothelial mesenchyme through both FGF receptor (FGFR) 1 and FGFR2 to induce proliferation. FGF9 also signals from the epithelium to the sub-epithelial mesenchyme to maintain SHH signaling, which regulates cell proliferation, survival and the expression of mesenchymal to epithelial signals. We further show that FGF9 represses peribronchiolar smooth muscle differentiation and stimulates vascular development in vivo. We propose a model in which FGF9 and SHH signals cooperate to regulate mesenchymal proliferation in distinct submesothelial and subepithelial regions. These data provide a molecular mechanism by which mesothelial and epithelial FGF9 directs lung development by regulating mesenchymal growth, and the pattern and expression levels of mesenchymal growth factors that signal back to the epithelium.  相似文献   

The development of digestive organs in vertebrates involves active epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. In the chicken proventriculus (glandular stomach), the morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation of the epithelium are controlled by the inductive signaling factors that are secreted from the underlying mesenchyme. Previous studies have shown that Fgf10 is expressed in the developing chicken proventricular mesenchyme, whereas its receptors are present in the epithelium. In our present study, we show that FGF10 is an early mesenchymal signal that is critically associated with the developmental processes in the proventricular epithelium. Furthermore, virus-mediated Fgf10 overexpression in ovo results in a hypermorphic epithelial structure and an increase in epithelial cell number. In contrast, the overexpression of a secreted FGFR2b (sFGFR2b), an FGF10 antagonist, blocks cell proliferation and gland formation in the proventricular epithelium in ovo. This downregulation of proliferative activity was subsequently found to retard gland formation and also to delay differentiation of the epithelium. These results demonstrate that FGF10 signaling, mediated by FGFR1b and/or FGFR2b, is required for proliferation and gland formation in the epithelium in the developing chick embryo.  相似文献   

Mammalian lung develops as an evagination of ventral gut endoderm into the underlying mesenchyme. Iterative epithelial branching, regulated by the surrounding mesenchyme, generates an elaborate network of airways from the initial lung bud. Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) often mediate epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and mesenchymal Fgf10 is essential for epithelial branching in the developing lung. However, no FGF has been shown to regulate lung mesenchyme. In embryonic lung, Fgf9 is detected in airway epithelium and visceral pleura at E10.5, but is restricted to the pleura by E12.5. We report that mice homozygous for a targeted disruption of Fgf9 exhibit lung hypoplasia and early postnatal death. Fgf9(-/-) lungs exhibit reduced mesenchyme and decreased branching of airways, but show significant distal airspace formation and pneumocyte differentiation. Our results suggest that Fgf9 affects lung size by stimulating mesenchymal proliferation. The reduction in the amount of mesenchyme in Fgf9(-/-) lungs limits expression of mesenchymal Fgf10. We suggest a model whereby FGF9 signaling from the epithelium and reciprocal FGF10 signaling from the mesenchyme coordinately regulate epithelial airway branching and organ size during lung embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) is involved in numerous different aspects of embryonic development and especially in active epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during morphogenesis of many organs as a mesenchymal regulator by activating its receptors (FGFR1b and FGFR2b) expressed in the epithelial tissue. FGFR2b is also activated by FGF7 although FGF7 does not bind to FGFR1b. To provide basic data to analyze function of FGFs in the developing gut, here we cloned Fgf7 and studied expression patterns of Fgf7, Fgf10 and Fgfr1-4 during the development of chicken stomach (glandular stomach; proventriculus and muscular stomach; gizzard). Fgf10 is expressed both in the proventricular and gizzard mesenchyme while Fgf7 is expressed only in gizzard mesenchyme. Fgfr1-4 are expressed both in the epithelium and mesenchyme with a different spatial expression patterns. Furthermore, RT-PCR analysis reveals that Fgfr1b and Fgfr2b are expressed only in epithelia of both organs.  相似文献   

During lung development, Fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10), which is expressed in the distal mesenchyme and regulated by Wnt signaling, acts on the distal epithelial progenitors to maintain them and prevent them from differentiating into proximal (airway) epithelial cells. Fgf10-expressing cells in the distal mesenchyme are progenitors for parabronchial smooth muscle cells (PSMCs). After naphthalene, ozone or bleomycin-induced airway epithelial injury, surviving epithelial cells secrete Wnt7b which then activates the PSMC niche to induce Fgf10 expression. This Fgf10 secreted by the niche then acts on a subset of Clara stem cells to break quiescence, induce proliferation and initiate epithelial repair. Here we show that conditional deletion of the Wnt target gene c-Myc from the lung mesenchyme during development does not affect proper epithelial or mesenchymal differentiation. However, in the adult lung we show that after naphthalene-mediated airway epithelial injury c-Myc is important for the activation of the PSMC niche and as such induces proliferation and Fgf10 expression in PSMCs. Our data indicate that conditional deletion of c-Myc from PSMCs inhibits airway epithelial repair, whereas c-Myc ablation from Clara cells has no effect on airway epithelial regeneration. These findings may have important implications for understanding the misregulation of lung repair in asthma and COPD.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) positively modulates osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. However, the mechanism(s) is not fully understood. Because the Wnt canonical pathway is important for bone homeostasis, this study focuses on modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling using Fgf2(-/-) mice (FGF2 all isoforms ablated), both in the absence of endogenous FGF2 and in the presence of exogenous FGF2. This study demonstrates a role of endogenous FGF2 in bone formation through Wnt signaling. Specifically, mRNA expression for the canonical Wnt genes Wnt10b, Lrp6, and β-catenin was decreased significantly in Fgf2(-/-) bone marrow stromal cells during osteoblast differentiation. In addition, a marked reduction of Wnt10b and β-catenin protein expression was observed in Fgf2(-/-) mice. Furthermore, Fgf2(-/-) osteoblasts displayed marked reduction of inactive phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase-3β, a negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin pathway as well as a significant decrease of Dkk2 mRNA, which plays a role in terminal osteoblast differentiation. Addition of exogenous FGF2 promoted β-catenin nuclear accumulation and further partially rescued decreased mineralization in Fgf2(-/-) bone marrow stromal cell cultures. Collectively, our findings suggest that FGF2 stimulation of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation is mediated in part by modulating the Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that lens regeneration from the pigmented epithelium of the dorsal iris in the adult newt eye proceeds in two steps after lens removal or intraocular FGF2 injection. The FGF2-dependent proliferation of iris pigmented epithelium and activation of early lens genes that occur over the entire circumference of the iris comprise the first step, while subsequent dorsally confined lens development marks the second step. Here, we investigated the expression of Wnt and Wnt receptor Frizzled genes in lens-regenerating iris tissues. Wnt2b and Frizzled4 were activated only in the dorsal half of the iris in synchrony with the occurrence of the second step, whereas Wnt5a and Frizzled2 were activated in both halves throughout the period of the first and second steps. Cultured explants of the iris-derived pigmented epithelium in the presence of FGF2 underwent dorsal-specific lens development fully recapitulating the in vivo lens regeneration process. Under these conditions, Wnt inhibitors Dkk1, which specifically inhibits the canonical signal pathway, and/or sFRP1 repressed the lens development, while exogenous Wnt3a, which generally activates the canonical pathway like Wnt2b, stimulated lens development from the dorsal iris epithelium and even caused lens development from the ventral iris epithelium, albeit at a reduced rate. Wnt5a did not elicit lens development from the ventral epithelium. These observations indicate that dorsal-specific activation of Wnt2b determines the dorsally limited development of lens from the iris pigmented epithelium.  相似文献   

The signaling pathways that are essential for gastric organogenesis have been studied in some detail; however, those that regulate the maintenance of the gastric epithelium during adult homeostasis remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) and its main receptor, Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2b (FGFR2b), in adult glandular stomach homeostasis. We first showed that mouse adult glandular stomach expressed Fgf10, its receptors, Fgfr1b and Fgfr2b, and most of the other FGFR2b ligands (Fgf1, Fgf7, Fgf22) except for Fgf3 and Fgf20. Fgf10 expression was mesenchymal whereas FGFR1 and FGFR2 expression were mostly epithelial. Studying double transgenic mice that allow inducible overexpression of Fgf10 in adult mice, we showed that Fgf10 overexpression in normal adult glandular stomach increased epithelial proliferation, drove mucous neck cell differentiation, and reduced parietal and chief cell differentiation. Although a similar phenotype can be associated with the development of metaplasia, we found that Fgf10 overexpression for a short duration does not cause metaplasia. Finally, investigating double transgenic mice that allow the expression of a soluble form of Fgfr2b, FGF10''s main receptor, which acts as a dominant negative, we found no significant changes in gastric epithelial proliferation or differentiation in the mutants. Our work provides evidence, for the first time, that the FGF10-FGFR2b signaling pathway is not required for epithelial proliferation and differentiation during adult glandular stomach homeostasis.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling has been shown to regulate lung epithelial development but its influence on mesenchymal differentiation has been poorly investigated. To study the role of mesenchymal FGF signaling in the differentiation of the mesenchyme and its impact on epithelial morphogenesis, we took advantage of Fgfr2c(+/Delta) mice, which due to a splicing switch express Fgfr2b in mesenchymal tissues and manifest Apert syndrome-like phenotypes. Using a set of in vivo and in vitro studies, we show that an autocrine FGF10-FGFR2b signaling loop is established in the mutant lung mesenchyme, which has several consequences. It prevents the entry of the smooth muscle progenitors into the smooth muscle cell (SMC) lineage and results in reduced fibronectin and elastin deposition. Levels of Fgf10 expression are raised within the mutant mesenchyme itself. Epithelial branching as well as epithelial levels of FGF and canonical Wnt signaling is dramatically reduced. These defects result in arrested development of terminal airways and an "emphysema like" phenotype in postnatal lungs. Our work unravels part of the complex interactions that govern normal lung development and may be pertinent to understanding the basis of respiratory defects in Apert syndrome.  相似文献   

The FGF family comprises 22 members with diverse functions in development and health. FGF10 specifically activates FGFR2b in a paracrine manner with heparan sulfate as a co-factor. FGF10and FGFR2b are preferentially expressed in the mesenchyme and epithelium, respectively. FGF10 is a mesenchymal signaling molecule in the epithelium. FGF10 knockout mice die shortly after birth due to the complete absence of lungs as well as fore- and hindlimbs. FGF10 is also essential for the development of multiple organs. The phenotypes of Fgf10 knockout mice are very similar to those of FGFR2b knockout mice, indicating that FGF10 acts as a ligand that is specific to FGFR2b in mouse multi-organ development. FGF10 also plays roles in epithelial–mesenchymal transition, the repair of tissue injury, and embryonic stem cell differentiation. In humans, FGF10 loss-of-function mutations result in inherited diseases including aplasia of lacrimal and salivary gland, lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. FGF10 is also involved in the oncogenicity of pancreatic and breast cancers. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in FGF10 are also potential risk factors for limb deficiencies, cleft lip and palate, and extreme myopia. These findings indicate that FGF10 is a crucial paracrine signal from the mesenchyme to epithelium for development, health, and disease.  相似文献   

The key role played by Fgf10 during early lung development is clearly illustrated in Fgf10 knockout mice, which exhibit lung agenesis. However, Fgf10 is continuously expressed throughout lung development suggesting extended as well as additional roles for FGF10 at later stages of lung organogenesis. We previously reported that the enhancer trap Mlcv1v-nLacZ-24 transgenic mouse strain functions as a reporter for Fgf10 expression and displays decreased endogenous Fgf10 expression. In this paper, we have generated an allelic series to determine the impact of Fgf10 dosage on lung development. We report that 80% of the newborn Fgf10 hypomorphic mice die within 24 h of birth due to respiratory failure. These mutant mouse lungs display severe hypoplasia, dilation of the distal airways and large hemorrhagic areas. Epithelial differentiation and proliferation studies indicate a specific decrease in TTF1 and SP-B expressing cells correlating with reduced epithelial cell proliferation and associated with a decrease in activation of the canonical Wnt signaling in the epithelium. Analysis of vascular development shows a reduction in PECAM expression at E14.5, which is associated with a simplification of the vascular tree at E18.5. We also show a decrease in α-SMA expression in the respiratory airway suggesting defective smooth muscle cell formation. At the molecular level, these defects are associated with decrease in Vegfa and Pdgfa expression likely resulting from the decrease of the epithelial/mesenchymal ratio in the Fgf10 hypomorphic lungs. Thus, our results indicate that FGF10 plays a pivotal role in maintaining epithelial progenitor cell proliferation as well as coordinating alveolar smooth muscle cell formation and vascular development.  相似文献   

Proximal-to-distal growth of the embryonic limbs requires Fgf10 in the mesenchyme to activate Fgf8 in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), which in turn promotes mesenchymal outgrowth. We show here that the growth arrest specific gene 1 (Gas1) is required in the mesenchyme for the normal regulation of Fgf10/Fgf8. Gas1 mutant limbs have defects in the proliferation of the AER and the mesenchyme and develop with small autopods, missing phalanges and anterior digit syndactyly. At the molecular level, Fgf10 expression at the distal tip mesenchyme immediately underneath the AER is preferentially affected in the mutant limb, coinciding with the loss of Fgf8 expression in the AER. To test whether FGF10 deficiency is an underlying cause of the Gas1 mutant phenotype, we employed a limb culture system in conjunction with microinjection of recombinant proteins. In this system, FGF10 but not FGF8 protein injected into the mutant distal tip mesenchyme restores Fgf8 expression in the AER. Our data provide evidence that Gas1 acts to maintain high levels of FGF10 at the tip mesenchyme and support the proposal that Fgf10 expression in this region is crucial for maintaining Fgf8 expression in the AER.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling mediates reciprocal mesenchymal-epithelial cell interactions in the developing mouse lung and limb. In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, FGF10 is expressed in the cecal mesenchyme and signals to an epithelial splice form of FGF receptor (FGFR) 2 to regulate epithelial budding. Here, we identify FGF9 as a reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal signal required for cecal morphogenesis. Fgf9 null (Fgf9(-/-)) mouse embryos have agenesis of the embryonic cecum, lacking both mesenchymal expansion and an epithelial bud. In the cecal region of Fgf9(-/-) embryos, mesenchymal expression of Fgf10 and Bmp4 is notably absent, whereas the expression of epithelial markers, such as sonic hedgehog, is not affected. Using epithelial and whole explant cultures, we show that FGF9 signals to mesenchymal FGFRs and that FGF10 signals to epithelial FGFRs. Taken together, these data show that an epithelial FGF9 signal is necessary for the expansion of cecal mesenchyme and the expression of mesenchymal genes that are required for epithelial budding. Thus, these data add to our understanding of FGF-mediated reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal signaling.  相似文献   

FGF10, a heparan sulfate (HS)-binding growth factor, is required for branching morphogenesis of mouse submandibular glands (SMGs). HS increases the affinity of FGF10 for FGFR2b, which forms an FGF10.FGFR2b.HS ternary signaling complex, and results in diverse biological outcomes, including proliferation and epithelial morphogenesis. Defining the HS structures involved in specific FGF10-mediated events is critical to understand how HS modulates growth factor signaling in specific developmental contexts. We used HS-deficient BaF3/FGFR2b cells, which require exogenous HS to proliferate, to investigate the HS requirements for FGF10-mediated proliferation and primary SMG epithelia to investigate the structural requirements of HS for FGF10-mediated epithelial morphogenesis. In BaF3/FGFR2b cells, heparin with at least 10 saccharides and 6-O-, 2-O-, and N-sulfates were required for maximal proliferation. During FGF10-mediated SMG epithelial morphogenesis, HS increased proliferation and end bud expansion. Defined heparin decasaccharide libraries showed that 2-O-sulfation with either an N-or 6-O-sulfate induced end bud expansion, whereas decasaccharides with 6-O-sulfation alone induced duct elongation. End bud expansion resulted from increased FGFR1b signaling, with increased FGFR1b, Fgf1, and Spry1 as well as increased Aqp5 expression, a marker of end bud differentiation. Duct elongation was associated with expression of Cp2L1, a marker of developing ducts. Collectively, these findings show that the size and sulfate patterns of HS modulate specific FGF10-mediated events, such as proliferation, duct elongation, end bud expansion, and differentiation, and provide mechanistic insight as to how the developmental localization of specific HS structures in tissues influences FGF10-mediated morphogenesis and differentiation.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) 10 is a critical regulator of bud formation during lung morphogenesis. fgf10 is expressed in distal lung mesenchyme at sites of prospective budding from the earliest developmental stages and signals through its epithelial receptor Fgfr2b. Experiments in intact lung organ cultures demonstrate that Fgf10 is a chemotactic factor for distal, but not for proximal, epithelium. This differential response suggests the involvement of an additional mechanism regulating Fgf10-Fgfr2b interactions, because Fgfr2b is uniformly expressed throughout the respiratory tract. Here we use an immunohistochemistry-based binding assay to show that O-sulfated heparan sulfates (HS) are critical for Fgf10 binding to the distal epithelium. We show that altering endogenous gradients of HS sulfation with sodium chlorate or over-O-sulfated synthetic heparin in lung organ cultures dramatically decreases Fgf10 binding. Moreover, we show that under these conditions epithelial binding is not improved by providing exogenous FGF10. Our data suggest that, not only ligand availability, but also the presence of specific patterns of HS modification in the distal lung epithelium are critical determinants of Fgf10 binding to the epithelium and signaling.  相似文献   

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